The Sacramento County General Plan requires that areas chosen for urban expansion shall be capable of being provided within a reasonable period of time with an adequate level of public facilities; including, but not limited to, transportation facilities.
The General Plan further requires the preparation of a plan that identifies a mechanism for financing those facilities necessary to serve urban development in areas designated for urban expansion. The General Plan also contains additional policies for the use of developer dedications, development fees, and other means to pay for acceptable level of transportation facilities.
The purpose of this chapter is to implement the General Plan requirements set forth in subsections A and B of this section and to use the authority in Article XI, Section 7 of the California Constitution by imposing development fees to fund the estimated cost of certain facilities, the need for which is directly or indirectly generated by the type and level of development proposed in the Mather Field Public Facilities Financing Plan (hereinafter in some instances referred to as "PFFP") area.
It is the further purpose of this chapter to require that adequate provision be made for developer financed facilities within the PFFP area as a condition of any rezoning and prior to approval of certain permits within said area.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002; SCC 1616 § 30, 2017)
"Accessory dwelling unit" means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit occupying the same parcel as the primary dwelling unit, which provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons as further defined and subject to the requirements of the Sacramento County Zoning Code and applicable State Law. This includes efficiency units and junior accessory dwelling units.
"Acreage" means the net acreage of any property within the PFFP area.
"Administrator" means the Deputy County Executive of the Sacramento County Public Works and Infrastructure Agency.
"Agency" means the County of Sacramento Public Works and Infrastructure Agency.
"Average daily operation" means the estimated maximum number of general aviation aircraft takeoffs and landings in one year, as determined by the County Department of Airports, divided by 365.
"Board" means the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sacramento.
"Building permit" means the permit issued or required for the construction or improvement of additional square footage for any structure pursuant to and as defined by the Sacramento County Building Code.
"Building square feet" means the square feet of proposed construction or the square feet of occupied space as determined by a building permit or occupancy permit.
"Business and professional office" means a land use having buildings comprised of greater than 70% of square footage in office use as defined by the Sacramento County Zoning Code.
"County" means the County of Sacramento.
"Development fee" means the fee levied by this chapter upon the approval of building permits within the PFFP area.
"Development unit" means dwelling unit for transitional housing use, building square feet for light industrial, industrial office park, business and professional office, commercial, child care uses, acres for commercial recreation, recreation-regional park, and recreation-golf course uses, room for lodging use and average daily operations for general aviation use.
"Dwelling unit" means each room for occupancy in a transitional housing development.
"Estimated cost" means the cost of constructing a facility based upon the unit costs for each construction item plus contingency, planning, consulting inspection, materials testing, design and construction survey, engineering, and other related costs as set forth in the PFFP—Nexus Study.
"Facilities" means those public facilities designated in the PFFP—Nexus Study.
"Grading permit" means the permit issued or required for digging, excavating, transporting, spreading, depositing, filling, compacting, or shaping of land surfaces and slopes, and other operations performed or controlled by human activity involving the physical movement of rock or soil, as required by Chapter 16.44 of the Sacramento County Code.
"Industrial office" means a land use having buildings comprised of between 30% and 70% of square footage in office use as defined by the Sacramento County Zoning Code.
"Light industrial" means a land use having buildings comprised of less than 30% of square footage in office use as defined in the Sacramento County Zoning Code.
"Mather Field Administration Fund" means that special interest-bearing trust fund established pursuant to Section 16.84.030.
"Mather Field Public Facilities Financing Plan Area" means all property located within the geographic area as described in the PFFP.
"Mather Field Public Facilities Financing Plan—Development Fee Program" means the plan, including any amendments thereto, adopted by resolution by the Board for financing of designated facilities within the PFFP area, including, but not limited to, a designation of those facilities to be constructed with the Development Fees collected pursuant to this chapter, the schedule for commencement of construction, the estimated cost of construction of the facilities and the total number of development units within the PFFP area.
"Mather Field Transportation Fund" means that special interest-bearing trust fund established pursuant to Section 16.84.040.
"Non-residential development" means a subdivision map, parcel map, or permit for the original construction, grading or installation other than single-family detached homes, single-family attached homes, duplexes, townhomes, condominiums, Transitional Housing, and apartments.
"Occupancy permit" means a Certificate of Occupancy issued by the Building Official of Sacramento County pursuant to the Sacramento County Building Code for occupancy of any structure.
"PFFP—Nexus Study" means the Mather Field Public Facilities Fee Nexus Study dated February 1, 2002 and prepared by Economic & Planning Systems Inc.
"Program Fee" means the Development Fee per Development Unit for a particular fee category for each type of development as shown in the PFFP Development Fee Program.
"Room" means each room for rent in a hotel or motel development.
"Transitional housing" means housing, skills development and training, and support facilities for families and single persons within the Mather Community Campus Transitional Housing Program managed and operated by the County's Department of Human Assistance.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002; SCC 1616 § 31, 2017; SCC 1661 § 7, 2020)
The Department of Finance is hereby directed to create in the County Treasury a special interest-bearing trust fund entitled the Mather Field Administration Fund or other appropriate accounting mechanism. All administration fees collected pursuant to this chapter shall be placed in said fund and shall be expended by the County of Sacramento or its successor agency solely to pay the costs of administration.
The Mather Field Administration Fund shall be administered by the Administrator.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002; SCC 1616 § 32, 2017)
The Department of Finance is hereby directed to create in the County Treasury a special interest-bearing trust fund entitled the Mather Field Transportation Fund or other appropriate accounting mechanism. All amounts collected from transportation facilities Development Fees shall be placed in said fund and shall be expended by the County of Sacramento or its successor agency solely to pay the estimated cost of transportation facilities identified in the Nexus Study.
The Mather Field Transportation Fund shall be administered by the Administrator.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002; SCC 1616 § 33, 2017)
No change in a land use designation shall be approved within the PFFP area unless payment of the Development Fees established by this chapter is required by the property owner as a condition of such approval. No building permit shall be approved for property within the PFFP area unless the Development Fees for that property are paid as required by this chapter.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002)
The Development Fees imposed pursuant to this chapter shall be paid by the property owner to the Agency, in an amount calculated pursuant to Sections 16.84.100, 16.84.110 and 16.84.120. The fees shall be calculated and paid upon issuance of building permits or occupancy permits or grading permits for Commercial Recreation, Recreation-Regional Park, and Recreation-Golf Course Developments, whichever occurs first. For projects that participate in SCIP, Section 16.84.160 shall apply.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002; SCC 1616 § 34, 2017)
The Board shall by resolution adopt the capital improvement plan/program of the PFFP—Nexus Study. The Board shall review the capital improvement plan/program of the PFFP—Nexus Study not less than annually and may amend it by resolution at its discretion.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002)
A separate Development Fee is hereby established for (a) administration and (b) transportation facilities.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002)
The Board shall by resolution adopt the specific amount of the Development Fees imposed pursuant to this chapter, including authorizing the annual adjustment pursuant to Section 16.84.140.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002)
The Development Fees per building permit or occupancy permit for Transitional Housing Development set forth in Section 16.84.060 shall be calculated pursuant to the following formula:
F = P x D
F = the Development Fee for each fee category to be paid for each building permit or occupancy permit by the owner of property; and
P = Program Fee for each fee category for the type of development as shown in the PFFP Development Fee Program; and
D = number of Dwelling Units.
The Development Fees per building permit or occupancy permit for Light Industrial, Industrial Office Park, Business and Professional Office, Commercial, and Child Care Developments set forth in Section 16.84.060 shall be calculated pursuant to the following formula:
F = P x B
F = the Development Fee for each fee category to be paid for each building permit or occupancy permit by the owner of property; and
P = Program Fee for each fee category for the type of development as shown in the PFFP Development Fee Program; and
B = building square feet.
The Development Fees per building permit or occupancy permit for Lodging Developments set forth in Section 16.84.060 shall be calculated pursuant to the following formula:
F = P x R
F = the Development Fee for each fee category to be paid for each building permit or occupancy permit by the owner of property; and
P = Program Fee for each fee category for the type of development as shown in the PFFP Development Fee Program; and
R = number of rooms.
The Development Fees per building permit or occupancy permit for General Aviation Developments set forth in Section 16.84.060 shall be calculated pursuant to the following formula:
F = P x A
F = the Development Fee for each fee category to be paid for each building permit or occupancy permit by the owner of property; and
P = Program Fee for each fee category for the type of development as shown in the PFFP Development Fee Program; and
A = Average Daily Operations.
The Development Fees per grading permit or occupancy permit for Commercial Recreation, Recreation-Regional Park, and Recreation-Golf Course Developments set forth in Section 16.84.060 shall be calculated pursuant to the following formula:
F = P x A
F = the development fee for each fee category to be paid for each building permit or occupancy permit by the owner of property; and
P = program fee for each fee category for the type of development as shown in the PFFP—Development Fee Program; and
A = acreage.
The development fees shall be paid by the property owner in the amount as calculated pursuant to subsections A, B, C, D and E of this section for the land use categories which are applicable.
For the purpose of calculating PFFP development fees pursuant to subsections A, B and E of this section for properties with an approved use permit which significantly changes the underlying use of the site, the Administrator is hereby authorized to determine the land use which corresponds most directly to the use and density.
For the purpose of calculating PFFP development fees pursuant to subsections A, B and E of this section for building or occupancy permits not associated with dwelling units from a nonresidential development or for land use categories not included in this chapter, the Administrator is hereby authorized to determine the appropriate program fees by determining the land use which corresponds most directly to the use and density.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002; SCC 1616 § 35, 2017)
The land use utilized to calculate the transportation facilities development fee shall be as follows:
Land Use Category
Development Unit
Transitional Housing
Per Dwelling Unit
Light Industrial
Building Sq. Ft.
Industrial Office Park
Building Sq. Ft.
Business and Professional Office
Building Sq. Ft.
Commercial (LC)
Building Sq. Ft.
Commercial Recreation
Child Care
Building Sq. Ft.
Per Room
Recreation-Regional Park
Recreation-Golf Course
General Aviation (Airport)
Per Average Daily Operation
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002)
Where a transportation facility is proposed for construction by the property owner which is included in the Capital Improvement Plan/Program of the PFFP—Nexus Study, the Administrator at his or her discretion may either: (1) enter into a credit agreement with the property owner pursuant to this section; or (2) enter into a reimbursement agreement with the property owner pursuant to Section 16.84.130.
Upon application by the property owner or authorized agent, the Administrator may authorize the construction of any transportation facilities, or portions thereof, which is included in the Capital Improvement Plan/Program of the PFFP—Nexus Study in lieu of all or a portion of the transportation facilities development fee required by this chapter. If so authorized, the credit to be provided to the property owner shall be equal to the estimated cost of the facility as set forth in the then current PFFP—Nexus Study, including, but not limited to, unit prices, quantities and project descriptions. The construction of any facility authorized by this section must be accepted by the Agency, or the property owner must post security for the complete performance of the construction in a form acceptable to the Administrator and the County Counsel, prior to credit being given and issuance of any of the approvals set forth in Section 16.84.050.
Where the amount of the credit is less than the amount of the otherwise applicable transportation facilities Development Fee, the property owner must pay the difference as set forth in Section 16.84.060.
Where the amount of the credit is greater than the amount of the development fee, the property owner shall be paid the difference only from the Mather Field Transportation Fund within a reasonable time after the project is accepted by the Agency and shall be entered into a reimbursement agreement pursuant to Section 16.84.130.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002)
Upon application by the property owner or authorized agent, the Administrator may enter into a reimbursement agreement for the construction of any transportation facilities, or portions thereof, as designated in the PFFP—Nexus Study. The agreement shall set forth the amount to be reimbursed, the time and manner in which payments are to be made, and shall require reimbursement only from the Mather Field Transportation Fund and/or the fund established through SCIP, if applicable.
The amount of reimbursement shall be the estimated cost of the facility as set forth in the PFFP—Nexus Study in effect at the time the reimbursement agreement is approved. The time of reimbursement shall be when the facilities are accepted by the Administrator.
By entering into a reimbursement agreement, a property owner is not relieved of the obligation to pay the development fees in the manner and amount specified by this chapter.
If the Administrator enters into an agreement authorized by subsection A of this section, or credit agreement as authorized by Section 16.84.120(A) the agreement shall provide that: (1) the general fund of the County is not liable for payment of any obligations arising from the agreement; (2) the credit or taxing power of the County is not pledged for the payment of any obligations arising from the agreement; (3) the landowner shall not compel the exercise of the County taxing power or the forfeiture of any of its property to satisfy any obligations arising from the agreement; and (4) the obligation arising from the agreement is not a debt of the County, nor a legal or equitable pledge, charge, lien, or encumbrance, upon any of its property, or upon any of its income, receipts, or revenues, and is payable only from the development fees deposited in the Mather Field Transportation Fund and/or the fund established through SCIP, if applicable.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002; SCC 1616 § 36, 2017)
Beginning March 31, 2014, and subsequently each year on March 1st, or as soon as possible thereafter, the Administrator shall authorize the adjustment of the program fee per development unit for each type of development in each fee category as follows:
A "mean" index will be computed by averaging the index for 20 U.S. Cities with the index for San Francisco by resort to the January issue of the Engineering News Record magazine Construction Cost Index of the year in which the calculation is being made.
An adjustment factor shall be computed by dividing the "mean" index as calculated in subsection A of this section by the "mean" index for the previous January, however, the March 2014 adjustment factor shall be computed by dividing the "mean" index as calculated in subsection A of this section by the "mean" index for January 2013, and, if a new program fee has been adopted after January of the previous year, the adjustment factor shall be computed by dividing the "mean" index from the month that the fee was adopted.
The adjusted program fee per development unit shall be calculated by multiplying the adjustment factor, as calculated in subsection B of this section, by the program fee per development unit in place prior to the annual adjustment.
The estimated cost of the facility used in the Capital Improvement Program and for calculating credits and reimbursements pursuant to Sections 16.84.120 and 16.84.130 shall be adjusted using the same adjustment factor pursuant to subsections A, B and C of this section.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002; SCC 1417 § 1, 2009; SCC 1451 § 1, 2010; SCC 1486 § 1, 2011; SCC 1502 § 1, 2011; SCC 1528 § 1, 2013; SCC 1553 § 1, 2014)
This chapter is intended to establish a supplemental method for funding the estimated cost of certain facilities the need for which will be generated by the level and type of development proposed in the Mather Field Specific Plan. The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed to limit the power of the Board to impose any other fees or exactions or to continue to impose existing ones, on development within the PFFP area, but shall be in addition to any other requirements which the Board is authorized to impose, or has previously imposed, as a condition of approving plans, rezonings or other entitlements within the PFFP area pursuant to State and local laws. In particular, individual property owners shall remain obligated to fund, construct, and/or dedicate the improvements, public facilities and other exactions required by, but not limited to: (1) the Sacramento County Public Works Agency Improvement Standards; (2) the Quimby Act (Government Code Section 66477 et seq.) and implementing ordinances (Chapter 22.40 of this code); (3) school impact fees (Government Code Sections 65970 et seq.) and implementing ordinances; and county drainage fees (County Water Agency Ordinance No. 1). Any credits or repayments pursuant to Sections 16.84.120 and 16.84.130 shall not include the funding, construction or dedications described in this section.
The construction of facilities by a private owner pursuant to Section 16.84.120 or 16.84.130 shall be performed and contracted for only as required by law, including, but not limited to, compliance with the Agency's Improvement Standards, and requirements for public works, if applicable to the particular facility.
(SCC 1213 § 1, 2002)
This section shall apply to all development projects that participate in SCIP.
The development fees imposed by this chapter may be paid and financed pursuant to SCIP. SCIP includes two programs for funding eligible fees: (1) the Fee Reimbursement Program; and (2) the Fee Prefunding Program.
Fees, or portions of the fees, paid and financed pursuant to SCIP, including any interest earned, shall be invested in a local agency account held by CSCDA for the benefit of the County and shall be treated as though they were deposited in the trust funds established pursuant to this chapter.
Under the Fee Reimbursement Program, property owners that have paid development fees pursuant to Section 16.84.060 shall be reimbursed using proceeds from bonds issued by CSCDA. Fees paid pursuant to this program shall be deposited in the County's local agency account with CSCDA and shall be immediately available for requisition by the County for expenditures authorized by this chapter.
Under the Fee Prefunding Program, development fees are paid directly to the County by CSCDA from bond proceeds on behalf of property owners responsible for the payment of such fees pursuant to Section 16.84.060. Fees paid pursuant to this program shall be deposited in the County's local agency account with CSCDA and shall be immediately available for requisition by the County for expenditures authorized by this chapter. The portion of the fees financed through the Fee Prefunding Program shall be deducted from the property owner's fee payment obligations as calculated pursuant to this chapter. Any increases or adjustments in the fees shall be calculated and collected as provided in this chapter, less any amounts paid pursuant to SCIP.
(SCC 1616 § 37, 2017)
The Mather Field Fee Program Development Impact Fees shall not be applied to Accessory Dwelling Units 850 square feet or less and 1,000 square feet or less for multi-bedroom units. For all other accessory dwelling units, the Mather Field fee shall be charged in an amount which is the lesser of:
A proportionate amount in relation to the square footage of the primary dwelling unit based upon the Mather Field fee amount that the primary dwelling unit would pay; or
The rate for an RD-20 unit with one occupant.
(SCC 1661 § 8, 2020)