Location and Description. The Movietown Specific Plan area is located at 7300 – 7328 Santa Monica Boulevard. The site is located within the eastside of West Hollywood, generally bound by Fuller Avenue to the west, Santa Monica Boulevard to the north, Poinsettia Place to the east, and the property line located approximately 450 feet south of the site's Santa Monica Boulevard property line.
Permitted Uses. Uses shall be permitted in accordance with the commercial community (CC) zone, as set forth in Chapter 19.10. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this code, community rooms within multi-family developments shall be permitted by right.
Floor Area Ratio. Floor area ratio ("FAR") is defined as the ratio of floor area to total lot area. The FAR limitation in this specific plan shall be used to limit the gross floor area allowed in the plan area to 4:1. The maximum gross floor area of all structures permitted in the plan area shall be determined by multiplying the FAR by the total area of the plan area (i.e., 131,700 square feet). (FAR x Site Area = Maximum Allowable Gross Floor Area.) Floor area shall be the total enclosed area of all floors of a structure or portion of a structure proposed for a use, measured to the inside face of the exterior walls excluding elevator shafts at each floor level, service and mechanical equipment rooms, stairways, and basement or attic areas having a height of more than six feet, and the area used exclusively for vehicle parking or loading.
Maximum Building Height. The first 35 feet of property south of the Santa Monica Boulevard property line shall not exceed 55 feet in height. Beginning 35 feet south of the Santa Monica Boulevard property line, and extending southward for 100 feet, buildings shall not exceed 65 feet in height. Thereafter, beginning 135 feet from the Santa Monica Boulevard property line, and extending to the southern property line, buildings shall not exceed 132 feet.
Nothing herein, however, shall be construed to in any way limit interior mezzanine or loft space. Furthermore, the top level of a semi-subterranean garage shall not be considered a story.
The Community Development Director may approve modifications to the provisions of Section 19.20.080(C) regarding mechanical equipment, housings, telecommunications facilities and other appurtenant roof-top structures or penetrations (e.g., skylights, stairwells, and ventilation atria), including catwalks, parapets, and railings.
Setbacks. No minimum setbacks shall be required. However, nothing herein shall be interpreted to conflict with any public plaza. Minimum sidewalk width shall be 10 feet adjacent to Santa Monica Boulevard.
Open Space. The provisions of Section 19.36.280(A) of this code shall apply, except the following additional regulations and/or exceptions from this code shall apply to the plan area to provide additional common open space throughout the plan area:
Individual structures in the plan area shall be separated by a public open space approximately 133 feet south of Santa Monica Boulevard that runs from Fuller Avenue to Poinsettia Place. The space shall have a minimum width of 20 feet and be configured and designed to give the same kind of experience offered by a public right-of-way such as a pedestrian oriented alley or mews.
A plaza and paseo open to the general public shall be provided at grade along Santa Monica Boulevard with a minimum area of 5,000 square feet.
The provisions of Section 19.36.280(A) of this code regarding private open space regulations shall not apply to the plan area.
The specific plan area shall provide no less than 30,000 square feet of common open space. All rooftop open space, so long as it includes substantial active or passive recreational facilities or landscaping, and any public plaza, paseo, or mews, may be counted in their entirety toward the common open space requirement.
Loading. Off-street loading spaces shall be provided within the required public open space that runs from Fuller Avenue to Poinsettia Place, approximately 133 feet south of Santa Monica Boulevard, to serve the permitted retail and commercial uses within the plan area. No off-site maneuvering of trucks shall be permitted within the public right-of-way at any time. The screening requirements of Section 19.28.160 of this code shall not apply.
Parking. Required residential guest parking may be located in the same parking area as the commercial parking spaces to allow for shared parking between the two uses.
Primary Street Façade Pedestrian Oriented Uses. There shall be pedestrian oriented uses on a minimum of 80 percent of the primary street frontage on Santa Monica Boulevard, with a minimum average depth of 30 feet, and a minimum of 15 feet at any one point. There are no other front façade requirements. The provisions of Section 19.36.280(B)(4) of this code shall not apply to the plan area.
Signs. Off-site signs are allowed in the plan area when approved in conjunction with a development agreement with the City.
(Ord. 10-841 § 5, 2010; Ord. 19-1058 § 18, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Location and Description. The 8899 Beverly Boulevard Specific Plan (the "8899 Beverly Specific Plan") applies to the 1.73 acre property located at 8899 Beverly Boulevard, on the west side of West Hollywood, and is generally bound by Almont Drive to the west, Rosewood Avenue to the north, Robertson Boulevard to the east, and Beverly Boulevard to the south. The precise boundaries of the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan are depicted on Figure 1. The 8899 Beverly Specific Plan is divided into two subareas, Subarea 1 and Subarea 2, as delineated on Figure 1. Subarea 1 has a frontage of 250 feet along Beverly Boulevard, extending north to a depth of 110 feet. Subarea 2 has a frontage of 480 feet along Rosewood Avenue, extending south to a depth of 100 feet and is immediately north of Sub-area 1.
Figure 1.
Permitted Uses.
Subarea 1. Uses within Subarea 1 shall be limited to the following:
Commercial and residential uses permitted in accordance with the commercial community (CC) zone, as set forth in Chapter 19.10.
Alcoholic beverage sales for on-site consumption shall be permitted in connection with one restaurant. Alcoholic beverage sales in connection with any other establishment shall require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit or Minor Conditional Use Permit pursuant to the requirements set forth in Chapter 19.52.
Subarea 2. Uses within Subarea 2 shall be limited to the following:
A maximum of nine dwelling units.
Home businesses as further regulated by Section 19.36.040.
Swimming pool and common open space, including outdoor cooking facilities, for Subareas 1 and 2 residents.
Subterranean parking facilities.
Floor Area Ratio.
The floor area ratio ("FAR") within the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan shall not exceed a total of 2.6:1.
The FAR within Subarea 2 shall not exceed 0.5:1.
All legally available density bonuses are deemed to have been included in the density established in the proposed Specific Plan. The approval of this project satisfies all and any incentives, concessions and waivers to which the applicant or any future property owner might be entitled under SB 1818 and Section 19.22.050 or any similar provision of law relating to density bonus.
Maximum Building Height.
Subarea 1. The maximum building height of all structures in Subarea 1 shall not exceed 120.5 feet.
Subarea 2. The maximum building height of all structures in Subarea 2 shall not exceed 25 feet, subject to the provisions of Section 19.20.080(C).
Subarea 1. No minimum setbacks shall be required.
Subarea 2. Minimum setbacks for structures above finished ground level shall be provided as follows:
Front. 15 feet.
Rear. 15 feet.
Side. Five feet from the east and west property lines.
No setbacks shall be required for a subterranean parking structure located below the finished ground level.
A one-story attached or detached garage or carport may be located within required setbacks in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.36.311(A).
A one-story residential accessory structure may be located within the required rear setback in accordance with the provisions of Section 19.36.300(A), except that no minimum setback from the rear property line shall be required.
Open Space. The provisions of Section 19.36.280(A) shall be modified for the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan as follows:
Affordable housing units shall not be required to provide private open space.
All other units shall be provided with an average of 120 square feet of private open space per unit, with no minimum amount. The minimum dimensions set forth in Section 19.36.280(A)(2)(c)(1) shall not apply to existing balconies in Subarea 1.
A minimum of 10,000 square feet of common open space for active and passive recreational uses shall be provided within Subarea 2, for use by all residents of Subareas 1 and 2.
Loading. No off-street loading spaces shall be required.
A minimum of 256 parking spaces shall be provided. A shared parking analysis dated July 13, 2015 by Hirsch Green shows an excess of 41 parking spaces, which may be utilized for other purposes with a shared parking permit. If the mix of uses is changed from the plans stamped received by the City of West Hollywood on August 6, 2015, a shared parking analysis shall be prepared by a licensed traffic engineer to determine the number of parking spaces required for the changed mix of uses, subject to the approval of the Community Development Director.
Residential parking spaces may be located in the same parking area as the commercial parking spaces to allow for shared parking between the two uses.
Tandem parking may be arranged to be no more than two spaces in depth and two spaces in height (with mechanical parking lifts), provided that the operator of the parking facility provide a valet or attendant at all times. The parking supply may include valet-assisted parking spaces for up to 10 vehicles located within the drive aisles. Mechanical parking lifts may be used to provide parking spaces to satisfy parking requirements.
Parking spaces and drive aisles in the existing building in Subarea 1 are nonconforming and may be maintained. The seismic retrofit required for the building will result in minor encroachments into both the parking spaces and drive aisles due to widening of certain columns and construction of shear walls. Such encroachments shall be permitted notwithstanding the nonconforming status of the parking spaces and drive aisles.
Affordable Housing Requirements. Notwithstanding Chapter 19.22 of this Code, the following shall apply to the provision of affordable housing within the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan:
Location, Layout, and Floor Plan. The affordable/inclusionary housing area location and layout and the floor areas of all units, amenities and room located within the affordable/inclusionary housing area shall substantially conform to the revised plans stamped received on August 6, 2015, to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director.
Minimum Number of Units Required. A minimum of 15 units shall be reserved as affordable housing units, with a minimum of seven units reserved for very low income households. These affordable housing units provided shall contain a minimum of 11,105 square feet of interior affordable housing unit square footage, with a minimum total of 18,343 including circulation, flex room, and common element overall. There shall be a maximum of two studio units, with all other affordable units one-bedroom or larger. The minimum interior area for each unit is 648 square feet, with a minimum average size of 740 square feet, with finishes and appliances of "builder's quality" or better.
In no circumstances shall less than 15 affordable units be constructed and continuously offered, managed, and maintained as rental units for households qualifying for the specified income limits:
A minimum of seven units shall be reserved for very low income households.
A minimum of eight units shall be reserved for moderate income households.
Clustering. Affordable units may be clustered within the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan with the provision of a documented public benefit as determined by the reviewing authority.
Area of Affordable/Inclusionary Housing Component. The area of the affordable housing component shall be delineated on the vesting tract map and shall include the units, and common areas including indoor amenity space (lounge, kitchen, meeting room, etc.), laundry, storage, circulation, and any other areas serving the affordable housing component, as well as the community meeting room. The affordable/inclusionary housing obligation shall be equal to or greater than 20 percent of the residential floor area of all non-inclusionary units, not including any floor area added as a result of any density bonus pursuant to subsection (C)(3) but in no circumstances shall the affordable housing obligation be less than 21,808 square feet of countable floor area. This may be satisfied by providing 18,343 square feet of affordable housing areas, as described above, within Subarea 1, and through the payment of a five hundred sixty-four thousand dollar ($564,000.00) affordable housing in-lieu fee for the remaining 3,465 square feet of the affordable housing obligation, as set forth in the Keyser Marston Associates report dated August 5, 2015.
Compliance with the West Hollywood West Neighborhood Overlay District. Subarea 2 shall comply with all requirements of the West Hollywood West Neighborhood Overlay District. Should any conflict exist between the Overlay District and this Specific Plan, the Specific Plan shall apply.
Infrastructure. Due to the urbanized nature of the surrounding area, the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area is currently provided with adequate facilities for sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, and energy. As limited in size and intensity of use by the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan, the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area will not require the development of additional sewage, water, solid waste disposal, energy, or other essential facilities. However, the developer will be required to pay its fair share to mitigate any cumulative impacts on city facilities. In addition, all utility construction, connections and maintenance shall conform to the provisions of the West Hollywood Municipal Code.
Water. The City of Beverly Hills provides water to the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area. The existing supply and distribution of water can accommodate the level of water demand from the commercial and residential uses proposed in the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area. Figure 2 shows the location and size of the water distribution system that serves the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area.
Sewer. Wastewater generated from the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area would be conveyed through these lines and treated at the Hyperion Water Treatment Plant in El Segundo. The calculations prepared by the city in connection with its review of the Specific Plan indicate that the existing sewer lines are adequate to accommodate the level of wastewater generated by the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan. Figure 3 shows the present size and location of the sewer facilities servicing the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area.
Solid Waste Disposal. Solid waste disposal for the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area is provided through a franchise with the city. All solid waste generated by uses within the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area will be disposed of at landfills in Los Angeles or Riverside Counties. Based on the projected solid waste generation, the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area will not have significant solid waste disposal impacts, and existing solid waste disposal facilities and landfill capacities are sufficient to accommodate the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan's projected solid waste.
Storm Drains. The 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area is currently developed with a commercial building and parking lot. Implementation of the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan will not materially increase the amount of impermeable land or result in changes in absorption rates that would increase the amount of stormwater runoff from the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area. In addition, development within the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area is required to comply with all requirements of the city's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) and the city's stormwater and urban runoff pollution control ordinance (Article 3, Chapter 15.56, Title 19 of the West Hollywood Municipal Code). The storm drain plan for the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan Area is shown on Figure 4.
Energy. The Southern California Edison Company provides electricity to the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area. The Southern California Gas Company provides natural gas to the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area. According to the studies prepared for the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan, the existing supply and distribution of electricity and natural gas can accommodate the level of demand from the uses proposed in the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan. Figure 5 illustrates electrical and gas facilities.
Implementation Measures.
Financing. The developer will be responsible for all on-site improvements and will pay its fair share allocation of any off-site improvements as required to mitigate any significant environmental impacts associated with implementation of the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan, as may be identified in the Final EIR. No public funds are necessary to implement the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan.
In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan and Title 19 of the West Hollywood Municipal Code, the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan shall govern. In addition, the provisions of the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan shall supersede the demolition provisions of Section 19.72.040(D).
Relationship to the West Hollywood General Plan. The General Plan serves as the long-term planning guide for future development throughout the city. The General Plan operates as a guide to the type of community desired for the future and provides the means to accomplish that goal. California law requires a specific plan to be consistent with the adopted general plan. The 8899 Beverly Specific Plan has been adopted in conjunction with general plan amendments to: (1) add text in the Land Use Element of the General Plan regarding the development of the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area that is consistent with the development permitted under the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan; and (2) amend the Land Use Element to change the land use designation for the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area from "Community Commercial 1" (CC1) and "Two-Family Residential" (R1B) to "8899 Beverly Specific Plan" in order to permit a mix of residential and commercial uses in the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area based on the direction given in the General Plan, as amended.
Consistent with the Land Use Element of the General Plan, the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan encourages the mixture of uses and activities, open space and buildings, improved street design and traffic circulation and enhanced pedestrian amenities. The 8899 Beverly Specific Plan guides and manages the growth and development of the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area to provide opportunity for needed housing and to expand the city's economic base by generating property and sales tax revenues.
Consistent with the Housing Element of the General Plan, the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan enhances the quality of the city's housing stock by encouraging the adaptive reuse of an existing structure for residential purposes and providing newly constructed residential units that comply with current life-safety and energy standards, and provides for a mix of residential units that are diverse in size, type and income, that will help meet the housing needs of the city.
Consistent with the Mobility Element of the General Plan, the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan furthers the general directives to improve the quality of life and public health and increase mobility and access. The 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area is located on a major commercial corridor and is close to numerous mass-transit opportunities within the immediate area or a short walk from the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan area. In addition, the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan will enhance the pedestrian experience along Beverly Boulevard by creating street-level storefronts with direct access from Beverly Boulevard and adding new landscaping.
Sunset. This section shall become inoperative 18 months after its effective date ("construction commencement period") if construction has not yet commenced. Upon the expiration of the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan, the Community Development Director shall amend the Zoning Map and General Plan to delete the applicable designation. The construction commencement period shall be tolled if either of the following occurs:
The project design and/or conditions do not meet the satisfaction of the Community Development Director after the city has requested, and the owner of the property designated as the 8899 Beverly Specific Plan ("owner") has provided, two consecutive sets of revisions and/or information. In such case, the Community Development Director shall present the project design and conditions to the Planning Commission design review subcommittee for a determination of compliance. The tolling of the construction commencement period shall end when the determination of compliance is issued.
The owner requests in writing an extension of the construction commencement period and the Community Development Director finds that the design review and plan check has exceeded the standard review period and the delay was not caused in whole or in part by the owner's lack of responsiveness or failure to make a good faith effort to respond to the requests of the city during design review and plan check. If the required findings are made, the Community Development Director may only approve an extension for a period commensurate with the number of days of the delay.
Figure 2. 8899 Beverly Boulevard Specific Plan
Figure 3. 8899 Beverly Boulevard Specific Plan
Figure 4. 8899 Beverly Boulevard Specific Plan
Figure 5a. 8899 Beverly Boulevard Specific Plan
Figure 5b. 8899 Beverly Boulevard Specific Plan
(Ord. 15-960 § 5, 2015; Ord. 19-1058 §§ 19 – 21, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Location and Description. The Center for Early Education Specific Plan area is located at 521-523 and 533-563 North Alfred Street, 8490 Clinton Avenue, 8494 Melrose Avenue, 526-532 and 542-548 North La Cienega Boulevard. The site is located within the southwest side of West Hollywood, generally bound by Clinton and Melrose Avenues to the north, Alfred Street to the east, La Cienega Boulevard to the west and to the south by the property line located approximately 423 feet south of Clinton Avenue on the east and the property line approximately 353 feet south of Melrose Avenue on the west. 534-540 North La Cienega Boulevard and 529 N. Alfred Street are not a part of the CEE Specific Plan area.
Permitted Uses. Uses shall be permitted in accordance with the Public Facilities (PF) zone, as set forth in Chapter 19.10.
Gross Floor Area. Gross floor area shall be the total enclosed area of all floors of a structure or portion of a structure proposed for a use, measured to the inside face of the exterior walls including elevator shafts at each floor level, service and mechanical equipment rooms, and stairways, excluding below-grade areas used exclusively for storage, vehicle parking, and loading area. Covered exterior entrances, covered exterior walkways, and covered open-air rooftop areas such as outdoor lunch or seating areas also shall be excluded in calculating the gross floor area. The gross floor area for multi-level gymnasium and multipurpose rooms shall only be calculated at the first level. The total gross floor area within the CEE Specific Plan area shall not exceed 110,000 gross square feet.
Maximum Building Heights. The roof of new buildings at the western side of the Specific Plan area with frontage on La Cienega Boulevard shall not exceed 47 feet in height above La Cienega Boulevard (approximately +224 elevation). The roof of new buildings at the northeastern corner of the Specific Plan area with frontage on Clinton Avenue and Alfred Street shall not exceed 43 feet in height above Alfred Street (approximately +224 elevation).
Rooftop open-air occupied areas such as outdoor play courts and lunch areas may be enclosed with walls or fences up to 20 feet in height above the roof, and shade trellis may cover rooftop outdoor lunch/seating areas provided the trellis does not exceed 18 feet in height.
Appurtenant rooftop enclosed spaces such as restrooms, storage, and circulation may be up to 18 feet in height above the roof.
Nothing herein, however, shall be construed to in any way limit interior gymnasium, mezzanine or loft space.
The Community Development Director may approve modifications to the provisions of Section 19.20.080(C) regarding mechanical equipment, housings, telecommunications facilities and other appurtenant roof-top structures or penetrations (e.g., skylights, stairwells, and ventilation atria), including shade trellises, roof-top play court enclosure fences and parapet walls, catwalks, parapets, and railings.
Setbacks. Any new enclosed building within the specific plan area shall provide a minimum setback of seven feet from any residential zoned property located outside of the Specific Plan area. The existing structure and any temporary modular structure at 523 N. Alfred shall be exempt. No other setbacks shall be required.
Open Space and Landscaping. The following open space and landscaping provisions shall apply to the Specific Plan area to provide attractive open space and landscaping throughout the Specific Plan area:
The Specific Plan area shall provide an open space play field of approximately 15,000 square feet at grade level fronting Alfred Street. In addition, open space and play yards for the early childhood programs (preschool and day care) shall be in accordance with California licensing requirements.
The Specific Plan area shall provide no less than 17,000 square feet of landscaping. All grade level and rooftop landscaping areas of all open space areas within the specific plan area may be counted in their entirety toward the landscaping requirement. The landscaping requirements of Section 19.26.040(A) and (B) of this Code shall not apply.
To enhance security and privacy for the children, a security fence or solid wall up to 14 feet in height above grade shall be allowed. The provisions of Sections 19.20.050(C) and 19.20.050(D) of this Code shall not apply to the specific plan area.
Sidewalks. Minimum sidewalk width shall be 15 feet adjacent to La Cienega Boulevard except that area at the intersection with Melrose Avenue that serves as a bus stop, which may have a sidewalk width of eight feet. Minimum sidewalk width shall be nine feet including parkway adjacent to Alfred Street.
Parking. A minimum of 180 parking spaces, or code required parking, whichever is greater, shall be provided within the specific plan area including surface and subterranean parking spaces.
Loading. The provisions of Section 19.28.160 of this Code shall not apply to the specific plan area. One off-street loading space shall be provided in the subterranean garage and loading may also occur on campus with access provided from the public alley. No off-site maneuvering of trucks shall be permitted within the public right-of-way, except the alley, at any time.
Street Façade. The provisions of Section 19.10.060 of this Code shall not apply to the specific plan area. Public art shall be provided at the street level on La Cienega Boulevard.
Phasing. The development of the Specific Plan area may occur in phases with construction of the first phase occurring within three years of the effective date of this Specific Plan, and construction occurring within a six-year period.
(Ord. 15-971 § 4, 2015; Ord. 19-1058 § 22, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Location and Description. The Robertson Lane Specific Plan area consists of two Sub-Areas. Sub-Area A is located at 645 – 681 North Robertson Boulevard and 648 North La Peer Drive and Sub-Area B located at 8954 Santa Monica Boulevard and 685 North Robertson Boulevard. The site is located within the west side of West Hollywood, Sub-Area A is generally bound by Sub-Area B to the north, Robertson Boulevard to the east, North La Peer Drive to the west and the property line located approximately 275 feet south of Santa Monica Boulevard on the west and 605 feet south of Santa Monica Boulevard on the east. Sub-Area B is bound by Santa Monica Boulevard to the north, Robertson Boulevard to the east, Sub-Area A to the south, and a commercially zoned parcel fronting Santa Monica Boulevard to the west.
Permitted Uses. Uses shall be permitted in accordance with the commercial community (CC) zone, as set forth in Chapter 19.10 Table 2-5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Code, meeting rooms shall be permitted ancillary to hotel use.
Floor Area Ratio.
Definition of Floor Area. "Gross floor area" shall be defined as the total enclosed area of all floors of a structure or portion of a structure proposed for a use, measured to the inside face of the exterior walls excluding elevator shafts at each floor level, service and mechanical equipment rooms, stairways, and basement or attic areas having a height of more than six feet, and the area used exclusively for vehicle parking or loading. Below-grade basement areas shall not be included in calculation of FAR. Multi-level atria with an interior height exceeding 20 feet shall be counted at each level.
The FAR limitation in this Specific Plan shall be used to limit the above grade gross floor area allowed in the plan area as follows:
FAR in Sub-Area A shall not exceed 2.83 for projects that include hotel use with ancillary meeting and event space, a pedestrian paseo through the site connecting North La Peer Drive with Robertson Boulevard consistent with the Open Space and Landscaping requirements of this section, and that provide for adaptive reuse and rehabilitation of the Factory Building. In addition, projects approved with this FAR must have been found to provide at least one of the following consistent with General Plan Land Use Policy LU-2.8:
Expand existing facilities or introduce new uses which are considered to be of significant importance (public benefits, historical use, socially valued use, etc.);
Provide significant benefits to the city; or
Offer architectural design that is of unusual merit and will enhance the city.
For all other projects:
1.0 for a project, or portion of project, located in Sub-Area B or within 143 feet of Robertson Boulevard in Sub-Area A, consistent with the CN2 zoning district.
2.0 for a project, or portion of project, located within 142 feet of North La Peer Drive in Sub-Area A, consistent with the CC2 zoning district.
Maximum Building Heights.
For projects in Sub-Area A as described in Section 19.16.040(C)(2)(a), heights may be permitted as follows:
Datum Elevations. For purposes of establishing the building heights, the datum elevation of Robertson Boulevard shall be Elev. 0′-0″ (213′-0″ amsl) and the elevation of North La Peer Drive shall be Elev. 4′-0″ (217′-0″ amsl).
Maximum Building Height. Starting at the eastern Robertson Boulevard property line and extending westward for 51′-0″, the maximum building height shall not exceed 48′-0″ above Robertson Boulevard. Starting 51′-0″ west of the eastern Robertson Boulevard property line and extending 126′-0″ westward, the maximum building height shall not exceed 117′-0″ above Robertson Boulevard (113′-0″above North La Peer Drive). Starting at the western North La Peer Drive property line and extending eastward to a point 177′-0″ west of the eastern Robertson Boulevard property, the maximum building height shall not exceed 119′-0″ above Robertson Boulevard (115′-0″ above North La Peer Drive).
Appurtenant Rooftop Structures. Appurtenant roof-top structures including, but not limited to, fire stairs, and elevator overruns up to 15'-0" above the maximum building height may be permitted starting 51'-0" west of the eastern Robertson Boulevard property line extending 126'-0" westward. In all other areas of Sub-Area A, such appurtenant roof-top structures up to 12'-0" above the maximum building heights may be permitted. For a maximum of 900 square feet on the hotel's ninth level (L9), a retractable canopy up to 20'-0" above the ninth level (L9) roof deck not to exceed 127'-0" above Robertson Boulevard (a maximum of 123'-0" above North La Peer Drive) may be permitted, provided the retractable canopy is set back 12'-0" from the western property line (1:1 ratio). The maximum total height shall not exceed 132'-0" above Robertson Boulevard (a maximum of 128'-0" above North La Peer Drive. The Director of the Community Development Department may approve modifications to the provisions of Section 19.20.080(C)(4) regarding mechanical equipment, housings, telecommunications facilities and other appurtenant roof-top structures or penetrations (e.g., skylights, stairwells, and ventilation atria), including catwalks, parapets, and railings during the concurrent plan check process.
For a single building with restaurant and nightclub uses in Sub-Area B, heights shall be permitted as follows:
Datum Elevations. For purposes of establishing the building heights, the datum elevation of Santa Monica Boulevard at the mid-point of the Santa Monica Boulevard frontage shall be Elev. 1′-0″ (223′-6″ amsl).
Maximum Building Heights. The maximum roof height shall be 29′-6″ above the Santa Monica Boulevard datum and two stories.
Maximum Parapet Height. The maximum parapet height shall not exceed 5′-0″ above the roof.
Appurtenant Rooftop Structures. Appurtenant rooftop structures including, but not limited to, roof screens and elevator overruns shall not exceed 8′-0″ above the maximum roof height.
For all other projects, the allowed building height shall be as follows:
25 feet, two stories, for a project, or portion of project, located within 143′-0″ of Robertson Boulevard within Sub-Area A and for any project within Sub-Area B.
45 feet, four stories, for a project, or portion of project, located within 135′-0″ of North La Peer Drive within Sub-Area A.
Setbacks. For projects in Sub-Area A as described in Section 19.16.040(C)(2)(a) and a project in Sub-Area B as described in Section 19.16.040(D)(2), no minimum setbacks from property lines shall be required. All other projects shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 19.10 with respect to setbacks.
Minor Modifications. The Community Development Director may allow up to 10 percent modification in any of the standards, limitations and/or square footage requirements of this Specific Plan as provided in Section 19.62.070.
Open Space and Landscaping. The following open space and landscaping provisions shall apply to projects in Sub-Area A as described in Section 19.16.040(C)(2)(a) and Sub-Area B as described in Section 19.16.040(D)(2) to provide attractive open space and landscaping throughout the Specific Plan area:
A pedestrian boulevard at least 30′-0″ wide shall be provided generally east to west through Sub-Area A from Robertson Boulevard to North La Peer Drive with a minimum area of 7,300 square feet open to the sky.
No less than 45,000 square feet of open space in Sub-Area A. All rooftop open space and the required pedestrian boulevard described in subsection (G)(1) above may be counted in their entirety toward the open space requirement. Open space shall be unenclosed and shall include substantial active or passive recreational facilities and may include hotel gardens, terraces, pool areas, public plazas and the required pedestrian boulevard. Safety railings, glass sound walls, planters and similar structures, and the walls of any structures along the required pedestrian boulevard, shall not count as enclosures for the purposes of this subsection.
Projects within Sub-Area A shall provide no less than 9,000 square feet of landscaping.
A project in Sub-Area B shall provide landscaping in outdoor dining areas consistent with Section 19.36.210.
Street Trees and Streetscape.
Notwithstanding Section 19.26.040(A)(5) of this Code, street trees and streetscape design along: (i) Robertson Boulevard and North La Peer Drive shall be provided in compliance with the West Hollywood Design District Streetscape Master Plan as may be revised by the City; and (ii) Santa Monica Boulevard the existing four street trees shall be removed and replaced.
Minimum sidewalk width in Sub-Area A shall be 15′-0″ along the Robertson Boulevard frontage (to comply with the Design District Streetscape Master Plan) and 10′-0″ to the property line along the North La Peer Drive frontage. In Sub-Area B, the existing 20′-6″ (with a minimum 3′-6″ building setback to comply with the Santa Monica Boulevard Streetscape Master Plan) sidewalk along Santa Monica Boulevard frontage shall be maintained and the sidewalk shall be 15′-0″ along the Robertson Boulevard frontage. The Public Works Director may modify this requirement as needed.
Off-Street Parking. No fewer than 526 parking spaces shall be provided in connection with new development, as described in Section 19.16.040(C)(2)(a) and Section 19.16.040(D)(2), within the Robertson Lane Specific Plan area. Parking spaces may be shared between all uses within the Robertson Lane Specific Plan area for both Sub-Areas and located entirely within Sub-Area A, and may include drive aisle parking spaces in locations approved by the review authority. Parking otherwise shall be provided pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 19.28 of this title.
Loading. In addition to off-street parking described above, projects as described in Section 19.16.040(C)(2)(a) and Section 19.16.040(D)(2) shall provide no fewer than six off-street loading spaces to serve all the permitted uses within the Robertson Lane Specific Plan area for both Sub-Areas, and these spaces shall be provided in the first subterranean parking garage level (Level P1) in Sub-Area A with ingress and egress access to Robertson Boulevard. A direct subterranean connection between the loading area on Level P1 in Sub-Area A shall be provided to subterranean Level B2 in Sub-Area B. No off-site maneuvering of trucks shall be permitted within the public right-of-way at any time. The screening requirements of Section 19.28.160 of this Code shall not apply.
Street Façade Pedestrian Oriented Uses. Pedestrian-oriented uses such as restaurants, cafés, retail, personal services, and entrance to the public paseo shall occupy a minimum of 85 percent of the Robertson Boulevard project frontage. Hotel guest-oriented uses including hotel entrance lobby and vehicle valet area may be located on the North La Peer Drive frontage.
Façade Articulation. The Robertson Boulevard street frontage in Sub-Area A shall be differentiated architecturally by recessed entries, display windows, offset surfaces, differentiated wall surfaces, offset planes, varied materials, awnings, and compatibility landscaping or other details, or other displays which are of interest to pedestrians. These requirements shall not apply to any adaptive reuse and rehabilitation of the Factory Building.
There are no other commercial building façade requirements. The provisions of Section 19.10.060 of this Code shall not apply to the Robertson Lane Specific Plan area.
Implementation Measures – Partial Preservation and Adaptive Reuse of the Factory Building. All projects developed within the Robertson Lane Specific Plan Sub-Area A shall retain, preserve, and restore significant elements of the Factory Building consistent with the recommendations of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Robertson Lane Hotel Project.
Urban Art Program. Implementation of the Urban Art Program pursuant to Chapter 19.38 may be fulfilled by providing urban art either separately within each Sub-Area for the respective project within each Sub-Area, or alternatively, may be fulfilled collectively for the projects in both Sub-Areas with either a single urban art installation within one Sub-Area or multiple urban art installations of differing values within both Sub-Areas. This provision does not restrict or limit the ability to provide an in-lieu payment to the West Hollywood Public Art and Beautification Fund pursuant to Section 19.38.040.
Relationship to West Hollywood General Plan. The General Plan offers guidance and a future vision for planning and development throughout the city. Pursuant to California State Law, a specific plan must be consistent with the General Plan. The city adopted General Plan Amendments concurrently with the Robertson Lane Specific Plan to amend the Land Use Map to include the Specific Plan Sub-Areas, and to add the Robertson Lane Specific Plan to the list of land use designations.
The uses that would be permitted in the Robertson Lane Specific Plan are encouraged in the General Plan to contribute to a strong and diversified local economy and generate revenue by supporting the city's major revenue generating industries, including: fashion, arts, and design-related uses; entertainment and tourism including hotels, restaurants, bars, nightclubs, and other entertainment venues; and media industry, including film production, offices, and related businesses.
The Robertson Lane Specific Plan is consistent with the city's desire to pursue pedestrian connectivity between the Melrose Triangle site and West Hollywood Park. The required paseo in Sub-Area A will allow pedestrians to walk from North La Peer Drive through to the Park, and divides the block of Robertson Boulevard between Santa Monica Boulevard to the north and Melrose Avenue to the south, which also improves the pedestrian experience. The project includes a public plaza at the Robertson Boulevard entrance to the paseo, consistent with policies to encourage public plazas as part of development projects. The redevelopment of Sub-Area B with a building containing restaurant and nightclub uses will further enhance the pedestrian experience in the area.
The Specific Plan incorporates the partial rehabilitation of the Factory Building in Sub-Area A, and as such, it is consistent with the Historic Preservation Element goal of protecting cultural resources from demolition and inappropriate alterations, and will continue to allow for the adaptive reuse of cultural resources. The Specific Plan is proposed in conjunction with the Robertson Lane Hotel Project in Sub-Area A and includes elements of the project that serve to partially rehabilitate, and adaptively reuse the Factory Building. The rehabilitation plan for the Factory Building would ensure that it remains eligible for listing on the local register and that it maintains its status on the California Historical Resources Register.
(Ord. 18-1032 § 7, 2018; Ord. 22-1187 § 8, 2022;; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)