The Arbol Verde Single-Family Residential Districts are intended to recognize the unique history and character of the Arbol Verde neighborhood, and to preserve and stabilize this single-family residential neighborhood. These districts recognize the long-term interests of The Colleges, as the major landowners, and the individual residential landowners. In this context, the portion of the neighborhood immediately adjacent to The Colleges north of Harwood Place (the AV2 District) will be a transitional area that may have educational institution uses that are compatible with the adjoining single-family neighborhood south of Harwood Place (the AV1 District), which is to be strengthened and preserved.
Both maintaining the vitality of The Colleges and retaining affordable housing are goals of the General Plan. To the greatest extent feasible, the neighborhood's existing housing stock shall be retained or relocated within the neighborhood, and new development must be in harmony with the design character of the neighborhood.
No building, structure, or land shall be used, and no building or structure shall be erected or altered in the AV Districts except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Only the following uses and developments shall be permitted as a matter of right in the AV Districts:
One single-family dwelling unit per lot for occupancy by no more than one family.
Accessory buildings and structures, including fences and recreation courts, and accessory uses, located on the same lot as a dwelling unit subject to the development standards and requirements of this chapter and Chapter 16.133.
Accessory buildings shall have a maximum floor area of 300 square feet plus an additional 400 square feet may be permitted for required parking, except as otherwise permitted by this chapter.
The renting of no more than one sleeping room per dwelling unit for occupancy by no more than two persons. Meals may be provided in connection with such renting, or the dwelling's kitchen facilities may be shared with tenants.
Rental Rooms
Rental rooms shall not contain kitchens. Rental rooms shall not be rented for a period of less than 30 days.
Rental Permit
Prior to the renting of any room in the Arbol Verde Single-Family Residential Districts, a rental permit shall be obtained from the Department of Community Development. A permit shall be issued by the Department of Community Development only after the Director of Community Development has determined that the following criteria are satisfied:
The proposed room rental meets all building and health requirements.
There is sufficient parking.
The proposed rental will not result in an adverse impact on the single-family character of the neighborhood. The number of such rentals in the neighborhood shall be a factor in determining adverse impact.
The fee for this permit shall be determined by resolution of the City Council. The permit shall be valid for a period of three years, provided the permit may be revoked if the Director of Community Development determines that the above criteria are no longer satisfied.
Home occupations, subject to approval pursuant to Chapter 16.327.
The keeping of animals as pets (not for commercial purposes), subject to Title 6 of the Claremont Municipal Code.
The growing of crops and fruits.
Accessory second units subject to approval of an accessory second unit permit pursuant to Chapter 16.333, Accessory Second Units.
Public park.
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Uses and developments listed in Chapter 16.306 as permitted subject to the issuance of a special use and development permit are allowed in the AV Districts if not contrary to the intent of this chapter.
The following uses and developments are permitted in the AV1 and AV2 Districts subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 16.303:
Wholesale plant nurseries and similar commercial/agricultural uses.
Public recreation facilities.
Other uses listed in Chapter 16.303, as permitted in this district subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit.
(08-05; 12-07; 14-04)
The following uses and developments are permitted in the AV1 District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 16.303:
Single-family residential lots with a minimum area of 6,000 square feet. In approving a lot with an area of less than 7,500 square feet, the Planning Commission, in addition to making the findings required in Chapter 16.303, shall find that:
The proposed development retains or strengthens the existing architectural scale and character;
The lot will be permanently restricted so that no variances from the development standards of this chapter shall be allowed; and
The lot would not substantially change the historic lotting pattern of the neighborhood.
Demolition of a dwelling unit subject to the demolition permit requirements of this chapter.
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The following uses and developments are permitted in the AV2 District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit pursuant to Chapter 16.303:
Conversion of a single-family residence to an office or administrative use of an educational institution.
New structures for office or administrative use of an educational institution. Such structures shall be designed to be compatible with the existing residential neighborhood. In approving such structures, the Planning Commission, in addition to making the required findings in Chapter 16.303, shall find the proposed development retains or strengthens the existing architectural scale and character of the AV1 neighborhood.
Private educational recreation facilities subject to the following:
Amplifying speakers for private educational recreation facilities may be used only in conjunction with athletic events. Such sound systems shall conform to the following criteria:
Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.;
The amplifying system shall be used only for inter-collegiate athletic events; and
Outdoor speakers should be directed away from adjacent residential uses. Other conditions shall be applied when outdoor speakers must face residential structures.
Sport field lighting for private educational recreational facilities may be used provided lighting is designed, installed, and maintained to minimize the illumination of neighboring residential uses. Sports field lighting shall meet the following requirements:
Lighting shall utilize modern state-of-the-art light fixtures that provide minimal light beyond the field areas to be illuminated.
Prior to issuance of a building permit for field lights, a lighting plan shall be prepared by a lighting consulting firm that demonstrates that the indirect illumination from the field lighting shall not exceed 0.5 foot-candles at the property line of any neighboring residential uses, as measured horizontally and vertically from the adjacent grade at the property line to a height of 14 feet. A post-construction light analysis shall be performed by a qualified professional confirming that lighting impacts have been minimized (e.g. through shielding or other methods) and light does not exceed 0.5 foot-candles at the property line of neighboring residential properties.
Light standards shall not exceed 80 feet in height.
Fields shall not be lit past 10:00 p.m.
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The following uses have been identified as not meeting the spirit or intent of this chapter and are, therefore, expressly prohibited:
Any nonresidential use not expressly permitted.
Parking lots in the AV1 District.
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The following property development standards shall apply to all land and structures in the Arbol Verde Districts. For exceptions to and explanatory description of these standards and for standards for accessory structures, fences, recreation courts, signs, parking, off-site improvements and dedication requirements, visual screening, solar energy systems, community art, and undergrounding utilities, see Chapters 16.130 through 16.151.
General Standards for All Development in the AV Districts
Minimum Lot Area and Dimensions
Minimum lot size 7500 sq. ft.
In the AV1 District, single-family residential lots with a minimum area of 6,000 square feet may be permitted with a conditional use permit. (See Additional Conditional Uses Permitted in AV1 District above in Section 16.019.050.)
Minimum lot width 50 feet
Minimum lot depth 100 feet
For existing lots not meeting these standards, see Chapter 16.200.
Minimum Setbacks
Front yard setback 20 feet
Interior side setback 5 feet
Street side setback 15 feet
Rear yard setback 5 feet
Parking for institutional uses shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from street right-of-way and from properties developed with residential uses. Landscaping shall be provided to provide screening of parking facilities as seen from the street.
When a garage or carport has straight vehicular access from a public street, said garage or carport shall be set back at least 20 feet from the street-side property line.
For description, clarification, and exceptions to minimum setbacks, see Chapter 16.130.
Playing Fields
Playing field activity areas may be located within required setbacks subject to the following:
Fencing, light standards and seating areas associated with the playing fields are set back a minimum of five feet from the street right-of-way and a minimum of 20 feet from properties developed with residential uses.
At least 50 percent of the vertical surface of the fencing material is open to permit transmission of light, air and vision.
No buildings shall be constructed within the setback areas.
Landscaping shall be provided to screen parking facilities as seen from the street.
Maximum Number of Stories – Two Stories
Two-story buildings, buildings with a height of more than 18 feet and second-story additions are permitted only when the architectural criteria in Chapter 16.300 are met.
Accessory structures on residential lots are permitted a maximum of one story.
The maximum height for buildings and structures is 25 feet, except as follows:
Light standards associated with playing fields may exceed the maximum height of 25 feet if approved as part of a conditional use permit and subject to the standards for playing field lighting in Section 16.019.050.C.2 of this chapter.
On lots with residential uses, accessory buildings and structures shall not exceed a maximum height of 15 feet, and athletic apparatus and children's play equipment shall not exceed a maximum height of 13 feet.
For measurement of height and exceptions to height limits, see Chapter 16.130. All accessory residential buildings and structures shall be subject to the requirements in Chapter 16.133.
Maximum Lot Coverage – 35%
Calculation shall include all areas of the lot covered by any buildings including carports, covered patios and decks, and balconies and decks more than three feet above grade. Lot coverage shall not include uncovered outdoor recreation courts and equipment, uncovered patios, walkways and driveways, pools, and uncovered decks and balconies no more than three feet above grade.
Maximum Floor Area of Main Residential Structure
The total floor area of the main residential structure shall not exceed a maximum of 1,500 square feet plus 25 percent of the lot area.
The calculation of total floor area shall include the floor areas of all floors of the main residential structure including the area of an upper level not separated from a lower level by a floor/ceiling assembly, floor areas of attached garages, carports and covered patios. Floor area shall not include the floor area of detached accessory structures, uncovered patios, decks, or balconies.
When any accessory building is located less than six feet from a main residential building, the floor area of such accessory building shall be included in the floor area calculation of the main residential building. The accessory building shall still be subject to all accessory building standards.
Minimum Parking Requirements
Single-family residences – Two covered (garage or carport) spaces.
Institutional uses – the parking for institutional uses shall be as shown in Table 16.069.B in Chapter 16.069 entitled I Institutional Districts.
Additional Development Standards For Educational Institutions
In addition to the development standards set forth above in this chapter, education institutional uses and developments permitted in the AV Districts shall conform to the following standards:
All existing structures in the AV Districts proposed for relocation shall be relocated to the AV1 District to the extent feasible based on the condition of the structure and the availability of vacant property in the AV1 District. In the event a site for the structure is not available in the AV1 District, the structure may be relocated elsewhere in the City or other location.
Any applicant proposing to demolish or relocate a residence shall provide 12 months notice, or interim housing, or relocation assistance to any lessees that may be affected.
Exterior light fixtures for all institutional uses shall be constructed, mounted, and maintained so that the direct rays of the lights are directed downward into the interior of the lot. Security lighting for all pedestrian pathways shall be provided. Additional security lighting may be permitted as determined appropriate by the Director of Community Development.
Vehicular access for playing field parking areas shall be only from Sixth Street or Claremont Boulevard.
Only those surfaces that require pavement for playing fields, vehicular travel, parking, and pedestrian use shall be paved.
Trees removed as part of a development proposal shall be replaced at a ratio of two to one; 20 percent of the replacement trees shall be at least 24 inch box size or greater. The balance of the replacement trees shall be 15 gallons or greater. Coast Live Oak trees shall be replaced with the same species. Other types of trees maybe replaced with another species subject to Architectural Commission approval.
All existing trees that are to remain shall be protected during construction by a protective barrier.
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Exterior alterations and site improvements for uses requiring a conditional use permit, and all new construction of buildings or structures, shall be subject to review and approval pursuant to Chapter 16.300 of this title, and if applicable, the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings for those structures on the Register of Sites of Historical or Architectural Merit in Claremont.
(08-05; 12-07)
Demolition of a residential structure in the AV1 District may be permitted only with issuance of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 16.303.
When demolition of a residential structure is proposed as a part of a project the applicant shall submit a report by a structural engineer on the feasibility of relocating the structure and a cost analysis of remodeling the existing structures versus new construction costs.
In approving a demolition of a residential structure, the Planning Commission, in addition to making the required findings in Chapter 16.303, shall find as follows:
The action proposed is consistent with the intent of this ordinance and the goals and policies of the General Plan; and
One of the following:
The cost of refurbishing and/or moving the existing structure would substantially exceed the cost of new construction; or
The proposed demolition is necessary to correct an unsafe or dangerous condition of the property; or
The structure proposed for demolition is not compatible with the character of the Arbol Verde neighborhood in terms of scale, density and/or design, or otherwise has a detrimental visual impact on the character of the neighborhood.
Demolition permits for residential dwellings shall not be issued by the Community Development Department until development plans for that site have plan check approval.
None of the provisions of this title shall prevent any measures of construction, alteration, or demolition necessary to correct the unsafe or dangerous conditions of any structure, other feature, or part thereof, where such condition has been declared unsafe or dangerous by the Building Official or the Fire Chief. Where the proposed measures have been declared necessary, work that is absolutely necessary to correct the unsafe or dangerous condition may be done with due regard for preservation of the appearance of the structure involved pursuant to this section. In the event any structure or other feature shall be damaged by fire, or other calamity, or by act of God, to such an extent that in the opinion of the aforesaid officials it cannot be reasonably repaired and restored, it may be removed in conformity with normal permit procedures and applicable laws.
(08-05; 12-07)