Within the City, no person shall place, construct, erect, re-erect, alter, enlarge, repair, move, improve, remove, convert, or equip any sign or sign structure, or paint any new wall sign, or cause or permit any of the foregoing to be done contrary to or in violation of any of the provisions of this title. Any sign not expressly permitted by this title shall be prohibited.
Any sign which is being displayed or is being poorly maintained in violation of the provisions of this title, shall be taken down, removed, or altered so as to comply with this title. It shall be the responsibility of the owner, agent, or person having the beneficial use of the building or structure or land upon which such sign may be found to take down, remove, or alter the sign so as to comply with this title.
Permits Required
No sign shall be erected or placed within the City without the prior issuance of a sign permit unless such sign is specifically exempted in this title. Building and electrical permits may also be required. Sign permits shall be required for structural alterations to existing signs or changes in copy, color, or logos on existing signs. Sign permits are not required for minor maintenance or minor repairs to existing legally erected signs. Signs erected without a permit and not exempted in this title, shall be deemed illegal.
Permit Applications
Applications for sign permits or for approval of planned sign programs shall be made on forms provided by the Director of Community Development and shall be accompanied by plans and exhibits as required by the Director.
Application Screening
Within 30 days of receipt of a sign application, the Community Development Department shall inform the applicant as to the completeness of the submittal and of additional materials required, if any. Department staff shall also determine:
If the proposed sign(s) is to be reviewed by staff or by the Architectural Commission in accordance with the sign review responsibilities specified in this chapter.
Whether modifications to the sign, a sign adjustment, or a sign variance would be required for sign approval under the provisions of this title.
Review and Decision
Within 180 days of receipt of a complete sign application, the reviewing person or body shall determine if the proposed sign or planned sign program conforms to the provisions of this title and shall accordingly approve, approve subject to modifications and/or conditions, or deny the sign application.
Sign Removal
As a condition of issuance of any sign permit, the City may require written authorization for City personnel or the City's designated agents to enter the property to remove the sign upon City determination that the sign, after erection or alteration, does not conform to approved plans, to other permit conditions, or to the provisions of this title.
Signs Allowed In Lieu of Commercial Message
In each instance and under the same conditions to which this title permits any sign, a sign containing any ideological, political, or other non-commercial message shall be permitted in lieu of a commercial message, to the same physical dimensions and character as the permitted sign.
(08-05; 14-04)
Sign permit and related fees shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
The Architectural Commission and staff have authority under this title to approve signs. All signs require review and approval except those signs listed in this title as exempt from sign permit review. Signs not exempt from review shall be reviewed as provided in this section, except if otherwise specified or required as a condition of approval by the Architectural Commission or Planning Commission.
Staff Review Responsibilities
Staff shall generally review and approve all compliant building-mounted signs, freestanding directional signs, temporary signs, and all signs conforming to a sign program previously approved by the Architectural Commission. Staff shall also review and approve all compliant changes/replacements of sign faces that do not involve modifications to existing sign cabinets and/or supporting sign structures. The Director of Community Development may choose to refer any sign that would normally be subject to staff review and approval to the Architectural Commission for review and approval.
Architectural Commission Review Responsibilities
The Architectural Commission shall review and approve all compliant freestanding identification signs, proposed new sign programs, neighborhood identification signs, other signs not generally reviewed by staff, and any sign the Director has referred to the Architectural Commission for review and approval. The Architectural Commission shall also review and approve or deny requests for sign variances and sign adjustments pursuant to this title. All sign programs approved by the Architectural Commission shall be maintained in the City's Department of Community Development and made available to the public.
(12-01; 14-04)
In all sign applications, where a matter of interpretation arises, the more specific definition or more rigorous standard shall prevail. Whenever the Director determines that the application of any provision of this title is uncertain, the issue shall be referred to the Architectural Commission for determination.
If it is determined that a proposed sign does not conform to the provisions of this title, the applicant shall be notified of the options of appealing the determination, or of applying for a sign adjustment or a sign variance. Upon receiving an application for an appeal, sign adjustment or sign variance, staff shall inform the applicant as to the completeness of the submittal and of additional materials required, if any.
As an alternative to the standard sign regulations contained in this title, the applicant may submit a planned sign program pursuant to Section 18.025.120. Signs within a planned sign program may be permitted although not conforming to all of the requirements of this title. The use of planned sign programs may allow some flexibility in number and size and in the placement of signs. However, the total aggregate area of the signs permitted by the sign program shall not be greater than the total aggregate area of all signs otherwise permitted by this title.
Appeals and Call-Up Review
Any decision regarding signs made by City staff or the Architectural Commission may be appealed or called-up for review pursuant to Chapter 16.321 of Title 16, entitled Appeals and Council Review. When an appeal is filed or called-up for review, it shall suspend the effective date of the decision until action has been taken on the appeal or review.
Sign Adjustments
Sign adjustments may be approved by the Architectural Commission in those cases where the Commission determines that physical circumstances are such that, without such sign adjustment, adequate sign identification could not be effected or results would be created contrary to the intent of this title.
Sign adjustments may allow up to a 20 percent increase in the maximum size or height of signs permitted in this title.
Required Findings
The Architectural Commission may approve a sign adjustment only if it makes all of the following findings:
That there are special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location, or surroundings which cause the strict application of these sign regulations to deprive such property owner of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification.
That the adjustment authorized shall not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which such property is located.
That the adjustment does not authorize signing which is expressly prohibited in this title.
That the adjustment will not create a negative impact on other nearby properties.
Any proposed sign which does not conform to this title and is not eligible for consideration of a sign adjustment as provided hereinabove may be submitted to the Architectural Commission for consideration of a variance. Sign variances shall be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 16.309 of Title 16. In the case of sign variances, the Planning Commission's variance review responsibilities shall be delegated to the Architectural Commission.
(08-05; 11-04)
Signs which have been erected pursuant to a permit lawfully issued by the City prior to June 22, 1990, shall be treated as conforming signs. All such signs may be continued, maintained, and repaired so long as the sign is not expanded or structurally altered. A permit may be issued for any such sign destroyed by earthquake, fire or other misadventure if any application for a permit to re-erect the sign is made within 180 days of its destruction.
The following signs shall be considered illegal:
Unsafe Signs
An unsafe sign shall be a sign determined by the Director to be a danger to the public or which could create a potential hazard.
Abandoned Signs
An abandoned sign shall be a sign remaining in place or not maintained for a period of 90 days which no longer advertises or identifies an ongoing business, product, or service available on the premises where the sign is located.
Illegally Erected Signs
An illegal sign shall be a sign not permitted by this title or a sign otherwise permitted by this title but erected without first obtaining all approvals required by this title.
All illegal signs are hereby deemed to be nuisances.
No business on the same property where there is signing determined by the Director to be illegal shall be granted a permit for additional signing until illegal signing is removed, excepting when both the following apply:
The signing determined to be illegal is located at a different business location from that for which the permit for additional signing is sought even though they may be located in the same commercial complex.
The signing determined to be illegal is not owned or controlled by the permit applicant and the permit applicant is not the agent of the person who owns or controls the illegal sign(s).
Inventory of Illegal and Abandoned Signs
As often as may be desirable, but no less frequently than required by State law, the Director of Community Development shall authorize an identification and inventory of all illegal and abandoned signs within the City in accordance with the requirements of State law. The City may commence abatement of the identified illegal and abandoned signs within six months of performing all actions required by State law.
(08-05; 14-04)
It shall be the duty and authority of the Director of Community Development, the Director's designees, and the code enforcement officers of the Community Development Department to enforce the provisions of this title.
Legal Action
Every act prohibited or declared unlawful and every failure to perform an act made mandatory by this title shall be punishable as provided in Chapter 16.206 of Title 16.