It is the intent of the City to encourage special events, such as parades, races, runs, walks, on or in a part of the right-of-way, as they express pride in the City and support for community organizations. The City supports such events to the degree they create and maintain a safe, clean and maneuverable environment for participants and the citizens of the City. However, it is the City's desire that such events do not detract from normal City operations and services provided to the citizens-at-large. These special events need to pay for their impacts on City services in order not to hinder or cause a drain on the City's limited resources.
The following words and phrases are defined for use in this chapter:
"Block party"
means a one-day social gathering of neighbors in which the associated residential street is temporarily closed.
means Director of Community Development and the Director's designee.
is any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind.
is any sidewalk, parkway, median and street.
"Special event"
means any parade, march, race, walk, procession, or gathering of any kind or similar display that necessitates the exclusive temporary use and/or closure of a public right-of-way, publicly-owned parking lot, or other public place in the City, excluding parks and parking lots adjacent to parks
(89-18; 04-04)
A special event permit shall be obtained from the City prior to the start of any special event. City and/or chamber of commerce sponsored special events shall be subject to the requirements of this chapter.
A street closure permit may be required as a condition of approval. If this is necessary, then the event sponsor shall coordinate with the engineering division for its issuance.
Section 10.16.030 requires that only police personnel direct vehicular traffic. No event participant, official, etc., is allowed to direct the traffic at any time. If the police department determines traffic control is necessary, then this will be provided by the police and billed at the rate outlined in Section 12.42.040(E)(2).
Events that require closure of the village area to traffic or streets designated as secondary arterials or greater in the general plan, should generally not be conducted during primary business hours or peak traffic times.
The applicant shall defend the City, its agents, officers, officials and employees against any legal proceeding in law or equity, and further shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents, officers, officials and employees from any costs, awards, fees, including attorney fees, or judgments which arise from any act or omission, whether intentional or negligent, or from strict liability arising from the conduct of any participant, invitee, attendee, sponsor or any third person who is or is not an invitee, attendee, participant, or sponsor of the event.
A permit holder shall comply with all permit directions and conditions and with all applicable laws and ordinances. The event chair or other person heading or leading the activity shall carry the event permit upon his or her person during the course of the event.
Submittal Requirements. A person seeking a special event permit shall file ten copies of the complete application on City forms with the Department of Community Development not less than forty-five calendar days nor more than one hundred eighty calendar days prior to the date of the proposed event. The application shall contain the information below. Additional information may be required depending on the size and scope of the event. Each permit application must contain the following:
The name, address and phone number of the event sponsor and/or individual(s) responsible for its conduct;
A written description of the event and its purpose;
The date, the place of assembly, start and finish times of the event;
A written narration of the route to be traveled, including the assembly and parking areas, and the start and termination points;
A detailed map of the route to be traveled delineating which part of the right-of-way to be traveled, how street crossings are to be accomplished (i.e. use of barricades, police traffic control, etc.), assembly and parking areas;
The approximate number of persons (participants and spectators), and the number and type of vehicles (if any) which will constitute the special event;
The number and location of any rest stop/aid stations and the facilities to be provided (i.e. restrooms, refreshments, first aid, etc.);
If the event is to be conducted for or by an organization, the name, address and telephone number of the headquarters of the organization and of the authorized and responsible heads of such organization;
An indication of any route marshals to be provided by the event sponsor. If so, the map shall indicate their location along the route.
Application Fee. The applicant shall pay a fee as set forth from time to time by resolution of the City Council.
Waiver of Fees and/or Deposits. The City Council may waive a part or all of the fees if it can be shown that the City will benefit in some tangible way and such action will not cause a drain on public resources.
Proof of Insurance. The applicant shall submit proof of insurance in the amount determined by the Director naming the City as an insured party.
Security Deposit.
Depending on the size, scale and location of the event, the Director may require a deposit to cover the costs of clean-up. The amount of the deposit will be commensurate with the size of the event and determined by the Department of Human Services. If the sponsor cleans up the route/course to the satisfaction of the Department of Human Services, then the deposit will be refunded. If clean-up is not to Department of Human Services' satisfaction, then the sponsor will forfeit the deposit and be billed at one and one-half times the pay rate of the City crews to complete the clean-up.
If a department finds that the special event will detract from normal City operations to such an extent that additional personnel or equipment is needed, that department shall so notify the Director, indicating the estimated costs created by the special event, and the Director shall require a security deposit to cover such costs in an amount equal to one and one-half times the applicable pay rate. Upon completion of the special event, the applicant shall be refunded any unused funds or billed for the services provided in excess of the deposit.
Notice Requirements. At the time of submittal, a public notice shall be placed in the local paper specifying the date and time of the special event along with the map of the route. The notice shall also state the time frames of the review period. In addition, notice to residents and/or merchants adjacent to route/course may be required by the Director depending on the size, location and time of event.
(89-18; 12-04; 14-07)
The Director shall review all applications within seven calendar days from the time of submittal. If the application is deficient, then the sponsor shall be informed and the processing will cease until the application is complete.
Once the application is deemed complete, the Director shall forward copies of the application with the map to the following divisions/departments for review and comment. Each department shall evaluate the event's impact on its respective area of responsibility and respond accordingly.
City Manager;
Human Services;
Engineering division;
Any other affected department.
Responses shall be returned to the Director within fourteen calendar days. If a project review committee meeting is scheduled within the response time, the item may be reviewed at this monthly in-house technical committee.
The director shall act upon an application for a special event permit within twenty-one calendar days after the application is deemed complete. A letter specifying the action and the appeal period shall be sent to the event sponsor and any concerned citizen.
If the event is of a size and type that warrants special consideration, staff may refer the item to the next scheduled meeting of the Traffic and Transportation Commission as a public hearing item for action. If this were to occur, the twenty-one day time frames will not apply. The traffic and transportation action would be subject to the appeal procedures outlined in Section 12.42.070.
A special event permit shall be issued when it can be found that:
The conduct of the special event will not substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of traffic in the City or damage public property;
The special event is scheduled to move from its place of beginning to its place of termination with-out unreasonable delays en route;
The special event is not held for the sole purpose of advertising any product, good or event for private profit;
The special event provides a specific benefit to the City or to the business community, or to a recognized community organization;
The conduct of the special event will not require the diversion of so many police officers of the City to properly police the line of movement as to prevent normal police protection to the City;
The concentration of persons, animals and vehicles in and about the special event will not unduly interfere with proper fire and police protection in the area.
(89-18; 12-04; 14-07)
Each special event permit shall state the conditions of approval, the starting and ending time of the event, the portions of the streets to be traversed that may be occupied by the event, the maximum length of the event, and such other information as the Director shall find necessary to the enforcement of this chapter.
Any person aggrieved shall have the right to appeal the Director's decision on a special event permit (approval, denial, alternative route) to the City Council by filing a notice of appeal with the City Clerk within five calendar days after the action. The appeal shall be placed on the next regular City Council meeting after the appeal is filed and the City Council's determination shall be final.
The director, in denying an application for a special event permit, may authorize the conduct of the event on a date, at a time, or over a route different from that named by the applicant. An applicant wishing to accept an alternate permit shall file a written notice of acceptance with the City Clerk within five calendar days after notice of the action. An alternate special event permit shall have the effect of a special event permit under this chapter.
Immediately upon the issuance of a special event permit, the Director shall send a copy of the permit to the City Manager, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, and the Director of Community and Human Services, the City Engineer, each public transportation system whose vehicles will be affected by the route of the proposed special event, and any other public officials the Director wishes to notify.
(89-18; 12-04)
No person shall tamper, obstruct, or interfere with any special event or assembly or with any person, vehicle or animal participating or used in the special event. No driver of a vehicle shall drive between the vehicles or persons comprising the special event when the vehicles or persons are in motion and are conspicuously designated as a special event. If the City Engineer has posted temporary signs restricting the parking, operation, or standing of vehicles in the area pursuant to Chapter 10.32 of this Code, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate, park, or leave standing any vehicle in violation of such posted signs.
The Director shall have the authority to revoke a special event permit if the event and/or participants are not complying with the conditions of the permit.
No permit shall be required for funeral processions, school field trips or block parties.