Unless otherwise approved by the Department, the use of wastewater holding tanks for the purpose of holding and/or containing sewage for disposal at another location shall only be allowed under the following conditions:
The Department has determined that a connection to public sewer or that the installation of an on-site wastewater treatment system is not legally or physically possible, or reasonable when considering the intended use of the tank, and the tank will serve only nonresidential and noncommercial limited use applications, such as agricultural buildings, recreational facilities, sewage pump-out stations, or construction trailers, and the cumulative daily sewage flow does not exceed 300 gallons per day.
The holding tank is used as a temporary means to hold or contain sewage due to an on-site wastewater treatment system failure.
The holding tank is used in cases where the Department requires seasonal high groundwater monitoring prior to the approval of a construction permit.
The holding tank is used for the temporary storage of septage at a facility regulated under Article 7 or 8 of this chapter.
This article shall apply to all wastewater holding tanks whether new or existing.
Holding tanks shall not be considered as an approved means of sewage disposal for the purpose of creating new parcels.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
No person, firm, or corporation shall commence the use of a wastewater holding tank for the purpose of holding and/or containing sewage for disposal at another location without first obtaining an annual operating permit from the Department.
An applicant wishing to obtain an operating permit shall first apply to the Department on such forms as the Department prescribes.
A fee, pursuant to Sacramento County Code, Title 6, Chapter 6.99, may be charged at the time of application submittal to defray the costs of administration and/or inspection.
The application at a minimum shall include, but not be limited to:
The name, address, and phone number of the applicant;
The name, address, and phone number of the property owner of the parcel on which such tank is to be installed. The Department may require a letter of authorization if the legal parcel owner is different from the permit applicant;
A plot plan showing the location where such tank is to be installed relative to fixed structures, water wells, drainage ditches, rivers, streams, water lines, and driveways;
The name, address, and phone number of the company loaning, renting, or leasing the wastewater holding tank;
The name, address, and phone number of the registered septic tank cleaner/wastewater hauler that will be contracted with for the cleaning, and removal of wastewater from said tank.
The Department may suspend or revoke an operating permit for failure of the permittee to make timely payment of assessed fees or comply with any terms and/or conditions placed on the permit by the Department at the time of permit issuance or renewal. Upon suspension or revocation, further operation of the system shall cease until the suspension is lifted or a new annual operating permit is issued.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
Unless otherwise approved by the Department, all wastewater holding tanks shall meet the construction and installation requirements as described in the On-Site Wastewater Management Guidance Manual and may be subject to inspection by Department Staff.
Minimum holding tank capacity shall be determined by using the highest anticipated daily flow plus an additional 100% storage capacity.
If required by the Department, wastewater holding tanks must be equipped with both an audible and visual alarm configured to signal when the tank is 75% full. The alarm must transmit the signal to an appropriate off-site location for remote notification or be placed in a location acceptable to the Department. Only the audible alarm shall be user-cancelable.
Wastewater holding tanks shall not have an overflow vent at an elevation lower than the overflow level of the lowest fixture served.
Wastewater holding tanks shall be designed and installed to facilitate visual inspection and removal of contents when pumping.
The placement of wastewater holding tanks may be subject to the setback requirements for septic tanks as specified in Table 3 of this chapter.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
The owner of the property on which such holding tank is installed or their authorized agent will:
Provide the Department with a copy of a contract from a Department certified wastewater hauler/septic tank cleaner showing that the tank will be pumped at regular intervals or as needed to prevent use of greater than 75% of the tank's capacity and
Maintain a clear and legible record of pumping dates and amounts of sewage pumped from each holding tank. The records shall be kept onsite for a minimum of five years and made available to Department staff upon request.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)
Each holding tank installed and operated pursuant to this chapter may be subject to inspection by Department staff during normal business hours.
(SCC 1465 § 2, 2010)