The director is authorized to place and maintain, or cause to be placed and maintained, official traffic control devices, when they are required or authorized by state law, or ordinances or resolutions of this County. No provisions of the Vehicle Code or this chapter for which signs or markings are required, shall be enforced against an alleged violator unless appropriate signs or markings are in place, giving notice of such provisions.
(Ord. 703 § 36, 1960)
The director is authorized to install and maintain official traffic signals at those intersections and at other places where conditions are such as to require that the flow of traffic be alternatively interrupted and released in order to prevent or relieve traffic congestion, or to protect life or property from exceptional hazard in accordance with engineering studies.
(Ord. 703 § 37, 1960)
The director is authorized to place and maintain distinctive roadway markings as described in the Vehicle Code on those highways, or parts of highways, where the volume of traffic or the vertical or other curvature of such the roadway renders it hazardous to drive on the left side of such markings or signs and markings.
The director is authorized to mark centerlines and lane lines upon the surface of the roadway to indicate the course to be traveled by vehicles, and may place signs temporarily indicating lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction, regardless of the centerline of the highway.
(Ord. 703 § 38, 1960)
The director is authorized to determine the hours in which any traffic control device shall be in operation or be in effect except in cases where such hours or days are specified by ordinance or resolution.
(Ord. 703 § 39, 1960)
The director is authorized to install and maintain parking space markings to indicate parking space adjacent to curb where authorized parking is permitted.
When such parking space markings are placed in the highway, subject to other and more restrictive limitations, no vehicle shall be stopped or left standing other than within a single space unless the size or shape of such vehicle makes compliance impossible.
(Ord. 703 § 40, 1960)
The director is authorized to allocate and indicate more than one lane of traffic from which the driver of vehicles may make right and/or left hand turns, and the course to be traveled as so indicated may conform to or be other than as prescribed by statute or ordinance. The director shall place markers, buttons or signs within or adjacent to intersections, indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at such intersections.
When authorized markers, buttons or other indications are so placed within or adjacent to an intersection, indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning thereat, no driver of a vehicle shall disobey the directions of such indications.
(Ord. 703 § 41, 1960)
The director is authorized to determine those intersections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right, left or U turns and those intersections controlled by official traffic control signals where drivers of vehicles may make U turns. The making of such turns may be prohibited between certain hours of any day and permitted at other hours. The director shall place proper signs at such intersections to indicate the restrictions in force. The signs shall plainly indicate the restrictions in force and the hours in which they are in force, or the signs may be removed when such turns are permitted.
The director is authorized to determine those intersections at which drivers of vehicles shall not make a right or left turn against a "stop or "red" signal, and shall erect proper signs giving notice of the prohibition.
The director is authorized to establish special traffic islands or roadways at intersections where the driver of a vehicle is required to make a left or right turn. The director shall place markers, buttons or signs within or adjacent to the roadway indicating the course to be traveled by vehicles turning at the intersection.
Whenever authorized signs are erected indicating that right, left or U turns are prohibited or are prohibited during certain hours, no driver of a vehicle shall disobey such signs.
(Ord. 703 § 42, 1960)
The director is authorized to designate certain highways to be "through" streets and certain intersections to be "stop" intersections and any railway grade crossing to be a "stop" intersection.
The director shall erect and maintain "stop" signs as provided in the Vehicle Code, whenever he designates and describes any street or portion thereof as a "through" highway, or any intersection at which vehicles are required to stop, at one or more entrances thereto, or any railroad grade crossing at which vehicles are required to stop.
(Ord. 703 § 43, 1960)
The director is authorized to designate any intersection to be controlled by "yield right-of-way signs."
The director shall erect and maintain "yield right-of-way signs" as described in the Vehicle Code at such intersections her designates to be controlled by "yield right-of-way signs."
(Ord. 703 § 44, 1960)
The director is authorized to remove stop signs and yield signs on any highway where the volume of traffic or other engineering study show that the conditions which require such control no longer exist or where the signs are in conflict with this title notwithstanding any previous resolutions authorizing the signs.
(Ord. 703 § 45, 1960)
Whenever the Director finds that any portion of any highway is no longer needed for vehicular traffic, either permanently or at certain times during the day, or as an emergency measure, he shall place or cause to be placed appropriate signs or barricades, or both, specifying that such portion of the highway is closed to vehicular traffic at such times, or permanently, as the case may be, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of Section 21101 of the Vehicle Code. All signs giving notice of such closing shall conform to provisions of the Vehicle Code.
A person shall not operate any vehicle on any portion of the highway closed to traffic pursuant to this section.
The director is hereby authorized to prohibit or restrict the use of any highway or portion of any highway by bicycles or other nonmotorized traffic or by any person operating a motor driven cycle or motorcycle when that highway or that portion of highway has been designated as a riding or hiking trail by the Board of Supervisors or the Director. The director shall erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof upon the highway or riding and hiking trail and approaches thereto. The director shall determine the location of appropriate signs. It is unlawful for any persons to violate any prohibition or restriction which is established as provided in this subdivision.
(Ord. 703 § 46, 1960; Ord. 931 § 1, 1966)
Whenever because of the construction, alteration, repair, or improvement of any highway or temporary detours or because of other emergency compliance with any provision of this title, including a provision pursuant to any action of the Board pursuant to this title a traffic hazard will be created and the Director so finds, he shall either remove or cover up any sign or other traffic marking which informs persons of such provision. While such sign or other marking is removed or covered the effect of such provision is suspended. At the end of such emergency unless otherwise determined by the Board, the Director shall replace or uncover such sign or other markings.
(Ord. 703 § 47, 1960; Ord. 725 § 1, 1961)
If a weight limit is suspended pursuant to Section 10.16.120 and a different weight limit is necessary, the Director shall erect and maintain during the emergency appropriate signs. At the end of the emergency the Director shall remove such temporary signs and uncover and restore the original signs unless the Board otherwise determines.
(Ord. 703 § 48, 1960)
Every operator and every pedestrian shall comply with and obey every instruction appearing on any traffic sign or other marking which sign or marking has been erected or placed by authority of the Board or director of this title.
(Ord. 703 § 49, 1960)
The director is authorized to remove, relocate or discontinue the operation of any traffic control device or curb marking not specifically authorized by state law or ordinance, whenever engineering studies show that the conditions which warrant or require such control no longer exist or where such device is in conflict with the provisions of this title.
(Ord. 703 § 50,1960)
The director shall remove every unofficial sign, signal or device which purports to be or is an imitation of or resembles an official traffic sign or signal, or which attempts to direct the movement of traffic, or which hides from view any official traffic sign or signal, or which in any other respect violates the provisions of Sections 21465 and 21466 of the Vehicle Code.
(Ord. 703 § 51,1960)
The director is authorized to regulate the timing of traffic signals so as to permit the movement of traffic in an orderly and safe manner, at speeds at variance from the speeds otherwise applicable within the district or at intersections, and may erect appropriate signs giving notice thereof.
(Ord. 703 § 52,1960)
The director is authorized to designate sidewalks which may be used by bicyclists as a part of the County bike route system and shall identify such sidewalks with appropriate signs giving notice thereof.
(SCC 139 § 2, 1973)