A single-family or a detached or attached two-family dwelling, together with the outbuildings customary to such use located on the same lot or parcel of land, including:
A private garage or carport with a capacity not to exceed five automobiles;
A children's playhouse;
Buildings for the housing of household pets other than pigs or hogs;
Lath or greenhouses;
Tool houses;
Hobby shop not used commercially.
The renting of not more than four rooms to not more than six individuals, or the providing of board to not more than six boarders, or both, in a single-family or two-family residence occupied as such, provided that a home occupation business license is obtained, provided the rent or board is for a period not less than thirty days, and provided that the use does not alter the character of the premises as a single-family or two-family residence.
Publicly owned parks, including all uses customarily found in such parks.
Schools which offer instructions in several branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools by the Education Code of the state of California, whether public or private and whether operated for profit or not, in which no pupil is physically restrained.
Such other uses as provided in Section 17.60.020 (P parking zone) of this title.
A licensed family care home, foster home, or group home, serving six or fewer mentally disordered or otherwise handicapped persons or dependent and neglected children, that provides twenty-four hour day care as required by Welfare and Institutions Code Section 5116.
A small family day care home which provides family day care for up to eight children.
A travel trailer, used by the owner and the owner's family as a temporary residence during construction or reconstruction by such owner of a permanent residence on that site during the period that the residence is not approved for occupancy and a building permit for the construction of such residence is in full force and effect for a period not to exceed six months, after the property owner has obtained a no fee permit from the director, or designee, upon approval of the location of the travel trailer by the building department. With approval from the director, the owner may extend the permit two times, for an additional three-month interval each, provided that the building permit is still in full force and effect and reasonable progress has been made. At no time shall permanent utility hookups be installed in conjunction with this use. Should a property owner fail to obtain the required permit, the date that the owner and/or the owner's family began residing in the travel trailer will be deemed the date that the building permit was issued.
Supportive and transitional housing.
An accessory dwelling unit and/or junior accessory dwelling unit that complies with the requirements of Sections 17.48.056 and 17.48.057, as applicable, of this code.
(Prior code § 3-2-B-6(a); Ord. 598-88 § 3; Ord. 912-02 § 10; Ord. 945-05 § 8; Ord. 960-06 § 36; Ord. 1045-10 § 5; Ord. 1091-13 § 5; Ord. 1131-17 § 5; Ord. 1139-17 § 8; Ord. 1145-18 § 5; Ord. 1177-20 § 8; Ord. 1178-21 § 3)
Short-term rental is a prohibited use in the R-2 zone.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, it is unlawful for any person to offer or make available for rent or to rent (by way of a rental agreement, lease, license or any other means, whether oral or written), for compensation or consideration, a short-term rental unit.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, it is unlawful for any person to occupy a short-term rental unit pursuant to a rental agreement, lease, license or any other means, whether oral or written, for compensation or consideration.
(Ord. 1139-17 § 9)
The required area for newly created lots or parcels zoned R-2 shall be five thousand square feet. The minimum dimensions of a newly created lot or parcel zoned R-2 shall be fifty feet in width and one hundred feet deep.
A person shall not erect, construct, occupy, use, alter or enlarge any building or structure in R-2 zone, except:
Outbuildings permitted in R-2 zone;
One single-family residential dwelling unit;
An accessory dwelling unit and/or junior accessory dwelling unit that complies with the requirements of Section 17.48.056 and 17.48.057, as applicable, of this code; or
Two residential dwelling units on a lot or parcel of land having an area of not less than five thousand square feet, provided that one additional attached or detached dwelling unit may be constructed for each three thousand square feet of lot area in excess of five thousand square feet.
(Prior code § 3-2-B-6(b); Ord. 960-06 § 37; Ord. 1131-17 § 6; Ord. 1145-18 § 6; Ord. 1177-20 § 9)
Maximum Lot Coverage Permitted. Lot coverage shall be limited to sixty percent of the area of the lot. Lot coverage consists of the area(s) of all proposed structures (measured from outside wall to outside wall) on the lot, including accessory structures. Covered porches and patios shall be counted towards lot coverage. Roof eaves and overhangs, chimneys, open (uncovered) patio areas, landscaped areas, paved parking and access areas are not included in lot coverage.
(Ord. 960-06 § 38)
Except where otherwise required by this code, every building in the R-2 zone shall be subject to the following yard requirements:
Front. The minimum building setback for residential units fronting either on a private street or a public street shall be twenty feet from the property line. At least forty percent of a second story shall be set back twenty-four feet from the front property line.
Side (Interior). Interior side yard setbacks shall be required as follows:
For all lots with two or less dwelling units, the minimum interior side yard setback shall be three feet;
For all lots with three or more dwelling units, the minimum interior side yard setback shall be five feet.
Side (Street Side). The minimum building setback for residential units having side yards on a private or public street shall be ten feet from the property line. A street facing garage or parking area shall be set back at least twenty feet from the street right-of-way line.
A rear yard shall be provided with an average depth of ten feet; provided, however, that no structure shall be built within five feet of the rear property line.
For purposes of calculating the average setback (see Diagram 17.48.130(a)):
The side yard setback area on both sides of the lot are excluded; and
The average setback area shall be calculated measuring the rear building line of all structures. Where a portion of a structure is set back more than twenty feet from the rear property line, a building line not exceeding a depth of twenty feet is presumed and shall be used as the measurement in the calculation.
Setback Averaging.
Purpose. The intent of setback averaging is as follows:
To provide greater design flexibility in the treatment of interior and exterior spaces; and
To provide for a setback area equivalent in size to that which would be achieved without the use of averaging, and to ensure that no setback dimension is reduced to a point where it adversely affects the health, safety, and welfare of the neighborhood.
Method of Calculating Average Setbacks. The following rules shall apply in determining the average setback required (see Diagram 17.48.130(a)):
The average width shall equal the lot width excluding required side setbacks plus the minimum width of a driveway extending along the side of the building, if any.
The average area of the setback must equal the square footage resulting from multiplying the required average setback by the average width.
No portion of a setback area exceeding twenty feet from the rear property line shall contribute to the total required area of the average setback.
No building line shall extend closer than the five-foot minimum setback.
Setback areas shall be clear from ground to sky, except for allowable encroachments pursuant to Section 17.44.020.
CASE 1: Single-family dwelling on R-2 lot with garage in rear (see drawing "A" and example below)
lot width
side yard #1
side yard #2
average width
average width
required average setback
required setback area
330 sq. ft.
For the rear setback:
A) Subtract the required side setback dimensions from the total width.
B) Multiply the lot width minus the side setbacks by the required average setback. This figure is the number of square feet required for the average front or rear setback.
CASE 2: Rear unit on R-2 lot (see drawing "B" and example below)
lot width
side yard #1
driveway width
average width
average width
required average setback
required setback area
340 sq. ft.
Diagram 17.48.130(a)
The depth of a setback is measured from property line to the building line (wall).
Where the building line of the second story extends over (cantilevers) the first story, the second story defines the setback.
Building setbacks in excess of 20′-0″ will be counted at 20′-0″.
Where a structural support, such as a post for an entry or a deck is present, this support will define the building line.
No building line shall extend closer to a property line than the 5-foot minimum setback.
Refer to Section 17.44.020 relating to permitted encroachments into required setbacks.
Building Separation. The minimum distance between any buildings or accessory structure(s) on a site shall be six feet.
These yard requirements shall not require the modification of buildings or structures existing prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, but shall apply to all new modifications or additions to such buildings or structures.
(Prior code § 3-2-B-6(c); Ord. 610-89 § 4; Ord. 960-06 § 39; Ord. 1079-12 § 2)
There shall be provided on the same lot as the unit(s) a minimum of two hundred square feet of private open space and two hundred square feet of common open space per dwelling unit.
A minimum of one-half of the required private open space area shall be provided at the ground level, not including front yard setback, and not more than half of the private open space requirement may be satisfied by balconies or roof decks.
Common open space shall have a minimum contiguous area of two hundred square feet per dwelling unit with no dimension less than ten feet.
Private open space located at ground level shall have a minimum contiguous area of one hundred square feet with no dimension less than seven feet. Private open space located on roof decks or balconies must have a minimum contiguous area of fifty square feet and a minimum dimension of seven feet.
All required ground floor open spaces shall be planted with permanent landscaping or be devoted to recreational facilities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, tot lots, patios, or similar open space and/or recreational facilities.
Common and private open spaces are to be permanently maintained in an orderly fashion.
Parking areas, driveways, or service areas shall not be counted in the minimum open space requirements.
Common open space may be located in the required front setback.
Private open space may be located in the required side and rear setbacks.
(Ord. 960-06 § 40; Ord. 1016-08 § 1)
Every dwelling unit in R-2 zone shall have on the same lot or parcel of land a minimum of two parking spaces located in a garage.
Every dwelling unit containing four or more bedrooms or rooms, that in the judgment of the community development director, can be used as bedrooms, shall provide one additional off-street parking space. This parking space need not be covered.
Guest parking shall be provided at a minimum of 0.5 spaces per unit. Guest parking shall be located on the same lot or parcel of land as the dwelling unit(s) it is intended to serve and such spaces may be covered or uncovered. Guest parking spaces shall not be located in front setback areas.
(Prior code § 3-2-B-6(d); Ord. 960-06 § 41)
A building constructed in the R-2 zone shall not exceed thirty feet in height as measured from the finished grade to the highest point of the structure or object being measured. Building height does not include chimneys, antennas or other appurtenant structures.
(Ord. 960-06 § 42)