It is hereby found that the public interest, safety, welfare and convenience require the establishment of a numbering system of street addresses under a uniform plan within the unincorporated area of the County. For the accomplishment of this objective, there is hereby established a uniform numbering system in order to promote more effective law enforcement, facilitate rapid response to emergency calls for fire suppression, medical, and other purposes, improve the delivery of goods and services, and otherwise promote the economic improvement of the community.
(SCC 673 § 1, 1986)
Streets within the unincorporated area of the County shall be named by, and properties abutting such streets and roads shall be assigned numbers by, the Director of the Department pursuant to the standards contained in Sections 12.24.030 and 12.24.040, below.
(SCC 673 § 1, 1986)
The Director shall assign the following name designations within the unincorporated area of the County:
Except as hereinafter provided, the term "Street" shall be applied to streets which generally extend in a northerly and southerly direction, regardless of width.
Except as otherwise provided, the term "Avenue" shall be applied to streets which generally extend in an easterly and westerly direction, regardless of width.
Except as hereinafter provided, the term "Drive" shall be applied to streets which are fifty feet or greater in width, and are not designated as Streets or Avenues.
The term "Way" shall be applied to streets which are forty feet in width, and are not designated Streets or Avenues.
The term "Road" shall be applied to streets which are sixth feet or greater in width, and are situated in an agricultural zone established pursuant to the County's Zoning Code.
The terms "Court" or "Place" shall be applied to streets which terminate in a cul-de-sac, with no intermediate access.
The term "Circle" shall be applied to streets which begin and terminate in the same street, with no intermediate access.
The term "Boulevard" shall be applied to streets which are major traffic thoroughfare.
(SCC 673 § 1, 1986)
The Director shall assign number to properties abutting streets within the unincorporated area of the County in accordance with the following criteria.
There is hereby established a baseline for assigning such numbers for the north-south grid, which is the American River. Numbers shall increase in magnitude from the American River in both northerly and southerly directions generally in accordance with the distance from the River.
There is hereby established a baseline for assigning such numbers south of the American River, for an east-west grid, which is the projection of a line that lies 1320 feet west of the section line common to Section 4 and 5 Township 5 North, Range 4 East, M.D.B.& M. Numbers shall increase in magnitude from that baseline in both easterly and westerly directions generally in accordance with the distance from the baseline. Numbers lying west of the baseline shall be ascribed a letter "W" as a suffix to the property number.
There is hereby established a baseline for assigning such numbers north of the American River, for an east-west grid, which is the projection of a line that lies 800 feet east of the section line common to Section 19 and 20 Township 10 North, Range 5 East, M.D.B.& M. Numbers shall increase in magnitude from that baseline in both easterly and westerly directions generally in accordance with the distance from the baseline. Numbers lying west of that baseline shall be ascribed a letter "W" as a suffix to the property number.
(SCC 673 § 1, 1986)
The Director shall be authorized to formulate, promulgate and enforce specifications pertaining to the size, color and type of numbers placed upon properties abutting streets within the unincorporated area of the County, together with standards regulating the numbering of multiple structures upon the same property. Such specifications and standards shall be formulated for the purpose of facilitating the identification and location of structures and land uses by persons searching for same from the streets, eliminating or reducing the necessity for entry of property by persons conducting such searches.
(SCC 673 § 1, 1986)
Except as hereinafter provided, the standards contained in this chapter shall govern assignment by the Director of street designations and numbers pursuant to Sections 12.24.030 and 12.24.040 for all parcels, lots and streets within the unincorporated area of the County, including, but not limited to, those established after the date on which this chapter becomes effective.
All street designations and property numbers in existence preceding the effective date of this chapter which are consistent with the standards prescribed by Section 12.24.030 and 12.24.040, above, shall be deemed to have been designated by the Director pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
The standards for designating streets and assigning numbers established by Sections 12.24.030 and 12.24.040, above, shall not be applicable to a particular lot or parcel of land which is not numbered or is numbered in a manner inconsistent with the standards contained in Sections 12.24.030 and 12.24.040, above, until thirty days after:
The Director designates such streets or numbers such property in accordance with such standards; and
The Director has mailed written notice of such designation or numbering, postage prepaid, to the record owner and occupant of the property so numbered or which abuts each street so designated.
(SCC 673 § 1, 1986)
It shall be the responsibility of both owners and occupants of property abutting roads within the unincorporated area of the County to post numbers upon such property in accordance with those designated by the County Director.
Pursuant to the provisions of Government Code Section 25132, an owner or occupant of property abutting a street within the unincorporated area of the County who fails, within ten calendar days following mailing of written notice to do so, to post a number upon such property corresponding to the number designated by the Director shall be guilty of an infraction and subject to a fine of fifth dollars for each day or any portion thereof such violation continues.
(SCC 673 § 1, 1986)