No person shall board or alight from any vehicle while such vehicle is in motion.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(1), 1977)
No person shall ride on any vehicle upon any portion thereof not designed or intended for the use of passengers. This provision shall not apply to an employee engaged in the necessary discharge of a duty, or to a person or persons riding within truck bodies in space intended for merchandise.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(2), 1977)
Except as provided by this title or any other ordinance of the City, no person shall place, park, deposit, or leave upon any street or other public way, sidewalk, or curb any article or thing or material which in any way prevents, interrupts, or obstructs the free passage of pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or obstructs a driver's view of traffic or official traffic signs and signals. No person shall blockade or cause to be blockaded in any manner any street, sidewalk, or public way, except that a special permit may be obtained from the City Manager or designated appointee when the blockage is determined to be temporary, for a lawful purpose, and will not lead to a breach of peace.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(3), 1977)
No person shall operate a motor vehicle equipped with an apparatus which ignites exhaust fluids or fumes created by the motor vehicle.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(4), 1977)
The driver of a vehicle shall not drive upon or within any sidewalk or parkway area except to cross at a permanent driveway, or other clearly defined access to private areas.
Any person who damages or causes to be damaged any public improvement within the street by driving a vehicle upon or within any sidewalk or parkway area shall be liable for such damage.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(5,6), 1977)
No person shall operate a motor vehicle in the City in such manner as to create or cause excessive noise. Excessive noise may include but is not limited to noise created by tires, mufflers, radios, or other equipment.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(7), 1977)
No person shall ride rollerskates, skateboards, inline skates or any other human-powered device upon a sidewalk within any commercial or industrial zones, as shown on the map below, unless the area is designed as a bike path, as defined in MMC 19.201. Use of the above devices is allowed in residential zones, except where prohibited.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(8), 1977; Ord. 1846 § 1, 1998; Ord. 2195 § 1, 2020)
It is unlawful for any person to carry a dog upon a public street or highway upon the hood, fender, running board, or other external part of any vehicle or truck unless the same shall be protected by framework, carrier, or other device sufficient to keep such animal from falling from the vehicle; provided further, that it is unlawful at any time for any person to carry any person upon a public street or highway upon the hood, fender, running board, or other external part of any motor vehicle.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(13), 1977)
The driver of a motor vehicle upon any street or highway shall not coast with the gears of such vehicle in neutral, nor shall the driver of a motor truck coast with the clutch of such vehicle disengaged.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(14), 1977)
It is unlawful for the driver of any vehicle other than one on official business to follow any fire apparatus traveling in response to a fire alarm closer than 500 feet or to drive into or park any vehicle within the block where fire apparatus has stopped in answer to a fire alarm, or within three blocks of a point where a fire is in progress unless otherwise directed by a Police or Fire Officer.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(15), 1977)
No vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of the Bureau of Fire when laid down on any street, private driveway, or streetcar track, to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the Chief Officer of the Bureau of Fire in command.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(16), 1977)
No person shall throw, deposit or leave any glass bottles, glass, nails, tacks, hoops, wire, cans, or any other substance likely to injure any person, animal or vehicle upon any road, street, or highway of the City.
(Ord. 1360 § 8(17), 1977)