The rr rural residential districts are intended to provide for single-family homes and agricultural uses with a density of one dwelling unit per one gross acre in the rr (35,000) district and one dwelling unit per 1.25 gross acre in the rr (1 acre) district to promote variety in the rural zone, as well as to provide for a range of lot sizes based on location, density, and topographical considerations consistent with the general plan. Other uses which are associated and compatible with residential uses and the rural character of the area are also allowed. The calculation of gross lot area shall include the area of the property plus one-half of the area of any portion of a street abutting the property.
All new development must be in harmony with the rural character of this area. The area's rural character is depicted by the presence of agricultural features such as citrus groves, barns, rock walls, pump houses built of rock, and other characteristics such as mountain vistas, minimal outdoor artificial lighting, narrow streets accompanied by equestrian, pedestrian, and bike trails, and native landscaping. The lack of such urban features as curb and gutters, streetlights, and sidewalks also contribute greatly to the rural character of this area. In addition to the above attributes, this area is identified by the general plan as a significant aquifer recharge area which should be maintained.
No building, structure, or land shall be used, and no building or structure shall be erected or altered in the rr districts except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Only the following uses and developments shall be permitted as a matter of right in the RR districts:
One single-family dwelling unit per lot for occupancy by no more than one family.
Accessory buildings and structures, including fences and recreation courts, and accessory uses located on the same lot as a single-family dwelling unit subject to the development standards and requirements of this chapter and Chapters 16.130 through 16.151. Specific size, height, and placement standards for accessory structures in the RR Rural Residential Districts are set forth below in Section 16.007.040.H of this chapter. General standards for accessory structures are set forth in Chapters 16.130 and 16.133.
The floor area of all accessory buildings shall be included in the calculation of lot coverage, which shall not exceed 20 percent.
Tree farms and growing of citrus trees, crops, and fruit, provided no retail sales occur at the site.
The renting of no more than one sleeping room per dwelling unit for occupancy by no more than two persons. Meals may be provided in connection with such renting, or the dwelling's kitchen facilities may be shared with tenants.
Rental Rooms
Rental rooms shall not contain kitchens. Rental rooms shall not be rented for periods of less than 30 days.
Rental Permit
Prior to the renting of any room in the Rural Residential District, a rental permit shall be obtained from the Department of Community Development. A permit shall be issued by the Department of Community Development only after the Director of Community Development has determined that the following criteria are satisfied:
The proposed room rental meets all building and health requirements.
There is sufficient parking.
The proposed rental will not result in an adverse impact on the single-family character of the neighborhood. The number of such rentals in the neighborhood shall be a factor in determining adverse impact.
The fee for this permit shall be determined by resolution of the City Council. The permit shall be valid for a period of three years, provided the permit may be revoked if the Director of Community Development determines that the above criteria are no longer satisfied.
Home occupations, subject to approval pursuant to Chapter 16.327.
The keeping of animals as pets (not for commercial purposes), subject to Title 6 of the Claremont Municipal Code.
The raising of livestock and large animals including horses, as accessory uses for hobby, 4H, educational, or other similar projects are permitted subject to review by staff for conformance with requirements of Title 6 of the Claremont Municipal Code.
Accessory second units subject to approval of an accessory second permit pursuant to Chapter 16.333, Accessory Second Units.
The following uses and developments are permitted in the RR Districts subject to the issuance of a special use and development permit pursuant to Chapter 16.306:
The retail sale of fruit, trees, and crops grown as an accessory use on the premises of a single-family dwelling.
Other uses and developments listed in Chapter 16.306, as permitted subject to issuance of a special use and development permit if not contrary to the intent of this chapter.
The following uses and developments are permitted in the RR Districts subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 16.303.
The keeping of more than four large animals on a lot for non-commercial purposes subject to Title 6 of the Claremont Municipal Code.
Wholesale plant nurseries, and similar uses that the Planning Commission finds are appropriate and compatible with the intent of this chapter.
Equestrian riding, training, or boarding facilities.
Other uses listed in Chapter 16.303, as permitted in RR Districts or district subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit if not contrary to the intent of this chapter.
(08-05; 14-04)
The following property development standards shall apply to all land and structures in the RR Districts. For exceptions to and explanatory descriptions of these standards, and for standards for accessory structures, fences, recreation courts, signs, parking, off-site improvements and dedication requirements, visual screening, solar energy systems, community art, and undergrounding utilities, see Chapters 16.130 through 16.151 and Chapters 16.200 through 16.209 for applicable development impact fee requirements.
Blaisdell Ranch (TM 34477) and any other Residential Unit Development (RUD) shall comply with the lot size, lot width and depth, setbacks, and perimeter fencing and planting plan requirements of its general development plan. In cases not addressed in a general development plan, the provisions of this chapter shall apply.
Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions
RR (35,000)
Minimum Lot Area – 35,000 sq. ft.
Minimum Lot Width – 130 ft.
Minimum Lot Depth – 150 ft.
RR (1 acre)
Minimum Lot Area – 1 acre
Minimum Lot Width – 150 ft.
Minimum Lot Depth – 200 ft.
Minimum Front Setbacks
Forty feet for structures or portions of structures which do not exceed a height of 12 feet, or an overall height of 16 feet as measured to the highest portion of a roof having a minimum pitch of 2.5:12.
Sixty feet for all other structures or portions or portions thereof that exceed the height limitations set forth in subsection 1 above.
Minimum Rear Setback
RR (35,000) – 20 feet.
RR (1 acre) – 25 feet.
For properties with a rear yard adjacent to Mills and Padua Avenues and Mt. Baldy Road, an additional ten-foot rear setback is required for structures other than a fence or wall. A fence shall be required to be set back 25 feet from a rear property line adjacent to Mills and Padua Avenues and Mt. Baldy Road. For other properties, fences and walls not exceeding six feet in height are allowed on the rear property line adjacent to a street.
Minimum Side Setback
RR (35,000) – The total of both side yards shall equal 30 percent of the lot width, with not less than 15 feet for an interior side yard and not less than 25 feet for a street side yard.
RR (1 acre) – The total of both side yards shall equal 50 feet, with not less than 20 feet on one side yard and not less than 25 feet for a street side yard.
For properties with a side yard adjacent to Mills and Padua Avenues and Mt. Baldy Road, an additional ten-foot street side setback is required for structures other than a fence or wall. A fence or wall shall be required to be set back 25 feet from a side property line adjacent to Mills and Padua Avenues and Mt. Baldy Road. For other properties, fences and walls not exceeding six feet in height are allowed behind the first 20 feet of the required side yard setback adjacent to a street.
Maximum Lot Coverage – 20%
Calculation shall include all areas of the lot covered by any buildings including carports, covered patios, and covered decks, and balconies and decks more than three feet above grade. Lot coverage shall not include uncovered outdoor recreation courts and equipment, uncovered patios, walkways and driveways, pools, uncovered decks no more than three feet above grade, and uncovered patios and balconies no more than three feet above grade.
Maximum Floor Area of Main Residential Structure
The maximum floor area of the main residential structure shall not exceed a maximum of 2,000 square feet plus 15 percent of the square footage of the net lot area, or 9,750 square feet, whichever is less.
For purposes of this section, the calculation of floor area shall include the floor areas of all floors of the main residential structure including the area of an upper level not separated from a lower level by a floor/ceiling assembly including the upper and lower areas of any stairwell, floor areas of attached garages, carports, covered patios, and any open inner courtyard/patio area that is bounded on more than 80 percent of its perimeter by exterior walls of the main residential structure. Floor area calculation shall not include the floor area of detached accessory structures, except as noted below, uncovered patios, decks or balconies, basements where the finished floor level directly above is less than six feet above grade at any point, or uncovered courtyard area that is not bounded on more than 80 percent of its perimeter by exterior walls of the main residential structure.
When any accessory building is located less than six feet from a main residential building, the floor area of such accessory building shall be included in the floor area calculation of the main residential building. The accessory building shall still be subject to all accessory building standards.
All existing structures that exceed the above maximum and which were constructed pursuant to the ordinances and regulations in effect at the time of their construction shall be considered conforming buildings and not subject to the provisions of Chapter 16.400.
Maximum Floor Area of Second Story of Main Residential Structure
The total floor area of a second story of the main residential structure shall not exceed 40 percent of the maximum permitted floor area of the main residential structure.
Maximum Height and Stories of Main Residential Structure
A main residential structure shall have a height of no more than 25 feet and be no more than two stories. For measurement of height and exceptions to height limits, see Chapter 16.130.
Size, Height and Location Standards for Accessory Buildings and Structures
Maximum Floor Area
The floor area of an accessory building shall not exceed 700 square feet, or 40 percent of the first floor area of the main residential structure on the lot, whichever is greater.
Maximum Height
An accessory building shall not exceed one story or 15 feet in height except with a special use and development permit granted pursuant to Chapter 16.303. With a special use and development permit, an accessory structure that does not exceed 18 feet in height may be permitted.
Athletic and children's play equipment shall not exceed 13 feet in height, except with a special use and development permit granted pursuant to Chapter 16.303. With a special use and development permit, athletic and children's play equipment that does not exceed 15 feet in height may be permitted.
For measurement of height and exceptions to height limit, see Chapter 16.130.
Location Requirements
All accessory structures and buildings shall be located such that they are substantially obstructed from street visibility and will not impinge on the privacy of adjacent properties.
No accessory structure or building shall be located within required setbacks except as otherwise permitted in Chapter 16.130.
Minimum Number of Covered Parking Spaces – 2 spaces
Required spaces shall be covered and in a garage or carport. For design standards of parking spaces, see Chapter 16.136.
Lighting Standards
All exterior lighting shall conform to the outdoor lighting and glare standards set forth in the Rural Claremont Architectural and Landscape Standards and in Chapter 16.154 of this title. In addition to those standards, the following standards shall apply. In case of conflict, the provisions of this chapter shall take precedence.
All exterior light fixtures over 60 watts shall be designed, constructed, mounted, and maintained so that the direct rays of the light(s) are directed downward into the interior of the lot.
All outdoor lighting fixtures shall be incandescent or fluorescent lighting fixtures.
No outdoor lighting shall be permitted where the light source or fixture is greater than 14 feet above grade level, except that when a lighting fixture is used to illuminate a second-story outside stairway, entry way, or a balcony, the fixture shall not be higher than eight feet above the floor of the second story.
Fencing Requirements
All fencing shall comply with the development standards of Chapter 16.133. Metal fences shall be a dark matte color.
Residential Driveways
Driveways shall comply with the development standards of Chapter 16.136.
Trail Dedication
Dedication for trails may be required by the Planning Commission when the Commission determines that the trails are necessary for implementing the circulation policies of the General Plan.
(08-05; 09-11)
Development regulated in this chapter shall comply with the Rural Claremont Architectural and Landscaped Standards. The intent of the standards is to ensure that development will be in harmony with the rural character of the area. Development means all new buildings, structures, and landscaping proposed by a developer or property owner of record. All development proposals shall be reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development or his/her designee for conformance to the Rural Claremont Architectural and Landscape Standards prior to the developer and/or property owner of record securing permits and commencing work. The decision of the Director may be appealed to the Architectural Commission.
The environmental protective standards of Chapter 16.154 shall apply in the RR Districts with the following exceptions:
All farm machinery and vehicles used in the production of crops and fruit raised within the district are permitted as a matter of right. The machines and vehicles need not be screened.
Any building materials or equipment stored on any lot shall be screened from public view; said materials are not permitted in the street side setback area or in the front setback area.
Those lots, uses, and structures that were legal at the time of their creation, initiation or construction, but which become nonconforming as described in Chapter 16.400 shall be governed by the provisions of that chapter, subject to the following modifications:
Legal nonconforming, single-family residences and accessory structures which are damaged or destroyed may be reconstructed even if the cost of restoration exceeds 50 percent of the replacement cost of the structure, provided reconstruction commences within one year from the date when the damage occurred. The Director of Community Development may grant an extension for good cause when the applicant presents proof of a hardship not of his or her own making.
Legal nonconforming, single-family residences may be expanded, provided all new construction complies with the development standards of this chapter. No portion of the existing structure shall be required to be brought into compliance with the development standards of this chapter.
All nonconforming lighting shall be brought into compliance with this chapter by January 1, 1988.