It is unlawful for any person, municipality or district to interfere with, destroy or use in any manner whatsoever any levee, embankment, channel, dam, reservoir, rain or steam gauges, telephone line, piling, fence or other stream protection works constructed by or on behalf of any public agency without a written permit therefor from City Council, which permit shall be revocable whenever in the opinion of the City Council the public interest and welfare require the revocation thereof. No permit to use any flood control protection work or rights-of-way owned or constructed by the County Flood Control District shall be effective unless a written permit to do so has also been obtained from the Board of Supervisors of the district.
(Prior code § 14.6)
It is unlawful for any person, municipality or district to place or cause to be placed in the channel or bed of any river, stream, wash or arroyo or upon any property over which the County Flood Control District has an easement for flood control purposes duly recorded in the office of the County Recorder, any wires, fence, building or other structure, or any refuse, rubbish, tin cans or other matter that may impede, retard or change the direction of the flow of water in such river, stream, wash or arroyo, or that will catch or collect debris carried by such water, or that is placed where the natural flow of the storm and flood waters would carry the same downstream to the damage and detriment of either private or public property adjacent to the river, stream, wash, arroyo or channel.
(Prior code § 14.7)