Staff Review Procedure
If the Director determines that a staff reviewed sign does not conform to one or more of the general standards set forth in this chapter, the applicant shall be given the option of modifying the sign, applying for a sign adjustment or variance, or appealing the staff determination to the Architectural Commission.
Commission Review Procedure
If the Architectural Commission determines that a sign does not conform to one or more of the general standards set forth in this chapter, the Commission may approve the sign only if it also approves a sign adjustment or variance in accordance with Section 18.001.050 (Appeals, Adjustments, and Variances) and Chapter 16.309 of Title 16.
For the purposes of this title, sign size shall mean the area of a sign. Such area shall be more specifically defined as follows:
Basic Rule of Sign Size
Sign size or area shall be defined as the entire area of the sign face, including non-structural perimeter trim but excluding structures or uprights on which the sign is supported.
Window Signs
Window sign area shall be considered to be the aggregate area within a maximum of 3 rectangular figures which enclose and connect the extreme limits of up to three message areas consisting of any writing representation, emblem or any figure or similar character. Window sign area shall include area of window signs composed of individual letters painted on or otherwise affixed to a window and the entire area of any sign placed on or within 5 feet of any window and visible from off the subject building's site.
Building-Mounted and Wall Signs with Individual Letters
The area of building-mounted or wall signs composed of individual letters painted on or otherwise affixed to a building or wall shall be considered to be the aggregate area within a maximum of 3 rectangular figures which enclose and connect the extreme limits of up to 3 message areas consisting of any writing, representation, emblem, or any figure or similar character.
Wall Sign Panel
If a sign panel is inserted into a wall, the area of the panel shall be considered to be the sign area.
Double-Faced Signs
If a sign has sign faces which are placed back to back, no more than two feet from one another, its sign area shall be considered to be the area of one face if the two faces are of equal area or as the area of the larger face if the two faces are of unequal area. Thus, if the maximum permitted sign area is 20 square feet, a double-faced sign may have an area of 20 square feet on each face. If the sign faces are not placed back to back within two feet of one another, the sum of all sign faces shall be included in determining the area of the sign.
Three-Dimensional Signs
If a sign has 3 or more faces, its sign area shall be considered to be the sum of the areas of each individual face. Thus, if a sign has 4 faces and the maximum permitted sign area is 20 square feet, the maximum allowable area for each face is 5 square feet.
V-Shaped Signs
If a sign is "V"-shaped, with an angle between the 2 adjoining faces, its sign area shall be the sum of the areas of the two sign faces.
Separated-Panel Signs
The sign area of separated panel signs (i.e., those signs having empty spaces between copy panels), shall be considered to be the entire area encompassed by the sign face, including the empty spaces between panels.
For the purposes of this title, the height of signs shall be measured as follows:
Building-Mounted Signs
The height of a building-mounted sign shall be measured from the average finish grade directly beneath the sign.
Freestanding Signs
The height of a freestanding sign shall be measured from the top of curb of the nearest street or from the edge of pavement of such street where there is no curb. However, in cases where the Director determines that a freestanding sign is not oriented to any particular street or is too far from such a street to reasonably apply the foregoing standard, sign height shall be measured from the average finish grade at the base of the sign.
Signs on Walls
The height of a sign on a wall shall be measured from the top of the sign panel inserted into or placed on the wall and the top of the curb of the nearest street or the edge of pavement of such street where there is no curb. If there is no sign panel, the height of the sign shall be measured from the top of the sign letters. If the Director or the Architectural Commission determine that a freestanding sign is not oriented to any particular street or is too far from such a street to reasonably apply the foregoing standard, sign height shall be measured from the average finish grade at the base of the sign.
By District
Signs shall be located in accordance with the provisions set forth for each district in Chapter 18.015.
No Off-Premises Signs
All signs shall be located on the same premises as the land use or activity identified by the sign, unless specifically permitted to be off-premises in this title.
Utility Lines
No sign shall be located closer to overhead utility lines than the distance prescribed by California law or by the rules duly promulgated by agencies of the state or by the applicable public utility.
Traffic Safety
No sign shall be located in such a manner as to obstruct free and clear vision of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Public Right-of-Way
No sign shall be located within, over, or across a public right-of-way unless specifically permitted in this title.
Review Required
Final approval of a permit for any illuminated sign shall not become effective until after erection of the sign and evaluation and adjustment, if necessary, of the sign's level of illumination. Upon energizing the sign, the permittee shall notify the Director. Such notification shall begin a 30-day review period, during which time illumination levels shall be evaluated by City staff and the Architectural Commission.
Illumination Levels
The sign permittee shall be required to adjust a sign's illumination level if it is determined to be excessive as the result of the City's evaluation. Illumination shall be considered excessive if it is substantially greater than the illumination of other nearby signs, if it interferes with the visibility of other signs or with the perception of objects or buildings in the vicinity of the sign, if it directs glare toward streets or motorists, if it adversely impacts nearby residences or neighborhoods, or if the illumination reduces the nighttime readability of the sign. No permit for an illuminated sign shall become valid unless and until the sign's illumination level has been adjusted to the satisfaction of the Architectural Commission or the Commission's designated staff representative.
Externally Illuminated Signs
The light source for externally illuminated signs shall be arranged and shielded to substantially confine all direct light rays to the sign face and away from streets and adjacent properties. Externally illuminated signs shall be subject to illumination level review.
Every sign displayed within the City, including but not limited to those signs for which permits or for which no permits are required, shall be maintained in good physical condition. All signs, together with supports, braces, guys, anchors, and electrical components, shall be kept in safe, presentable and good structural condition. All defective or broken parts shall be replaced. Exposed surfaces shall be kept clean, in good repair, and painted where paint is required. The Director may order the repair or removal of any sign determined by the Director to be unsafe, defective, damaged, or substantially deteriorated.