For the purpose of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
means a business license issued by the City Clerk permitting the operation of certain specified motor vehicles for the express purpose of transporting passengers, with or without their personal belongings, for hire.
means the duly accredited holder of a valid business license issued by the City Clerk, permitting such holder to operate motor vehicles for the purpose of transporting passengers, with or without their personal belongings, for hire.
means an identifying card or folder issued by the police department to each operator identified as such in the regularly presented application, or for whom there has been filed with the police department a complete dossier as specified in the aforesaid application. The permit shall have printed on its face "Not Transferable," "Valid Only in the City of Claremont" and "Void Unless Validated for the Current Year." A photograph not larger than one and one-quarter inch by one and one-half inch shall be attached to the permit. The right thumbprint of the operator shall be affixed to the permit and the full name of the operator shall be printed in letters not smaller than eighteen point type. Such permit shall be easily visible to passengers at all times when the vehicle is in operation. Such permit shall be signed by the Chief of Police and by the operator.
State Law Definitions. Except as otherwise defined in this section, any term used in this chapter shall have the same meaning as such term is defined and described in the state Vehicle Code.
(Prior code § 22.1)
The following requirements are mandatory for the lawful operation of motor vehicles for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire and for the issuance or the continuation in force of any permit issued for such operation:
Each motor vehicle shall carry at all times an identifying sign securely attached to the outside of the vehicle showing the name of the licensee. Each vehicle shall be individually numbered with letters not less than two inches in height.
Each motor vehicle shall be licensed in accordance with state regulations, or shall display evidence that formal application has been made for the same to the Department of Motor Vehicles before such vehicle is placed in service.
No person shall be permitted or allowed to operate any motor vehicles referred to in this chapter unless all of the provisions of the application required by Section 5.44.070 are complied with.
Each vehicle operator employed under the provisions of this chapter shall first obtain an operator's permit. Before issuance of such a permit, a dossier as required by Section 5.44.070(H) shall be filed with the police department.
Every person while operating a licensed "in service" motor vehicle shall have on his or her person a valid operator's license issued to him or her by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
A copy of a rate schedule in clearly legible type shall be posted in each motor vehicle in such a place and manner as to be visible to all passengers at all times when such vehicle is "in service."
The owner or operator of each motor vehicle "in service" shall carry business automobile liability insurance or equivalent form with a combined single limit of not less than one million dollars per occurrence. Such insurance shall include coverage for owned, hired and nonowned automobiles, and shall extend throughout the entire term of this agreement.
(Prior code § 22.2; 90-25)
Any person who operates a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire and does not have displayed in a conspicuous place a valid permit issued to him or her by the Chief of Police shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 22.4)
No permit required by Section 5.44.030 shall be renewed for an additional year unless the holder thereof appears in person before the Chief of Police for a validation of the permit for the ensuing year.
(Prior code § 22.5)
Any person having been issued a permit to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire, who subsequently violates any of the ordinances or statutes designated in Section 5.44.160, and is convicted of any of such violations, or if and when, in the discretion of the Chief of Police, it is contrary to the public welfare for such person to continue to operate such motor vehicle, then the Chief of Police may, for cause, with the approval of the City Manager, subject to appeal to the City Council, in addition to the other penalties provided, withdraw from such operator temporarily for such period as is deemed necessary or appropriate the privilege to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire and, upon any such revocation, the permit shall be immediately surrendered to the Chief of Police.
(Prior code § 22.6)
Any person who operates, causes, permits or allows to be operated any motor vehicle in the City for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire shall first file an application for a license to operate such vehicle in the manner prescribed by this chapter and be issued a license therefor.
(Prior code § 22.9)
Every person or his or her duly authorized representative applying for a license to operate one or more motor vehicles for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire shall file with the City Clerk an application in duplicate therefor, signed by him or her and setting forth the following information:
The name and address of the applicant;
The name and address of his or her duly authorized representative, if any;
Street and number of the place where such business shall be conducted or carried on;
The number of motor vehicles to be placed "in service";
The make, type and seating capacity and the state motor vehicle license number assigned to each motor vehicle to be placed "in service";
A complete schedule of local fares, showing both day and night fares if there is any variation;
The name of the insurance carrier and the amount of personal and property liability carried on each motor vehicle, together with the name of the nearest representative and his or her business address;
One copy of the application shall be submitted to the Chief of Police by the City Clerk, and shall include additional data which shall be held to be part of the sworn application and which shall constitute a dossier for each operator, containing the following information:
The first, middle and surname,
The date and place of birth,
Present residence address,
Serial number of his or her valid state operator's license, together with the issuance and expiration dates.
(Prior code § 22.10; 90-25)
The fee for a license to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire shall be one hundred dollars per year for each such company operating within the City limits.
Upon filing the application for a license with the City Clerk, the person for whom or by whom that application is made shall accompany the same by a certified check in an amount equal to the license fee.
(Prior code § 22.14)
Any person or his or her duly authorized representative who files an application for a license to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire as required by this chapter, and makes or causes, permits or allows to be made in the application any statement that is fallacious, or any fallacious representation whatsoever as regarding any of the facts as set forth in the application, or any fallacious representation whatsoever regarding the nature of the venture as a whole, or having obtained a license by making any fallacious representation whatsoever as to services rendered or offered to be rendered, or rates charged or offered to be charged, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 22.11)
Upon receipt of an application required by this chapter, the Chief of Police shall immediately make an investigation thereof and shall report his or her findings to the City Manager within ten days. The City Manager shall make a recommendation to the City Council at the next regular meeting of the City Council occurring more than fifteen days after the filing of the application. Upon receiving the recommendation of the City Manager, the City Council may examine the applicant and shall determine whether or not the public interest, convenience and necessity require the issuance of the license. The City Council shall refuse issuance of a license if it finds that the transportation facilities already available are adequate to meet the public need. If the City Council determines to issue the license, the City Council shall instruct the City Clerk to issue the license for a period of not greater than one year. If the application is denied, the reason for disapproving the application shall be stated in full and the certified check accompanying the application shall be returned to the applicant or his or her duly authorized representative.
(Prior code § 22.12; 90-25)
Whether the application required by Section 5.44.070 of this Code is granted or denied as provided by Section 5.44.100, both copies of the application form shall be retained by the City, one copy to be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk, and the other copy to be kept on file in the office of the police department.
(Prior code § 22.13)
Any person having been issued a license to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire may renew the license for an ensuing year upon payment to the City Clerk of the amount of the fixed license fee.
(Prior code § 22.16)
Any person having been issued a license to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire who violates, causes, permits or allows to be violated, any provisions of any section of this chapter, any provision of Title 10 of this Code, the State Vehicle Code, any ordinance of the City, any law of the state or federal statute involving moral turpitude, or counseling or aiding in the Commission of any violation of the state Penal Code or state Alcoholic Beverage Control Act, and being convicted of any of the aforesaid violations, or if and when, in the discretion of the City Council, it is contrary to the public welfare for any licensed operator to continue to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire, the City Council, may, in addition to the other penalties provided, suspend or revoke the license. No relief from a revocation shall be obtained until a new application has been filed with the City Clerk and acted upon by the City Council in the manner prescribed in this chapter.
(Prior code § 22.21)
Any person who operates, causes, permits or allows to be operated any motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire and fails, refuses or neglects to file an application with the City Clerk in the manner prescribed in this chapter, and is thereafter issued a license therefor, shall be assessed an additional one hundred percent of the fixed license fee for such business, which penalty shall be added thereto and shall be collected therewith.
(Prior code § 22.18)
Once each year, or more frequently if determined to be necessary by the Chief of Police, each licensee shall submit to the Chief of Police a sworn statement that all motor vehicles operated under terms of his or her license have been inspected by a qualified mechanic and that such vehicles are in good mechanical condition.
(Prior code § 22.20)
The licensee under the provisions of this section shall not permit the operation of a motor vehicle for hire by any operator who has been convicted of the violation of any ordinance of the City, any law of the state or any federal statute involving moral turpitude.
(Prior code § 22.15)
No person under the age of eighteen years shall operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire and any person doing so shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 22.3)
Any person having been issued a license to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of transporting passengers for hire who operates or causes, permits or allows such motor vehicle to be operated under a rate schedule that has not been first submitted to and approved by the City Council is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 22.7)
Any person collecting or wilfully attempting to collect fares or compensation for the transporting of persons in motor vehicles for hire in excess of the rate schedule filed with the City Council is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 22.8)