The office of the director of finance is created.
(Prior code § 2-86)
The director of finance is the accounting officer of the city and shall maintain records readily reflecting the financial condition of the city. The director shall exercise all powers necessary to perform this office, including:
Publish or post a summary of the city's financial report as provided in Government Code Section 40804;
Disapprove demands for want of funds;
Number the endorsement of any demand disapproved for want of funds, register the order or demand in the records and deliver it to the claimants;
Certify or approve payroll or attendance records of other officers and employees;
Certify or approve warrants as conforming to the city's budget.
(Prior code § 2-88)
The director of finance, upon assuming the duties of office, shall execute a bond to the city in conformity with bonds of public officers, and in conformity with the provisions of the Government Code of the State of California relating thereto, in the amount established by the council.
(Prior code § 2-89)