No person shall install or maintain any bench on any street without first having obtained a bench permit therefor from the city manager.
A separate permit must be obtained for each bench, which permit shall be valid only for the particular location specified therein; provided, however, whenever the location of a bus stop is moved, the benches permitted at such stop may be moved to the new location without further action, except the notification of the city manager and the notification of the owner or occupant of the abutting property in the same manner as required for an original application for a permit.
(Prior code § 17-62)
Form — Contents. Applications for bench permit shall be made upon a form prescribed by the city manager, showing the proposed location of each bench and such other information as the director of public works may require.
Signature. Each bench permit application must be signed by the owner of the bench for which the permit is requested.
Each application for an original bench permit or a relocation permit shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the applicant.
The affidavit shall recite that the applicant has caused the owner or person in lawful possession or control of the property abutting upon the public street at the place where the bench is proposed to be located to be personally served with a notice on a form prescribed by the city manager. Such notice shall state that the applicant shall file an application for a permit and that the person receiving such notice may object to the location of the bench.
(Prior code §§ 17-63, 17-64, 17-65)
Detailed plans and specifications of each bench shall be supplied by the applicant for a bench permit with each application, unless the applicant has filed a set of standard plans and specifications with the city manager, in which event only a reference to such plans and specifications on the application shall be necessary.
(Prior code § 17-66)
The original application for a bench permit shall be accompanied by an application fee as provided in this chapter for the processing of the application.
(Prior code § 17-67)
No permit shall be issued or renewed pursuant to this chapter unless the applicant posts and maintains with the city manager a bond or policy of public liability and property damage insurance, approved by the city attorney and conditioned as hereinafter required.
The bond or policy shall be conditioned that the permittee shall indemnify and save harmless the city, its officers and employees from any and all loss, costs, damages, expenses or liability which may result from or arise out of the granting of the permit, for the installation or maintenance of the bench for which the permit is issued, and that the permittee shall pay any and all loss or damage that may be sustained by any person as a result of or which may be caused by or arise out of such installation or maintenance. The bond or policy of insurance shall be maintained in its original amount by the permittee at the permittee's expense at all times during the period for which the permit is in effect, and thereafter until the bench is removed or title thereto is transferred to another permittee. Such bond or policy shall also state that it shall not be canceled or amended except upon thirty days' prior written notice thereof to the city manager. The policy shall be renewed and submitted for approval at least thirty days prior to its expiration date. In the event that two or more permits are issued to one permittee, one such bond or policy of insurance may be furnished to cover two or more benches.
The limit of liability upon any bond or policy of insurance posted pursuant to the requirements of this chapter shall, in no case, be less than fifty thousand dollars for bodily injury to or death of one person, nor less than twenty-five thousand dollars for property damage. The permissible limits of liability for bodily injuries or death of more than one person shall depend upon the number of bench permits covered thereby and shall not be less than the amount specified in the following schedule:
Number of Bench Permits
Limit of Public Liability
Property Damage
1 to 10
$ 25,000.00
11 to 25
25 or more
(Prior code § 17-72)
Obstruction, Hazard or Detrimental Condition. An application for a bench permit shall be denied if the city manager finds that the maintenance of the bench would tend to obstruct passage along any public way or create a hazard, or would otherwise be detrimental to the public safety, welfare or convenience.
Failure to Pay Fee and Accept Permit. An application for a bench permit shall be canceled and denied if the applicant fails to deposit the permit fee required by this chapter and accept the permit within ten days after notice of approval of the application by the city manager.
(Prior code §§ 17-68, 17-69)
The application for a bench permit may be canceled and denied, or the permit revoked, as the case may be, if sixty percent of the property owners and tenants living or having their place of business within two hundred feet of the location of the benches protest the same.
If the owner, tenant or person in lawful possession or control of the property abutting upon the street at the place where the bench is to be located objects to the maintaining of a bench, and gives written notice thereof to the city manager at any time before or within ninety days from the date the permit is issued, the permit may be denied or revoked. If such written notice is received by the manager after ninety days from the date of the permit, the permit may not be revoked but renewal thereof shall be denied on the next renewal date.
(Prior code §§ 17-70, 17-71)
In the event two or more permit applications are received for a bench location, priority shall be given to the applicant who filed the application first.
(Prior code § 17-73)
Not more than two bench permits shall be issued for any one location, unless the city manager finds, after investigation, that more than two benches are required to accommodate persons desiring to use benches at that location.
(Prior code § 17-74)
In addition to the application fee required by Section 12.24.060, a bench permit fee as provided in Section 12.24.260 shall be collected at the time the permit is issued.
(Prior code § 17-75)
Each bench permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall bear a separate number.
(Prior code § 17-76)
Each bench permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire on the first day of January next following the date of issuance, unless the permit has been renewed, in which case the date of expiration of the most recent renewal shall control.
(Prior code § 17-77)
Each bench permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be renewed, provided a renewal application is filed and a renewal fee as provided in Section 12.24.260 is paid prior to the expiration date of the permit. Failure to renew a permit in accordance with this section shall cause an application for renewal to be treated as an original application.
(Prior code § 17-78)
Any bench permit may be revoked or renewal thereof denied by the city manager for any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, for any fraud or misrepresentation in the application, or for any reason which would have been grounds for denial of the application.
Any bench permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be canceled and revoked if the permittee fails to install the bench within thirty days after the date of the issuance of the permit.
(Prior code §§ 17-79, 17-80)
Any denial of the application or renewal of a bench permit, or revocation of the same, may be appealed to the council, whose judgment shall be final.
(Prior code § 17-81)