The intent of this chapter is to provide additional rules and regulations concerning the public's use of the Claremont Hillsides Wilderness Park from the time of its acquisition by the City. This chapter shall not apply to the Padua Hills Theater. The use of the Claremont Hillsides Wilderness Park is permitted under the rules and regulations hereinafter set forth in this chapter.
Permitted uses within the park area shall include:
Recreational activities such as hiking, running, bicycling, horseback riding, photography and picnicking provided they are restricted to established trails, roads, and rest areas.
Conservation projects, student research or other educational programs involving the study of nature, ecology or earth sciences with prior City approval.
Outdoor programs, lectures, and organized community activities.
No person shall enter the park area from any point other than an officially designated entrance location as identified by the City. No person shall enter the park area in a motorized vehicle. This section shall not apply to maintenance personnel, law enforcement personnel or persons responding to an emergency situation requiring vehicular access to the park area.
No person entering the park area shall park or stand any motorized vehicle on any road, path, or property except that designated by the City as parking for the park area. This section shall not apply to maintenance personnel, law enforcement personnel or persons responding to an emergency situation requiring vehicular access to the park area.
No person shall park, caused to be parked or stand any vehicle in the Claremont Hillsides Wilderness Park parking lot during hours that the park is not open as specified in Section 11.10.050 or during any time the park or parking lot have been closed pursuant to Section 11.10.050.
(Prior code § 96-03; 13-01)
No person shall enter, remain, stay, or loiter within any area of the Claremont Hillsides Wilderness Park or in the adjacent or nearby City-owned or operated parking lot when the park or parking lot is closed.
Claremont Hillsides Wilderness Park and parking lot are open during the following hours:
6:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
6:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
6:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
5:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
5:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
5:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
6:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
6:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The City Manager may authorize access to or use of the Claremont Hillsides Wilderness Park and/or its parking lot during hours that the park and/or parking lot are otherwise closed as stated herein for special events or uses for which other related permits required under the Code have been obtained from the City.
Overnight camping is prohibited. The City Manager or designee may authorize the closure of the Claremont Hillsides Wilderness Park and/or the north parking lot for reasons of public health and safety.
(Prior code § 96-03; 13-01)
No person shall light any match or start or maintain any fire including smoking, camp stoves, pyrotechnics and fireworks. Flammable liquids are not permitted within the park.
No person shall possess, carry or discharge any firearms, airsoft guns, paintball guns, bow and arrow, compound bow, firecrackers, rockets or any other fireworks, air gun or slingshot or other weapons.
No person shall ride or drive any horse or propel any bicycle other than on roads or trails provided for that purpose and in the directions posted. Bicycles shall yield to horses on all roads and trails.
No person shall throw, discard, place or dispose of any garbage or refuse in any place other than a designated waste container or other receptacle maintained for that purpose. All persons using the park area shall carry out of the area all garbage or refuse that they bring into the park area.
No person shall bring into the park area glass containers or bottles.
No person shall:
Pick, dig, remove, destroy, injure, mutilate or cut any tree, plant, shrub, bloom or flower, or any portion thereof growing;
Cut, break, deface or injure any building, monument, sign, fence, bench, equipment or property;
Cut or remove any wood, turf, grass, soil, rock, sand or gravel;
Perform any action that creates a nuisance, poses a real or immediate threat to, results in damage to, or destruction of the parks resources or other public property;
Removal or the intentional destruction of archeological materials for any reason;
Conservation and management activities undertaken by the City, other public agencies, or by members of the public in accordance with written authorization from the City, shall not be a violation of this section.
No person shall:
Take or permit any dog, horse or other exotic pet within the park area unless the animal is restricted by a leash or other restraint.
Fail to clean up any waste products left by their dog(s), horse(s) or other exotic pet(s).
Graze livestock including the use of natural forage for commercial purposes.
This section shall not apply to police service dogs engaged in law enforcement duties.
All forms of hunting, trapping and the use of poisonous baits are prohibited.
Commercial services such as those provided by concessionaires or equestrian outfitters and guides are prohibited.
No group of more than 20 individuals, and no organized group event, shall use the park for any purpose, including, but not limited to, hiking and field trips, without first notifying and obtaining written permission from the Human Services Director at least 10 business days before the visit or event is scheduled. Permission shall be denied if the visit or event is determined by the Human Services Director to have an adverse impact on the park, park environment, adjacent properties, or public safety.
No organized group event of 50 or more individuals is permitted in the park area without first obtaining a park permit from the Human Services Director. No park permit shall be issued if the event is determined by the Human Services Director to have an adverse impact on the park, park environment, adjacent properties, or public safety.
Competitive group event, including, but not limited to, bicycle races, horse races, or foot races, are prohibited.
Any violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punishable as a misdemeanor unless the citing officer or the prosecuting attorney determines that it would be in the interests of justice to cite or prosecute the violation as an infraction.
No pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than by a crosswalk on that portion of Mills Avenue, north of Mt. Baldy Road.