The purposes of this chapter include, but are not limited to, the promotion of the general welfare of the citizens of the Sacramento Community by:
Establishing a master-plan for the franchising of cable television services within the Sacramento Community;
Establishing a regulatory framework for the administration of franchises in order to insure that the potential recreational, educational, social, economic and other advantages of cable television will in fact inure to the benefit of the Sacramento Community and the citizens thereof;
To provide for the unified administration of cable television franchises in order to reduce the danger that the nature and extent of services received and benefit derived therefrom will be dependent upon the jurisdiction in which a citizen of the Sacramento Community resides; and
Regulate the operations of Franchisees for the purpose of protecting and promoting the public health, peace, safety and welfare.
The provisions of this section shall not be deemed to confer any right upon a Franchisee which is not otherwise conferred by another express provision of this chapter.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
As used in this chapter, the following terms, phrases, and words shall be ascribed the following meanings, unless the context indicates otherwise. The word "shall" is mandatory, and the word "may" is permissive. Words not defined herein shall be given their common and ordinary meanings, consistent with the context in which such words are used and the purposes of this chapter.
"Basic Service" shall mean:
A single Tier of Service provided in connection with each residential hook-up for a uniform monthly charge, if any, which includes the following:
Reception of all local television broadcasting stations as prescribed by applicable FCC Regulations (47 C.F.R. 76.51 through 76.67, inclusive) as said regulations exist on March 1, 1981;
Any additional stations which may be required by FCC Regulations enacted subsequent to March 1, 1981;
With respect to the Initial CATV Franchise, one of the channels made available to K.V.I.E. (in addition to the pre-existing channel operated by K.V.I.E. otherwise required to be carried), as "K.V.I.E." is defined by the Request for Proposals, if the Franchisee has proposed commitment of one or more channels to K.V.I.E. in its application for the franchise;
With respect to the initial CATV Franchise, one of the channels made available to the Educational Consortium, as the "Educational Consortium" is defined by the Request for Proposals, if the Franchisee has proposed commitment of one or more channels to the Educational Consortium in its application for the franchise;
With respect to the Initial CATV Franchise, one Access Channel, if an Access Channel is made available by a Franchisee pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.50.336 in Article 4-a; and
Any other or additional cable television services proposed by a Franchisee in its application to be included within Basic Service.
If proposed in the application submitted by a Franchisee and prescribed by the Resolution Offering the Franchise, one or more Tiers of Service which consist of less television reception services than prescribed by "(i)", above, provided in connection with each residential hook-up for a uniform monthly charge, if any.
"Cable Television System" shall mean a system of antennae, cables, wires, lines, towers, waveguides, or other conductors, converters, amplifiers, headend equipment, master controls, earth stations, equipment and facilities, designed and constructed for the purpose of producing, receiving, transmitting, and distributing, audio, video and other forms of electronic or electrical signals within the Sacramento Community, including both Subscriber Networks and Institutional Networks.
A "Cable Television System" shall not include any facility which serves or will serve exclusively only subscribers in one or more multiple-unit dwellings under common ownership, control or management, one or more condominiums, a mobilehome park, or a residential subdivision with private roads, which is not installed in and does not use streets and other public and utility rights-of-way.
"Cable Television Commission" or "Commission" shall mean the Sacramento Metropolitan Cable Television Commission created pursuant to the provisions of Sub-Chapter 2, or any successor in interest thereof established by the County and Cities.
"Cities" shall mean the city of Sacramento, the City of Folsom, and the City of Galt, each of which enacted the provisions of this chapter in identical form and did not adopt a resolution disapproving selection of the Franchisee under the Initial CATV Franchise pursuant to Section 5.50.212, in Sub-Chapter 3, and any city in Sacramento County incorporated after the date that the initial franchise was issued, which enacts this chapter in identical form, as this chapter exists on the date of enactment and executes the agreement contained in Section 5.50.112.
"Community Use," "Community Use Programming," and "Community Use Channels" shall mean use, programming or channels for purposes of non-commercial cablecasts presented by or in behalf of a Franchisee, the County or Cities, individuals and local community non-profit organizations, which consist of topics of special interest to the Sacramento Community or elements thereof, including matters of a political, governmental, sociological, religious, educational, cultural, artistic, health oriented, ethnic, economic, recreational, charitable and philanthropic nature; a significant part of such programming having been locally produced. "Non-Commercial" means: (i) the content of such programming shall not be for the purpose of either directly or indirectly selling any product or service for private gain; and (ii) that the programming shall not be associated with or interrupted during presentation by commercial advertising or announcements presented for the purpose of selling products or services for private gain.
"Converter" shall mean an electronic device which converts signals to a frequency not susceptible to interference within the television receiver of a subscriber, and by an appropriate channel selector also permits a subscriber to view all signals delivered at designated converter dial locations.
"County" shall mean the County of Sacramento.
"FCC" shall mean the Federal Communications Commission and any legally appointed, designated or elected agent or successor thereof.
"Franchise Documents" shall, with respect to a franchise for a Cable Television System issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, mean the provisions of this chapter, the map defining any Imposed Service Area for the franchise as adopted by resolution, the provisions of any Request for Proposals issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter in connection with that franchise, the provisions of the application for the franchise submitted by the Franchisee, the provisions of the resolution offering the franchise, and the provisions of the certificate of acceptance by the Franchisee of the franchise. Any amended and restated resolution regarding a franchise issued to any Franchisee, adopted subsequent to the issuance of such franchise, shall be considered one of the Franchise Documents in lieu of the resolution offering the franchise to that Franchisee.
"Franchisee" shall mean the party to whom a franchise to operate a Cable Television System is issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
"Governing Body" shall mean the Board of Supervisors with respect to the County, and each City Council with respect to the Cities.
"Gross Revenues" shall mean all cash, credits, property of any kind or nature or other consideration derived directly or indirectly by a Franchisee, its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent, and any other person or entity in which the Franchisee has a financial interest or which has a financial interest in the Franchisee, arising from or attributable to operation of the Cable Television System, including, but not limited to: (i) revenue from all charges for those services provided on the Subscriber Network and Institutional Network (including Leased Access fees); (ii) revenue from all charges for the insertion of commercial advertisements upon the System; (iii) revenue from all charges for the leased use of studios; (iv) revenue from all charges for the installation, connection and reinstatement of equipment necessary for the utilization of the System and the provision of Subscriber and other services; and (v) the sale, exchange or use or cablecast of any programming developed for community use or institutional users. "Gross Revenues" shall include, valued at retail price levels, the value of any goods, services or other remuneration in non-monetary form received by the Franchisee or others described above in consideration for performance by the Franchisee or others described above of any advertising or other service in connection with the Cable Television System.
"Gross Revenues" shall not include: (i) any taxes on services furnished by the Franchisee which are imposed directly upon any Subscriber or User by the United States, State of California or local agency and collected by the Franchisee on behalf of the government; (ii) revenue received directly from the Franchisee by an affiliate, subsidiary or parent of the Franchisee or any other person or entity in which the Franchisee has a financial interest or which has a financial interest in the Franchisee, when the revenue received has already been included in reported Gross Revenue as received by the Franchisee; and (iii) revenue received by such an affiliate, subsidiary, parent, person or entity when the revenue received is from the sale of national advertising shown on programs distributed on a national basis by the affiliate, subsidiary, parent, person or entity and, but for this exception, that portion of the revenue attributable to broadcasts through the Cable Television System would be treated as Gross Revenues.
"Initial CATV Franchise" shall mean the first franchise for a Cable Television System issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
"Institutional Network" shall mean a cable communications network used exclusively for the provision of services to businesses, schools, public agencies or other non-profit agencies in connection with the ongoing operations of such enterprises.
"Interactive Services" shall mean services provided to subscribers or users where the subscriber either: (i) both receives information consisting of either television or other signals and transmits signals generated by the subscriber or user or equipment under his control for the purpose of selecting what information shall be transmitted to the subscriber or user for any other purpose; or (ii) transmits signals to any other location for any purpose.
"Leased Access" shall mean use on a fee-for-service basis of the Subscriber Network or Institutional Network by business enterprises (whether profit, non-profit or governmental) to render services within the Sacramento Community.
"Monitoring" shall mean observing a communications signal, or the absence of a signal, where the observer is not the subscriber, whether the signal is observed by visual or electronic means, for any purpose whatsoever; provided that "Monitoring" shall not include systemwide, non-individually addressed sweeps of the Cable Television System for purposes of verifying System integrity, controlling return path transmissions, or billing for pay services.
"Sacramento Community" shall mean the entire geographical territory within the unincorporated area of the County and the corporate limits of the Cities.
"Streets" shall mean the surface of and the space above and below any street, road, highway, freeway, utility right-of-way or any other easement which now or hereafter exists for the provision of public or quasipublic services to residential or other properties, and in which the County or Cities are expressly or impliedly authorized or empowered to permit use for installation and operation of a Cable Television System.
"Subscriber" shall mean a lawful recipient of service from a Cable Television System.
"Subscriber Network" shall mean a cable communications network which carries television entertainment channels and Community Use Channels (including Basic Service) and may carry channels providing commercial or other non-entertainment services and Leased Access channels.
"Tier of Service" shall mean a grouping of program services on the Subscriber Network which is marketed by a Franchisee to Subscribers for a single monthly or other charge. "Basic Service" as defined by "(i)" under subparagraph "a" of this section shall constitute a single Tier of Service. "Basic Service" as authorized under "(ii)" of subparagraph "a" of this section shall constitute a separate and distinct tier of Service.
"User" shall mean a party utilizing a Cable Television System channel for purposes of production or transmission of material to Subscribers, as contrasted with receipt thereof in a Subscriber capacity.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 499 § 1, 1982; SCC 565 § 1, 1983; SCC 717 § 1, 1988; SCC 1095 § 1, 1997)
Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, Streets within the Sacramento Community shall not be occupied by or used for a Cable Television System except under a franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or under a license issued pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 5.75 of this Code.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 690 § 2, 1987)
Any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall be deemed to:
Authorize utilization of the Streets for the public or quasi-public purpose of installing cables, wires, lines, and other facilities in order to operate a Cable Television System;
Be nonexclusive, and neither expressly nor impliedly be deemed to preclude the issuance of subsequent franchises to operate Cable Television Systems within the Sacramento Community; and
Be for a term prescribed by the issuing authority which shall not extend beyond December 31, 2007.
Such a franchise shall not be deemed to authorize or either expressly or impliedly permit the Franchisee, except with the consent of the owners, to provide Cable Television System service to, or install antennae, cables, wires, lines, towers, waveguides, other conductors, converters, or any other equipment or facilities upon private property, including, but not limited to, apartment complexes, condominiums, mobilehome parks and residential subdivision developments with private roads. The purpose of this paragraph is to require owner consent for the provision of service. This paragraph shall not be construed to prohibit a Franchisee from entering or utilizing private property as an incident to its use of the Streets to the extent entry or use is expressly or impliedly authorized by the right conferred by this section to occupy the Streets.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 604 § 1, 1984)
A franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to constitute a contract between the Franchisee and the Cable Television Commission. Each Franchisee shall be deemed to have contractually committed itself to comply with the terms, conditions and provisions of the Franchise Documents, and with all rules, orders, regulations, and determinations applicable to the franchise which are issued, promulgated or made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The regulatory authority conferred by the provisions of this chapter, including the power to amend the provisions of this chapter as reserved under Section 5.50.038, below, shall constitute a reserved authority under the contract.
All terms, conditions and provisions of the contract shall be deemed to be embodied in the Franchise Documents, and conflicts in terms, conditions or provisions of the Franchise Documents shall be resolved as follows:
The express terms of this chapter shall prevail over conflicting or inconsistent provisions in any other Franchise Document;
The express terms of any amended and restated resolution regarding a franchise issued to any Franchisee shall prevail over conflicting or inconsistent provisions in any other Franchise Document (including any prior amended and restated resolution), except the express terms of this chapter;
The express terms of the resolution offering the franchise shall prevail over conflicting or inconsistent provisions in any other Franchise Document, except the express terms of this chapter and any subsequently adopted amended and restated resolution regarding the franchise;
The express terms of the request for proposals shall prevail over conflicting or inconsistent provisions in either the application for the franchise or the certificate or acceptance of the franchise; and
The express terms of the application for the franchise shall prevail over inconsistent or conflicting provisions in the certificate of acceptance of the franchise.
The provisions of the Franchise Documents shall be liberally construed in order to effectuate the purposes and objects thereof. Prior to the initial enactment of this chapter, the provisions of this chapter were developed pursuant to numerous public hearings conducted for the purpose of receiving comments from the citizenry, operators interested in applying for a franchise in meetings with staff and through the submission by the operators of public oral and written comments, and the submission of independent staff recommendations. Operators interested in applying for a franchise have either directly or indirectly made it clear that any ordinance must contain minimum terms satisfactory to the operators in order to induce their interest in applying for a franchise, and innumerable changes have been made in drafts of this chapter at the request of operators. The Franchise Documents shall not be construed to constitute a contract of adhesion.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 717 § 2 1988)
The Initial CATV Franchise shall permit the operation of the Cable Television System throughout the geographic area of the entire Sacramento Community pursuant to the provisions of this chapter as the Franchise Area.
The Franchise Area for any franchise subsequently issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be defined by the Board of Directors of the Cable Television Commission.
No Franchisee shall be authorized by the provisions of this chapter to construct, install or operate a Cable Television System outside its designated Franchise Area.
Installation and extensions of and additions to Cable Television Systems and service is mandated within Franchise Areas pursuant to the terms, conditions and requirements set forth in Article 4-b of Sub-Chapter 4.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
No franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to expressly or impliedly authorize the Franchisee to utilize poles owned by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Pacific Telephone, the Municipal Utility District or any other public or private utility which are located within Streets, without the express consent of the utility.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
All notices and other writings authorized or prescribed by this chapter to be "mailed", shall be deemed to have been given and served when deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, and addressed, with respect to a Franchisee to any office maintained by the Franchisee within the Sacramento Community, and with respect to other parties to the last known address of such party.
Any notice or other writing authorized or required by this chapter to be "filed", shall be deemed "filed" when received in the business office of the party with whom such notice or writing is authorized or required to be "filed".
Whenever a provision of this chapter requires a public hearing to be conducted by the Board of Directors of the Cable Television Commission, notice of the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing shall be published at least once not later than 10 calendar days in advance of the date of commencement of the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation which is published within the Sacramento Community. Each Franchisee who is interested in the hearing and who is providing service on the Subscriber Network shall also, at its sole cost and expense, announce the time, date, place and purpose of the hearing on at least two channels which are included in Basic Service between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. for five consecutive days prior to the hearing. The failure of a Franchisee to announce a public hearing in the manner herein prescribed shall not invalidate such hearing or any action taken as a result of or subsequent to the conduct thereof.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
Any Franchisee or parent, subsidiary or affiliated company or agent thereof who leases either real property situated within the Sacramento Community or personal property to be located within the Sacramento Community for use in connection with the provision of services under a franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, shall insure that each such lease contains a clause which either: (i) authorizes that lessee to assign the lease to the Cable Commission or its assignee without the consent of the lessor or payment of additional compensation by virtue of the assignment; or (ii) authorizes such Lessee to so assign such lease without payment of additional compensation by virtue of the assignment and prohibits the lessor from unreasonably withholding consent to such assignment.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
With respect to the County and chartered Cities enacting this chapter, it is declared that this chapter is enacted pursuant to the authority conferred by their charters. With respect to the County and Cities it is also enacted pursuant to the police powers conferred by Article XI, Section 7 of the California Constitution for the promotion and protection of the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the citizens within their respective jurisdictions.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
It is hereby declared that the unified process for the administration of franchises issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter is necessary for protection and promotion of the convenience and welfare of all of the citizens of the Sacramento Community, and that fragmentation in administration or right to administer such franchises resulting from the future incorporation of cities within the unincorporated area of the County would be detrimental to the convenience and welfare and the purposes of this chapter.
Therefore, the incorporation of any city within the unincorporated area of the County during the initial term of any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall not operate to either divest the Franchisee of its authority to install or provide services through its Cable Television System within the newly incorporated area or vest the newly created city with any administrative or other authority respecting operations by the Franchisee under the franchise except to the extent that the city becomes a member of the Commission. Until the newly incorporated area becomes a member of the Commission during the initial term of the franchise, the County and Cable Television Commission shall continue to administer the provisions of this chapter for the benefit of the inhabitants of a newly incorporated area in the same manner as if the area had not been incorporated.
Upon expiration of the initial term of a franchise, the provisions of this chapter shall cease to be applicable to that portion of the Cable Television System and the operations by the Franchisee thereof within the municipal limits of any city which is incorporated subsequent to the commencement of the initial term and which does not become a member of the Commission. The Sacramento Community shall not be deemed to include any area within the limits of a city incorporated after the date this chapter becomes effective and prior to the filing of the certificate of acceptance of any franchise unless said city becomes a member of the Commission.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 1095 § 2, 1997)
The annexation of unincorporated area of the County by a city which has either not enacted this chapter or is not a member of the Cable Television Commission during the initial term of any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall not operate to either divest the Franchisee of its authority to install or provide services through its Cable Television System within the annexed area or vest the city with any administrative or other authority whatsoever respecting operations by the Franchisee under the franchise. During the initial term, the County, Cities and Cable Television Commission shall continue to administer the provisions of this chapter for the benefit of the inhabitants of the annexed area in the same manner as if the area had not been annexed.
Upon expiration of the initial term of a franchise, the provisions of this chapter shall cease to be applicable to that portion of the Cable Television System and the operations by the Franchise thereof within any area which has been annexed by a city that is not a member of the Commission. The Sacramento Community shall not be deemed to include any area annexed by such a municipality subsequent to the date this chapter becomes effective and prior to the filing of the certificate of acceptance of any franchise.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 1095 § 3, 1997)
All zoning and other land use ordinances, building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical codes, business license ordinances and all other ordinances of general application now in existence or hereafter enacted by the Governing Bodies of the County and Cities shall be fully applicable to the exercise of any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, and the Franchisee shall comply therewith. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this chapter and those of such an ordinance of general application, the provisions of such ordinance of general application shall prevail.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
The provisions of this chapter shall not become effective or operable unless said provisions are enacted in identical form by both the Governing Body of the County and the Governing Body of the City of Sacramento. The provisions of this chapter shall become applicable within the geographic boundaries of the other Cities, upon the enactment of the provisions of this chapter in identical form by the Governing Body of each such city.
From and after the date on which the certificate of acceptance for the Initial CATV Franchise is filed pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.50.220 in Sub-Chapter 3, no addition to, deletion from, alteration of the provisions of, repeal or other amendment of this chapter shall become effective unless such amendment or repeal is enacted by the Governing Body of the County and the Governing Body of the City of Sacramento. After enactment of the provisions of this chapter by the Governing Bodies of the Cities, no addition to, deletion from, alteration of the provisions of, repeal or other amendment of this chapter enacted by the Governing Bodies of the County and City of Sacramento shall become effective within the boundaries of any of said cities which are members of the Commission unless such amendment is enacted by the Governing Body of the particular city.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 1095 § 4, 1997)
Except as hereinafter provided, any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be subject and subordinate during its term to exercise of the police powers for protection and promotion of the public health, safety and welfare through amendment of this chapter as authorized by Section 5.50.036, above. In the absence of an emergency, and without the consent of the Franchisee, the following provisions of this chapter shall not be altered or repealed as applied to a franchise for which a certificate of acceptance has been filed in compliance with the provisions of Section 5.50.220 in Sub-Chapter 3 in advance of the effective date of the alteration or repeal:
Subparagraphs "a", "m" and "u" of Section 5.50.012 and Sections 5.50.016, 5.50.018, 5.50.034, 5.50.036, 5.50.038, and 5.50.050 in this Sub-Chapter;
The right to receive compensation for acquisition by the Cable Television Commission or its assignee of any of a Franchisee's property utilized in the performance of services under the franchise in accordance with the valuation standards prescribed by Sections 5.50.246 and 5.50.248 in Sub-Chapter 3;
The provisions relating to requirements of the Cable Television System prescribed by Sections 5.50.300 through 5.50.312, and the provisions relating to prevailing rates prescribed by Sections 5.50.316 through 5.50.326;
The provisions, standards, procedures and remedies relating to construction, completion and service prescribed by Sections 5.50.400 through 5.50.446, inclusive, in Article 4-b of Sub-Chapter 4;
The provisions relating to cable television services contained in Sections 5.50.504, 5.50.506, and 5.50.510. in Article 4-c of Sub-Chapter 4;
The provisions and procedures relating to the amount of, payment of, and increases in franchise fees prescribed by Sections 5.50.600 through 5.50.606 and 5.50.610 through 5.50.614 in Article 4-d of Sub-Chapter 4;
The provisions relating to security, surety, indemnification and insurance prescribed by Sections 5.50.700 through 5.50.708, inclusive, in Article 4-e of Sub-Chapter 4;
The provisions, relating to transfers and assignments prescribed by Sections 5.50.750 through 5.50.758 and 5.50.762 in Article 5-a of Sub-Chapter 5; or
The provisions relating to remedies prescribed by Sections 5.50.804 through 5.50.826 and 5.50.830 through 5.50.840 in Article 5-b of Sub-Chapter 5.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
Any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be in the name of the Cable Television Commission as the franchisor.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
The provisions of this chapter shall not be so construed as to in any manner restrict or impair the power or authority of the Governing Bodies of the County or the Cities to issue cable television franchises and/or licenses within their jurisdictional boundaries.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 690 § 3, 1987)
Copies of all petitions, applications, communications, and reports submitted by a Franchisee to the FCC, Securities and Exchange Commission, or any other Federal or State regulatory commission or agency having jurisdiction in respect to any matters affecting construction or operation of a Cable Television System or services provided through the System, also shall be filed simultaneously with the Clerk of the Board of Directors of the Cable Television Commission. Copies of responses or any other communications from the regulatory agencies to a Franchisee likewise shall be filed immediately on receipt with said Clerk.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
The Cable Television Commission shall have the right of intervention in any suit or proceedings to which a Franchisee is a party, and the Franchisee shall not oppose such intervention by the Commission.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
Except as otherwise expressly provided by this chapter, any judicial proceeding, whether for the recovery of damages or otherwise, brought for the purpose of adjudicating the validity of any provision of this chapter or amendments thereof or any provision of the other Franchise Documents shall be commenced not later than 30 calendar days following the latter of: (1) the effective date of the provisions; or (2) the accrual of the cause of action. Any such judicial proceeding brought for the purpose of adjudicating the validity of any rule, order, regulation, determination or arbitration award which purports to have been made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter or of any of the other Franchise Documents shall be commenced not later than 30 calendar days following date of adoption, issuance or making of such rule, order, regulation, determination or arbitration award or, as to the Franchisee, not later than 30 calendar days following the giving and serving of notice of said adoption, issuance or making of such rule, regulation, determination or award pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.50.024 above. No judicial proceeding shall be commenced in violation of the limitations prescribed by this section.
The provisions of this section shall not be applicable to any judicial proceeding, whether for the recovery of damages or otherwise, commenced by the Cable Television Commission, County or Cities for breach or enforcement of the provisions of this chapter or any regulation, determination or arbitration award purporting to have been issued thereunder.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 499 § 2, 1982; SCC 565 § 2, 1983)
Should the State of California or any agency thereof, the United States or any Federal agency, or any State or Federal Court require either the Cable Television Commission, County, Cities or a Franchisee to act in a manner which is inconsistent with any provisions of the Franchise Documents, the Board of Directors of the Cable Television Commission shall be authorized to determine whether a material provision of the Franchise Documents is affected in relation to the rights and benefits conferred by the Franchise Documents upon the Commission, County, Cities or the public. Upon such determination, the Franchise Documents shall be subject to modification or amendment to such extent as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the full intent and purposes thereof in relation to the rights and benefits of the Commission, County, Cities or the public and in relation to such State, Federal or judicial requirement. The Board of Directors of the Cable Television Commission may terminate a Franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter if it determines after consultation with the Franchisee that substantial and material compliance with the Franchise Documents in relation to the rights or benefits of the Commission, County, Cities or the public has been frustrated by such a State, Federal or judicial requirement.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981; SCC 565 § 3, 1983)
It shall be unlawful for any person to make or use any unauthorized connection, whether physically, electrically, acoustically, inductively or otherwise, with any part of a Cable Television System for which a franchise has been issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter for the purpose of taking or receiving or enabling himself or others to receive or use any television signals, radio signals, picture, program or sound, without payment to the owner of said System.
It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the owner, to wilfully tamper with, remove, injure or vandalize any part of such a Cable Television System including any cables, wires, or equipment used for distribution of television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs or sound.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
The provisions of Section 1.01.150, Chapter 1.01 of Title 1 of this Code shall not be applicable to the provisions of this chapter.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)
Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter to the contrary, if any of the Municipalities of Folsom, Isleton or Galt fail to enact the provisions of this chapter on or before December 9, 1981, the geographical territory within the limits of any such Municipality shall be deemed to be excluded from any Franchise Area and Service Area established by or under this chapter, there shall be no opportunity to offer Galt as a Proposed Service Area as otherwise authorized by Section 5.50.404 in Article 4-b of Sub-Chapter 4 should Galt fail to enact this chapter by December 9, 1981, and any and all other provisions of this chapter which impose or confer a right, privilege, duty or limitation upon any such Municipality per se or as included within the definition of "Cities" shall be deemed to be ineffective and null and void.
(SCC 488 § 1, 1981)