This chapter shall be know and cited as the "County Boys Ranch Industry Program."
(SCC 1266 § 1, 2004)
The Board of Supervisors finds and declares that it is the policy of the County to encourage wards of the Juvenile Court committed to the Sacramento County Boys Ranch to develop skills and work experience that will enhance their ability to find employment after their release from custody. The purpose of the County Boys Ranch Industry Program is to provide meaningful training and work experience under the supervision of the Probation Department to selected wards who volunteer to participate in such a program. It is a further purpose of the program to generate revenue to assist participating wards in paying court ordered victims' restitution obligations.
(SCC 1266 § 1, 2004)
The Chief Probation Officer shall establish a Boys Ranch Industry Program (1) to teach participating wards appropriate vocational and related skills to assist them in finding and keeping gainful employment upon their release from custody, and (2) to assist in their own rehabilitation in order to become responsible lawabiding citizens.
The Chief Probation officer is authorized to receive donations to the Boys Ranch Industry Program.
The Chief Probation Officer is authorized to enter into contracts not to exceed $5,000 with public entities, nonprofit or for profit entities, organizations, or businesses for the purposes of providing said entities, organizations, or businesses with usable goods produced by the wards participating in the program.
The Chief Probation Officer shall require wards participating in the program to take part in the Boys Ranch academic program in addition to vocational training.
(SCC 1266 § 1, 2004)
Program staffing may include County staff, instructors from the Sacramento County Office of Education, qualified volunteers, and other such persons deemed appropriate by the Chief Probation Officer.
(SCC 1266 § 1, 2004)
The Chief Probation Officer may promulgate rules and regulations governing the operation and implementation of the County Boys Ranch Industry Program.
(SCC 1266 § 1, 2004)
There is hereby established in the County Treasury a County Boys Ranch Industry Program trust fund. Revenues earned from sales of items produced in the Boys Ranch Industry Program and donations to the program shall be deposited and accounted for in such trust fund. Such funds shall be utilized to pay court ordered restitution and costs of operating the program.
(SCC 1266 § 1, 2004)