Pursuant to the authority contained in Section 935 of the Government Code of the state, those claims against the city for money, damages, or refunds of money erroneously or illegally collected or paid which are exempted by Government Code Section 905 and which are not governed by other statutes or regulations expressly related thereto, shall be governed by this chapter. Where specifically indicated, some provisions of this chapter also pertain to routine claims and demands such as those placed on the city's warrant register and/or governed by Government Code Sections 37200 et seq.
(Ord. 803-96 § 1; Ord. 1163-19 § 1)
Claims and demands for salaries and wages of officers and employees of the city may, but need not be, presented to the city in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 2-120(b))
Any action brought against the city upon any claim or demand shall conform to the requirements of Government Code Sections 945 through 949, and any action brought against any city employee shall comply with the requirements of Government Code Sections 950 through 950.8, insofar as said sections are not in conflict with this section.
All written claims shall be verified by the person who claims to be entitled to be paid the money or damages or who has paid the money sought to be refunded or by his or her guardian, conservator, executor or administrator.
All claims shall be presented within one year after the accrual of the cause of action underlying the claim for money or damages or after the payment of the amount sought to be refunded.
No suit for money, damages or a refund may be brought against the city until a written claim has been presented to the council and has been allowed or deemed rejected in accordance with this chapter. Only the person who filed the claim may bring such a suit and if another person should do so, judgment shall not be rendered for the plaintiff.
(Ord. 803-96 § 2)
No city officer shall, except for his or her own service, present any claim, account or demand for allowance against the city, or in any way except in the discharge of his or her official duty advocate the relief asked in the claim or demand made by any other person.
(Prior code § 2-117)
Any person may appear before the council and oppose the allowance of any claim or demand made against the city.
(Prior code § 2-118)
For those claims and demands pertaining to actions identified in Section 3.12.030, above, presentation of such claim shall comply with all procedures and requirements set forth in Division 3.6, Title 1, of the Government Code.
Claims and demands against the city, which are in the ordinary course of business and just obligations of the city, such as routine salaries and wages, principal and interest on loans and bonds, payment for purchases and expenditures for which council-approved budget appropriations exist, and in which there is no dispute as to the obligation and amount being paid, are within the authority of Section 37208 of the California Government Code to be paid upon the authorization of the director of finance prior to being presented to city council for ratification.
(Prior code § 2-119; Ord. 1163-19 § 2)
Except for tort claims subject to the procedures set forth in Division 3.6, Title 1, of the Government Code, every claim and demand received against the city shall be first presented to, and approved in writing by, the department receiving the goods or services eliciting such claim or demand. The department shall certify to the actual delivery of supplies, materials, capital assets or performance of services for which payment is claimed; that the quality, quantity and prices correspond with the original specifications and contracts, if any, upon which the claim is based; that the demand in all other respects is a proper, valid claim against the city to be charged against identified budgetary accounts.
(Prior code § 2-120(a); Ord. 1163-19 § 2)
Each routine demand approved by the department receiving goods or services as described in Section 3.12.070 above shall be presented to the director of finance, who shall determine:
Evidence exists to support validity of the claim against the city. For example, purchase requisitions, purchase orders, contracts, packing slips, invoices, and other related documentation are consistent and support a valid city liability.
Appropriated funds are available to pay the claim.
Prices and computations on the claim are accurate.
Based on the nature of the claim, identified budgetary accounts properly classify the charge.
Claim includes appropriate department approval.
(Prior code § 2-121; Ord. 1163-19 § 2)
Following an audit of routine demands as described in Section 3.12.080, the director of finance shall submit a register(s) of audited demands to the city manager for review and presentation to the city council for ratification. Such register shall include name of claimant, description of claim, check number and date, if paid by check, and amount of claim. In addition, to claims paid by check, wire transfer and electronic Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments shall also be presented in the audited register of demands.
The register of demands shall be presented to city council at the next regular meeting. By resolution, council shall ratify or reject any claim or demand, in whole or in part. Following approval of the register of demands by the city council, the mayor shall endorse the resolution approving the register of audited demands and the city clerk will attest to the action.
(Prior code § 2-122; Ord. 1163-19 § 2)