Note: For statutory provisions pertaining to local planning, see Gov. Code § 65100 et seq.
This chapter shall be known and cited as the "Planning Commissions Ordinance."
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 1, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
Pursuant to Section 65100 of the Government Code of the State of California, there is hereby established a Planning Commission which shall have the powers and duties and serve the purposes enumerated in said Section 65100 and this chapter, and which shall have jurisdiction as set forth in the chapter. Proceedings commenced before the Planning Commission are deemed properly filed and shall be processed by the Commission.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 2, 2008; SCC 1463 § 1, 2010; SCC 1470 § 1, 2010; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
The Planning Commission shall be known as the County Planning Commission.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 3, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
The County Planning Commission shall consist of five commission officers as follows:
Office No. 1
Office No. 2
Office No. 3
Office No. 4
Office No. 5
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 3, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
Appointments to the County Planning Commission shall be made by the Board of Supervisors as follows:
District 1 Supervisor recommends candidates for office no. 1 of the Commission;
District 2 Supervisor recommends candidates for office no. 2 of the Commission;
District 3 Supervisor recommends candidates for office no. 3 of the Commission;
District 4 Supervisor recommends candidates for office no. 4 of the Commission;
District 5 Supervisor recommends candidates for office no. 5 of the Commission.
The term of office for any person serving as a member on the former Project Planning Commission or Policy Planning Commission shall expire on December 1, 2008, regardless of duration. The initial terms for three County Planning Commission offices shall begin December 1, 2008, and shall expire January 31, 2011. The initial terms for two County Planning Commission offices shall begin December 1, 2008, and shall expire January 31, 2010. Subsequent terms of County Planning Commission offices shall be for two years and shall expire January 31st, in the odd or even numbered years as applicable.
No member shall serve more than six consecutive years on the Commission, but may be reappointed, subject to the same limitation, if such member has not served within the two years prior to such reappointment.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 4, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
Each member of the County Planning Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors and may be removed during the member's term at the will of the Board.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 5, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
Vacancies which occur in the offices of the County Planning Commission shall be filled by the Board of Supervisors for the unexpired portions of the terms.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 7, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
The County Planning Commission shall have the following duties and functions:
Develop and maintain a general plan;
Develop such specific plans as may be necessary or desirable;
Develop and maintain community plans;
Consider and act on amendments to the general plan, specific plans and community plans;
Periodically review the proposed capital improvement program and report thereon to the Board of Supervisors as provided for in Chapter 21.15 of this Code;
Investigate and report to the Board of Supervisors regarding means of putting into effect the general plan;
Promote public interest in, and understanding of, the general plan, community plans and regulations relating to such plans;
Consult with and advise public officials and agencies, public utility companies, civic, educational and other professional organizations and citizens, generally, with relation to carrying out the general plan and community plans;
Review and report on the plans of local agencies to construct major public works and whether the construction thereof conforms to the general plan and community plans;
Review and report on the acquisition and disposition of real property by the County and local agencies and whether the acquisitions and dispositions conform to the general plan;
If not otherwise specified in this section, and except as otherwise provided in this title, serve as the planning agency for Sacramento County as provided by Chapter 3 of Title 7 of the Government Code;
Develop criteria for approval of the Board of Supervisors to determine consistency of projects with the general plan;
Serve as the agency to hear matters relating to zoning regulations arising from either Chapter 4 of Title 7 of the Government Code or the Sacramento County Zoning Code, or both;
Consider subdivision matters arising from the Subdivision Map Act and this Code;
Serve as the Board of Zoning Appeals;
Report on the conformity of improvements of streets, the authorization of or laying of sewers, other improvements including streets, provided the improvements are consistent with the existing approved County plans;
Process specific plans provided such plans are consistent with the approved County general plan and constitute an implementation of the general plan;
Determine the consistency of any project with the general plan using the criteria developed by the County Planning Commission and approved by the Board of Supervisors.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 8, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
Each appointee to the County Planning Commission or the Design Review Advisory Committee shall receive $70 for each meeting that he or she is called to serve and does serve. In no event shall the compensation of any appointee to a Planning Commission or Design Review Advisory Committee exceed $350 in any one calendar month. Such compensation shall be paid for all regular and special meetings including meetings of committees of the Planning Commissions.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1364 § 1, 2007; SCC 1400 § 11, 2008; SCC 1435 § 1, 2009; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
The County Planning Commission shall adopt rules of procedure which shall govern the conduct of hearings and other business. Copies of the rules shall be published and shall be available at the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 12, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
At the initial meeting of the Planning Commission and annually thereafter at the initial meeting of the Planning Commission, the appointees to the Commission shall select a chairperson and vice-chairperson and shall determine the time, place and frequency of regular meetings. At least once in every calendar year, the chairperson of the County Planning Commission shall call for a general meeting of all official planning bodies of the County excluding the Board of Supervisors, for the purpose of discussing County planning policy and related planning matters.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 13, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
The Planning Commission is authorized to create committees from its membership for the conduct of its business. It is also authorized to create joint committees in furtherance of its business.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 14, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
Unless otherwise provided, all references to the "Planning Commission," "Policy Planning Commission" or "Project Planning Commission" in this Code shall mean and be the same as the "County Planning Commission."
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 15, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)
The approval of any action by the County Planning Commission shall require the affirmative votes of not less than a majority of members of the Commission.
(SCC 1298 § 1, 2005; SCC 1400 § 16, 2008; SCC 1667 § 1, 2020)