Overlay zoning districts are intended to produce development that conforms with the land use requirements of the applicable primary zoning district, while providing flexibility in the application of development standards where important site, neighborhood, or community characteristics require particular attention in project planning.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Application to Property. The applicability of any overlay zoning district to specific sites is shown by the overlay Zoning Map symbol established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established), being appended as a suffix to the symbol for the primary zoning district on the Zoning Map (for example, R4-NC).
Development and Land Use Standards. The provisions of the overlay zoning districts provide standards for development and land uses, which apply in addition to the standards and regulations of the primary zoning districts.
Conflicting Provisions. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this chapter and other requirements of this article, the provisions of this chapter shall control.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Purpose. The -CDP overlay zoning district is used to identify sites and areas within the city that are subject to the requirements of approved comprehensive development plans.
Applicability. The -CDP overlay zoning district may be combined with any zoning district established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established).
Allowed Land Uses. Any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the -CDP overlay zoning district, except as otherwise provided by the comprehensive development plan or conditions of approval.
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the primary zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and land uses within the -CDP overlay district, except as otherwise provided by the comprehensive development plan or conditions of approval.
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the -CDP overlay district shall comply with all applicable development and land use standards of:
This article that are applicable to the primary zoning district applied to the site;
Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards); and
Any comprehensive development plan provisions or conditions of approval.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Purpose. The -DA overlay zoning district is used to identify sites and areas within the city that are subject to the requirements of adopted development agreements in compliance with Chapter 19.66 (Development Agreements).
Applicability. The -DA overlay zoning district may be combined with any zoning district established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established).
Allowed Land Uses. The land uses that may be allowed on a site within the -DA overlay district shall be limited to those specified in the applicable development agreement.
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the primary zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and land uses within the -DA overlay district, except as otherwise provided by the terms of the applicable development agreement.
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the -DA overlay district shall comply with all applicable development and land use standards and exaction requirements specified in the subject development agreement and, to the extent that they are not in conflict with the terms of the development agreement:
The provisions of this article that are applicable to the primary zoning district applied to the site; and
The provisions Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards).
Zoning Map Notation. Upon the effective date of an ordinance placing a property in the DA Overlay District, the Zoning Map will be amended to show the overlay designation. After execution by all parties, the development agreement will be added to the city's Development Agreement Master List with the effective date and expiration date of the development agreement noted. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of a development agreement, the Community Development Director shall remove the development agreement from the city's Development Agreement Master List. The DA Overlay may be removed from the property by way of a Zone Map Amendment.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 12-902 § 6, 2012; Ord. 19-956 § 5, 2015; Ord. 19-1058 § 14, 2019Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Purpose. The -H overlay zoning district is used to identify sites and areas within the city with structures and groupings of structures that are of historic, stylistic or thematic significance, as identified by the General Plan or more specific historic resources surveys.
Applicability. The -H overlay zoning district may be combined with any zoning district established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established). The -H overlay district shall be applied to property in compliance with Chapter 19.58 (Cultural Heritage Preservation).
Allowed Land Uses. Any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the -H overlay zoning district, in compliance with this article, Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards), and Chapter 19.58 (Cultural Heritage Preservation).
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the primary zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and land uses within the -H overlay district, together with the additional review procedures of Chapter 19.58 (Cultural Heritage Preservation).
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the -H overlay district shall comply with the provisions of:
This article that are applicable to the primary zoning district applied to the site;
Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards); and
Chapter 19.58 (Cultural Heritage Preservation).
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Purpose. The -NC overlay zoning district is used to identify sites and areas within the city that represent clearly defined neighborhoods with predominantly consistent historic or architectural character.
Applicability. The -NC overlay zoning district may be combined with any zoning district established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established).
Allowed Land Uses. Any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the -NC overlay zoning district, in compliance with this article, Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards) and, where applicable, Chapter 19.58 (Cultural Heritage Preservation).
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the primary zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and land uses within the -NC overlay district.
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the -NC overlay district shall comply with the provisions of:
This article that are applicable to the primary zoning district applied to the site;
Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards);
Any additional development standards and review process that are determined at the time of establishment of the -NC zone to be necessary to ensure development that is compatible with the existing neighborhood;
Chapter 19.58 (Cultural Heritage Preservation), where applicable; and
Any applicable neighborhood conservation policies of the General Plan.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Purpose. The -PK overlay zoning district is intended to identify sites within residential zoning districts where nonresidential parking lots and parking structures may be established or maintained in compliance with this section.
Applicability. The -PK overlay district may be combined with any residential or commercial zoning district established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established), provided that the -PK district may only be applied to a residentially zoned property contiguous to a commercially zoned site.
Allowed Land Uses, Permit Requirements. Any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the -PK overlay zoning district, in compliance with the permit requirements and development standards of Chapters 19.06 (Residential Zoning Districts) or 19.10 (Commercial and Public Zoning Districts).
Where the -PK overlay district is applied to a primary residential zoning district, nonresidential parking facilities (including parking structures) are allowed in addition to any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district.
Any alteration or intensification of an existing parking facility within the - PK overlay district is subject to development permit approval, in compliance with Chapter 19.48 (Development Permits).
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the -PK overlay district shall be subject to all applicable development and land use standards of the primary zoning district, and of Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards). Parking facilities shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in compliance with Chapter 19.28 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards).
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Purpose. The MUIOZ is used to identify commercial sites and areas within the city where height or density incentives for mixed-use development may be applied.
Applicability. The MUIOZ may be combined with the CC1, CC2, CA, CR, and PF zoning districts established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established).
Allowed Land Uses. Any land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the MUIOZ, in compliance with the permit requirements and development standards of Chapter 19.10 (Commercial and Public Zoning Districts).
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the primary zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and land uses within the MUIOZ.
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the MUIOZ shall be subject to all applicable development and land use standards of the primary zoning district, and of Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards) and Section 19.10.050(A).
(Ord. 12-882 § 7, 2012)
Purpose. The -CO overlay zoning district is used to identify commercial sites and areas within the city where new residential uses and mixed-use development are prohibited, as such uses may be incompatible with existing nightlife and entertainment uses.
Applicability. The -CO overlay zoning district may be combined with the CC1, CC2, CA, CR, and PF zoning districts established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established).
Allowed Land Uses. Any nonresidential land use normally allowed in the primary zoning district may be allowed within the -CO overlay zoning district, in compliance with the permit requirements and development standards of Chapter 19.10 (Commercial and Public Zoning Districts).
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the primary zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and land uses within the -CO overlay zoning district.
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the -CO overlay zoning district shall be subject to all applicable development and land use standards of the primary zoning district, and of Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards).
(Ord. 12-882 § 7, 2012)
Purpose. The -AB overlay zoning district is used to identify sites and areas within the city where density and height bonuses described in General Plan Table 3-2 footnote ("Avenues") and General Plan Goal LU-2.7 (Avenues density and height bonus) may be applied.
Applicability. The -AB overlay zoning district may be combined with the CN2 zoning designation established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established) on the first two properties on the north side of Melrose Avenue west of San Vicente Boulevard (corresponding to the street address 8711 Melrose); on the south side of Melrose between Westbourne and Westmount Drives (corresponding to the street address 8564 – 8590 Melrose); and on the southeast corner of Melrose Avenue and Norwich Drive (corresponding to the street address 8650 Melrose).
Allowed Land Uses. Any land use normally allowed in the primary CN2 zoning district may be allowed with the -AB overlay zoning district.
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the primary CN2 zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and land uses with the -AB overlay district.
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses with the -AB overlay district shall be subject to all applicable development standards of the primary CN2 zoning district, and of Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards), and of Section 19.10.050(C) (Avenues Commercial Development Bonuses).
(Ord. 12-890 § 5, 2012; Ord. 15-970 § 4, 2015)
Purpose. The -GMU overlay zoning district is used to identify a specific site at the western gateway to the city where density and height bonuses may be applied.
Applicability. The -GMU overlay zoning district may be combined with the CC2 zoning district established by Section 19.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established) on the site bounded by Santa Monica Boulevard, Melrose Avenue and Almont Drive only.
Allowed Land Uses. Any land use normally allowed in the CC2 zoning district may be allowed within the Gateway Mixed-Use Incentive Overlay, in compliance with the permit requirements and development standards of Chapter 19.10 (Commercial and Public Zoning Districts).
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the CC2 zoning district shall apply to all proposed development and lands uses within the -GMU overlay.
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the -GMU overlay shall be subject to applicable development and land use standards of the CC2 zoning district, and of Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards) and Section 19.10.050(D).
(Ord. 14-943 § 6, 2014)
Purpose. The West Hollywood West neighborhood is composed of an eclectic mix of homes creating a distinct neighborhood character. The West Hollywood West Neighborhood Overlay District (WHWNOD) is used to provide additional development standards designed to maintain the character of the neighborhood.
The WHWNOD has been developed to achieve the following goals:
Manage change within the West Hollywood West Neighborhood;
Protect desirable qualities and characteristics of the neighborhood valued by current residents and property owners;
Ensure that new residential construction and remodels enhance the existing eclectic character and quality of the West Hollywood West neighborhood;
Allow flexibility for creative design solutions; and
Provide clear rules and guidelines for owners, builders, and design professionals to facilitate an efficient process when preparing applications for new single-family/multi-family dwellings and additions.
This section is intended to amend and supplement the development standards set forth in the Title 19 Zoning Ordinance of the West Hollywood Municipal Code. Residential development within the WHWNOD shall comply with the Title 19 Zoning Ordinance to the extent not in conflict with this section. This section shall control in the event of any conflicts with another provision of the Title 19 Zoning Ordinance. The West Hollywood West Neighborhood Design Guidelines are intended to supplement the WHWNOD regulations in this section to help achieve the goals set forth above.
Applicability. The West Hollywood West Neighborhood Overlay District shall be combined with all R1-B zoned properties within the following boundaries: Melrose Avenue to the north, North Doheny Drive to the west, North La Cienega Boulevard to the east, and Beverly Boulevard to the south. The West Hollywood West Neighborhood Overlay District shall also include 8846-8908 Rosewood Avenue.
Allowed Land Uses. Any land use allowed in the primary R1-B zoning district may be allowed within the WHWNOD.
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the primary R1-B zoning district shall apply to all proposed developments and land uses within the WHWNOD.
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the WHWNOD shall be subject to all applicable development standards of the primary R1-B zoning district, and of Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards), in addition to the standards set forth in this section.
[Explanatory Notes Follow the Table, on Next Page]
Development Feature
Minimum lot area1
5,000 sq. ft.
Residential density2, 6, 7
2 units per lot of less than 8,499 sq ft;
See Table 2-4 in Section 19.06.040.
Floor area ratio (FAR)
Setbacks required
Primary structures
Minimum setbacks required. See Section 19.20.150 for setback measurement.
Front, 1st story
Average of front setbacks of the 2 structures closest to the front property lines on the 2 adjacent parcels, with the following minimums/maximums.3
10 ft. min. in Norma Triangle, 15 ft. min. elsewhere; 30 ft. max.
15 ft. min., 30 ft. max.
Front, 2nd & upper stories
An additional 6 ft. for 2nd and upper stories in addition to the 1st story setback.4
As required by Section 19.14.120.E.1.
Sides, interior lot
5 ft.
For lots less than 50 ft. wide, 10% of average lot width, with 3 ft. min. (See 19.36.320 for additions to nonconforming buildings.)
5 ft.
For lots less than 50 ft. wide, 10% of average lot width, with 3 ft. min. (See 19.36.320 for additions to nonconforming buildings.)
Street side, corner lot
5 ft.
5 ft.
10 ft. for reversed corner lots.5
15 ft. For lots with a depth less than 75 ft., 20% of the average lot depth, but not less than 10 ft.
Between structures
As required by Section 19.20.040 (Distance Between Structures)
Flag lots
As required by Section 19.20.150 (Setback Measurement and Projections into Yards)
Open space
None required other than setbacks
Basement, front setback
10 ft
Basement, side setback
5 ft.
Basement, rear setback
5 ft.
Height limit
Maximum structure height. See Section 19.20.080 (Height Measurement and Exceptions).
Primary structures
25 ft., 2 stories
Height limit
15 ft., 1 story
12 ft., 1 story, where within 5 ft. of the property line;
15 ft., 1 story, where 5 ft. or beyond from the property line.9
As required by Chapter 19.26 (Landscaping Standards)10
Safety and Seismic Safety
For new construction and building additions, as required by Chapter 19.32 (Seismic Safety). Critical facilities, sensitive facilities (such as schools and daycare) and high occupancy facilities (such as religious facilities and hotels) are also subject to Chapter 19.32.
As required by Chapter 19.28 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards)11
Sidewalks shall be provided at a minimum width of 10 ft. See Section 19.20.160.
As required by Chapter 19.34 (Sign Standards)
Minimum lot area for parcels proposed in new subdivisions and lot line adjustments. Condominium, townhome, or planned development projects may be subdivided with smaller parcel sizes for ownership purposes, with the minimum lot area requirement determined through the subdivision review process, provided that the overall development site complies with the lot area requirements of this chapter.
Maximum number of dwellings allowed for each specified unit of land. See also Chapter 19.22 (Affordable Housing Requirements and Incentives) for possible density bonuses.
If a parcel on either side of the site is not zoned residential, or if the site is a corner lot, the first two adjacent residential lots shall be used for the purposes of calculating the average setback.
The Community Development Director may modify or waive this requirement to accommodate what he/she deems to be exemplary design.
Where the front yard of a key lot adjoining a reversed corner lot is less than 10 feet in depth, the reversed corner lot may have a street side yard of the same depth, to a minimum of five feet. See Figure 2-1.
Density limits may be exceeded to permit legalization of illegal dwelling units in accordance with Section 19.36.270.
See also Section 19.06.080 for required density development standards.
See 19.14.120.E.1 for relevant building massing and modulation standards for the West Hollywood West neighborhood.
See Section 19.14.120.E.4 for additional rear accessory structure standards in the West Hollywood West Overlay District.
See Section 19.14.120.E.5 for additional landscape standards in the West Hollywood West Overlay District.
See Section 19.14.120.E.3 for additional parking standards in the West Hollywood West Overlay District.
Garages attached to the primary structure shall be included in the FAR. Detached garages up to 400 square feet shall not be included in the FAR. Accessory structures, other than garages, are included in the FAR calculation.
Building Massing and Modulation.
All primary two-story structures and primary structures greater than 15 feet in height shall meet ONE of the following conditions:
Floor area of the second level shall not exceed 75 percent of the floor area of the primary structure's first level, and front and side building elevations shall not be single solid planes, with a variation of at least three feet in depth and width; OR
Figure WHWNOD-1
A minimum of 25 percent of each building elevation shall be set back at least three feet from the remaining area of the elevational plane.
Figure WHWNOD-2
a . 
No primary structure shall have a single, unbroken roofline across the front of the building. At least three feet of the roofline frontage shall have either a vertical change of direction or a three-foot minimum horizontal change of direction. The Planning and Development Services Director may waive this requirement if the width of the primary structure's frontage is less than 50 percent of the lot width, or if the roof line is curved.
Figure WHWNOD-3
No primary structure shall have a single, unbroken roofline across the front of the building. At least three feet of the roofline frontage shall have either a vertical change of direction or a three-foot minimum horizontal change of direction. The Community Development Director may waive this requirement if the width of the primary structure's frontage is less than 50% of the lot width, or if the roof line is curved.
Front Balcony. Size limitations and privacy screen requirements do not apply to a balcony that is located on a building's front elevation.
Side Balcony Size. A balcony that is located on a building's interior side elevation shall not be larger than 80 square feet in area.
Rear Balcony Size. A balcony that is located on a building's rear elevation shall not be larger than 144 square feet in area.
Privacy Screen Location. If a privacy screen is provided, it shall be set back at least 18 inches from the exterior building face. If a privacy screen is flush with the exterior building face, it will be included as floor or wall area for the purpose of provision Subsection E.1.a. Ensure that privacy screen does not prevent proper drainage from the balcony.
Allowed Projections into Setbacks. All projections into setbacks shall meet the standards set forth in Section 19.20.150.E of the Municipal Code, provided that balconies shall not project into the required side setback.
No roof decks shall be permitted on any structure.
Basements shall be permitted and shall not be included in the calculation of FAR.
1 . 
Height Measurement Exceptions. All structures shall comply with the height limits in Section 19.20.080 of the Municipal Code. Notwithstanding Section 19.20.080.C.2 architectural projections that provide passive solar and venting functions that are not more than 15 percent of the roof area shall not be considered mechanical equipment as described in Section 19.20.080.C.4.
Parking and Driveways. W.H.M.C. Chapters 19.28 and 19.36 apply in the WHWNOD, except as otherwise provided below:
The maneuvering room required under Section 19.28.090.A.1 shall not be required for single-family dwellings and duplexes.
Required parking may be located between the front setback and the front of a residential unit, provided that the parking area is not wider than 10 feet, and is not within the front setback.
Figure WHWNOD-7
The enclosed or covered parking required under Sections 19.28.090.D.2 and 19.36.311.D shall not be required in the WHWNOD.
Driveways shall not be required to lead to a garage.
Driveway width. Driveway pavement shall be limited to a maximum width of 10 feet when located within the front 30 percent of the property. Minimum driveway width shall be nine feet.
There shall be no more than three feet between the side property line and the exterior edge of the driveway's pavement, unless additional spacing is necessary to accommodate the placement of porte cochères to the minimum extent necessary.
Figure WHWNOD-8
Visibility Considerations. Landscaping adjacent to a driveway shall not interfere with motorists' views of the sidewalk and pedestrians' views of vehicles exiting the driveway.
Nothing shall obstruct the motorist's view within the triangle drawn from five feet back from the property line to a distance of 10 feet from the side of the driveway on the driver's right side as they make a forward exit from the property and 10 feet from the centerline of the driveway to the driver's left side.
Fences, walls, and vegetation that are over 28 inches in height shall not be located within this triangular zone, except that trees that do not have foliage below six feet in height may be located in the triangular zone. Existing walls and landscape on adjacent property will be considered an existing non-conforming condition.
Figure WHWNOD-9
Garages and Carports.
Attached Garages. A garage attached to the primary structure shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the nearest front elevational plane (i.e. façade) of the building. Attached garages shall be included in the FAR calculation of the subject property.
Detached Garages. A detached rear garage shall comply with Subsection E.4, except that the area of detached rear garages, up to 400 square feet, shall not be included in a property's FAR calculation.
Subterranean Parking. Subterranean or semi-subterranean parking shall not be permitted, unless: (1) the subterranean parking utilizes lift mechanisms that are concealed and comply with all applicable noise regulations in Chapter 9.08 and Section 19.20.090 of the Municipal Code, and (ii) there are no ramps visible from the street associated with subterranean parking. Code compliant subterranean parking shall not be included in FAR calculations.
Carports. Carports in the side or front yards shall be permanent structures. Pop-up or temporary shade structures shall not be used as carports in the side or front yards.
Figure WHWNOD-10
Refer to the West Hollywood West Design Guidelines for additional guidance on parking and driveway design.
Accessory Structures. This section modifies and supplements the standards set forth in Sections 19.36.300 and 19.36.310 of the Municipal Code.
Limitation on Use. Accessory structures shall not have cooking facilities, but living and sleeping quarters are permitted.
Location. Accessory structures may be placed up to the property line provided that they comply with all applicable building and fire safety codes.
Window and Door Placement. No window or door openings shall be located within five feet of a property line.
Figure WHWNOD-11
Size Limit. Accessory structures are not limited in size, but shall be included in the calculation of the FAR for the subject property and any applicable site coverage requirements. Detached rear garages, up to 400 square feet, are not included in the FAR calculation.
Figure WHWNOD-12
Distance Between Structures.
Distance Between Accessory Structures and Primary Structures. A minimum distance of six feet shall be required between any primary residential structure and an accessory structure established on the same parcel, and primary and accessory structures shall not be connected by a covered walkway.
Accessory Structures Attached to Detached Garages. Accessory structures allowed within the rear yard may be attached to a detached garage, provided that the non-garage uses comply with the requirements of this section. Accessory structures may not be built above the garage.
Site Coverage. The site coverage limitation under Section 19.36.300.A.3 shall not apply in the WHWNOD.
Height Limit. Accessory structures shall not exceed a height of 12 feet and one story at the property line, and shall not exceed a height of 15 feet and one story when sited at least five feet from the property line.
Exterior Lighting. Standards set forth in WHMC Section 19.20.100 shall apply. In addition, no exterior lighting shall be located within five feet of a property line.
Figure WHWNOD-13
Figure WHWNOD-14
Figure WHWNOD-15
Design Standards. The structure shall be:
Sited and constructed on the subject parcel in a manner that minimizes negative impacts (e.g., light, noise, etc.) to adjacent residents to the maximum extent feasible.
Designed so that all roof drainage is directed to the subject site. All drainage shall be retained on-site, or directed to the street.
Refer to the West Hollywood West Design Guidelines for additional guidance on accessory structure design.
Site and Landscape Standards. WHMC Sections 19.20.050, 19.26.050, 19.26.060, 19.26.070, and 19.26.080 apply in the WHWNOD except as modified or supplemented below.
Site Grading. Retaining walls shall not exceed a height of 42 inches.
As part of a Development Permit, existing elevations of the project site shall not be raised or lowered more than 18 inches.
Fences and Walls.
Fences and walls erected along interior property lines shall be pre-finished on the outward face.
Visibility Considerations. Nothing shall obstruct the motorist's view within the triangle drawn from five feet back from the property line to a distance of 10 feet from the side of the driveway on the driver's right side as they make a forward exit from the property and 10 feet from the centerline of the driveway to the driver's left side.
Fences or walls within the front setback shall be a minimum of 18 inches from the nearest edge of the sidewalk. The space between the sidewalk and fence or wall shall be covered with a groundcover or paving material. If vegetation is located within the space between the sidewalk and the fence or wall, its mature height shall not exceed 18 inches and adequate irrigation shall be provided.
Entry elements or features shall be subject to the same height requirements as fences.
Pedestrian gates may be solid for the allowed fence height for a maximum of four feet wide.
Vegetation within the front setback and parkway that has a mature height over 18 inches shall be planted to maintain a clear area between its mature width and the nearest edge of the sidewalk. The space between the sidewalk and vegetation must be covered with a groundcover or paving material.
Effect on Traffic or Public Safety. Trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained so that their mature height and width do not interfere with traffic safety sight areas, or public safety. Landscaping adjacent to a driveway and the walls of the building shall be designed not to interfere with motorists' views of the sidewalk and pedestrians' views of vehicles exiting the project. Nothing shall obstruct the motorist's view within the triangle drawn from five feet back from the property line to a distance of 10 feet from the side of the driveway on the driver's right side as they make a forward exit from the property and 10 feet from the centerline of the driveway to the driver's left side.
Acoustical Trespass. Refer to Chapter 9.08 and Section 19.20.090 of the Municipal Code.
Light Trespass. Refer to Section 19.20.100 of the Municipal Code.
Refer to the West Hollywood West Design Guidelines for additional guidance on site planning and landscape design.
Required Findings.
When reviewing a Development Permit application in the WHWNOD, the review authority shall approve the Development Permit, with or without conditions, only if it first finds:
The findings in Section 19.48.050.A through C. can be made in the affirmative;
Neighborhood Fit. The massing, scale, and proportion, as well as landscape, site, and streetscape design of the proposed project complement the existing neighborhood;
Quality Materials and Details. The proposed project exhibits use of quality materials and details appropriate to the design concept that will ensure proper execution of the design; and
Variety in New Construction. For new constriction, that the building is a unique design and not identical to others on surrounding parcels.
The West Hollywood West Design Guidelines provide detailed guidance for finding neighborhood fit, quality materials and details, and variety in new construction.
(Ord. 14-946 § 6, 2014; Ord. 15-960 § 5, 2015; Ord. 19-1058 §§ 15, 16, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Purpose. The Norma Triangle neighborhood is composed of an eclectic mix of homes creating distinct neighborhood character. The Norma Triangle Neighborhood Overlay District (NTNOD) is used to provide additional development standards designed to maintain the character of the neighborhood.
The NTNOD has been developed to achieve the following goals:
Manage change within the Norma Triangle Neighborhood;
Protect desirable qualities and characteristics of the neighborhood valued by current residents and property owners;
Ensure the new residential construction and remodels enhance the existing eclectic character and quality of the Norma Triangle neighborhood;
Allow flexibility for creative design solutions; and
Provide clear rules and guidelines for owners, builders, and design professionals to facilitate an efficient process when preparing applications for new single-family/multi-family dwellings and additions.
This section is intended to amend and supplement the development standards set forth in Title 19 Zoning Ordinance of the West Hollywood Municipal Code. Residential development with the NTNOD shall comply with the Title 19 Zoning Ordinance to the extent not in conflict with this Section. This Section shall control in the event of any conflicts with another provision of the Title 19 Zoning Ordinance. The Norma Triangle Single-Family Design Guidelines are intended to supplement the NTNOD regulations in this section to help achieve the goals set forth above.
Applicability. The Norma Triangle Neighborhood Overlay District shall be combined with all R1-B zoned properties within the following boundaries: Vista Grande to the north, Doheny Drive to the west, Hilldale Avenue to the east, and West Lloyd Place to the south.
Allowed Land Uses. Any land use allowed in the primary R1-B zoning district may be allowed within the NTNOD.
Permit Requirements. The land use permit requirements of the primary R1-B zoning district shall apply to all proposed developments and land uses within the NTNOD.
Development and Land Use Standards. Proposed development and land uses within the NTNOD shall be subject to all applicable development standards of the primary R1-B zoning district, and of Article 19-3 (Site Planning and General Development Standards), in addition to the standards set forth in this section.
[Explanatory Notes Follow the Table, on Next Page]
Development Feature
Minimum lot area1
5,000 sq. ft.
Residential density2, 6, 7
2 units per lot of less than 8,499 sq. ft.; See Table 2-4 in Section 19.06.040.
Floor area ratio (FAR)
Setbacks required Primary structures
Minimum setbacks required. See Section 19.20.150 for setback measurements
Front, 1st story
Average of front setbacks of the 2 structures closest to the front property lines on the 2 adjacent parcels, with the following minimums/maximums.3
10 ft. min in Norma Triangle, 15 ft. min elsewhere; 30 ft. max.
10 ft. min, 30 ft. max
Front, 2nd story & upper stories
An additional 6 ft. for 2nd and upper stories in addition to the 1st story setback.4
A minimum of 60% of the second story front elevation shall be set back a minimum of three feet from the first floor wall in addition to the requirements in Section 19.14.130.E.1.
Sides, interior lot
5 ft. For lots less than 50 ft. wide, 10% of average lot width, with 3 ft. min (see 19.36.32 for additions to nonconforming buildings)
5 ft. For lots less than 50 ft. wide, 10% of average lot width, with 3 ft. min (see 19.36.32 for additions to nonconforming buildings)
Street side, corner lot
5 ft.
5 ft.
10 ft. for reversed corner lots.5
15 ft. - For lots with a depth less than 75 ft., 20% of the average lot depth, but not less than 10 ft.
Between structures
As required by Section 19.20.040 (Distance Between Structures)
Flag lots
As required by Section 19.20.150 (Setback Measurement and Projections into Yards)
Open space
None required other than setbacks
Basement, front setback
May not extend beyond the above ground portion of the structure
Basement, side setback
May not extend beyond the above ground portion of the structure
Basement, rear setback
May not extend beyond the above ground portion of the structure
Height limit, primary structures
Maximum structure height. See Section 19.20.080 (Height Measurement and Exceptions) 25 ft., 2 stories
Height limit, accessory structures
15 ft., 1 story
12 ft., 1 story, where within 5 ft. of the property line; 15 ft., 1 story, where 5 ft. or beyond from the property line.8
As required by Chapter 19.26 (Landscaping Standards)9
Safety and seismic safety
For new construction and building additions, as required by Chapter 19.32 (Seismic Safety). Critical facilities, sensitive facilities (such as schools and daycare) and high occupancy facilities (such as religious facilities and hotels) are also subject to Chapter 19.32.
As required by Chapter 19.28 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards)10
Sidewalks shall be provided at a minimum width of 10 ft. See Section 19.20.160.
As required by Chapter 19.34 (Sign Standards)
Minimum lot area for parcels proposed in new subdivisions and lot line adjustments. Condominium, townhome, or planned development projects may be subdivided with smaller parcel sizes for ownership purposes, with the minimum lot area requirement determined through the subdivision review process, provided that the overall development site complies with the lot area requirements of this chapter.
Maximum number of dwellings allowed for each specified unit of land. See also Chapter 19.22 (Affordable Housing Requirements and Incentives) for possible density bonuses.
If a parcel on either side of the site is not zoned residential, or if the site is a corner lot, the first two adjacent residential lots shall be used for the purposes of calculating the average setback.
The Community Development Director may modify or waive this requirement to accommodate what he/she deems exemplary design.
Where the front yard of a key lot adjoining a reversed corner lot is less than 10 feet in depth, the reversed corner lot may have a street side yard of the same depth, to a minimum of five feet. See Figure 2-1.
Density limits may be exceeded to permit legalization of illegal dwelling units in accordance with Section 19.36.270.
See also Section 19.06.080 for required density development standards.
See Section 19.14.130.E.4 for additional rear accessory structure standards in the Norma Triangle Neighborhood Overlay District.
See Section 19.14.130.E.5 for additional landscape standards in the Norma Triangle Neighborhood Overlay District.
See Section 19.14.130.E.3 for additional parking standards in the Norma Triangle Neighborhood Overlay District.
Garages attached to the primary structure shall be included in the FAR. Detached garages up to 400 square feet shall not be included in the FAR. Accessory structures, other than garages. are included in the FAR calculation.
Building Massing and Modulation.
All primary two-story structures and primary structures greater than 15 feet in height shall meet ONE of the following conditions:
Floor area of the second level shall not exceed 75 percent of the floor area of the primary structure's first level, and front and side building elevations shall not be single solid planes, with a variation of at least three feet in depth and width; OR
A minimum of 25 percent of each building elevation shall be set back at least three feet from the remaining area of the elevational plane.
A minimum of 60 percent of the second story front elevation shall be set back a minimum of three feet from the first floor wall. No portion of the second floor front elevation may cantilever.
First floor plate height shall not exceed 11 feet in the front one-third of the building.
No primary structure shall have a single, unbroken roofline across the front of the building. At least three feet of the roofline frontage shall have either a vertical change of direction or a three-foot minimum horizontal change of direction. The Community Development Director may waive this requirement if the width of the primary structure's frontage is less than 50 percent of the lot width, or if the roof line is curved.
Front Balcony. The total square footage of balcony area located on a building's front elevation shall not be larger than 120 square feet.
Side Balcony Size. The total square footage of balcony area located on a building's interior side elevation shall not be larger than 60 square feet. Side balconies shall not project beyond the first story exterior wall. A translucent or solid privacy screen 42 inches in height shall be provided.
Rear Balcony Size. The total square footage of balcony area located on a building's rear elevation shall not be larger than 80 square feet in area. A translucent or solid privacy screen five feet in height shall be provided along the side elevation.
Allowed Projections into Setbacks. All projections into setbacks shall meet the standards set forth in Section 19.20.150.E of the Municipal Code, provided that balconies shall not project into the required side setback.
No roof decks shall be permitted on any structure.
Basements shall be limited to a maximum of 300 square feet in area and shall not be included in the calculation of FAR. Cooking facilities, showers, bathtubs, windows, lightwells, and external entrance/exit are prohibited. Setbacks for basements shall be consistent with building setbacks.
Height Measurement Exceptions. All structures shall comply with the height limits in Section 19.20.080 of the Municipal Code. Notwithstanding 19.20.080.C.2, architectural projections that provide passive solar and venting functions that are not more than 15 percent of the roof area shall not be considered mechanical equipment as described in Subsection C-419.20.080.C.4.
Parking and Driveways. WHMC Chapters 19.28 and 19.36 apply in the NTNOD, except as otherwise provided below:
The maneuvering room required under 19.28.090.A.1 shall not be required for single-family dwellings and duplexes.
Required parking may be located between the front setback and the front of a residential unit, provided that the parking area is not wider than 10 feet, and is not within the front setback.
The enclosed or covered parking required under 19.28.090.D.2 and 19.36.311.D shall not be required in the NTNOD.
Driveways shall not be required to lead to a garage.
Driveway width. Driveway pavement shall be limited to a maximum width of 10 feet when located within the front 30 percent of the property. Minimum driveway width shall be nine feet.
There shall be no more than three feet between the side property line and the exterior edge of the driveway 's pavement, unless additional spacing is necessary to accommodate the placement of porte cocheres to the minimum extent necessary.
Driveway gates shall not open into the public right-of-way.
Visibility Considerations. Landscaping adjacent to a driveway shall not interfere with motorists' views of the sidewalk and pedestrians' views of vehicles exiting the driveway.
Nothing shall obstruct the motorist's view within the triangle drawn from five feet back from the property line to a distance of 10 feet from the side of the driveway on the driver's right side as they make a forward exit from the property and 10 feet from the centerline of the driveway to the driver's left side.
Fences, walls, and vegetation that are over 28 inches in height shall not be located within this triangular zone, except that trees that do not have foliage below six feet in height may be located in the triangular zone. Existing walls and landscape on adjacent property will be considered an existing non-conforming condition.
Garages and Carports
Attached garages. A garage attached to the primary structure shall be set back a minimum of five feet from the nearest front elevational plane (i.e., façade) of the building. Attached garages shall be included in the FAR calculation of the subject property.
Detached garages. A detached rear garage shall comply with 19.14.130.E.4, except that the area of detached rear garages, up to 400 square feet, shall not be included in a property's FAR calculation.
Subterranean parking. Subterranean or semi-subterranean parking shall not be permitted.
Carports. Carports in the side or front yards shall be permanent structures. Pop-up or temporary shade structures shall not be used as carports in the side or front yards.
Refer to the Norma Triangle Single-Family Design Guidelines for additional guidance on parking and driveway design.
Accessory Structures. This section modifies and supplements the standards set forth in Section 19.36.300 for the purpose of allowing accessory structures to provide additional living space for the primary single-family dwelling unit on the property. Second Residential Units, as defined in 19.90.020, provide complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation, for this overlay, and would be governed by Section 19.36.310. This section does not modify or supplement the provisions of Section 19.36.310.
Limitation on Use. Accessory structures may be used to provide additional living space and sleeping quarters to a primary single-family dwelling unit. Cooking facilities are not permitted in accessory structures used to provide additional living space to the primary single-family dwelling unit. Second residential units, which do have cooking facilities, are subject to the provisions in Section 19.36.310.
Location. Accessory structures may be placed up to the property line provided that they comply with all applicable building and fire safety codes.
Window and door placement. No window or door openings shall be located within five feet of a property line.
Size Limit. Accessory structures are not limited in size, but shall be included in the calculation of the FAR for the subject property and any applicable site coverage requirements. Detached rear garages, up to 400 square feet, are not included in the FAR.
Distance Between Structures.
Distance Between Accessory Structures and Primary Structures. A minimum distance of six feet shall be required between any primary residential structure and an accessory structure established on the same parcel, and primary and accessory structures shall not be connected by a covered walkway.
Accessory Structures Attached to Detached Garages. Accessory structures allowed within the rear yard may be attached to a detached garage, provided that the non-garage uses comply with the requirements of this section. Accessory structures may not be built above the garage.
Site Coverage. The site coverage limitation under Section 19.36.300.A.3 shall not apply in the NTNOD.
Height Limit. Accessory structures shall not exceed a height of 12 feet and one story at the property line, and shall not exceed a height of 15 feet and one story when sited at least five feet from the property line.
Exterior Lighting. Standards set forth in WHMC Section 19.20.100 shall apply. In addition, no exterior lighting shall be located within five feet of a property line.
Figure NTNOD-16
Figure NTNOD-17
Design Standards. The structure shall be:
Sited and constructed on the subject parcel in a manner that minimizes negative impacts (e.g., light, noise, etc.) to adjacent residents to the maximum extent feasible.
Designed so that all roof drainage is directed to the subject site. All drainage shall be retained on-site, or directed to the street.
Refer to the Norma Triangle Single-Family Design Guidelines for additional guidance on accessory structure design.
Site and Landscape Standards. WHMC Sections 19.20.050, 19.26.050, 19.26.060, 19.26.070, and 19.26.080 apply in the NTNOD except as modified or supplemented below.
Site Grading.
Retaining walls shall not exceed a height of 42 inches.
As part of a Development Permit, existing elevations of the project site shall not be raised or lowered more than 18 inches.
Fences and Walls.
Fences and walls erected along interior property lines shall be pre-finished on the outward face.
Visibility Considerations. Nothing shall obstruct the motorist's view within the triangle drawn from five feet back from the property line to a distance of 10 feet from the side of the driveway on the driver's right side as they make a forward exit from the property and 10 feet from the centerline of the driveway to the driver's left side.
Effect on Traffic or Public Safety. Trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained so that their mature height and width do not interfere with traffic safety sight areas, or public safety. Landscaping adjacent to a driveway and the walls of the building shall be designed not to interfere with motorists' views of the sidewalk and pedestrians' views of vehicles exiting the project. Nothing shall obstruct the motorist's view within the triangle drawn from five feet back from the property line to a distance of 10 feet from the side of the driveway on the driver's right side as they make a forward exit from the property and 10 feet from the centerline of the driveway to the driver's left side.
Acoustical trespass. Refer to Chapter 9.08 and Section 19.20.090 of the Municipal Code.
Light trespass. Refer to Section 19.20.100 of the Municipal Code.
Refer to the Norma Triangle Single-Family Design Guidelines for additional guidance on site planning and landscape design.
Required Findings.
When reviewing a Development Permit application in the NTNOD, the review authority shall approve the Development Permit, with or without conditions, only if it first finds:
The findings in Section 19.48.050.A-C can be made in the affirmative;
Neighborhood Fit. The massing, scale, and proportion, as well as landscape, site, and streetscape design of the proposed project complement the existing neighborhood;
Quality Materials and Details. The proposed project exhibits use of quality materials and details appropriate to the design concept that will ensure proper execution of the design; and
Variety in New Construction. For new construction, that the building is a unique design.
The Norma Triangle Single-Family Design Guidelines provide detailed guidance for finding neighborhood fit, quality materials and details, and variety in new construction.
(Ord. 17-995 § 6, 2017; Ord. 19-1058 § 17, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)