The EQ Equestrian Overlay District is intended to permit the keeping of horses in certain residential neighborhoods north of Base Line Road. The provisions of this chapter shall be in addition to those of the underlying RS Single-Family Residential District.
In the Equestrian Overlay District, no horses shall be kept and no structures for the purposes of keeping horses shall be erected or altered except in compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
Only the following uses shall be conducted or constructed as a matter of right in the Equestrian Overlay District.
The uses and developments permitted in the underlying district.
The keeping of horses subject to the provisions of this chapter.
Minimum Area
The minimum area of an Equestrian Overlay District shall be five acres.
New Designations
Any new designation of property to be included in the Equestrian Overlay District shall require a zone change pursuant to Chapter 16.315 of this title.
The Planning Commission shall require the installation of bridle trails and/or easements except in unusual circumstances or in those cases where there is a better alternative. The Planning Commission may require that the trail and/or easement be fenced, and may specify the type of material to be used.
In circumstances where buffering is necessary to protect property outside of the EQ District, the Planning Commission may specify the type and amount of buffering that is required.
In addition to the development standards of the underlying district, the following standards shall apply to the keeping of horses in the EQ District:
Lot Size—Number of Horses Permitted
For existing lots included within the Equestrian Overlay District prior to January 9, 1992, the keeping of horses shall be permitted. The maximum number of horses on any one lot shall be no more than one for the first 10,000 square feet of lot area and one for each additional 5,000 square feet of lot area, up to a maximum of four horses per lot.
The minimum size for lots created or included in the Equestrian Overlay District after January 9, 1992, is 20,000 square feet. The number of horses that may be kept on any one lot is one for the first 20,000 square feet and one for each additional 5,000 square feet, up to a maximum of four horses per lot.
For existing lots located outside the City which are annexed to the City and are designated as being in an Equestrian Overlay District, the following standards shall apply:
If horses have been maintained on the premises prior to the date the request for initiating annexation proceedings is made to the City, the minimum size for lots shall be 10,000 square feet. The maximum number of horses that may be kept on any one lot is one for the first 10,000 square feet and one for each additional 5,000 square feet, up to a maximum of four horses per lot.
If maintenance of the horses on the property is discontinued for a period of one year, the maximum number of horses permitted to be maintained on a lot shall be one for the first 13,000 square feet of area and one for each additional 5,000 square feet, up to a maximum of four horses per lot.
Any foal less than one year of age may be kept in addition to the maximum number of horses permitted to be maintained on a lot as specified in this chapter.
The Planning Commission may grant a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 16.303 for keeping more than four horses in circumstances where the property is in excess of one acre in size and keeping additional horses is compatible with the surrounding property.
All horses shall be confined within a corral or stable which has a minimum of 625 square feet of surface for each animal. Such enclosure shall exceed a minimum of more than five feet high and shall be constructed of metal pipe or other material which is approved by the Director of Community Development.
An overhead covering to screen direct sunlight, wind, and rain shall be provided to serve all of the horses which are maintained on the property, and it shall be of such construction that it is waterproof and will not be damaged by wind or rain. Prior to the installation of the covering, or any other small structure, such as a tack room, a building permit shall be obtained from the Department of Community Development.
No part of any stable shall be used for human habitation.
No storage of machinery or equipment shall be permitted except incidental supplies and tools utilized for the care and handling of horses which are kept on the lot, provided that the environmental protective standards of Chapter 16.154 are satisfied.
No part of any new corral or stable shall be located within 50 feet of an existing habitable dwelling on the adjacent property, 35 feet of an existing habitable dwelling on the same lot, or 30 feet of an existing patio, pool, or similar structure on adjacent property.
A corral or stable must be located a minimum of six feet from an interior or rear property line and 25 feet from a public right-of-way line, unless a trail or easement is adjacent to the property line. Where the corral is adjacent to a trail or easement, the trail or easement fence may be used as part of the corral fence with the approval of the Director of Community Development.
Access shall be provided to the rear yard for vehicles. Such access shall have a width of no less than ten feet.
Direct access shall be provided for horses to reach the bridle trails or bridle easements.
Each property owner is responsible for the continuous maintenance of sanitary conditions which includes, but is not limited to, the cleaning of corrals, stables and other areas to which horses have access, and the removal of manure, offal, soiled straw, or other refuse as required.
Each lot shall be maintained so that there is no ponding of water within the corral area.
All buildings used to stable horses and all corral fences shall be maintained in a neat and orderly condition with no chipped, peeling. or cracked paint, and no broken elements of a fence, gate, or structure.