The practice of fortunetelling has historically been subject to abuse by certain unscrupulous practitioners using the practice to commit fraud and larceny upon clients.
It is the purpose of this chapter to regulate the practice of fortunetelling in such a manner as to reduce the risk of fraud and larceny to clients while allowing fortunetellers to provide their services to clients with only minimal restrictions.
The sections of this chapter will make it more difficult for an unscrupulous fortuneteller to commit fraud or larceny, but will not affect the nature of the information conveyed by the fortuneteller or the manner in which it is conveyed. These sections require only minimal expense and effort on the part of the fortuneteller and will not, therefore, impose any undue burden on the fortuneteller's practices.
Fortunetelling for entertainment purposes does not create the same risk of fraud and larceny by an unscrupulous practitioner as would the practice with an individual client because it is done with a group at a public place for the purpose of entertaining and not to deal with the private concerns of an individual.
means the telling of fortunes, forecasting the future, or furnishing any information not otherwise obtainable by the ordinary process of knowledge, by means of any astrology, phrenology, chiromancy, cartomancy, psychology, crystal gazing, divination, prophecy, augury, occult or psychic powers, telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, numerology, psychometry, spirits, mediumship, tea leaves or other such reading, seership, palmistry, necromancy, biochart, faculty, force, mind-reading, or any other similar craft, art, science, cards, talisman, charm, potion, magnetism, magnetized article or substance, or magic of any kind or nature.
No person shall conduct, engage in, carry on or practice fortunetelling for gain or pay, or operate a business establishment where the same is conducted, carried on, engaged in or practiced for gain or pay, without first obtaining a fortunetelling permit from the permit committee.
At the time of application for a fortunetelling permit, applicant shall also apply for and furnish the information necessary to obtain a business license as required by Chapter 5.20 of this Code. No business permit shall be issued until a fortunetelling permit is issued according to this chapter.
A fortunetelling business shall be a Tax Category III-Service business as described in Chapter 4.16 of this Code.
Nothing in this chapter shall apply to any person solely by reason of the fact that he or she is engaged in the business of entertaining the public by demonstrations of fortunetelling at public places in the presence of and within the hearing of other persons, and at which no questions are answered, as part of such entertainment, except in a manner to permit all persons present at such public place to hear such answers.
No person shall be required to pay any fee or take out any permit for conducting or participating in a religious ceremony or service when such person has been ordained as a minister, missionary, medium, healer, or clairvoyant, hereinafter collectively referred to as "minister," by a bona fide church or religious association maintaining a place of worship and holding regular services and having a creed or set of religious principles that is recognized by all of like faith, provided that the fees, gratuities and proceeds shall be regularly accounted for and paid solely to or for the benefit of said church or religious association. Any individual wishing to be excepted from the requirement of a permit under this chapter pursuant to this subsection shall file with the business license official a copy of his or her certificate of ordination and provide his or her name, age, street address and phone number, and the location in the City where the activity set forth in this section is to be conducted.
This chapter shall not apply to any activity or profession duly certified or licensed by the State of California or other competent licensing authority.
An applicant for a permit for a fortuneteller shall provide:
The applicant's name, home and business address, home and business telephone numbers, and driver's license number or government-issued identification card number.
A copy of any fictitious business name statement under which the applicant is operating or intends to operate.
The name or names under which the permittee will be identifying him or herself to the public.
Written proof that the applicant is over the age of 18 years.
Written statements of at least two persons that the applicant is of good moral character.
Applicant's height, weight, color of eyes and hair.
Two portrait photographs of at least two inches by two inches, taken within two years of the application.
Business, occupation or employment history of the applicant for the three years immediately preceding the application.
Copies of business and professional licenses of the applicant, and a statement whether the applicant has had a permit or license for any business or similar activity issued by this or any other city, by the County, or by the State revoked or suspended, the reason therefor and the business activity or occupation subsequent to such action or suspension or revocation.
The record of all convictions for violation(s) of the law, except for minor traffic violations, and the reasons therefor.
No permittee or persons required by Section 5.38.020 of this chapter to obtain a permit shall hire or employ a fortuneteller unless that person possesses a valid permit under Section 5.38.020.
No holder of a permit under this chapter shall conduct or operate a fortunetelling establishment, or engage in any activity requiring a permit under this chapter, between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of any day.
If a permit is issued, it shall be issued after the payment of required fees, and after the applicant has posted a surety bond with the license clerk in the principal sum of $10,000 executed as surety by a good and sufficient corporate surety authorized to do surety business in the State of California. The form of the bond shall have been approved by the City Attorney. The bond shall be to ensure good faith and fair dealing on behalf of the applicant and is a guarantee of indemnity for any and all loss, damage, theft or other unfair dealings suffered by any patron of the applicant within the City during the term of the permit. Alternatively, a cash bond may be posted.
A fortunetelling permit under this chapter shall be approved upon provision of all information required by Section 5.38.050, unless any of the grounds for denial listed below exist.
A fortunetelling permit under this chapter may, after hearing before the permit committee, be denied or revoked on any of the following grounds:
The business is, or has been, a public nuisance.
The applicant, the applicant's agent or employee, or any person connected or associated with the applicant as partner, director, stockholder or manager has committed or abetted in the commission of any crime involving prostitution, fraud, theft, any offense involving the use of violence upon the person of another, an offense involving the use or possession of dangerous drugs or narcotics, or any offense involving moral turpitude.
The operation as proposed by the applicant does not comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited to the City's building, zoning, health and sign regulations.
The applicant has willfully made false statements on the permit application.
A copy of the fortunetelling permit issued to the permittee shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises described in the permit. It shall contain an endorsement indicating that the City by issuing the permit neither condones nor endorses the activity of fortunetelling.
If any provision or clause of this chapter or any application of it to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declared to be severable.