The purpose of this chapter is to establish a mediation process for resolution of complaints regarding the conduct of competitive equine events held in conjunction with permitted commercial horse stables. This chapter is intended to apply to both existing and new competitive equine events.
(SCC 0917 § 1, 1993)
The following policies shall be applicable pursuant to this chapter:
Competitive equine events held in conjunction with legally established commercial horse stables shall be considered allowed activities as long as the events are conducted in a manner that does not generate substantiated complaints from surrounding properties and are otherwise in conformance with the provisions of this chapter.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the use of a mediation committee is intended to replace the normal zoning enforcement process outlined in Title I, Chapter 15, Article 1 of the Zoning Code. It is the intent that the determination of the mediation committee constitute a binding resolution that is enforceable in the same manner as zoning standards.
This chapter applies to competitive events involving participants who do not board horses at the commercial stable, except that educational clinics involving instruction of members of non-profit organizations would be exempted.
(SCC 0917 § 1, 1993)
Complaints may be filed by residents alleging that equine events governed by this chapter adversely affect surrounding properties. Such complaints must be in writing and submitted to the Zoning Enforcement Section of the Planning Department. Complaints must specify the property upon which the activity is occurring, the nature of the activity, dates or times when the activity occurs, and may specify any other pertinent information which may assist in the resolution of the dispute. The Board of Supervisors may establish a fee to offset the costs of processing the complaint.
(SCC 0917 § 1, 1993)
There is hereby established an Equine Events Mediation Committee to be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The Committee shall be comprised of no more than five members, including two representatives of the horse industry (stable owners or operators); two members representing neighborhood interests (exclusive of horse interests); and one member representing agricultural interests (exclusive of horse interests). Members shall serve two year terms but may be appointed for one-year terms, in order to create overlap in terms of service. Committee members shall not receive compensation for their services on the Committee.
(SCC 0917 § 1, 1993; SCC 1667 § 4, 2020)
Meetings of the Equine Events Mediation Committee will be called as deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Planning and Community Development. Notice will be provided to members of the Committee, the complainant, the owner and operator of the stable against which a complaint has been filed, and any other persons to whom the law requires that notice be given. Meetings shall be scheduled and may be continued from time to time in order to reasonably provide an opportunity for both the complainant and the owner/operator to be present.
The Committee shall select a Chair and may establish rules of procedure for the conduct of meetings. The Committee shall attempt to mediate the dispute between the complainant and the owner/operator and shall conduct its sessions in accordance with established principles of conflict resolution mediation.
(SCC 0917 § 1, 1993)
The Equine Events Mediation Committee shall be responsible for determining whether equine events against which a complaint or complaints have been lodged are being conducted in a reasonable manner. If the Committee determines that such are necessary it may impose corrective measures and may require that such measures be implemented within a specific period of time. Corrective measures may address, but not be limited to, hours of operation, lighting, use of a public address system, parking, access and number of events. Absent appeal, the decision of the Committee shall be binding and violations of any such decision shall constitute a violation of this chapter and shall be enforced in the same manner as violations of the Sacramento Zoning Code.
All decisions of the Committee shall be in writing, shall be signed by the Chair and shall be served by mail upon both the complainant and the owner/operator. Unless appealed, the decision shall become final ten days after it is served pursuant to this section.
(SCC 0917 § 1, 1993)
Either the complainant or the owner/operator may appeal a decision of the Equine Events Mediation Committee to the Board of Supervisors, provided that such appeal is filed in writing with the Clerk of the Board no later than 15 days from the date the decision is deemed served pursuant to Section 4.59.060 of this chapter.
The Board of Supervisors may review the entire proceeding relating to the decision or may hear the matter de novo. The Board of Supervisors may make such order as it deems just and equitable.
The terms of any order of the Board of Supervisors shall be binding and violations thereof shall constitute a violation of this chapter and may be enforced in the same manner as violations of the Sacramento Zoning Code. Any such order shall be reduced to writing, signed by the Clerk of the Board and served by mail upon both the complainant and the owner/operator. Such order shall be final when so served.
The Board of Supervisors may, by resolution, establish a fee for the costs of any appeal.
(SCC 0917 § 1, 1993)