All signs erected after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, other than exempt signs, shall require a sign permit. All applications for sign permits shall be submitted to, and in such form as may be required by, the City Manager or duly authorized representative.
(Ord. 1733 § 1(1) (Exh. A), 1993)
A fee as established by resolution of the City Council shall be paid to the City of Milwaukie upon the filing of an application. Such fees shall not be refundable.
(Ord. 1733 § 1(1) (Exh. A), 1993)
This chapter supersedes any provision dealing with signs in any previously adopted ordinance, resolution or regulation.
(Ord. 1733 § 1(1) (Exh. A), 1993)
The City Manager or the Planning Director shall have the power and duty to interpret and enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1733 § 1(1) (Exh. A), 1993; Ord. 2025 § 3, 2011)
An appeal of a ruling by the City Manager, Planning Director, or Planning Commission regarding a requirement of this chapter may be made per Section 19.1010 Appeals.
(Ord. 1733 § 1(1) (Exh. A), 1993; Ord. 2025 § 3, 2011)
Every permit issued by the Building Official under the provisions of this chapter shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first obtained to do so, and the fee therefor shall be one-half of the amount required for a new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided, further, that such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year.
(Ord. 1733 § 1(1) (Exh. A), 1993)
The City Manager or duly authorized representative may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under provisions of this chapter whenever the permit is issued on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any applicable ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 1733 § 1(1) (Exh. A), 1993)
Within 2 years from the date of passage thereof, the City Manager or duly authorized representative shall inspect the signs of each business. After the inspection is completed, the City Manager or duly authorized representative shall issue a notice of inspection to each business, listing the signs of the business, and noting those signs which need repair or modification and those signs which do not conform to the provisions of this chapter, including the termination date of the grace period for the particular sign. After initial inspection, a periodic review and inspection of signs shall be made as determined necessary and desirable by the City Manager.
(Ord. 1733 § 1(1) (Exh. A), 1993)
Signs for conditional and community service uses shall be limited to those allowed in the underlying zone, except as allowed by Subsections 14.08.090.B and C.
The standards of the underlying zone may be increased to the standards in Table 14.08.090.B, pursuant to a Type I review.
Table 14.08.090.B
Standards for Conditional and Community Service Use Signs with Type I Review
Sign Type
Monument or freestanding sign
Max. 16 SF per display surface
Max 6 ft. above ground
Not in the public right-of-way
Wall sign
Max. 16 SF
One per building face
Daily display
Max. 12 SF per display surface
One per frontage
Not in the public right-of-way except as allowed in MMC Section 14.20.040
The standards of the underlying zone may be increased to the standards in Table 14.08.090.C per Section 19.1006 Type III Review.
In reviewing an application for a sign to meet the standards of Table 14.08.090.C, the Planning Commission will consider the proximity of the sign to residences, the functional classification of adjacent streets, and the scale of surrounding development.
Table 14.08.090.C
Standards for Conditional and Community Service Use Signs with Minor Quasi-Judicial Review
Sign Type
Monument or freestanding sign
Max. 40 SF per display surface Max. length 20 ft
Max 12 ft. above ground
Not in the public right-of-way
Follow the base sign district standards2
Wall sign
10% of the building face up to 40 SF
One per building face
Follow the base sign district standards
Daily display
Max. 12 SF per display surface
One per frontage
Not in the public right-of-way except as allowed in MMC Section 14.20.040
Follow the base sign district standards
Follow the illumination standards in the community service use's base sign district unless the community service use is a public high school.
A public high school can apply to have one electronic display monument or freestanding sign that meets the community service use illumination standards of Section 14.080.090.E.
In addition to the sign size limitations of this chapter, if an original art mural permitted under Title 20 occupies a wall where a wall sign has been proposed, the size of the wall sign shall be limited such that the total area of the original art mural plus the area of the wall sign does not exceed the maximum allowed.
Electronic display signs are permitted for community service uses that are public high schools, subject to the following standards:
An electronic display sign may be included only as part of a larger sign. The electronic display portion of the sign is a maximum combined area of 20 sq ft. The display portions can be on multiple faces of the sign with a limit of a maximum combined area of 20 sq ft.
Illumination for an electronic display sign is subject to the standards of Subsection 14.24.020.G.1.
The manner of display on electronic display signs shall comply with the standards of Subsection 14.24.020.G.3.
(Ord. 1733 § 1(1) (Exh. A), 1993; Ord. 1965 §§ 2, 3, 2006; Ord. 2001 § 2, 2009; Ord. 2025 § 3, 2011; Ord. 2078 § 2 (Exh. B), 2014; Ord. 2209 § 2, 2021)
A proposed sign that would be visible from a State highway may require a permit from the Oregon Department of Transportation. The Planning Director may require an applicant for a sign that would be visible from a State highway to submit documentation from the Oregon Department of Transportation indicating whether the proposed sign is considered an outdoor advertising sign that requires a permit from the Oregon Department of Transportation and whether the site is legal for an outdoor advertising sign. The Planning Director will withhold issuance of the permit if there is not conclusive evidence that the sign could be approved, or could be conditioned to be approved, by the Oregon Department of Transportation.
(Ord. 2040 § 2 (Exh. B), 2011)