It is the intent of this chapter to assure the provision of adequate on-site parking facilities in conjunction with any use or development. These standards should be considered minimum and more extensive parking provisions may be warranted.
Calculation of Number Required
At least two spaces shall be provided for any use or development regardless of its size and scope.
When calculations of required parking yield a fractional number, the next larger whole number shall be used.
The total requirement for mixed occupancies shall be the sum of the individual uses computed separately.
For additions to existing development, the increased parking requirement shall be based only on the addition, excepting for an addition to single-family residential property lacking required parking, which shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 16.400.
District Standards and Special Use Standards
The minimum required number of spaces for each use or development shall be provided and continuously maintained. The number required is set forth in the development standards for each district. However, in those districts where there are not specific standards for the uses listed below, the following minimum number of spaces shall be provided:
Use or Development
Number of Spaces
Auditoriums, theaters, meeting houses, churches, and similar places of public assembly
One space for each three permanent seats plus one for each 24 square feet of area provided for temporary or movable seats.
Automobile sales
One space for each 300 square feet of gross floor area plus one space for each 2,000 square feet of outside sales area.
Hotels, motels
One space per unit.
Hospitals – Short term general and psychiatric
One and three-quarter (1.75) spaces per bed, based on maximum occupancy.
Skilled nursing, acute care facilities
One space for each three beds, based on maximum occupancy.
Senior housing
a. Independent living
One space for each studio unit or bedroom, 50 percent of which shall be covered, plus one guest space for every five units.
b. Assisted living, congregate care
One space for every two studio units or bedroom plus one guest space for every five units
Restaurants in all commercial districts except CV District
a. Inside dining
One space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
b. Outside dining
One space for each 175 square feet of gross outdoor dining area.
Restaurants in CV District
See minimum parking standards in Chapter 16.060.
Barbers, beauty, skin and nail services, tanning salons in CV District
See minimum parking standards in Chapter 16.060.
Day care facilities
a. Adult day health center
One space for every seven clients for which the facility is approved plus one space for each employee/staff member.
b. Child day care facility (not including large facility day care homes)
One space for every 10 children for which the facility is approved plus one space for each employee/staff member.
The Planning Commission may permit the joint use of parking facilities to meet the standards for certain uses under the following conditions:
Up to one-half of the parking facilities required for a primarily daytime use may be used to meet the requirements of a primarily nighttime use and up to one-half of the parking facilities required for a primarily nighttime use may be used to meet the requirements of a primarily daytime use provided that such reciprocal parking arrangement shall comply with subsection C below.
The parking facilities required for a primarily daytime use may be used to permit up to 80% of the requirements for a church or school auditorium subject to requirements set forth in subsection C below.
The parties concerned shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the building or uses for which the joint use is proposed and shall evidence agreement for such use by a proper legal instrument, to which the City is a party.
No vehicles incapable of movement under their own power (including trailers, boats, camper shells and disabled motor vehicles) and no other materials or objects shall be stored or placed within any parking space; except that trailers and boats may be stored within residential spaces not within the required front or street-side setback areas, provided that the screening requirements of Chapter 16.154 are met, and except for vehicles being serviced in automobile service stations.
Required Dimensions and Access Requirements
Each required parking space shall have the minimum dimensions of nine feet in width and 20 feet in length, and shall be independently accessible from street or alley, unless permitted otherwise by this title.
Each required garage or carport parking space shall have minimum, unobstructed interior dimensions of 9 feet in width, 20 feet in length, and 8 feet in height.
When a garage or carport does not have a direct, straight entry from a public or private street or alley (e.g. side entrance garage), the driveway providing access to the entrance of the garage shall have a minimum 24 foot outside turning radius.
When the vehicle entrance into a garage or carport faces directly onto an existing alley, there shall be a minimum distance of 30 feet between the opening of such garage or carport and the property line of the parcel of land that is located directly across the alley from the parcel of land on which the garage or carport is located, except as otherwise permitted by this Code.
When the vehicular entrance into a garage or carport faces directly onto a public street, said garage or carport shall be set back at least 20 feet from the street-side property line, except as otherwise permitted by this Code.
On residential property with existing development where current parking requirements are not met, and it is not feasible or practical to provide required parking spaces that are independently accessible, the required parking may be provided through tandem parking with the approval of the Director. In determining whether it is practical to provide independently accessible parking spaces, the Director shall consider if such required parking will result in an inefficient site plan, a development pattern that is inconsistent with surrounding development, or the loss of the property's only available private outdoor living area.
No Parking in Front or Street Side Setbacks
No required parking spaces shall be located in required front and street side setbacks, and no vehicular parking is permitted in required front and street side setbacks except on a residential driveway. No vehicles may be parked or stored in violation of neighborhood protection standards in Chapter 16.154.
Standards for Driveways Located in Setbacks
Driveways located within the required front and street side setbacks in single-family residential districts shall be subject to the following standards:
All driveways, except circular driveways, shall provide access to parking spaces located outside the required setbacks.
No driveway or other improvement for vehicular access to garage spaces or to side or rear parking areas shall have a width greater than 35 percent of the lot width or 30 feet, which ever is less, including any turn around areas, except for lots with lot widths less than 46 feet; however, if in the RS 10000, RS 13000, RS 20000, and RR Districts the improvements provide access to three or more covered spaces on the same lot, the access improvements may have a maximum width of up to 40 feet provided the width is no more than 35 percent of the lot width. If two or more driveways are located on a single lot, the widths of the driveways shall be combined, and the combined width of the driveways shall be subject to the same width restrictions as a single driveway.
On any lot with a lot width of less than 46 feet, any driveway providing access to parking spaces located outside the required setbacks may have a maximum width of 16 feet.
No less than two feet of landscaping shall be provided between driveway and any interior side property line.
Driveways in the RR District
The use of water permeable materials for part or all of a residential driveway is encouraged. Such driveways may be constructed with 4 inches of gravel.
Circular Driveways in the RR Districts shall comply with the Rural Claremont Architectural and Landscape Standards.
Driveways in All Other Single-Family Residential Districts
Driveways shall be constructed of a prepared surface, such as asphalt, cement, or crushed rock, approved by the Director.
Circular Driveways shall be permitted only when the Director finds that a circular driveway is necessary to:
Allow vehicles to turn around and head into an arterial street, where lots front on a major or secondary arterial and no other vehicular access is available by way of a local or private street, or an alley; or
Allow for guest parking when no on-street parking is available; or
Provide access for persons with mobility impairments; or
Provide access for emergency or safety purposes.
A circular driveway may also be permitted on a lot that has an area equal to 1-1/2 times the minimum lot area required by the district's development standards provided there is a front or street side building setback of no less than 30 feet in the yard where the driveway is located.
The following standards shall apply to circular driveways:
A maximum of two curb cuts shall be permitted per lot.
Circular driveways shall have a maximum width of 18 feet. Narrower driveways are encouraged.
The Director shall require landscape screening when feasible.
Use of water permeable materials for part or all of the driveway surface is encouraged.
Multiple Curb Cuts
In single-family residential districts no more than one curb cut shall be permitted per lot, except a second curb cut may be permitted for:
A circular drive when permitted by this section; or
Access to a recreational vehicle (RV) storage area located in a rear or interior side yard when the Director determines that there is no other way the RV storage requirements of Chapter 16.154 can be met.
Maximum Height of Garage Door
In single-family residential districts no garage door or other opening providing access into a garage shall have a height of more than eight feet except with a special use and development permit approved pursuant to Chapter 16.306.
Temporary Lots
Temporary parking lots which do not meet the full standards for permanent lots may be permitted subject to approval of a special use and development permit pursuant to Chapter 16.306. The permit for a temporary parking lot shall be valid for no more than three years after the date of approval. Prior to the special use and development permit becoming effective, the applicant shall provide a performance bond in an amount to be determined by the Director of Community Development. The bond shall guarantee the full development of the lot to the standards of this section if a permanent lot is subsequently approved by the City. If a permanent lot is not approved, the bond may be used to remove the temporary lot improvements, close access to the area, and landscape and irrigate the site, or prepare the site for an alternative use consistent with the planned use of the site.
The following development standards shall apply to all parking areas with six or more spaces:
Required parking facilities shall be on the same lot with the structure they are intended to serve, except if the Architectural Commission approves parking on a separate lot. A reciprocal parking agreement shall be required as determined appropriate by the Architectural Commission.
The required parking spaces may be located in interior-side or rear setbacks. Except in the B/IP District, no parking space either required or otherwise shall be located in any required front or street-side setback area, unless otherwise specifically permitted by this Code.
In the CV District, an applicant may be permitted to pay an in-lieu fee pursuant to Section 16.060.030, in lieu of providing required off-street parking. When parking spaces are provided through the in-lieu fee program such parking spaces shall be located in the CV District or within 500 feet of the CV District.
There shall be a minimum 10 foot wide, three inch thick asphaltic or cement concrete paved vehicular accessway from a public street or alley to off-street parking facilities.
Where a parking area abuts or is across the street from a residential district it shall be separated therefrom by a solid masonry wall not less than five feet in height, provided said wall shall be three feet in height where it is in prolongation of the front setback area of an abutting residential use or district. The Architectural Commission may waive this wall requirement if additional setback and screening planting, or landscaped berms are to be provided.
Where a parking area is across the street from a residential district, there shall be a border of appropriate landscaping not less than 10 feet in depth, measured from the street right-of-way line, along the street frontage.
Layout and Paving
Parking spaces and garages shall be laid out according to City specifications published by the Director, and shall provide a 29-foot minimum outside turning radius and an 18-foot minimum inside turning radius into public ways. Each required parking space shall be individually accessible.
Except in residential parking facilities with less than six spaces, parking spaces shall be arranged so that vehicles need not back onto or across any sidewalk.
All parking areas shall be surfaced with three inch minimum thickness asphaltic or cement concrete paving, or with an alternative paving material approved by the City Engineer.
Standard parking stalls shall have minimum dimensions of nine feet by 20 feet. Parking stalls shall be marked with minimum three inch wide lines, and the access lanes shall be clearly defined, including directional arrows to guide internal movement
Up to 40 percent of the required parking spaces may be designed for compact cars. In no case shall the number of compact parking spaces reduce the number of standard parking spaces to less than 60 percent of the total required parking. Compact parking stalls shall have minimum dimensions of 8½ feet by 18 feet.
Parking spaces may include a two foot overhang into landscaped areas. However, the overhang shall not encroach into the required minimum five foot perimeter landscaped planter area and shall not be credited towards the minimum 5% interior landscaping required for parking areas.
A six inch concrete curb shall be installed along the entire edge of all landscaped areas, except where waived by the Director of Community Development and concurred in by the Architectural Commission.
A five foot minimum width landscaped planter bed shall be installed along the entire perimeter except for those areas devoted to perpendicular accessways.
A minimum of 5% of the paved parking area shall be devoted to interior planting areas. Extensive use of trees is encouraged. All planting areas shall have a minimum width of three feet. Perimeter planting shall not be considered part of this required interior planting. Generally, the minimum 5% interior landscaping may be accommodated in a project design by providing one landscape planter island per seven parking spaces.
Where topography and grading permit, parking lots should be depressed and/or screened from view by landscaped berms and hedges. Where this is impossible or impractical, the use of decorative screening walls and hedges should be provided. The 5% interior lot area landscaping included in this section may be reduced when such berms or depressed lots are provided.
Where trees already exist on the property, the design should make the best use of this growth and shade. Such trees shall be protected by a tree well with a diameter sufficient to ensure their continued growth. The 5% interior lot area landscaping standard included in this section may be reduced to compensate for the retention of such trees.
Planting areas should be distributed throughout the lot as evenly as possible, but variations from this pattern may be granted by the staff when a different pattern would result in the overall aesthetic improvement of the project. Innovation in design and materials is encouraged.
Wherever a center divider separates parking stalls facing each other, tree wells shall be established not more than 50 feet apart for large trees, or more than 30 feet for small and medium sized trees.
An automatic, full-coverage, permanent irrigation system shall be installed. Outside faucets (hose bibs) shall be provided at 100-foot minimum intervals, to allow for hose watering reinforcement to the system.
All planting shall be permanently and regularly maintained free of debris and in conformity with plans approved by the City.
All drainage from parking areas for six or more cars shall be taken to a public street, alley, storm drain, or natural drainage course and shall not pass over any public sidewalk.
All parking lots shall be illuminated with a lighting system designed to provide an average horizontal illumination of greater than one footcandle of light and a minimum horizontal illumination of not less than 0.25 footcandle of light on the parking surface. Applicants are encouraged to meet these illumination levels with light fixtures mounted on light standards placed in close proximity to each other rather than with light fixtures on buildings, and with less powerful lamps than what would otherwise be required if light standards were placed farther apart.
Metal halide lighting or other high intensity discharge lighting may be used in parking areas only if lamps have a color temperature of less than 3,400 degrees Kelvin (K), except in commercial automobile sales areas where lamps may have a higher color temperature. No new mercury vapor lighting shall be permitted in parking areas. All lamps shall be covered with prismatic diffusing lenses.
Light fixtures shall not be placed higher than 15 feet above grade as measured from the bottom of the base of the light standard or the adjacent grade of the building on which the light is mounted, to the highest point of the light fixture, unless the Architectural Commission approves a height of more than 15 feet, up to a maximum of 25 feet, for safety reasons and determines that the height of the lights will not adversely impact the surrounding development.
All light fixtures shall be arranged and controlled so as not to cause a nuisance either to street traffic or to the living environment. All light fixtures for parking areas including those placed on buildings shall be designed, installed, and maintained so that lamps are fully shielded and light rays emitted by the fixtures are projected below a horizontal plane at a point below the lamp source (fully cut-off fixture). Except, however, the Architectural Commission may allow an alternative light fixture if the Commission makes all the following findings:
The alternative fixture is more compatible with the historic character of a specific area or the unique architecture of the surrounding development, than is a fully cut-off fixture; and
The alternative light fixture will not create unwanted or excessive glare or illumination; and
The alternative light fixture will not adversely impact neighboring development or abutting residential areas.
All lenses for standard shoe-box light fixtures shall not extend below the bottom of the light fixture (i.e., no drop-down lenses).
The Director of Community Development and the Architectural Commission shall be notified upon the energizing of a lighting system, commencing a 30-day review period during which time illumination levels shall be evaluated and adjusted where necessary to meet the intent of this subsection. No person shall fail to comply with a modification order for parking lot illumination issued by the Architectural Commission.
Permissible Alternatives in I Districts
Where the shape, size, and location of any parking lot used primarily for employee parking in the Business/Industrial Park district make the above regulations impractical, the following alternate set of standards may be substituted for the standards established in this section.
The landscaping requirements in subsection E may be reduced by 50 percent, or
Perimeter landscaping only may be required where any parking lot is less than two acres in area with an average depth of not more than 120 feet and is not adjacent to or visible from a street or thoroughfare or residential premises. Perimeter landscaping shall meet the following requirements:
All perimeter planters shall have a minimum depth of five feet with a solid decorative masonry wall of five feet in height constructed adjacent to the parking lot. Trees and suitable groundcover shall be planted therein.
Planters with a minimum depth of 20 feet may be substituted for the masonry wall required in this section.
(08-05; 12-01)
All properties required by state law to provide parking spaces accessible to those persons with mobility impairment shall both mark the pavement and provide freestanding or wall-mounted signs. The signs and markings shall meet the standards of Title 24 of the California Administrative Code. Any project approved before the effective date of this ordinance which was required to provide parking spaces accessible to persons with mobility impairment, shall provide such signs and markings no later than December 31, 1984.
The obligation to provide such signs and pavement markings shall be continuing, and failure to maintain such signs and pavement markings shall be deemed a violation of this title.
The following off-street loading spaces shall be provided and continuously maintained for all hospitals, institutions, commercial (not including office buildings), and industrial uses. The loading spaces shall be not less than 10 feet in width, 20 feet in length, and with 14 feet in vertical clearance.
Total Square Feet of Building Space
Gross Floor Area
Loading Space Required
Commercial Buildings
105,001 and over
Business/Industrial Park Buildings
160,001 and over
Hospitals and Institutions
110,001 and over
When the lot upon which the loading spaces are located abuts upon an alley, such loading spaces shall adjoin or have access from said alley. The length of the loading space may be measured perpendicular to or parallel with the alley. Where such loading area is parallel with the alley and said lot is 50 feet or less in width, the loading area shall extend across the full width of the lot. The length of a loading area need not exceed 50 feet for any two spaces.
Loading space required by this title may occupy a required rear or interior side setback, but not a required front or street-side setback. Where the loading is permitted in a setback, said setback may be used in calculating the area required for loading provided that there be no more than one entry or exit to 60 feet of lot frontage or fraction thereof.
All loading spaces shall be separate, striped spaces in addition to the required parking spaces, and not within any required parking lot drive, back-out space or aisle; except that for commercial buildings with a gross floor area of less than 15,000 square feet or for industrial sites, the loading space may be within a parking lot drive, back-out space, or aisle.
The purpose of this section is to promote alternative transportation methods, such as carpools, vanpools, transit, bicycles, walking and park-and-ride lots, parking management programs, and other strategies as necessary to meet congestion and air quality goals.
Applicability of Requirements
Prior to issuance of a building permit for any proposed nonresidential construction project meeting certain size thresholds specified below, the project applicant shall, as a minimum, make provisions for all of the applicable transportation demand management and trip reduction measures of this section.
The requirements of this section are based on gross floor area of new nonresidential construction only. The requirements shall not apply to buildings which existed prior to May 13, 1993 except when new square footage is added. For new additions to existing buildings, the requirements shall be based upon the gross floor area of the additions. The new gross floor area shall not be added cumulatively with existing floor area. The existing gross floor area of a building shall remain exempt from these requirements.
Development Standards
Nonresidential Projects of 25,000 Square Feet or More
For nonresidential projects of 25,000 square feet or more, the following shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development:
A bulletin board, display case, or kiosk displaying transportation information located where the greatest number of employees are likely to see it. The information displayed shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
Current maps, routes, and schedules for public transit routes serving the site;
Telephone numbers for referrals on transportation information including numbers for the regional ridesharing agency and local transit operators;
Ridesharing promotional material supplied by commuter-oriented organizations;
Bicycle route and facility information, including regional/local bicycle maps and bicycle safety information; and
A listing of facilities available for carpoolers, vanpoolers, bicyclists, transit riders, and pedestrians at the site.
Nonresidential Projects of 50,000 Square Feet or More
For nonresidential projects of 50,000 square feet or more, the following shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development:
A bulletin board, display case or kiosk for transportation information as described in subsection C.1 above.
A preferential parking area reserved for use by potential carpool/vanpool vehicles, equal to not less than 10 percent of the employee parking area and located as close as is practical to the employee entrance(s) without displacing handicapped and customer parking needs. Upon application for a building permit, this preferential carpool/vanpool parking area shall be identified on the project's site plan to the satisfaction of the Director. Employee parking area shall be calculated as follows:
Type of Use
Percent of Total Required Parking Devoted to Employees
Percentage shall be based on the number of employee spaces required by Chapter 16.069 of this title.
Spaces shall be signed/striped for carpool/vanpool vehicles as demand warrants; provided that at all times at least one space for projects of 50,000 square feet to 100,000 square feet, and two spaces for projects over 100,000 square feet are signed/striped for carpool/vanpool vehicles. A statement that preferential carpool/vanpool spaces for employees are available, and a description of the method for obtaining such spaces, must be included on the transportation information board, case or kiosk required in paragraph 2.a of this subsection.
The preferential parking spaces reserved for vanpools must be accessible to vanpools vehicles. When vanpool spaces are located within a parking structure, a minimum vertical interior clearance of seven feet two inches shall be provided for those spaces and for the accessways to be used by vanpool vehicles.
Bicycle racks or other secure bicycle parking to accommodate four bicycles per the first 50,000 square feet and one bicycle per each additional 50,000 square feet. A bicycle parking facility may also be a fully enclosed space or locker accessible only to the owner or operator of the bicycle, which protects the bike from inclement weather. Specific facilities and location shall be subject to approval of the Director of Community Development.
Safe and convenient access from the external circulation system to bicycle parking facilities onsite.
Nonresidential Projects of 100,000 Square Feet or More
For nonresidential projects of 100,000 square feet or more, the following shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Development:
A bulletin board, display case or kiosk for transportation information as described in subsection C.1 above.
A preferential parking area reserved for use by potential carpool/vanpool vehicles as described in subsection C.2.b above.
A safe and convenient zone in which vanpool and carpool vehicles may deliver or board their passengers.
Bicycle racks or other secure bicycle parking as described in subsection C.2.c above.
Safe and convenient access from the external circulation system to bicycle parking facilities onsite.
Sidewalks or other designated pathways following direct and safe routes from the external pedestrian circulation system to each building in the development project.
Bus stop improvements if determined appropriate by the Director of Community Development. The Director shall consult with local bus service providers in determining the appropriate improvements. When locating bus stops and/or planning building entrances, entrances must be designed to provide safe and efficient access to nearby transit stations/stops.
Exceptions to Requirements
Residential Institutions
For purposes of this section, group residence halls, student dormitories, or resident dining facilities for residents of a educational institution, retirement complex or other residential institution shall be considered residential development and not subject to the provisions of this section, provided that the Planning Commission or Architectural Commission find that such development is designed and located so as to minimize the use of single occupant vehicles by residents.
Other Individual Projects
The Planning Commission or Architectural Commission may modify all or part of the transportation demand and trip reduction measures of this section for individual projects if both of the following findings can be made:
One or more of the measures required by this section are not applicable due to special circumstances relating to the project, including, but not limited to, the location or configuration of the project, the availability of existing transportation demand management strategies, or other specific factors which make infeasible or reduce the effectiveness of such measure(s); and
An alternative transportation demand management strategy is proposed commensurate with the nature and trip generating characteristics of the proposed project.
Implementation of the alternative strategy shall be a condition of approval for the project.
Credit for Existing Transportation Management Facilities
Existing transportation management facilities in a development complex may satisfy all or part of the requirements of this section for new construction within the complex, subject to the approval of the Director. The amount of credit given shall be determined by assessing how the existing facilities would meet the requirements of this section if based on the gross floor area of the entire complex.
Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any new building or addition to an existing building, all facilities and improvements required by this section shall be constructed or otherwise provided.
Required Maintenance
All facilities and improvements constructed or otherwise required by this section shall be maintained in a state of good repair.
It shall be the duty and authority of the Director of Community Development, the Director's designees, and the code enforcement officers of the Community Development Department to enforce the provisions of this section.
No person, firm, or corporation, whether as principal, agent, employee, or otherwise, shall violate, or otherwise, shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this section. Every act prohibited or declared unlawful and every failure to perform an act made mandatory by this section shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 16.206 of this title.