Whenever used in this chapter, the following terms are defined as follows:
means a building, shed or enclosure, or yard in which more than five motor vehicles may be parked, stored, housed or kept for purpose of repair or servicing, and for which any charge or other consideration is made or proposed.
"Parking lot"
means any outdoor space, yard or enclosure where more than five motor vehicles may be parked, stored, housed or kept, for which any charge is made or proposed.
(Prior code § 6412)
It is unlawful for any person to conduct a business of a parking lot or garage within the city without first having obtained a permit therefor in the manner provided in this chapter.
(Prior code § 6412.1)
Applications for permits required by this chapter shall be made upon forms provided by the license collector, shall be signed and verified by the applicant, if an individual, and by a duly authorized agent if a partnership or corporation, and shall set forth the following:
If a person, the name and address of the applicant;
If a partnership, the name, residence and business address of each partner;
If a corporation, the names of the principal officers, directors and local representatives, their residences and business addresses;
A plot or drawing of said parking lot or garage, showing the location, size, capacity, location and size of entrance and exit, kind of floor or ground surface, location, size and construction of attendant's station, wall or barriers surrounding said premises; and
A brief description of the proposed method of operation.
(Prior code § 6412.2)
The permit fee for the operation of a garage or parking lot shall be six dollars.
(Prior code § 6412.3; Ord. 1470 § 8, 1978)
If, after an investigation by the city police department, the city manager, or on appeal, the city council, in the exercise of sound discretion, finds that the proposed use will not be detrimental to the general welfare, that the statements set forth in the application are correct and that the proper fee has been paid, the license collector shall issue to the applicant a permit for a parking lot or garage, which permit shall continue in full force and effect until revoked by the city council.
(Prior code § 6412.4)
No permit issued under this chapter shall be transferred or assigned or used by any person other than the one to whom it is issued, or at any location other than the one for which it is issued.
(Prior code § 6412.5)
The city council may revoke any parking lot or garage permit if upon a hearing after at least ten days written notice of the time and place of such hearing, the city council finds:
The permittee has knowingly made any false or materially incorrect statement in the application;
The permittee knowingly violates or knowingly permits the violation of any provision of this chapter;
The permittee has conducted his or her business in a manner contrary to public welfare;
The permittee, his or her agents or employees have mutilated or altered any engine number or serial number;
The permittee, his or her agents or employees have installed used, rebuilt or reconditioned parts and charged for new ones, or have charged for parts not installed or for work not done, or have otherwise materially misstated the nature of any work done or parts installed;
The permittee, his or her agents or employees have undertaken to repair a motor vehicle and through carelessness, negligence or incompetence, so repaired or failed to repair such vehicle as to cause the same to be a hazard to the lives or safety of persons riding therein, or to the lives or safety of others;
The permittee, his or her agents or employees have conspired with any person to defraud any owner of any vehicle, or any insurance company, or any other person financially interested in the cost of the repair of any vehicle, by making any false or deceptive statement relating to the repair, storage or towing of any vehicle;
The permittee, his or her agents or employees have installed parts or performed labor which was not authorized and for which a charge has been made to any person having an interest, possessory or otherwise, in the automobile being repaired.
(Prior code § 6412.6)
A permittee hereunder shall furnish an itemized statement to the person authorizing the repair work or his or her agent without first demanding payment of parts and labor used in making a repair of the vehicle and of the charges made therefor upon the request of:
The registered owner; or
The legal owner; or
The insurance carrier of either (1) or (2); or
The duly authorized agent of (1), (2) or (3).
(Prior code § 6412.7)
Whenever used, secondhand, rebuilt or reconditioned parts are used in making any repair or alteration to a vehicle, the permittee shall inform the person authorizing the work that the parts so used are not new. Such fact shall be noted upon any statement or bill furnished or requested.
(Prior code § 6412.8)
A permittee shall procure and obtain, from the person authorizing the repair work or his or her agent, advance written authorization before undertaking repairs or services which costs, labor and materials, in excess of fifty dollars.
(Prior code § 6412.9)
Every permittee shall immediately notify the police department of every claim made by reason of loss, theft, or conversion, or any damage or injury to person or property from the operation of a parking lot or garage, and occurring during the hours said premises are regularly open for business.
(Prior code § 6412.10)
It is unlawful for any permittee of a parking lot or garage to make or permit any use for any purpose whatsoever of any vehicle parked in such place, unless the use shall have first been expressly authorized by the owner or person having control of such vehicle. No permittee shall transfer or cause to be moved or transferred, any parked vehicle through or upon the streets, or alleys of the city without the written consent of the owner or person having control of such vehicle.
(Prior code § 6412.11)
Every vehicle parked or stored in a parking lot or garage for more than seventy-two hours shall be parked or stored only within enclosed buildings.
(Prior code § 6412.12)
All parking lots and garages now licensed shall be given ninety days from the effective date of this chapter to file plans for approval, and one-half year for full compliance with the terms of this chapter.
All parking lots and garages licensed after the effective date of this chapter shall comply with all the terms and provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 6412.13)