Water and sewer service shall be provided as set forth below:
Wells and septic tanks shall be constructed in compliance with the standards and codes of the County.
For subdivisions zoned AR-2 or denser, domestic water shall be provided to all lots from a public water supply source and distribution system conforming to the standards of the County or a water purveyor acceptable to the Director.
The water purveyor shall not be a homeowners association or mutual water company or corporation. Exceptions to this restriction may be granted by the advisory agency or the Board if it is determined that the proposed subdivision lies within the existing franchise area of a mutual water company or corporation, or if the advisory agency or the Board makes a finding in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
For subdivisions zoned AR-2 and denser, a water meter setter shall be installed at each service connection conforming to the standards of the County or the water purveyor which will operate the system after completion.
(SCC 0712 § 3, 1988; SCC 0805 § 1, 1990; SCC 0828 § 1, 1991; SCC 1585 § 31, 2015)
The advisory agency or the Board may authorize exceptions to any of the requirements of this chapter, unless a requirement specifically states that an exception cannot be granted. Such exception may be granted if the advisory agency or the Board finds that the requirement imposes an unreasonable economic hardship and that granting the exception will not be detrimental to the health, safety, comfort or general welfare of persons residing or working in the subdivision. The appropriate authority may designate such conditions in connection with the granting of an exception as it deems necessary to protect the purposes of this chapter.
(SCC 0828 § 2, 1991; SCC 1585 § 32, 2015)
The applicant must request in writing that an exception from the requirement be granted. Such request shall be made when the application is submitted, and any such request shall state the reasons for the request and any claim of economic hardship shall be substantiated.
(SCC 0828 § 3, 1991)
The following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this section:
"Service connection": The point of connection of the customer's piping with the meter or meter setter. Normally, this is at the lot property line or easement line.
"Water meter setter": A fitting that allows meter installation and replacement without disturbing the piping system; often referred to as a "meter yoke."
(SCC 0828 § 5, 1991; SCC 1585 § 33, 2015)