For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"Animal grooming"
shall mean any permanent or mobile commercial establishment where an animal may be cleaned, styled or have appearance maintained, with the exception of preparation for medical purposes or procedures.
"Animal groomer(s)"
shall mean persons engaged in the cleaning, styling, and appearance maintenance of animals, or the handling of animals in preparation for these services.
"Grooming loop"
shall mean any tethering device where a loop is placed around the head or neck of an animal but the amount that it tightens is limited or restricted when pressure is applied.
"Grooming noose"
shall mean any tethering device where a loop is placed around the head or neck of an animal but the amount that it tightens is not limited or restricted when pressure is applied.
"Nationally recognized organization"
shall include, but is not limited to, International Professional Groomers, International Society of Canine Cosmetologists or National Dog Groomers Association of America. Such organization shall adhere to standards of care, safety and sanitation that are similar or equivalent to those set forth by the Professional Pet Groomers and Stylists Alliance.
"Tethering device"
shall mean any device used to restrain or tether an animal to a grooming table or other surface.
(Ord. 04-692 § 1, 2004; Ord. 18-1046 § 1, 2018)
In addition to the information prescribed by the Director, all applications for a license to conduct an animal grooming business must contain the following information:
The complete address and all telephone numbers of the animal grooming business;
A complete list of the names and residence addresses of all proposed employees employed by the animal grooming business and the name and residence addresses of the manager or managing employee proposed to be principally in charge of the operation of the animal grooming establishment;
The two previous addresses of the applicant immediately prior to the present address of the applicant;
The animal grooming or similar business history and experience of the applicant;
Whether or not such person, in previously operating an animal grooming establishment or similar business in this or any other city or state under license or permit, has had such license or permit denied, revoked, or suspended and the reasons therefor;
The applicant must report if any employee, with direct contact with animals, ever has had a license or certification for working as an animal groomer revoked or suspended, and the reason therefor;
All criminal convictions of the business and the owner/applicant, excluding traffic or infraction violations;
Such other information and identification deemed necessary by the Sheriff's Department;
Proof of a valid vehicle registration for mobile animal grooming businesses, or for any vehicles used for the animal grooming business.
(Ord. 04-692 § 1, 2004; Ord. 08-800 § 2, 2008)
Staff Requirements.
Any animal grooming facility shall have a responsible person on the premises to act as manager and supervise employees during all business hours.
Groomers that are employed by the licensee on or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall not work unsupervised on any animal unless the groomer has:
Obtained certification for their level of responsibility from a nationally recognized organization; or
Graduated from an animal grooming school and have a minimum of one year of practical, professional animal grooming experience; or
Completed an animal grooming apprenticeship program commensurate with their level of responsibility.
Inspection Authority. Any city official, city employee, or employee of Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control, authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter of the West Hollywood Municipal Code may conduct an inspection of the premises licensed under this chapter at any reasonable time to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
General Facility Requirements.
Facilities for animals must be constructed, equipped, and maintained so as to continuously provide a healthful and sanitary environment for the animals kept or to be kept therein. Equipment shall be maintained in accordance with all applicable laws and industry standards.
Animal holding or drying areas shall be large enough to allow the animal to stand, lie down and turn around.
Cages and grooming areas such as tables, benches, and tubs shall be structurally sound and maintained in good repair.
Animal enclosures, cages or other restraint devices shall be constructed to prevent injury to the animals. Enclosures may have wire flooring provided that the wire is of adequate gauge to prevent sagging under the weight of the animals, and the mesh is small enough to prevent their feet from passing through.
Grooming personnel must be within four feet of the animal during all bathing or grooming procedures.
A consultation with the customer shall take place prior to the grooming to discuss health and temperament concerns and to establish the animal's previous grooming history.
All tethering devices shall be equipped with a quick-release feature.
Grooming nooses, chokers, slip collars, pinch collars, and prong collars shall not be used as tethering devices.
Any tethering device, harness, or restraint used shall be of appropriate style, size, and strength for the animal to which it is attached.
Animals with a collapsed trachea or other breathing problems shall neither be tethered nor restrained in such a manner as to inhibit its ability to breathe and all reasonable efforts shall be made to reduce or prevent pressure to the neck of such animal.
Grooming loops and tethering devices shall be fastened to the animal in a manner that minimizes discomfort to the animal. Animals with known medical or temperament issues shall be tethered in a manner that does not create unnecessary discomfort for the animal.
Grooming arms, by which the animal is restrained, shall be animal friendly and secure.
Video recording devices shall be installed and maintained in good working order in all bathing and styling areas of grooming facilities. All recordings shall be maintained for a period of no less than seven days. Any recording of animal mistreatment, injury or death shall be preserved for a period of no less than three years.
Grooming tabletops shall be equipped with a non-slip surface that is easy to clean.
Bath tubs and the floor immediately outside of the tub shall be covered in a non-slip surface.
General Operating Requirements.
The business shall take every reasonable precaution to ensure that animals are not abused, mistreated, neglected or endangered in any manner made to suffer by any persons or means. Any tack, equipment, device, substance or material that is or could be injurious or cause unnecessary cruelty to any animal is prohibited.
All pet animal grooming facilities shall have a working relationship and written acknowledgement from a veterinarian to provide timely veterinary care as appropriate for illness or injury. The name, address and phone number, and hours of operation, of the veterinarian will be available to the inspector upon request, and shall be posted.
Anti-bark collars and sedatives shall not be used on any animal without written permission of the guardian of the animal.
Animals which are natural enemies, temperamentally unsuited, or otherwise incompatible shall not be quartered together or so near each other as to cause injury or torment.
Animals shall not be boarded at the facility, and shall only be kept at the facility for a reasonable time in order to perform the business of grooming.
Each animal shall be kept in an individual cage unless grouping of animals is requested by pet guardian(s).
Cleanliness Requirements.
The interior facility surfaces, walls, cages, counters, and tables shall be constructed and maintained so that they are water resistant and can be cleaned and sanitized.
All cages, benches, tables, tubs, etc. shall be sanitized after one animal ceases to occupy the space, before another occupies the same space.
Equipment such as brushes, combs and clipper blades shall be sanitized between uses on different animals.
The hair or fur on the floor around each grooming station shall be removed after each animal. Common areas of the facility shall be kept in good repair and cleaned each business day.
Hair, waste and refuse shall be removed from the facility and disposed of daily so as to minimize odors, disease hazards and vermin infestation.
Potable water shall be provided for drinking purposes.
Water shall be offered to animals at the facility at least once every hour.
Water dishes shall be cleaned and sanitized between uses by other animals.
Cage dryers with a fully enclosed drying chamber in which the animal is placed, and without safety air vents, are prohibited.
Dryers must be located and oriented to be in clear and full view at all times.
Dryers must be monitored by an animal groomer at all times while in operation.
All dryers must be equipped with a timer that will automatically shut off the dryer after fifteen minutes, unless it is a hand-held dryer or a dryer directly attended by a person.
Dryers must be maintained and kept in top operating condition. They shall be replaced if the dryer shows signs of malfunction, which is not or cannot be repaired.
Records. Current and up to date animal files must be kept at the facility, at all times, which shall include injuries, severe illness, seizure and/or death which occur at the grooming facility. The incident file shall cover the most recent three-year period. The records shall be available to the public, upon request during regular business hours.
Reporting. The manager or person in charge must report all grooming-related injuries requiring medical attention and the deaths of any animal at the facility within twenty-four hours of the occurrence of such incident. Notification is to be made to the City of West Hollywood Code Compliance Manager by telephone. Such notification must include the name, address and phone number of the guardian of the injured or deceased animal.
Mobile Animal Groomers. Mobile animal grooming businesses shall be required to have an animal grooming license and comply with all provisions of this chapter. In addition to these standards, mobile animal grooming businesses shall be required to maintain and provide proof of valid vehicle registration.
(Ord. 04-692 § 1, 2004; Ord. 18-1046 § 2, 2018; Ord. 19-1059 § 1, 2019)