Signs shall be permitted in the CP – Commercial Professional, CN – Commercial Neighborhood, CL – Commercial Limited, CH – Commercial Highway, CF – Commercial Freeway, CV – Claremont Village, MU – Mixed Use, and BP/I – Business Park/Industrial Districts as follows:
No sign shall be erected within commercial or industrial districts which does not comply with this chapter. The sign sizes, heights, and numbers in this chapter are maximums. The City may require smaller sizes, heights, and/or numbers of signs if it determines that such restrictions are required to ensure that an individual sign will harmonize with other nearby signs, with surrounding buildings and setbacks, with the sign's overall physical setting, and with the intent of this title.
Proposed signs which do not conform to the provisions of this chapter, or to the illumination, location, or other general standards of Chapter 18.005 are prohibited unless a variance or adjustment is approved by the Architectural Commission pursuant to Section 18.001.040 of this title and Chapter 16.309 of Title 16; however, the establishment of a planned sign program shall be an alternative to the standard sign regulations. Signs within such a planned sign program may be permitted although not conforming to all of the signs requirements for the applicable zoning district in order to achieve aesthetic compatibility of signs within a project and simple review process for individual signs, and to allow design creativity. The use of planned sign programs may allow some flexibility in number and size and in the placement of signs. However, the total aggregate area of the signs permitted by the sign program shall not be greater than the total aggregate area of all signs otherwise permitted.
If a building is part of a development for which a sign program has been approved pursuant to Section 18.025.120, all signs for the business occupying such building shall be in compliance with the approved sign program. A file of all approved sign programs shall be maintained in the City's Department of Community Development and made available to the public for their information.
All signs permitted within this chapter shall conform to the following:
All signs shall be on-premises unless otherwise specified.
Maximum sizes shall be as specified for each sign.
All building-mounted signs shall be placed below the eave line of a pitched or mansard roof, or below the top of wall of a building with a flat or parapet roof unless otherwise specified or unless specifically permitted as freestanding (with the maximum freestanding height as specified).
All building-mounted signs and sign faces other than under-canopy signs shall be painted on or shall be parallel to and flush against the surface on which they are placed.
The placement of all freestanding signs shall be as approved by the City.
Illuminated signs shall only be permitted in accordance with Chapter 18.005 (General Standards). In the CV and MU2 Districts, all building-mounted signs, if illuminated, shall be externally illuminated, except that major identification signs may be neon if approved by the Architectural Commission.
No sign, flag or pennant permitted by this chapter shall: (i) restrict pedestrian or automobile traffic; (ii) impair motorist visibility or otherwise create a traffic hazard; or (iii) impair the visibility of signs on or off the premises.
Sign Review
Signs permitted in this section shall be reviewed as follows:
Except for those signs listed in Chapter 18.015 as exempt from sign permit review, the following signs shall be reviewed by staff:
Temporary signs.
Signs conforming to a sign program previously approved by the Architectural Commission.
Freestanding, non-illuminated directional signs (e.g., parking lot entry signs) no greater than four square feet in area and four feet in height.
Non-illuminated building-mounted signs in the CV and MU2 Districts.
Illuminated and non-illuminated building-mounted signs in the CP, CN, CL, CH, CF, MU1, MU3, MU4, and BP/I Districts.
Non-illuminated window signs in the CV and MU2 Districts.
Illuminated and non-illuminated window signs in the CP, CN, CL, CH, CF, MU1, MU3, MU4, and BP/I Districts.
All other signs not exempt from sign permit review shall be reviewed by the Architectural Commission. In addition, the Director may refer any sign application, including those normally reviewed by staff as set forth hereinabove, to the Commission if the Director determines that, due to unusual circumstances relating to sign location, colors, or design, Architectural Commission review is required in order to ensure consistency with the intent of this title.
All planned sign programs shall be reviewed by the Architectural Commission regardless of sign sizes.
As stated in the Claremont Village Design Plan, " is charmed by the pedestrian scale, storefront design, and the fact that [the village] is such a good walking place." Consistent with this pedestrian character and the goals and policies of both the Village Design Plan and the General Plan, the permitted sign numbers and sizes set forth in this section for the CV District are less than those for other commercial districts in the City.
The following signs, not specifically listed in this section, are permitted in commercial and industrial districts in accordance with the following:
Signs Allowed in All Districts without Sign Permits – Chapter 18.015.
Real Estate and Construction Signs – Section 18.035.020.
Signs for Churches and Other Institutions – Section 18.035.030.
Signs for Service Stations – Section 18.035.040.
Signs for Theaters – Section 18.035.050.
Signs Within the Public Right-of-Way – Section 18.035.070.
Signs for Recycling Collection Facilities – Section 16.306.010 of Title 16.
The following building-mounted signs are permitted in commercial and industrial districts if a sign permit is approved:
Building-Mounted Major Identification Signs
Maximum Number
In CP, CN, CL, CH, CF, CV, MU, and BP/I Districts – one per business or other use, except that businesses having two building frontages facing streets shall be permitted two major identification signs.
Maximum Size
In CP, CN, CL, and MU1 Districts – one square foot per each lineal foot of building frontage of a business up to a maximum of 32 square feet, except all businesses shall be permitted a 20 square feet sign.
In CH, CF, MU3, MU4, and BP/I Districts – one square foot per each linear foot of building front-age up to a maximum of 50 square feet, except that all businesses shall be permitted a 20 square feet sign.
In CV and MU2 Districts – 12 square feet plus one square foot per each lineal foot of building frontage over 20 feet, up to a maximum of 32 square feet.
Maximum Length
No more than 75% of building frontage.
Building-Mounted Secondary Identification Signs
One secondary identification sign, maximum of 12 square feet in area, shall be permitted for each building exposure which faces a street or parking area and on which there is no major identification sign.
Under-Canopy or Other Pedestrian-Oriented Signs
One under-canopy or other pedestrian-oriented sign, maximum area of three square feet, shall be permitted per business or other use. However, two pedestrian-oriented signs shall be permitted if such signs are located on the two end sides of an awning or if the business has two building frontages facing a street where pedestrian entrances are located.
The minimum height for an under-canopy sign is eight feet above walkway.
Under-canopy signs are permitted over a public right-of-way if an encroachment permit is issued.
Window Signs
Window signs are permitted and are regulated separately per Section 18.025.060.
Automatic Teller Machine Signs
Automatic teller machine signs shall be permitted in addition to any informational signing required for automatic teller machines. Automatic teller machine signs shall be limited to a maximum of two square feet and two signs per host business. Automatic teller machine signs shall be building-mounted and may be illuminated.
Building Identification Signs on Buildings with Three Floors
No sign shall be permitted above the second floor of any building, except that in lieu of signing on the second and third floors, one sign per building frontage located as near the top of the building identifying the name of the building may be approved. The maximum size of the building identification sign shall be one square foot per linear foot of building frontage, up to a maximum of 50 square feet in the CH, CF, MU3, MU4, and BP/I Districts, and a maximum of 32 square feet in the CP, CN, CL, CV, MU1, and MU2 Districts.
Building-Mounted Freeway-Oriented Signs (CF District Only)
Building-mounted freeway-oriented signs shall be permitted in the CF Commercial Freeway District in addition to the non-freeway-oriented identification and accessory signs specified in the above subsections if a sign permit is approved.
One building-mounted freeway-oriented sign shall be permitted per business.
The maximum size of building-mounted freeway-oriented signs shall be one square foot per lineal foot of freeway building frontage, up to a maximum of 80 square feet.
The following freestanding signs may be permitted in commercial and industrial districts subject to approval and issuance of a sign permit pursuant to this title:
Freestanding Identification Signs for Individual Businesses
Individual businesses may be permitted non-freeway-oriented, freestanding identification signs, provided the businesses are located on a separate parcel and which do not share driveway access and parking with one or more adjacent businesses and are not located within a commercial center or complex. Such freestanding identification signs may be permitted as follows:
In addition to building mounted sign(s), if the building is set back from the street or obscured from the street view by structures or vegetation such that building-mounted signs alone cannot provide adequate identification, or if building-mounted signs are such that the signs are not clearly visible to motorists on adjacent streets, or
In lieu of building mounted sign(s) when the architectural style, materials, or other design elements of the development are such that a building-mounted sign is not feasible, would detract from the building's appearance, or would conflict with the General Plan or with the intent of this title.
Maximum Number
In the CP, CN, CL, CH, CF, CV, MU, and BP/I Districts only one freestanding identification sign shall be permitted per street frontage of business.
Maximum size of freestanding identification signs shall be as follows:
In CP, CN, CL, MU1, and MU2 Districts – one-half square foot per 1,000 square foot of site area up to a maximum of 32 square feet per street frontage.
In CH, CF, MU3, MU4, and BP/I Districts – one-half square foot per 1,000 square foot of site area up to a maximum of 50 square feet per street frontage.
In CV District – one-half square foot per 1,000 square foot of site area, up to a maximum of 20 square feet per street frontage.
Maximum height of freestanding signs shall be:
In CP, CN, CL, MU1, and MU2 Districts – five feet.
in CH, CF, MU3, MU4, and BP/I Districts – six feet.
In CV District – five feet.
Shared Freestanding Multi-Tenant Monument Signs
For two or more businesses which are located on the same parcel, and/or which share parking or driveway access from a public street, and/or which are otherwise contained in a single development complex, non-freeway oriented, freestanding multi-tenant monument signs may be permitted provided multi-tenant signs are part of an approved planned sign program for the complex and/or signs comply with the Multi-Tenant Retail Center Sign Enhancement Program, adopted by separate resolution of the City Council.
Freestanding multi-tenant monument signs are required to include the names of more than one tenant and are encouraged to include the name of the development complex in addition to the names of tenants. Such signs are not required to identify every tenant.
Businesses with centers or complexes with a freestanding multi-tenant monument sign shall not be granted a permit for individual freestanding major identification signs.
One shared multi-tenant monument sign may be permitted per non-freeway street frontage of the center/complex, and one additional multi-tenant monument sign may be permitted for every additional 500 feet of frontage, or a portion thereof, which exceed 500 feet. Excepting, flexibility may be given in the number of signs permitted per frontage if approved as part of a sign program that includes unique design characteristics, and a creative approach to multiple tenant identification.
The maximum aggregate area of all freestanding center identification signs shall be determined based on the size of the center or complex. The maximum aggregate sign area shall be the sum of the following:
Sign Area per 1,000 Sq. Ft. of Property
Land Area of Center/Complex
2.5 sq. ft.
For first 40,000 sq. ft. of center
2.0 sq. ft.
For portion of center exceeding 40,000 sq. ft. up to a maximum of 80,000 sq. ft.
1.0 sq. ft.
Portion of property larger than 80,000 sq. ft.
Excepting that all centers and complexes shall be allowed at least the following signs:
In the CP, CN, CL, MU1, and MU2 Districts – one 32 square foot sign per street frontage.
In the CH, CF, MU3, MU4 and BP/I Districts – one 50 square foot sign per street frontage.
In the CV District – one 20 square foot sign per street frontage.
Multi-tenant monument signs shall be mounted at grade level or be part of a wall or sign assembly, the bottom of which is in contact with the ground. Non-freeway-oriented, multi-tenant signs shall not be mounted or elevated on poles.
Multi-tenant signs in sign programs are subject to the provisions of Section 18.025.120, which allows for design creativity and flexibility in number and size and placement of signs.
Center Identification Signs
A center identification sign identifies the name of the center and does not contain the names of tenants within the development. Center identification signs may be permitted as follows:
In the CP, CN, CL, CH, CF, MU1, MU2, MU3, MU4, and BP/I Districts, centers or complexes containing two or more businesses are permitted non-freeway freestanding center identification sign(s) in addition to multi-tenant monument signs.
In the CV District freestanding center identification signs are prohibited unless the Architectural Commission makes one of the following findings regarding the need for a freestanding center identification sign:
A freestanding sign is the only feasible means of identifying the center or complex; or
The building or buildings are set back from the street or obscured from street view by structures or vegetation such that building-mounted signs cannot provide adequate identification for the center; or
The architectural style, materials, or other design elements are such that a building-mounted sign is not feasible, would detract from the building's appearance, or would conflict with the General Plan or with the intent of this title.
Center identification signs are subject to the following standards:
Only one center identification sign may be permitted per street frontage of the center or complex.
The freestanding center identification signs shall be included in calculating the aggregate sign area of a center's freestanding identification signs, and together with any other freestanding signs in the center, shall be subject to the maximum aggregate sign area permitted for free-standing center signs as specified in subsection B of this section.
Freestanding Identification Signs in Planned Sign Programs
Freestanding identification signs included in a planned sign program approved pursuant to Section 18.025.120 shall be permitted, although not conforming to all requirements of this title, as specified in Section 18.025.120.
Freestanding Directional Signs
Parking lot or other directional signs, denoting "entry," "exit," etc., shall be permitted as needed per City determination subject to Section 18.025.110.
Freestanding Freeway-Oriented Signs (CF District Only)
Freestanding freeway-oriented identification signs may be permitted in the CF District in addition to the non-freeway-oriented identification signs specified in the above sections. Consistent with the intent of this title and with the General Plan, the City desires to limit the number of freeway-oriented sign structures. In addition, freeway-oriented signing is viewed from a distance at high traveling speeds and is more effective if grouped together. Therefore, freestanding freeway-oriented signed shall meet the following requirements:
Freestanding freeway-oriented signs shall be located on a parcel of three acres or more, or within a center or development complex or group of parcels totaling three acres or more.
Only one freestanding freeway-oriented sign shall be permitted for businesses which are located on the same parcel, or which share parking or access from a public street, or which are otherwise grouped together within a development complex.
After June 22, 1990, all new freestanding freeway-oriented signs shall be required to identify more than one business in accordance with a multi-business sign program approved by the Architectural Commission. However, the Architectural Commission may approve a freestanding freeway-oriented sign identifying only one business if the Architectural Commission determines that a multibusiness sign program is infeasible in spite of a good-faith effort by the sign applicant to create such a program. In its review of a freestanding sign identifying only one business, the Commission may require the submission of documentary evidence of an attempt to create such a multi-business sign program. As part of the program to limit freestanding signs, freestanding signs identifying only businesses in the CF District are permitted to be off-premises if so approved by the Architectural Commission.
Commercial freestanding freeway-oriented identification signs shall first list the name, if any, of the shopping center, auto mall, or other type of development sharing the sign structure. In addition, if approved by the Architectural Commission, such development identification signs may also contain the names of tenants within developments.
Freestanding freeway-oriented identification signs shall be a maximum of one square foot per each linear foot of freeway lot frontage, up to a maximum of 300 square feet per sign structure.
Freestanding freeway-oriented identification signs shall have a maximum height of 45 feet as measured from the adjacent freeway grade.
Freestanding Freeway-Oriented Identification Signs for Large Development Complexes (CF – Commercial Freeway District Only)
For development complexes of 10 acres or more, which also have freeway frontage of 500 feet or more, the Architectural Commission may approve a freestanding freeway-oriented identification sign that is larger than what is otherwise permitted by this title, that includes an electronic message center display or that otherwise meets the unique needs of large freeway development. Creativity, artistry and innovation in the design and materials of such sign are encouraged. Before approving a sign permit for a large development complex identification sign, the Commission shall make the following findings:
The large development complex identification sign is necessary to provide adequate identification for the use(s) conducted in the development complex the sign will serve; and
The large development complex identification sign at the proposed location will not be detrimental to adjacent properties or uses; and
The large development complex identification sign, as compared to signs otherwise permitted under this title, at the proposed location will relate properly with adjacent streets and high-ways and will not constitute a potential safety hazard to motorists; and
The large development complex identification sign will be compatible with the architectural design and details of the development complex the sign will serve and with other surrounding development; and
The quality and design of the large development complex identification sign will be consistent with the Intent of this title and the general objectives and design criteria of Chapter 18.000.
Standards and Revisions
Only one large development complex identification sign shall be permitted for businesses which are located on the same parcel, or which share parking or access from a public street, or which are otherwise located within a single development complex.
No sign containing an electronic message center display permitted pursuant to this chapter shall include any illumination which is in motion, or appears to be in motion, or changes in intensity, nor shall the display expose messages for less than four seconds or have intervals between messages of less than one second.
Signs permitted pursuant to this chapter shall advertise only the businesses conducted, services rendered, or goods produced or sold within the development complex which the identification signs is intended to serve. Public service information, including, but not limited to, the time, date, temperature, weather, and similar information shall be permitted.
No sign permitted by this chapter may be placed in violation of Section 5408 of the Business and Professions Code and Section 131 of Title 23 of the United States Code.
Large development complex identification signs shall have a maximum height of 50 feet.
A sign permitted pursuant to this chapter shall be required to be part of a planned sign program for the development complex where the sign will be located. Such sign program shall be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Commission pursuant to Section 18.025.120. If a development complex already has an existing sign program approved by the Architectural Commission, the sign program shall be amended to include the identification sign permitted by this chapter. In approving a new sign program, or an amendment to an existing sign program, the Architectural Commission may impose any conditions or restrictions that the Commission may determine are appropriate on other signs in the development complex in addition to the identification sign permitted by this chapter.
(10-04; 14-04; 20-05)
Window signs shall be considered building-mounted signs but shall be regulated separately from other such signs pursuant to this section. All interior signs within five feet of any window and legible from off the subject building's site shall be considered window signs. The following window signs are permitted:
Identification Window Signs
Maximum Number
Identification signs are permitted to be window signs if a sign permit is approved. One identification window sign shall be permitted per building frontage, provided there is no other building-mounted or freestanding major identification sign on the same frontage.
Size Standards
Standards shall be the same as those for other building-mounted identification signs in the applicable district as specified in this chapter. The area allowed for major or secondary identification signs shall be in addition to that of accessory window signing permitted by Section 18.025.060.B but shall not be in addition to other building-mounted identification signing.
In CP, CN, CL, CH, CF, MU1, MU3, MU4, and BP/I Districts, major identification window signs may have neon or other internal illumination if approved.
In CV and MU2 Districts, major identification signs may have neon if approved by the Architectural Commission.
All illuminated signs shall be subject to 30-day review pursuant to Section 18.005.050.
In CP, CN, CL, CH, CF, MU1, MU3, MU4, and BP/I Districts, illuminated and non-illuminated major identification window signs shall be reviewed by City staff.
In CV and MU2 Districts, non-illuminated major identification window signs shall be reviewed by staff and illuminated major identification window signs shall be reviewed by the Architectural Commission.
Accessory Signs
Maximum Number
There is no limit on the number of window signs other than major identification window signs, provided such signing conforms to the other limitations of this section.
Maximum Size
The total area of all accessory window signs for a business/lease space shall not exceed 25 percent of the exterior window area of the business/lease space, or six square feet, whichever is greater. The area of window signs shall be calculated as the aggregate area within three rectangular figures, which enclose and connect the extreme limits of up to three message areas consisting of any writing, representation, emblem or any figure or similar character.
Accessory window signs may have external illumination only.
Accessory window signs meeting the above limitations shall be exempt from sign permit requirements.
Holiday Window Painting
Holiday window painting, such as for Christmas and Halloween, shall be permitted and shall be exempt from the window sign limitations of this chapter. However, such painting shall contain no reference to named goods or services. In addition, all such decorations shall be removed within 10 days after the applicable holiday.
"OPEN" or "CLOSED" Window Signs
Window signs indicating that an establishment is "OPEN" or "CLOSED" for business, maximum of four square feet in area, and no more than one sign per business shall be permitted. Such signs are exempt from sign permit requirements. They shall not be considered accessory window signs and shall not be included in accessory window sign area calculations.
In the CVO District, such signs may not be illuminated.
In commercial and industrial districts other than the CVO District, such signs may be illuminated, provided the signs are neon signs with the translucent tubing limited to the letters O-P-E-N and a border.
(08-05; 10-04)
The display of decorative, non-metallic balloons, maximum one foot diameter each, and of unlimited number, is permitted for automobile sales uses located in the CF District, and is exempt from sign permit requirements.
Small Flags, Banners, Pennants and Windsocks
Non-commercial flags, banners, pennants and windsocks conforming to Chapter 18.001 are permitted and are exempt from sign permit requirements.
Large Flags
Non-commercial flags which are larger in size, or displayed higher than allowed in Chapter 18.015 are permitted, illuminated or not, provided:
Such flags do not exceed 32 square feet in area; and
Such flags do not extend above the top of the building where mounted or freestanding flag-poles do not exceed 30 feet; and
There are no more than two flags displayed and no more than one freestanding flagpole per business; and
A sign permit is approved by the Director of Community Development.
Non-commercial flags larger in size and flags on higher freestanding poles than specified above may be approved by the Director of Community Development if the Director determines the flags and flagpole will be compatible with the architecture and use of surrounding structures.
The display of more than two non-commercial flags per business shall require the approval of a planned sign program pursuant to Section 18.025.120 by the Architectural Commission.
Pennants and Windsocks
Noncommercial decorative pennants and windsocks, larger in size than allowed in Chapter 18.015, or freestanding, are permitted, illuminated or not, provided:
Such display items do not exceed 32 square feet in area; and
Such flags do not extend above the top of the building where mounted or freestanding flag-poles do not exceed the roof of the nearest building; and
There are no more than two display items (e.g., two pennants, one pennant and one windsock, etc.) per business; and
A sign permit is approved by the Director of Community Development.
No flag, pennant, or windsock permitted in this section shall: (1) restrict pedestrian or automobile traffic; (2) impair motorist visibility or otherwise create a traffic hazard; (3) impair the visibility of signs on or off the premises.
(08-05; 14-04)
The following temporary building-mounted signs are permitted if approved by City staff and sign permits are issued for the signs:
New Business/Ownership Building-Mounted Banners/Signs
New businesses and/or existing businesses that have a change of ownership and/or management are allowed temporary building-mounted banners/signs subject to the following:
Signs may be approved for an initial period of no more than 30 days; however, after the initial 30 days, City staff may grant an extension for an additional 30 days.
No more than one temporary sign shall be installed per street frontage.
Signs shall not exceed 32 square feet in size, except in the CV District signs shall be limited to 12 square feet.
Temporary Advertising Signs for Special Events or Activities
Businesses may be allowed temporary A-frame signs or banners to advertise limited-time specials, sale events or special business activities subject to the following:
A business may not display other types of temporary signs or banners concurrently with temporary advertising signs permitted by this subsection.
No more than one temporary advertising sign is allowed per street frontage or building entrance. A business may not have both a banner and an A-frame on the same street frontage or building entrance.
First floor tenants in the CV District are permitted A-frame signs only. In the CV District, temporary banners are allowed only for second floor tenants, or for new businesses and/or for changes in ownership/management as specified in subsection A.1 of this section.
Banners are limited to 12 square feet in size.
A-frame signs are limited to 12 square feet in size and may not exceed four feet in height. In the CV District A-frame signs are limited to eight square feet in size and may not exceed three feet in height. A-frame signs may be displayed during business hours only.
A business may display a temporary advertising banner or A-frame sign for a maximum of 60 calendar days per year. The 60 days may be consecutive or spread throughout the calendar year.
All temporary signs shall be subject to the following:
Signs shall be made of durable, weather-resistant materials, have a professional looking appearance, and be continually maintained in good condition.
Temporary signs may not include lighting.
Signs shall be placed so as not to interfere with pedestrian and vehicular traffic or handicapped accessibility. It is encouraged that signs be placed adjacent to the building. Signs may not be located in the public right-of-way, unless the City Engineer approves the placement of the sign in the right-of-way and issues and encroachment permit.
Building-mounted on-premises directory signs for business complexes identifying occupants within the complex, are permitted and are exempt from sign permit requirements in accordance with Section 18.015.040.L.
In addition to the above exempt signs, freestanding directory signs may be permitted provided a sign permit is approved by the Architectural Commission and the following standards are met:
Maximum of four square feet in area per sign.
Sign shall be pedestrian-oriented.
Maximum of six feet in height.
One such sign may be permitted at each public entrance to the building or complex if so approved by the Commission.
On-premises parking lot or other direction signs, denoting "entry," "exit," etc., maximum of four square feet in size and four feet in height, are permitted as determined necessary by the Director of Community Development. Signs shall be reviewed pursuant to Chapter 18.001. Directional signs shall direct motorists or pedestrians to parking or building entries or provide similar directional information and shall not contain commercial copy. In the CV (Claremont Village) and MU2 Districts, freestanding directional signs shall not be permitted unless the Director of Community Development determines building-mounted directional signs are not feasible.
Submission of a planned sign program for a building, business park, shopping center, or other development within a commercial or industrial district may be required by the City in conjunction with review of a new development or with review of any proposed new sign within an existing development. In addition, planned sign programs may be voluntarily submitted for review to the City by the owner of an existing development. All signs for developments for which a sign program has been approved shall be in compliance with such sign program.
The establishment of a planned sign program in accordance with this section shall be an alternative to the standard sign regulations contained in this title. Signs within such a planned sign program may be permitted although not conforming to all of the requirements of this title for the applicable zoning district in order to achieve aesthetic compatibility of signs within a project, and simple review process for individual signs, and to allow design creativity. The use of planned sign programs may allow some flexibility in number and size and in the placement of signs. However, the total aggregate area of the signs permitted by the sign program shall not be greater than the total aggregate area of all signs otherwise permitted by this title.
Planned sign programs shall conform to all of the following standards:
Any building, business park, shopping center or other contiguous group of businesses is eligible for consideration of a planned sign program.
Minimum Project Size
No minimum frontage or site size requirements.
Design Elements
Signs within the sign program shall have one or more common design elements, such as colors, materials, illumination, sign type, sign shape, letter size and letter type.
Building Context
The sign program shall specify signs in harmony with the materials, colors, architecture, and other design features of the buildings they identify.
Planned sign programs shall be reviewed by the Architectural Commission in accordance with Chapter 18.001. Signs within a previously approved planned sign program shall be reviewed by staff.
Sign Program Findings
The Architectural Commission shall approve a planned sign program only upon finding that:
It is consistent with the intent of these sign regulations as set forth in Chapter 18.000.
It meets the sign design criteria of Section 18.000.010.B.
It meets the design standards of Section 18.025.120.B.
It will not permit signs which adversely affect other nearby properties.
It is consistent with the General Plan.
It will not constitute a grant of special privilege nor provide more visibility or exposure than is available to similarly situated properties.
Signs Not Addressed in Development's Approved Planned Sign Program
A proposed sign not specified in a development's approved sign program may be permitted if:
The director or Architectural Commission determines that the approved planned sign program does not address the type of sign proposed.
The proposed sign is in compliance with the restrictions and standards for signs in the district in which the development is located.
The proposed sign is consistent with the intent of the approved sign program and this title.
Amendments to Planned Sign Programs
Amendments to a planned sign program for an existing development may be required by the City in conjunction with review of any proposed new construction or new signs in the development. Amendments may also be voluntarily submitted for review by the owner of the development. Following the submittal of an application to amend a sign program, the Director of Community Development shall determine if the amendment constitutes a substantial change to the existing sign program. If the proposed amendment is determined to be substantial, then the Director shall forward the application to the Architectural Commission for consideration. If the proposed amendment is determined to not be substantial, then the Director may approve or deny the application. Amendments to planned sign programs shall be reviewed pursuant to Chapter 18.001 and shall only be approved if the findings in Section 18.025.120 can be made. In approving an amendment to a planned sign program, the Architectural Commission or Director may place conditions or restrictions on any signs within the development in addition to the new signs.
(08-05; 14-04)
The City shall determine sign standards for land uses other than those listed in this section by applying the standards for similar uses from the most applicable chapter of this title.
The sign standards for land uses in the VESP area shall be the sign standards that are applicable to similar uses in the CV District, except that retail businesses located in the CMX district and occupying more than 3,500 gross square feet in first floor area may be permitted to have building-mounted primary identification signs with signs up to 50 square feet in area and building-mounted secondary identification signs up to 32 square feet in area.
Sign programs that are approved by the Architectural Commission for developments in the VESP area may permit the following types of signs in the VESP area:
Building-mounted, major identification signs mounted perpendicular to the building façade, if they relate to the architectural design of the building.
Freestanding, major identification signs extending into the public right-of-way, if necessary, to provide identification to one or more businesses that lack adequate visibility from the street. The approval of the City Engineer shall be required for signs extending into the public right-of-way.
Exposed neon major identification signs, if tastefully designed and reflective of the style of the building and the type of business.
Shared freestanding, major identification signs for uses within a single development complex where businesses within the complex lack adequate visibility from the street; such shared signs may list more than three tenants.