It is unlawful for any person to permit the sidewalk, curb or space between the sidewalk and curb in front of the premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or her, or any part thereof, to become overgrown with grass or weeds, or covered with rubbish, garbage or other waste matter, and all such growth of grass or weeds and deposits of rubbish, garbage and other waste matter are declared to be public nuisances.
(Prior code § 11.33)
The superintendent of streets shall, in writing, notify all persons violating this chapter to remove, within ten days after notice given as provided in this chapter, all weeds, grass, obstructions or deposits made or suffered by such persons in violation of this chapter. Such notice shall be given by person service on the occupant of such premises where there is one, or in cases where there is no occupant, by personal service upon any owner or person having control thereof residing in the City and known to the superintendent of streets. In cases where a known owner or controller of such premises resides outside the City, the notice shall also be given by mailing a copy thereof to such person and in all cases where there is no occupant or owner of such property known to the superintendent of streets, the notice shall be given by posting for at least ten days a copy thereof in a conspicuous place on the premises. The superintendent of streets shall, after giving such notice as aforesaid, at the expiration of the time fixed by the notice, remove any and all weeds, grass, obstructions and deposits prohibited by this chapter and specified in such notice from the lot or parcel of land, sidewalk, street, alley or other public place where any such person may have deposited or suffered the same to exist, and deposit the same in any suitable and proper place that has been or may be provided for the reception of City refuse of garbage. The reasonable value of the service of the superintendent of streets in preparing and serving notices as aforesaid and removing the weeds, grass, obstructions or deposits and costs of any suit shall be a recoverable charge against the owner of the premises on which or in front of which the weeds, grass, obstructions or deposits existed, and shall also be a lien on the premises, and shall be recovered by action in the name of the City either against such person or against such property. In such action the sum of twenty-five dollars shall be recovered as costs by the City, for attorney's fees in the action. In case such property is sold either under execution in a personal action or in a suit to foreclose such lien, enough of the proceeds shall be paid into the City treasury to satisfy the lien and costs, and the overplus, if any is paid to the owner of the premises and if he or she is not known, then into the City treasury for the use of such owner when ascertained.
(Prior code § 11.34)