For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"In-house promoter"
shall mean any promoter that solely works for, or is exclusively employed by, any venue licensed pursuant to Chapters 5.40 and 5.44.
shall mean an individual or entity in the business of organizing, overseeing, or otherwise promoting a dance, entertainment or similar event in premises under separate ownership and properly licensed for such events.
"Promoter venue"
shall mean any place of business licensed for dance or entertainment that may, with a license issued pursuant to this chapter, engage the services of unlicensed promoters.
(Ord. 12-889 § 5, 2012)
Promoter. In addition to any other information prescribed by the Director, an application for a promoter's business license shall include the following information:
Applicant's name, address, phone number, Social Security number or tax ID number, CA state issued driver's license or photo identification card;
Business name, address, and phone number;
Name, address, phone number, and Social Security number of all partners, officers, and principals associated with the business;
Supplemental business license questionnaire;
Standard operating conditions for promoter's business license;
Los Angeles County Sheriff's information sheet;
Proof of fingerprinting and two passport photos;
Appropriate agency sign-offs.
Promoter Venue. In addition to any other information prescribed by the Director, an application for a promoter's venue business license shall include the following:
The name, address, phone number, and state or federal tax ID numbers of the business;
Supplemental business license questionnaire;
Standard operating conditions for promoters business license;
Los Angeles County Sheriff's information sheet;
Approved floor plan of the venue;
Appropriate agency sign-offs.
(Ord. 12-889 § 5, 2012)
Promoters. All individually licensed promoters licensed pursuant to this chapter, shall carry an original business license, along with picture identification, at all times when promoting. Promoters shall produce and exhibit their license when requested by any city official authorized to issue, inspect or collect permit and license fees, or authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter or of the City of West Hollywood Municipal Code.
Promoter Venue. The business owner shall display the promoters venue business license in a prominent and visible location in the premises.
(Ord. 12-889 § 5, 2012)
No promoter shall operate in the City of West Hollywood without first obtaining the required promoters business license and a business license tax certificate, except:
Unlicensed promoters who obtain a temporary promoters business license for a single event that lasts for a period of no more than three consecutive days. No more than six temporary promoters licenses shall be issued to any applicant in any twelve-month period.
Unlicensed promoters that operate at locations that hold a current promoters venue business license.
In-house promoters.
When multiple promoters are involved in promoting one event, only one need be a licensed promoter.
No business shall employ the use of unlicensed promoters without first obtaining a promoters venue business license. The failure of a business to obtain a promoters venue business license shall be grounds for revocation of any business license held by the venue where the violation took place.
(Ord. 12-889 § 5, 2012)
All businesses holding a promoters venue business license shall submit to the city a monthly schedule of events operated in their venue by unlicensed outside promoters. This schedule shall be submitted to the Business License Officer on or before the first day of each month. Any changes to the submitted schedule shall be reported immediately by submittal of a revised schedule. The schedule submitted to the city shall include the name, address, and contact information of the promoters employed for each event. Additionally, the business shall also submit a copy of the driver's license or state issued identification card for all partners, officers, and principals associated with the promoter business. The promoter that is listed on the schedule for that event shall be on-site during the regular operating hours for the event.
All sales of merchandise by promoters shall only be allowed inside the establishment.
The promoter and venue shall both be responsible for ensuring that the public rights-of-way immediately surrounding the business remain clear and passable to pedestrians and traffic during all regular business hours and for sixty minutes after the business closes.
Promoters shall be on-site for the entire duration of any event they are promoting.
All of the requirements set forth in Sections 5.40.030 and 5.44.040, as applicable, shall govern when the premises are under the control of a promoter.
(Ord. 12-889 § 5, 2012)