This chapter is enacted by the Board of Supervisors of Sacramento County to supplement provisions of Chapter 22.52 of this code by providing for the County and local governmental agencies within the County a broader base for funds to acquire local parks and recreational facilities to serve residential areas within the unincorporated area of the County. The Board of Supervisors has determined that:
It is inequitable to require only subdividers of real property pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 22.52 to provide land/or fees in lieu thereof for local parks or recreational facilities.
Apartment houses and single family dwellings on individual lots place demands on local parks and recreational facilities which must be met if the recreational needs of all of the residents of the unincorporated area of the County are to be served;
The general welfare, health and safety of the residents of the County will be enhanced by the development of recreational facilities. Children and adults will be able to safely pursue recreational activities in areas specifically designed for recreational purposes;
The dramatic increase in population and dwelling construction, particularly in the unincorporated area of the County has not been met with a corresponding availability of parks and local recreational facilities to serve the population.
(SCC 88 § 1, 1972)
Prior to the issuance of any building permit pursuant to Chapter 16.04 for a new principal residential structure or a multiple family structure, a fee as determined herein shall be paid to the Department of Public Works of the County to be used for the acquisition and/or development of local parks and recreational facilities. The fee shall be computed as follows:
Forty dollars for each principal single family dwelling on a single lot;
Twenty-five dollars for each dwelling unit within a multiple family structure.
Any fee shall be paid before the building permit to authorize the construction shall be issued by the Department of Public Works of the County.
The schedule of payments is based on the application of the constants described in Section 22.52.100 to a gross acre value of five thousand dollars per acre. The latter value has been determined by the Board of Supervisors to be an average land value applicable throughout the unincorporated area of Sacramento County for land being developed in residential use.
(SCC 88 § 1, 1972)
Fees collected pursuant to Section 9.70.020 shall be deposited in the local parks facilities trust fund established pursuant to Section 22.52.080 and shall be administered by the County Department of Regional Parks.
(SCC 88 § 1, 1972; SCC 1331 § 7, 2006)
Fees deposited in the local parks facilities trust fund shall be used only for the purpose of providing local parks and recreational facilities consistent with the local recreation spaces element of the general plan; provided, however, if the general plan provides for a major county park or other major recreational facility within one mile of the parcel being developed, any fee collected may be applied for the acquisition of land/or the development of such facility.
(SCC 88 § 1, 1972)
A fee shall not be required pursuant to Section 9.70.30 if the land on which the single family or multiple family dwelling unit is to be constructed is included within a recorded subdivision and, which as a condition of the approval of the final map of the subdivision, the subdivider was given credit for privately owned facilities pursuant to Section 22.52.130 or dedicated land, paid a fee in lieu thereof, or both, for local parks or recreational purposes pursuant to Sections 22.52.100 through 22.52.130.
(SCC 88 § 1, 1972)
Any person who comes within the provisions of this chapter may appeal any matter relative to this chapter to the Board of Supervisors; provided any appeal must be filed with the clerk of the Board of Supervisors by letter addressed to the Board within ten calendar days after the decision or action which prompts the appeal. The appeal will be set for hearing before the Board of Supervisors within thirty calendar days after receipt of the notice of appeal. A filing of a notice of appeal shall stay the issuance of any building permit pending the decision of the Board of Supervisors on the appeal.
(SCC 88 § 1, 1972)
If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter. The Board of Supervisors declares that it would have passed the ordinance, codified in this chapter, and each section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more of the sections, subsections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases is declared unconstitutional or unlawful.
(SCC 88 § 1, 1972)