It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to carry on, contract to perform, or engage in the business of constructing, altering, relocating or repairing an on-site wastewater treatment system without meeting the definition of a licensed installer, unless that person is the owner of the property on which such work is to be performed.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
All subdivisions having 100 lots or more or subdivisions which, in the opinion of the Department, may have negative impacts on water quality or public health shall be required to form or join a public entity (e.g., a sewage maintenance district) responsible for the maintenance of those on-site wastewater treatment systems or wastewater treatment works within that subdivision.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
Unless otherwise stated in Section 6.32.210 of this chapter, a construction permit shall be required prior to the installation, modification, repair, replacement, or destruction of an on-site wastewater treatment system.
A construction permit shall not be issued for the installation, repair, or modification of an on-site wastewater treatment system, when the property line of a parcel upon which said work is to be performed is within 200 feet of public sewer without prior written approval from the servicing sewer district.
Any person attempting to obtain a construction permit shall first apply to the Department using such forms as the Department prescribes.
A nonrefundable construction permit fee shall be paid to the Department at the time of application submittal.
At the discretion of the Department, an applicant for a construction permit to install multiple on-site wastewater treatment systems on a single parcel or individual systems on adjacent parcels may be required to complete a separate construction permit for each system installed. An additional fee pursuant to Sacramento County Code, Title 6, Chapter 6.99, may be charged to defray the costs of administration and inspection of such systems.
A site evaluation or system evaluation pursuant to this chapter may be required by the Department prior to the approval of a construction permit.
A construction permit shall be valid for one year. Permit extensions will be considered by the Department on a case-by-case basis and may be subject to a permit renewal fee.
Unless the Department determines otherwise, any condition of approval placed on a construction permit by the Department whether for design, construction, operation, maintenance or any other requirement necessary to ensure public safety and preserve the quality of ground or surface waters shall be binding for the life of the on-site wastewater treatment system.
All work performed under the authorization of a construction permit issued by the Department shall be subject to inspection by Department staff to ensure compliance with this chapter and any conditions placed on the construction permit by the Department.
Notwithstanding Section 6.32.230, preliminary inspections required by the Department to determine compliance with this chapter and any condition placed on the construction permit by the Department shall be scheduled with the Department by the installer or registered professional a minimum of 24 hours in advance and during the Department's normal business hours.
No on-site wastewater treatment system shall be covered, concealed, or put in use until the Department has issued a certificate of completion pursuant to Section 6.32.230 of this chapter.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
Unless the Department specifies otherwise, an application for a construction permit will only be accepted by the Department when:
A site evaluation report or system evaluation pursuant to this chapter has been submitted to and approved by the Department.
A general plot plan showing the placement of the on-site wastewater treatment system in relationship to the overall developmental plan for the property has been provided to the Department. The general plot plan must match the building permit plot plan, if applicable, and must verify that the on-site wastewater treatment system and replacement disposal field area can be installed in compliance with this chapter.
A scaled layout of the on-site wastewater treatment system has been provided to the Department.
The layout shall provide the details specified in Section 6.32.220 of this chapter and shall show all components of the on-site wastewater treatment system.
The layout shall also include a cross-sectional drawing showing the depth from original grade of the on-site wastewater treatment system components. The layout must provide adequate detail to serve as a guide for construction and provide sufficient information to assure the Department that vertical separation requirements to groundwater and/or restrictive soil layers can be met while achieving the minimum required fall for all on-site wastewater treatment system components as required by this chapter.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
A construction permit shall not be required for the following provided the Department is notified prior to the beginning of activities listed below:
Replacement of tight lines or clearing blockages in pipes;
Servicing or replacing installed mechanical or electrical parts such as float switches, pumps, and electrical boxes;
Replacement of sanitary tees in septic tanks;
Minor structural corrections to the septic or pump tank, such as riser or lid replacement;
Repair or clearing blockages in a distribution box provided the box is not altered, modified, or replaced;
Repair or replacement of the sewer line from the house to the tank or from the tank to the distribution box.
Special Considerations for System Repairs. In case of an immediate threat to public health and safety or pollution to ground or surface waters, an emergency repair may be made prior to obtaining a construction permit from the Department provided that all reasonable efforts have been made to notify the Department of such repair and that a construction permit is obtained within 72 hours from the commencement of such work. The repair shall be subject to inspection pursuant to Section 6.32.230 of this chapter. Nothing in this section shall prevent the Department from requiring that the emergency repair be evaluated by a registered professional or from the Department requiring soil studies and/or percolation tests as described in this article.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
Unless otherwise approved by the Department, submitted plans must include a detailed drawing of the onsite wastewater treatment system. The plans must clearly show the exact locations of the following whether existing or proposed:
Vicinity map;
Scale used;
Lot dimensions, including all property lines;
Setbacks and side yards;
Paved areas and unpaved areas subject to vehicular traffic;
Easements and rights-of-way, public and private;
Structures, dwellings (including pools and auxiliary buildings);
Animal enclosures;
Fuel tanks, hazardous material storage;
Plumbing stub-out;
Water lines (public and private);
Areas subject to flooding, inundation, stormwater overflow, or ten-year storm event;
Existing and proposed wells, abandoned wells, springs, neighboring wells, streams, ditches, canals, culverts, ponds, lakes, swales, vernal pools, 10 year flood plains, or any body of water (intermittent or perennial) located within 100 feet of property lines;
Existing and proposed on-site wastewater treatment systems (including replacement areas), abandoned septic tanks, pretreatment and storage devices, sewer lines, storm sewers;
Soil profile test holes, percolation test holes, groundwater observation wells;
Percent and direction of slope in disposal field area and 50 feet adjacent to it on all sides. A contour map is recommended and may be required by this Department depending on conditions observed at the site;
Trees within 10 feet of sewage disposal areas (including replacement areas);
Underground utilities within 10 feet of on-site wastewater treatment system (including replacement area);
Cut banks, unstable land forms, bluffs and ravines;
Floor plan (including number of bedrooms).
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
A final inspection of the on-site wastewater treatment system shall be conducted by Department staff to ensure compliance with this chapter and any conditions placed on the construction permit by the Department.
The final inspection shall be scheduled by the installer or the registered professional with the Department during the Department's normal business hours and at least two working days prior to the requested inspection date.
A construction permit shall not be considered finalized until the following has occurred:
The Department has determined that the on-site wastewater treatment system has been installed in compliance with this chapter and any conditions placed on the construction permit by the Department;
An as-built drawing signed by either the installer or registered professional, has been received and accepted by the Department;
The registered professional, having designed the system, has submitted written documentation to the Department verifying that the system was constructed in substantial conformance with the proposed design;
The registered professional or licensed installer has provided the Department and the homeowner or property owner with an operation and maintenance manual pursuant to Section 6.32.250(C)(3) for the installed system;
If required by the Department, the owner of record for the property on which the on-site wastewater treatment system was installed, repaired, or modified has obtained an annual operating permit pursuant to this article;
An as-built drawing of the installed on-site wastewater treatment system shall be prepared by the licensed installer or the registered professional. At a minimum, the as-built drawing shall include:
Location of septic and pump tanks,
Location of all distribution boxes and diversion valves,
Location of all disposal field components (i.e., leach lines, seepage pits, etc.),
The site address including parcel number,
The installation contractor's name and address,
The date the system was installed,
The permit number, and
Measurements from two fixed reference points to the installed tanks, distribution boxes, and disposal field components. The measurements must be recorded in a manner that would allow an individual to accurately locate all major components of the installed system.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
After the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, an operating permit may be required for:
New alternative and experimental on-site wastewater treatment systems;
Existing alternative and experimental on-site wastewater treatment systems at the time a construction permit, pursuant to this article, is required for the repair or modification of said system;
Any existing on-site wastewater treatment systems regardless of design when the Department has determined that oversight is critical to ensure the proper functioning and longevity of the system. Examples of which may include but are not limited to parcels with insufficient area to install a replacement disposal field, systems subject to excessive peak wastewater flows, systems requiring a grease removal device, or systems requiring a variance from any provision of this chapter.
Unless otherwise approved by the Department, operating permits shall be valid for one calendar year and shall be renewed annually thereafter. At the Department's discretion, the expiration date of an operating permit may be extended for an on-site wastewater treatment system provided such system is operated and maintained in compliance with this chapter and any conditions placed on the operating permit by the Department.
Operating permits shall be obtained by the property owner of the parcel on which such system is installed or by their authorized agent and shall be required for the life of the system unless the Department determines otherwise. Upon the legal transfer or sale of the property, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner to ensure that the recipient of the transfer or sale is made aware of the operating permit requirements.
Operating permit applications and operating permit renewal applications shall be submitted to the Department on such forms and in such format as the Department prescribes.
If required by the Department, operating permit applications and operating permit renewal applications submitted to the Department shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee pursuant to Sacramento County Code, Title 6, Chapter 6.99. Failure to pay such fees in a timely manner as prescribed by the Department shall render the operating permit null and void.
The Department may suspend or revoke any operating permit it issues for failure of the permittee to make timely payment of assessed fees or comply with any terms and/or conditions placed on such permit by the Department at the time of permit issuance or renewal. Upon suspension or revocation, further operation of the system shall cease until the suspension is lifted or a new annual operating permit is issued.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
For on-site wastewater treatment systems requiring an annual operating permit, the property owner of the parcel on which such system is installed or their authorized agent shall:
Operate the system in accordance with its design parameters;
Ensure continued operation and maintenance consistent with this chapter;
Report any system malfunctions resulting in surfacing sewage to the Department within 24 hours of discovery;
Contact with an operation and maintenance specialist within 24 hours of discovering the following conditions that could indicate a system failure or malfunction such as:
Surfacing sewage in the area of the tank or leach field,
Activation of the system's audible and/or visual alarm,
Wastewater backing up into plumbing fixtures or not flowing properly;
Obtain permits, procure services, and pay fees as may be necessary to correct deficiencies in the onsite wastewater treatment system identified by the Department or the operation and maintenance specialist.
The operation and maintenance specialist must:
Be an individual authorized and qualified by the Department to perform all necessary inspections and repairs in a manner compliant with this chapter and any condition placed on the operating permit by the Department;
Qualification as an Operation and Maintenance Specialist, by the Department may require any of the following:
Proof of current certification or registration by a third-party entity approved by the Department,
The successful passage of a written examination provided by the Department, demonstrating the applicant's knowledge of wastewater system principles and the rules, regulations, laws, and ordinances affecting public health and safety with respect to on-site wastewater treatment systems,
Continuing education credits pertaining to on-site wastewater treatment system operation and maintenance;
Provide all required maintenance and monitoring reports to the Department within 30 days of service;
Pay any required fees to the Department for the submission of inspection reports pursuant to Section 6.32.260(E) of this chapter;
Report to the Department within 24 hours of discovery any system failure or malfunction that results in surfacing sewage or requires a major system repair.
Operation, Maintenance, and Monitoring Manual.
The owners of new on-site wastewater treatment systems requiring an annual operating permit pursuant to this chapter, shall be provided with an operation, maintenance, and monitoring manual approved by the Department and prepared by the registered professional that designed the system.
The operation, maintenance, and monitoring manual will be supplemented and/or updated by the licensed installer or registered professional when the system requires repair.
The manual will include the following elements, as applicable:
Diagrams of the system components, their interrelationship and process flow diagram,
An accurate, fully dimensional as-built drawing of the system,
An explanation of the system's general function, operational expectations, owner responsibility etc.,
The routine maintenance schedule,
The names and telephone numbers of the registered professional, licensed installer, and certified operation and maintenance specialists,
A list of proprietary system components, including manufacturer names and model numbers, and
Information on "troubleshooting" common operational problems that may occur with that specific system.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
Frequency of an on-site wastewater treatment system operation and maintenance inspection will be dependent on the complexity and maintenance requirements of the system components, and based upon:
Manufacturer recommendations;
Industry standards of practice; and
Conditions and/or terms placed on the operating permit by the Department.
On-site wastewater treatment systems requiring an annual operating permit pursuant to this article shall meet the inspection frequencies and maintenance checks as specified in Table 1 of this chapter unless otherwise approved by the Department. Nothing contained in this provision shall prevent the Department from requiring more frequent inspections and maintenance checks as deemed necessary to ensure optimal system performance.
Table 1
Inspection Frequency and Maintenance Checks
CP = Certified Pumper, LI = Licensed Installer, OM = Certified Operation, Monitoring, and Maintenance Specialist, PL = Proprietary Device Licensee (also must be certified as OM&M Specialist), PO = Property Owner.
Inspection Interval
(Residential) Standard or Pressure Dosed System*
(Commercial) Standard or Pressure Dosed System*
Mound or Single-Pass Sand Filter
ATU or Packed-Bed Filter
Disinfection Units (Telemetry required on all disinfection units)
First 6 weeks
PL or OM (Required)
First 3 months
OM (Recommended)
OM (Required)
PL or OM (Required)
Pressure dosing system PL or LI or PO or OM (Recommended*)
OM (Recommended*)
OM (Required)
As required by the manufacturer or NSF, but not less than once a year
PL or OM (Required)
PL or OM (Required)
Year 1—2 of cycle
Year 3 of cycle
Year 4 of cycle
Year 5 of cycle
CP or LI or PO or OM (Recommended*)
Standard and pressure dosed systems are subject to Section 6.32.240(A)(3) of this chapter and may require inspections and maintenance checks should an operating permit be required.
Standard and pressure dosed on-site wastewater treatment systems subject to Section 6.32.240(A)(3) of this chapter may require inspections and maintenance checks should an operating permit be required. Inspection frequencies shall be determined by the Department on a case-by-case basis.
Experimental on-site wastewater treatment systems may require effluent wastewater quality testing by Department approved third party laboratories to monitor and ensure optimal system performance. Type and frequency of effluent wastewater quality testing shall be determined by the Department on a case-by-case basis.
All inspection results shall be submitted to the Department on such forms and in such format as the Department prescribes and will not be accepted unless legible and complete. The submission of inspection reports may require a fee pursuant to Sacramento County Code, Title 6, Chapter 6.99.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
Unless otherwise indicated in subsection F, a site evaluation shall be required to determine all design parameters for new on-site wastewater treatment systems and repairs or modifications to existing systems that require a construction permit pursuant to this chapter.
An application for a site evaluation shall be submitted to and approved by the Department prior to the commencement of work. The application shall be submitted to the Department on such forms and in such format as the Department prescribes. The appropriate fee shall be paid to the Department at the time of application submittal.
Unless the Department approves otherwise, site evaluations shall be performed by a registered professional in collaboration with Department staff. The registered professional shall notify the Department a minimum of 48 hours prior to the commencement of soils testing. All soils testing must be conducted during the Department's normal working hours unless the Department approves otherwise.
The site evaluation shall take into consideration the following site characteristics when determining the design for an on-site wastewater treatment system:
Effective absorptive soil;
Separation between disposal field bottom and groundwater or restrictive soil layers;
Ground slope in the proposed disposal field areas;
Influent wastewater strength and quality;
Setback requirements to all components of the on-site wastewater treatment system including the reserve disposal field area; and
The required level of wastewater treatment so as to not adversely affect water quality or endanger public health.
All soils testing shall comply with Sections 6.32.300 to 6.32.320 of this article.
At the discretion of the Department, the requirement for a site evaluation or specific elements thereof may be waived when the project poses a limited risk to public health, both ground and surface waters and:
A site evaluation has previously been conducted in compliance with this chapter by a registered professional or other individual approved by the Department to perform such evaluation; or
The Department has reason to believe that soil conditions in a specific geographical area of the County are so homogeneous that previous site evaluations or geotechnical explorations conducted in close proximity to the proposed project area will provide sufficient information regarding soil type, percolation rate, and depth to groundwater to determine the feasibility of the project.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
An application for a site evaluation shall be submitted to the Department on such forms and in such format as the Department prescribes.
A site evaluation fee shall be paid to the Department at the time of application submittal.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
Following the completion of all soils testing, a site evaluation report shall be forwarded to the Department for approval.
Unless the Department specifies otherwise, a site evaluation report shall contain the following information:
A scaled (1″ = 50′ minimum) site plan identifying the location of all soils testing performed;
A brief description of the site characteristics and soil testing methodology;
All soils testing data including but not limited to classifications of the encountered soils and percolation test results;
A scaled (1″ = 50′ minimum) drawing of the proposed on-site wastewater treatment system including, but is not limited to:
Required setbacks,
Disposal field type,
Required disposal field size,
Location of reserve disposal field area,
Disposal field design parameters (depth, width, length, rock size, pipe size, etc.),
Tank size and location,
Anticipated wastewater strength and quantity.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
For all disposal field types other than seepage pit or deep trench, a minimum of eight soil test holes shall be required on each parcel to determine site suitability for an on-site wastewater treatment system. Four test holes shall be excavated in both the primary and reserve disposal field areas. Seepage pit and deep trench type disposal fields shall have a minimum of one soil test hole in both the primary and reserve disposal field areas. At the discretion of the Department, additional test holes or soil analysis by hydrometer may be required to adequately characterize site conditions or show soil uniformity. The Department may approve fewer soil test holes on a case-by-case basis and shall be dependent on specific site conditions, space limitations, or uniformity in test hole soil characteristics.
All soil test holes shall be excavated to Cal-OSHA standards and unless otherwise approved by the Department, must meet the requirements specified in the Sacramento County On-Site Wastewater Management Guidance Manual.
All soil test holes shall be performed in representative areas of both the proposed primary and reserve disposal fields to adequately characterize site conditions.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
For all disposal field types other than seepage pit or deep trench, a minimum of six percolation tests shall be required on each parcel to determine site suitability for an on-site wastewater treatment system. Three percolation test holes shall be performed in both the primary and reserve disposal field areas. Seepage pit and deep trench type disposal fields shall have a minimum of one percolation test in both the primary and reserve disposal field areas unless otherwise waived by the Department.
At the discretion of the Department, additional percolation testing may be required to adequately characterize site conditions or show soil uniformity. Requests for fewer percolation tests may be approved by the Department and shall be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Unless otherwise approved by the Department, all percolation testing shall be conducted as prescribed in the On-Site Wastewater Management Guidance Manual.
All percolation test holes shall be performed in representative areas of both the proposed primary and reserve disposal fields to adequately characterize site conditions.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
The Department may require information pertaining to seasonal high groundwater levels prior to approving a design for an on-site wastewater treatment system or a proposal for a subdivision of land to ensure compliance with groundwater separation requirements as specified in this chapter. Areas proposing on-site wastewater treatment that are subject to monitoring include, but are not limited to:
Valleys, ravines, swales;
Areas near waterways or springs;
Areas with soils having confined and unconfined sand and gravel strata;
Areas with shallow topsoil;
Areas with soil strata that show mottling and/or grey to black colorations;
Areas with a known history of seasonal high groundwater; and
Areas with swampy/marshy appearances or supporting the growth of water-loving vegetation such as cattails, willows, perennial grasses.
A registered professional or other individual approved by the Department shall perform all groundwater monitoring and all data shall be collected in coordination with the Department.
An application shall be submitted to the Department prior to beginning of such monitoring. The application shall be submitted on such forms as the Department prescribes and may require a fee pursuant to Sacramento County Code Title 6, Chapter 6.99.
Seasonal high groundwater monitoring shall be performed between the months of November through April.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
The Department discourages the use of alternative on-site wastewater treatment systems in lieu of a standard gravity flow or standard pressure dosed system when the proposed site can meet the requirements for the installation of such system. Experimental systems should be considered a last resort and will be approved by the Department on a case by case basis. The Department reserves the right to refer all applications for experimental systems to the State Water Resources Control Board for approval and/or regulation.
All on-site wastewater treatment systems shall be designed based on the following:
Available effective absorptive area in both primary and reserve disposal fields;
Separation between disposal field bottom and groundwater or a restrictive soil layer;
Ground slope in both the primary and reserve disposal field areas;
Influent wastewater strength and quantity;
Setback requirements; and
The required level of wastewater treatment so as to not adversely affect water quality or endanger public health.
Unless otherwise approved by the Department, the following minimum requirements shall determine the design parameters for on-site wastewater treatment systems:
Effective absorptive area shall have percolation rates between five and sixty (60) minutes per inch.
Soils percolating faster than five minutes per inch will require a pressure dosed disposal field and will not be permitted by the Department unless there is demonstration of adequate soil filtration capacity to prevent groundwater degradation.
Soils percolating between 61 and 120 minutes per inch shall be approved for a standard on-site wastewater treatment system provided the septic tank effluent is pressure dosed into the design of the disposal field. Exceptions may be granted for seepage pit type disposal fields or parcels having sufficient space for both primary and reserve disposal field areas provided the on-site wastewater treatment system is individually designed by a registered professional and the design is approved by the Department.
Soils percolating slower than 120 minutes per inch shall only be approved for alternative on-site wastewater treatment systems provided appropriate wastewater treatment technology is utilized and the system can be designed and installed in compliance with this chapter.
Should the Department approve the use of soil textural classification in lieu of percolation testing the following shall apply to standard on-site wastewater treatment systems:
Only soil types A through D from Table 2 of this chapter shall be considered effective absorptive soil for shallow trench or bed type disposal fields.
Only soil types A and B from Table 2 of this chapter shall be considered effective absorptive soil for deep trench or seepage pit type disposal fields. The soils may or may not contain gravel.
All effective absorptive soil shall be non-cemented.
At least five feet of soil shall be present between disposal field bottom and groundwater should a bed or trench be proposed as the disposal field type. Ten feet of separation shall be required for seepage pit type disposal fields.
Three feet of separation shall be permitted if the septic tank effluent is pressure dosed into a disposal field consisting of a shallow trench or bed.
Less than three feet of separation shall require the use of an alternative on-site wastewater treatment system meeting the requirements of this chapter.
Designs for alternative on-site wastewater treatment systems proposing less than two feet of separation may require approval by the California State Water Resources Control Board.
There shall be a minimum of five feet of continuous effective absorptive soil below the bottom of a shallow trench or bed type disposal field.
Three feet of separation shall be permitted if the septic tank effluent is pressure dosed into the disposal field.
Less than three feet of separation shall require the use of an alternative on-site wastewater treatment system meeting the requirements of this chapter and the On-Site Wastewater Management Guidance Manual.
Standard on-site wastewater treatment systems shall only be designed on sites with a ground slope less than 30%.
The minimum required setbacks as indicated in Table 3 of this chapter shall be maintained at all times. An inability to maintain required setbacks shall require an alternative on-site wastewater treatment system or a design proposed by a registered professional with experience in on-site wastewater treatment system design.
Required absorptive field area shall be calculated by using available effective absorptive soil and the correct soil application rate depicted in Table 2 of this chapter if effective absorptive soil is determined by soil textural classification or Figure 1 of this chapter if percolation testing was conducted.
Soil application rates derived from percolation test results shall be calculated by using the slowest percolation test result obtained from all percolation test holes in the area in which the disposal field will be located.
Soil application rates derived from soil textural classification, if permitted by the Department, shall be determined by using the most restrictive effective absorptive soil group encountered within five feet from the bottom of a shallow trench or disposal field bed. Soil application rates for deep trench or seepage pit type disposal fields shall be determined by using the most restrictive effective absorptive soil encountered within the trench or pit profile below the point at which effluent leaves the distribution piping.
Only sidewall or bottom area but not both shall be used when calculating the required disposal field area for a shallow trench or bed type disposal field. Only sidewall area shall be used with deep trench or seepage pit type disposal fields.
Projected daily wastewater flow shall be determined as follows:
Wastewater flow from residential dwellings must be calculated at 350 gallons per day for up to a two bedroom home, 400 gallons per day for a three bedroom home, and 100 gallons per day for each additional bedroom.
Wastewater flow from other than single-family residential dwellings shall be estimated by using Table 4 of this chapter.
In no case shall an on-site wastewater treatment system be designed for a flow of less than 100 gallons per day.
If proposed, the projected daily flow may be calculated by actual potable water meter readings, or facility wastewater influent or effluent meter readings if such records are available from the service provider or from water meters certified to be within two percent by the water purveyor or, in the case of wastewater metering, the meter read values are certified as "correct" by a registered professional and agreed to by the Department. Average daily flows shall be calculated from peak flow days as follows:
If the water meter records are recorded on a daily basis, the highest 10 day flows for a 12 month period can be averaged and used for the design flow.
If the water meter records are recorded on a weekly basis, the design flow shall be calculated by dividing the number of days the facility was in use into the highest weekly flow over a 12 month period and then multiplying by 1.2.
If the water meter records are recorded on a monthly basis, the design flow shall be calculated by dividing the number of days the facility was in use into the highest monthly flow over a 12 month period and then multiplying by 1.5.
If the water meter records are recorded on a quarterly basis, the design flow shall be calculated by dividing the number of days the facility was in use into the highest quarterly flow over a 12 month period and then multiplying by 2.0.
A reserve disposal field area with suitable site conditions must be set aside for the future installation of a replacement disposal field. The reserve area must be:
Equal to 100% of the capacity required for the primary disposal field;
Separate from the primary disposal field area;
Able to meet all current design requirements for the type of disposal field proposed, including soil depth, soil type, slope restrictions, and setbacks, etc.;
Fully protected to prevent damage to soil and any adverse impact on the immediate surroundings that may affect the installation of the reserve disposal field or its function.
Installation of a standard on-site wastewater treatment system on parcels under one acre in size will require that a reserve disposal field be installed at the same time as the primary. The disposal fields are to be separated by an approved valve to switch from field one to field two at the recommended interval.
Septic tank capacity shall be a minimum of 1,000 gallons and a maximum of 10,000 gallons. Tanks in excess of 3,000 gallons shall have design specifications pursuant to the most current version of the Uniform Plumbing Code, submitted to the Department for approval.
For residential dwellings, the minimum liquid capacity of any septic tank shall be 1,200 gallons for up to a three bedroom residence, 1,500 gallons for up to a five bedroom residence, and an additional 200 gallons for each bedroom thereafter.
Septic tank capacity for commercial applications shall be determined by doubling the calculated average daily flow obtained in Table 4 of this chapter.
All septic tanks, pump tanks, and distribution boxes shall be watertight and installed level on a stable surface to prevent settling. All tanks may be subject to a water tightness test.
All septic tanks and pump tanks shall have water tight pumping risers extending to ground surface or above on all compartment access ports of the tank. Risers shall be a minimum of 24 inches in diameter and have gas-tight tamper-proof lids. Any tanks and/or risers in potential traffic areas shall be traffic rated and capable of supporting all anticipated loads. The original tank compartment access port lids shall remain in place or Department approved safety grates shall be positioned over access port openings within each riser.
Disposal fields for on-site wastewater treatment systems shall be designed to equally distribute septic tank effluent by way of a Department approved distribution box.
Pump tanks shall have a minimum liquid capacity equal to or greater than one day's projected sewage flow.
Setback requirements for distribution boxes shall maintain the following distances:
A minimum of three feet to a septic tank, pump tank, or disposal field;
A minimum of five feet from a building or property line.
Disposal fields shall be constructed as follows:
Seepage pits shall:
Have a minimum diameter of 36 inches and a maximum diameter of 48 inches,
Maintain a cumulative minimum five-foot column of effective soil per pit,
Not terminate greater than 40 feet below ground surface,
Be installed so that there is a minimum of two pits for any one system, and a minimum excavation of one seepage pit per bedroom,
Be spaced so that there is a minimum of 16 feet between seepage pit sidewalls,
Have a Department approved inspection box at the top of each pit surrounded by a concrete pit collar having a minimum thickness of four inches,
Meet the setback requirements specified in Table 3 of this chapter;
Disposal field trenches shall:
Have a maximum width of 36 inches,
Not exceed 100 feet in length,
Be spaced so that there is a minimum of 10 feet between the center of each trench,
Meet the setback requirements specified in Table 3 of this chapter.
Repair to the existing disposal field of an on-site wastewater treatment system shall require 100% replacement of the required disposal field area. At the Department's discretion, a valve shall be installed in the tight line to allow the flow of effluent to be switched between each disposal field to allow for the recovery and future use of the failed disposal field.
Designs for new on-site wastewater treatment systems serving commercial establishments capable of generating wastewater containing fats, oils, grease, grit, or sand shall be required to incorporate an outdoor grease trap or sand-oil separator into the system design. Grease trap or sand-oil separator size and installation requirements shall comply with the most current version of the Uniform Plumbing Code adopted by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors.
Table 2
Soil Application Rate Based on USDA Textural Classification
USDA Textural Classification
Soil Group
Application Rate (gdp/ft2)
Course to medium sand
1.2 or less
Fine sand, loamy sand
1.1 to 0.8 or less
Sandy loam, loam
0.8 to 0.6 or less
Silt loam
0.6 to 0.4 or less
Clay loam, sandy or silty clay loam, sandy clay
0.4 to 0.1 or less
Figure 1 Soil Application Rate Based on Percolation Rate
Table 3
Minimum Setback Requirements
Distance Required From:
From Disposal Field
From Septic Tank, ATU, or Lined Sand Filter
Wells (domestic and public)
150′ – (deep trench, seepage pits)
100′ – (leach lines)
Surface Waters1
Reservoirs or lakes
Year-round springs, streams, creeks, ponds, rivers
Intermittent streams, drainage swales
Curtain drains – Vertical/curtain drains
Up-gradient of system
Down-gradient of system
Cuts manmade in excess of 2.5 feet (top of down slope cut) or escarpments2
4 x the height of the bank, to a maximum of 50′
Property lines, foundation lines for any structure including garages, out-buildings, in-ground swimming pools, water lines 3,4
Setbacks not specified in this table shall conform to the most recent Board of Supervisors-adopted Uniform Plumbing Code.
Setbacks from streams and creeks must be measured from bank drop-off or mean yearly high water mark. Reservoirs and lakes are differentiated from ponds by being greater than one acre-feet in size. Landscape ponds less than 5,000 gallons are exempt from these setbacks.
The height (in feet) of the cut or escarpment as measured from the toe of the cut or vertically to the projection of the natural ground slope.
The Department encourages the placement of septic tanks and other treatment units as close as feasible to the minimum separation from the building foundation in order to minimize possible clogging of the building sewer.
Unless otherwise approved by the Department, crossing of water lines and effluent sewer lines is prohibited.
Table 4
Design Flow Rates
Type of Business or Facility
Minimum Flow (Gallons per Day)
100 (per chair)
Camps (4 persons per campsite, where applicable)
with central comfort stations
35 (per person)
with flush toilets, no showers
25 (per person)
construction camps (semi-permanent)
50 (per person)
day camps (no meals served)
15 (per person)
resort camps (night and day) with limited plumbing
50 (per person)
with kitchen
15 (per seat)
without kitchen
5 (per seat)
Country clubs
per resident member
add per nonresident member present
add per employee
15 (per 8-hour shift)
Dentist office
per wet chair
add per non-wet chair
with shower facilities, no food service or industrial wastes
35 (per person, per shift)
without shower facilities, no food, service or industrial wastes
15 (per person, per shift)
250 (per bed space)
Hotels or motels
with private baths
100 (per room)
without private baths
80 (per room)
Institutions other than hospitals
125 (per bed)
Laundries, self-service washing machines
500 (per machine)
Limited agricultural building
100 (per building)
Mobile home parks
250 (per space)
Parks, public picnic areas
with toilet wastes only
5 (per person)
with bathhouses, showers and flush toilets
10 (per person)
with multi-use utensils
50 (per seat)
with single service utensils
25 (per seat)
with bars and/or cocktail lounges
50 (per seat)
Residential structures
second dwelling, condominium, multifamily (duplex, triplex, etc.)
Same as for full single-family residence
Same as for additional bedroom
Retail stores
for customer add for each employee
Use comparable flows from similar businesses and population
add for each employee
15 (per 8-hour shift)
Shopping center
2 (per parking space)
100 (per person)
day (without gyms, cafeterias or showers)
15 (per person)
day (with gyms, cafeterias and showers)
25 (per person)
day (with cafeteria, no gym or showers)
20 (per person)
Service stations
500 for 1st pump set, 300 for each additional
Swimming pools and bathhouses
10 (per person)
5 (per seat)
20 (per car space)
Recreational vehicle parks
without individual water and sewer hookups
50 (per space)
with individual water sewer hookups
100 (per space)
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)