means canary, parakeet, finch, pigeon, dove or other bird normally raised as a household pet.
means goldfish, tropical fish and other such fish customarily maintained in a household aquarium, except piranhas.
means chicken, duck, goose, turkey or other bird normally raised for meat or egg production.
"Large animal"
means horse, cow, sheep, goat, donkey or similar animal which is normally housed in a corral or stable.
"Reptiles and amphibians"
means snakes, salamanders, lizards, frogs, toads, turtles and tortoises, all nonpoisonous.
"Small animal"
means rabbit, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, white rat or similar animal that is normally raised as a pet and housed in a cage or pen.
"Wild or exotic animal"
means any animal which occurs naturally in the State of California or cannot be legally bought or sold in the State of California or requires special permitting by the California Department of Fish and Game or the United States Department of Agriculture.
(Prior code § 4.36; 98-03)
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to animals, fowl or birds under four months of age, or to pet or animal shops or stores or for training or research purposes at educational institutions or hospitals.
(Prior code § 4.38)
The keeping of large animals shall be permitted only on a lot with a minimum net area of twenty thousand square feet, with one animal allowed for the first twenty thousand square feet, and one for each additional fifteen thousand square feet up to a maximum of four animals.
Large animals shall be kept in a fenced corral area of at least five hundred seventy-six square feet for each animal. The corral and stable shall be located not less than fifty feet from all neighboring dwellings.
An overhead cover to screen direct sunlight, wind and rain shall be provided to serve all of the large animals which are maintained on the property; it shall be of such construction that it is waterproof and will not be damaged by wind or rain.
Any effects such as odors, dust, and flies which may be created from the keeping of such animals shall not be detectable from adjacent properties.
Animal stock shall not generate noise in a substantially continuous manner in the daytime or nighttime to the annoyance of people within the neighborhood. Such a disturbance may be declared a nuisance, which may be abated by the procedures provided in Chapter 6.12 of this Code.
The enclosure and barn areas shall be of an appropriate size and type to accommodate the type of animal, and shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner.
Not more than three fowl (except as noted in Section 6.20.090) shall be kept or maintained on any single-family residential property as defined in the zoning code of the City. There shall be no prescribed limit to the number of birds (except pigeons), fish, reptiles, amphibians or small animals permitted on any property, provided that such animals are not used for commercial purposes. Pigeons shall be limited to twenty-four on any single-family residential property except as may otherwise be allowed under Section 6.20.090.
(Prior code § 4.37; 87-10)
No large animals, fowl, pigeons, or doves may be maintained in any residence in the City other than in a single-family residence.
(Prior code § 4.39)
Under no circumstances shall any animal of the swine family be kept or maintained on any property in the City.
(Prior code § 4.40)
The provisions of Section 6.16.030 notwithstanding, under no circumstances shall any rooster be kept or maintained on any property in the City.
(Prior code § 4.41)
No person shall own or keep any animal that is dangerous or a menace to the public or an individual. Upon a finding by the court that such animal is dangerous or a menace, it is unlawful for any person to keep, or cause to be kept, such animal within the City. Any license or permit pertaining to such animal shall be revoked. Unless such animal is removed from the City within 24 hours after the court finds the animal to be dangerous or a menace, such animal shall be summarily destroyed by the sheltermaster in accordance with State law.
(Prior code § 4.42; 98-03)
Except as provided in Sections 6.20.030 and 6.20.090, no species of animals defined as wild or exotic shall be kept or maintained on any property within the City. This section is to be construed liberally in determining which animals fall within the prohibition.
(Prior code § 4.44; 98-03)
The sheltermaster may issue a yearly permit for wild or exotic animals provided the owner or custodian has all relevant permits from the California Department of Fish and Game and the United States Department of Agriculture. The application for permit shall have attached thereto:
A veterinarian certificate attesting to the health of each animal;
A list of the type and number of animals to be covered by the permit;
Purpose of keeping such animals, with particular emphasis on the knowledge of such person about the animals and experience of such person in handling the animals in question;
A detailed description of the quarters in which the animal will be kept;
Circumstances, if any, under which the animals will be removed from quarters;
Name and address of applicant and other person to be placed in charge of the animals;
Current California Fish and Game and United States Department of Agriculture Permits.
After review of all information available to him or her, including information on the permit application, the sheltermaster may issue a permit for the keeping of such animals. The animals must not in the opinion of the sheltermaster constitute a danger or nuisance to the general public.
The permit may be issued for a period of one year upon payment of a fifty dollar ($50.00) fee. Renewal permits need not be subject to the application procedures unless additional animals have been added or the purpose of the animal keeping has substantially changed since the permit was last issued.
(Prior code § 4.45; 98-03)
Where an animal is regulated by federal or state laws which require the payment of a permit fee or license fee, there shall be no permit fee required under the provisions of Section 6.20.090.
(Prior code § 4.46)
No person shall ride or drive or cause, permit, or allow any horse or any animal to be ridden or driven upon any sidewalk, paved portion of a street or any portion of the public right-of-way which has been landscaped with grass, flowers, or shrubbery, or in any public park, unless specifically provided for and so posted. This section shall not, however, prohibit a horse or other animal from being ridden or driven along the unpaved portion or unlandscaped portion of a public right-of-way or from being led across a street in a designated pedestrian's crosswalk; nor shall it be construed to prohibit a horse or other animal from being ridden or driven across a public right-of-way where an equestrian trail crosses that public right-of-way, nor from a stabling area directly to an area where riding is permitted. This section shall have no application to parades, animal shows, and other types of exhibitions when proper permits have been obtained from the City or on an established equestrian trail designated by the City Council.
(Prior code § 4.49)
No owner or keeper or person having custody or control of any dog, cat or other animal shall allow or permit such animal to commit a nuisance on any public property or any improved private property other than that of the owner or keeper or person who has accepted custody or control of such animal. It shall be the duty of all persons having control of an animal to curb it in order to carry out the intent of this section. Nuisance as used in this section shall include, but not be limited to, urination and defecation.
(Prior code § 4.43; 00-07)
It is declared to be a nuisance and it is unlawful for any person, either principal, agent or employee to keep or permit to be kept at or upon any premises owned or occupied by him or her in the City any animal enclosure in a foul, noxious, or filthy condition.
(Prior code § 4.47)
It is declared a nuisance and no person shall permit any animal, fowl, bird, reptile or amphibian to run or fly at large or to go upon the premises of any other person without the consent of the owner of that property. The sheltermaster may approve certain animals, fowl, or birds to be released for competitive or sporting purposes.
(Prior code § 4.48; 98-03)
The other provisions of this title notwithstanding, no person shall keep or permit to be kept any animal which constitutes a nuisance to either the neighborhood or the general public. Besides the nuisances specifically enumerated (Sections 6.12.180, 6.12.190, 6.12.290, 6.20.060, 6.20.110, 6.20.120 and 6.20.130), it shall be a nuisance for any person to maintain an animal in such condition so as to constitute a health hazard for either man or animal. Animals which create excessive noise, disruptive and disturbing to the neighborhood, or animals which constitute a clear threat, menace and danger to humans, shall be considered a nuisance.
(Prior code § 4.50)
Such animals as are kept and maintained prior to the adoption of this title which are not in conformance with the terms and provisions hereof and such animals as are kept and maintained on properties that are not now within the corporate limits of the City which are hereafter annexed to the City, if the keeping and maintenance of such animals is not in conformance with the terms and provisions of this title, the keeping and maintenance of such animals in the circumstances as heretofore mentioned shall be terminated on the first of the following events to occur:
Within one year from the adoption of this title for all properties that are within the corporate limits of the City and within one year after the annexation of these properties that are hereafter annexed to the City;
The failure to keep and maintain animals on any property as such nonconforming uses for any continuous period of six months;
Transfer of the animals from the specific site of such nonconforming use to any other site within the City;
Transfer of ownership of the property upon which the nonconforming use occurs;
Change of tenants upon the property upon which the nonconforming use occurs.
(Prior code § 4.51)
Because it has been determined that the willful feeding or providing food for coyotes (Canis latrans) endangers the health and safety of the Claremont Community, it shall be unlawful for any person to willfully feed or in any manner provide food for one or more coyotes.
This section is not applicable to the owner of a coyote that is kept under a valid certificate/permit issued by the State of California Department of Fish and Game.
This section is not applicable to anyone who provides food and water for a trapped, unweaned, or injured coyote during the time the agency in charge is notified and the animal has been picked up.
Every violation of this section shall be an infraction punishable by a fine of twenty-five dollars.
Procedures concerning the impoundment of livestock, fowl and other animals shall be the same as those for any animal as set forth in Chapter 6.08 of this Code.