The City Council hereby finds that excessive similarity or dissimilarity, inappropriateness or poor quality of design in the exterior appearance of buildings erected in any neighborhood or in the development and maintenance of structures, landscaping, signs, poor passive solar design resulting in excessive energy consumption, and general appearance affect the desirability of the immediate area and neighboring areas for residential and business purposes or other uses, and by so doing impair the benefits of occupancy of existing property in such areas, prevent the most appropriate development of such areas, produce degeneration of property in such areas with attendant deterioration of conditions affecting the health, safety, comfort and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Claremont, and destroy the proper relationship between the taxable value of real property in such areas and the cost of municipal services provided therefor.
At the same time, a high level of quality in the design and redesign of the City's physical environment can protect and enhance the livability and investment potentials of the City. New development, properly designed, that does not detract from the quality and character of nearby established development because of architectural style, scale or location, can be a positive addition to the City's environment; historic and architecturally significant sites, properly preserved and restored as physical representations of Claremont's character, can enhance Claremont's historic and cultural heritage; and development with proper consideration for energy conservation can contribute to the City's overall efficiency.
It is the purpose and intent of this chapter to support the community design policies of the General Plan; to guide the design and redesign of the City's physical environment to encourage excellence in architectural design; to protect and enhance the community's character, sense of place, and the identities of Claremont's unique neighborhoods; and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the community.
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Any new construction, exterior modifications to existing structures (not including painting), building relocations, and changes in site features including, but not limited to, parking areas, landscaping, walls, outside lighting (including increasing the level of illumination) and signs shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter, unless specifically exempted from this chapter.
The reviewing person or body shall determine if the proposed new development, alteration or change conforms to the provisions of this chapter and shall approve, approve subject to conditions, or deny the proposed project according to the procedures, of this chapter.
Unless plans for buildings and structures, and all signs, luminaires, landscaping, irrigation and other features of the site for said building or structure have been approved pursuant to the review procedures of this chapter, no building permit shall be issued for any building, structure or other development of property or appurtenance thereto.
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In addition to the responsibilities detailed in Section 2.42.010, the Architectural and Preservation Commission is to undertake general design review of the City of Claremont per Chapter 16.300 of the Claremont Municipal Code and to act as the Preservation Commission as outlined below in the Scope of Powers identified in Chapter 16.302.
Scope of Powers
The Commission shall be an advisory board to advise the City Council, all City Commissions, City departments, and the City Manager on all matters relating to the identification, protection, retention, and preservation of Cultural Resources in the City. The Commission shall have the power to appoint an advisory panel of volunteer experts as may be necessary to assist in the exercise of its duties. The Commission may also consult with preservation organizations or associations, including, but not limited to, Claremont Heritage.
The City Council shall appoint a seven member Commission, each member having an experience or interest in one or more of the areas of architecture, design, and knowledge of the cultural heritage of the City. The Architectural and Preservation Commission shall include one professional architect; one professional landscape architect; and two members with experience in historic preservation, archaeology, or architectural history; and three members appointed from the community at large, each with an interest in or knowledge of design and/or Claremont's history.
The Architectural and Preservation Commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its business. Four voting members shall constitute a quorum. Approval, conditional approval, or denial of an application shall be by a simple majority vote. A tie vote on a motion to approve shall constitute a failure of the motion and a denial of the application.
The Director of Community Development shall serve as the official secretary to the Architectural and Preservation Commission. The records of all proceedings and the basis for all findings shall be available to the Council and to the public.
The Architectural and Preservation Commission shall meet on regularly scheduled dates.
Civic Center and Other Governmental Buildings
The Architectural and Preservation Commission shall advise the City Council on all matters related to the development of the Civic Center and the architectural suitability of all governmental buildings and site developments.
Register of Structures of Historical and Architectural Merit of the City of Claremont
The Register of Structures of Historical and Architectural Merit of the City of Claremont (Register) is a comprehensive Cultural Resource listing of sites and structures in various areas of the City. Information in the Register provides a valuable tool to City staff and Commissions in conducting project reviews and to the public for community education. Pursuant to the Historic Preservation Element of the City's General Plan, the Register shall be updated and expanded periodically to include appropriate resources which meet adopted criteria. The Architectural and Preservation Commission is responsible for adopting additions to the Register pursuant to the procedures set forth by resolution of the City Council.
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In all districts, new construction, modifications to existing development, and site changes shall be reviewed as specified in this section, except for signs and antennas, and as otherwise specified in this title. All signs shall be reviewed as set forth in Title 18. Antennas shall be reviewed as set forth in Chapter 16.100.
The following require review and approval by the Architectural and Preservation Commission:
New buildings and structures in all districts except in the RS (Residential Single-Family), RR (Rural Residential), and H (Hillside) districts.
New non-single-family residential development and single-family dwellings on five or more lots in the RS (Residential Single-Family), RR (Rural Residential), AV (Arbol Verde), and H (Hillside) districts.
Parking lots for non-single-family residential projects. The review of new parking lots shall include perimeter landscaping and similar site features.
Exterior modifications (excluding painting) to all existing non-single-family residential development, all existing residential development in the HC (Historical Claremont) and AV (Arbol Verde Single-Family Residential) districts, when the Director of Community Development determines that the modifications could have a substantial adverse visual impact as viewed from the public right-of-way or adjacent properties, impinge on the privacy of developments in the immediate area, and/or result in development incompatible with the architectural character of the developments in the surrounding area.
Relocations of non-single-family residential buildings within and into the City.
Any development otherwise requiring review and approval by the Architectural and Preservation Commission pursuant to this Code.
Any project subject to review by City staff and referred by the Director of Community Development to the Architectural and Preservation Commission for review and approval.
Any action related to preservation of one or more Cultural Resources as required to be reviewed and approved by the Architectural and Preservation Commission under Chapter 16.302, Cultural Resources Preservation.
All development not required to be reviewed and approved by the Architectural and Preservation Commission shall require review and approval by City staff including, but not limited to, the following:
Exterior modifications (not including painting) to existing single-family developments in the RS (Single-Family Residential), RM (Medium Density Residential), RR (Rural Residential), and H (Hillside) districts.
New construction of and modifications to accessory buildings and structures, including, but not limited to, detached garages, and patio structures.
Modifications to existing site features including changes to grading, fencing, walls, pools, hardscape, but not including changes to plant material on single-family residential property.
Exterior modifications (excluding painting) to existing non-single-family residential development, and existing residential development in the HC (Historical Claremont) and AV (Arbol Verde Single-Family Residential) districts, when the Director of Community Development determines that the modifications will not have a substantial adverse visual impact as viewed from the public right-of-way or adjacent properties, impinge on the privacy of developments in the immediate area, and/or result in development incompatible with the architectural character of the developments in the surrounding area.
Minor additions to existing development that will not significantly alter the appearance of the commercial development, such as automatic teller machines, storefront awnings, and outdoor lighting fixtures.
Modifications to interior character-defining features on properties subject to a Historical Property (Mills Act) Agreement, which do not otherwise require review and approval by the Architectural and Preservation Commission.
Relocation of single-family residential buildings within the City and into the City which are not subject to the requirements of Chapter 16.302.
Any action related to preservation of one or more Cultural Resources as required to be reviewed and approved by City staff under Chapter 16.302.
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Application Filing
Applications for Architectural and Preservation Commission review shall be made on forms provided by the Department of Community Development together with any applicable fees. The application shall be accompanied by plans and exhibits as required by department staff.
For new single-family residential development in which the proposed size of the main residential structure is equal to or greater than 85 percent of the maximum square footage allowed by this title, a 3-D image of the proposed construction shall be required. The Director of Community Development may waive the requirement for a 3-D image for minor building additions that the Director determines will not have a significant visual impact as viewed from the public right-of-way or adjacent properties.
A person may not file and the Department of Community Development shall not accept an application which is the same as or substantially the same as an application upon which final action has been taken by the City of Claremont within 12 months prior to the date of said application, unless accepted by a motion of the Architectural and Preservation Commission or City Council.
Architectural Review Fees
Fees shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
Application Screening
Upon receipt of an application for Architectural and Preservation Commission review, staff shall review the application and inform the applicant as to the completeness of the submittal and of additional materials required, if any. Department staff shall also determine whether the proposed development:
Is in accordance with the review responsibilities of the Commission specified in this chapter; or
Impacts or otherwise relates to a Cultural Resource in a manner that causes it to be subject to review under Chapter 16.302, Cultural Resources Preservation.
Notice Requirements
Upon receipt of a complete application, if the Director determines that proposed development could have an adverse impact on existing development or result in development incompatible with the architectural character of development in the immediate area, notice of the development shall be mailed to all owners of properties that could be affected. The notice shall state that the application will be reviewed by the Architectural and Preservation Commission. Notices shall be sent not less than ten days prior to any action taken on the application by the Architectural and Preservation Commission. Additional noticing may be required for development that impacts or otherwise relates to a Cultural Resource as required in Chapter 16.302, Cultural Resources Preservation.
Commission Review and Decision
Once an application is complete, all development proposals requiring Architectural and Preservation Commission approval shall be forwarded to the Architectural and Preservation Commission for their consideration at their next available meeting, considering any required environmental review and public notice requirements. The hearing may be set for a later date with consent of the applicant.
The Architectural and Preservation Commission shall act expeditiously on all applications. The Commission shall determine if the proposed development conforms to the provisions of this title and shall accordingly grant approval of the application, grant approval subject to conditions, or deny the application.
In reviewing and making decisions on proposed development, the Architectural and Preservation Commission shall consider the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of the community. The Commission shall balance community goals of building a strong local economy that provides employment and generates revenue to support City services, preserving and enhancing the City's heritage, unique character and quality of life, and promoting sustainable design practices in homes and neighborhood environments.
Conditions of Approval
Conditions of approval may be applied when the proposed design does not comply completely with the required review criteria and shall be directed towards bringing said design into conformity with the criteria.
Any noncompliance with any condition on an approval by the Architectural and Preservation Commission shall constitute a violation of this title.
Application Denial
When a proposed application does not meet the required review criteria, and cannot be conditioned to comply with said criteria, the application shall be denied. The applicant shall be notified of the criteria which are deemed not to be met.
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Optional Preliminary Review of Schematic Plans
The applicant may submit to staff or the Architectural and Preservation Commission a preliminary site plan, elevations, sketches, or other schematic plans for preliminary review, comments, and general direction before submitting plans for approval.
Review of Plans for Approval
The applicant shall submit for approval all plans determined necessary by staff or the Architectural and Preservation Commission to assure that the proposed project meets the applicable review criteria of this chapter. The applicant may also choose to submit the final detailed plans at this time.
If final detailed plans are not submitted at the time of approval of the proposed project, the approval of such project shall be conditioned on the approval of the final detailed plans.
Final Detailed Plans
Final detailed plans shall include all plans reviewed and required by the Architectural and Preservation Commission, and other plans and specifications staff may determine to be reasonably necessary for a complete review and understanding of the proposed development.
Final detailed plans not included in the review per subsection B of this section shall require formal action by staff or the Architectural and Preservation Commission.
For projects approved by the Architectural and Preservation Commission, the final detailed plans shall be reviewed by staff to determine consistency with the approved plans, excepting, however, staff shall refer to the Architectural and Preservation Commission any final detailed plans that, as a condition of approval, were required to be referred back to the Commission for review.
Any decision on final detailed plans may be appealed pursuant to the procedures of this chapter regarding appeals.
Changes to Approved Plans
Any changes or revisions to approved plans shall be subject to approval by staff. Whenever staff determines that changes and alterations to plans approved by the Architectural and Preservation Commission are significant or could materially change the quality and character of the proposed project, such changes and alterations shall be referred to the Architectural and Preservation Commission for review.
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Staff Review and Notice of Development in All Districts
Prior to issuance of a building permit for a development proposal requiring staff review, staff shall review such proposal to determine compliance with the intent of this chapter and conformity with the standards of this title and other applicable ordinances, regulations and policies.
Staff shall require such plans and specifications it determines necessary for a complete review and understanding of the proposed development.
If the Director determines proposed development could have an adverse impact on existing development or result in development incompatible with the architectural character of development in the immediate area, notice of the development shall be mailed to owners of properties that could be affected. The notice shall state that staff is reviewing the development proposal. Such notices shall be sent not less than 10 days prior to any action taken on the proposed development by staff.
Additional notice may be required for projects subject to the requirements of Chapter 16.302, Cultural Resources Preservation.
Staff Conditions
Staff may apply any conditions on a development proposal that it determines necessary to ensure compliance with the required review criteria, the intent of this chapter, or conformity with any applicable ordinances and regulations.
Staff Referral
The Director may refer any development proposal that staff is authorized to review to the Architectural and Preservation Commission for architectural review.
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General Review Criteria
Conformity with Development Standards
The proposed development is in conformity with the development standards of this title and other applicable ordinances and regulations, except where deviations have been approved pursuant to other sections of this title.
General Plan Consistency
The proposed development is consistent with the goals and policies of the City's General Plan, and any adopted specific plans, approved master plans, and/or approved development plans.
Compatibility of Form with Surrounding Development
The design of the proposed development will not unduly interfere with or visually dominate the established development pattern of the surrounding area and is compatible with existing development in terms of scale, height, and massing.
Compatibility of Quality with Surrounding Development
The proposed development's exterior design and appearance including exterior materials, ornamentation and trim are of a quality and architectural character that is compatible with or an enhancement to the surrounding development.
Internal Consistency of Design
All building elevations of the proposed development are architecturally treated in a consistent manner, including the incorporation within the side and rear building elevations of some or all of the design elements used for the primary facades.
The proposed development is designed to respect the privacy of adjacent residential properties to the greatest extent possible.
Internal Circulation
The site plan and design of the proposed development provide for adequate and safe vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle circulation.
The proposed building and site development are energy and water efficient, meet applicable sustainability codes and guidelines adopted by the City, and will help the City achieve its sustainability targets.
Tree Preservation
The proposed development is designed to preserve and/or retain on-site significant mature trees to the greatest extent possible. Removal of significant trees shall be avoided, except where such trees have been determined to be of poor health or where retention is economically infeasible.
Light and Air
The proposed development will not unreasonably impinge on neighbors' existing access to light or use of prevailing winds for natural ventilation, or cast a shadow over an existing solar energy system (active or passive).
Cultural Resource Preservation
The proposed development is in conformity with the requirements of the Claremont Cultural Resources Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 16.302) and has satisfied or is in the process of satisfying all applicable requirements of that code.
Health and Safety
The visual effect of the development from view from the public streets will not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or welfare.
Additional Criteria for Development in CV District
New development and modifications to existing structures and sites in the CV District shall also be subject to the finding that the proposed project is in conformance with the Claremont Village Design Plan in addition to the criteria in subsection A of this section.
Additional Criteria for Sites Listed on Local Register in AV Districts
For sites in the AV Districts that are listed on the Claremont Register of Sites of Historic or Architectural Merit (Local Register), all modifications to structures and site shall be subject to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings and subject to the requirements of Chapter 16.302, Cultural Resources Preservation.
Development in RR Districts
New development and modifications in the RR Districts shall also be subject to the Rural Claremont Architectural and Landscape Standards.
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Any decision by staff or the Architectural and Preservation Commission, or any condition imposed by the staff or the Architectural and Preservation Commission, may be appealed in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 16.321, Appeals and Council Review. Filing of an appeal shall suspend the issuance of a building permit pursuant to the decision until action is taken on the appeal. Appeals of decisions subject to both this chapter and Chapter 16.302, Cultural Resources Preservation, shall be consolidated and heard at the same meeting.
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General Project Approval Timeframes
Any approval (excepting master architectural reviews) granted under the provisions of this chapter, including approvals granted pursuant to the Rural Claremont Landscape and Architectural Standards, shall be valid for two years. If necessary building permits have been issued and construction work is commenced on an approved development project prior to the expiration of the approval, the approval will remain valid provided construction continues at a commercially reasonable pace, in light of all relevant circumstances, as determined by the Director of Community Development.
Extension of Time
An extension of time beyond the two year time limit may be granted by the reviewing person or body who issued the original approval, upon written request from the applicant, when a finding can be made that the applicant could not avoid the delay.
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