This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "College Township Official Map Ordinance."
This chapter is enacted and ordained under the grant of powers by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, Act of 1968, P.L. 805, No. 247, as reenacted and amended.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 P.S. § 10101 et seq.
This chapter is enacted for the purpose of serving and promoting the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare; to facilitate adequate provision of public streets and facilities; to improve traffic circulation; to provide for the recreational and open space needs of the community; to protect and enhance water resources; to facilitate the subdivision of land and the use of land and watercourses; and to provide, protect, and/or promote natural areas/nature preserves.
Should any section or provision of this chapter be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of any other section or provision of the chapter than the one so declared.