No person shall cut, chalk, mark or write upon, or in any manner whatever deface, break, mutilate, injure, destroy, or damage any vault, tombstone, gravestone, monument, stake, mark or fence, post, rail, tank or wall within the boundaries of any cemetery located within the limits of the County.
(Ord. 309 § 1, 1945)
No person shall cut, break, pluck, remove or in any manner destroy or injure any tree, shrub, plant or flower, or destroy, injure or molest any bird, or any bird's nest or any bird's eggs within the boundaries of any cemetery located within the limits of the County.
(Ord. 309 § 2, 1945)
No person shall deposit rubbish, grass, shrub cuttings, or other material or substance in any of the roadways or driveways of any cemetery, without the written permission of the superintendent of the cemetery.
(Ord. 309 § 3 1945)
No person shall loiter in any cemetery or property used or held exclusively for the burial or other permanent deposit of the human dead.
The word "loiter" is herein used in the sense of idling time away with intent to commit crime or mischief, or without a lawful errand.
(Ord. 309 § 4, 1945)