There is hereby established a zone which shall hereinafter be known as the "R-M multiple-family residential variable density zone," and which shall function and serve as set out in this chapter.
(Prior code § 9205.06)
The intent and purpose of the R-M zone is to principally designate and classify certain areas within the city for development of multiple-family residential housing and apartment complexes, and to provide for the integration of developments and uses of land more closely related to multiple-family residential characteristics best suited to carry out the needs of the community.
(Prior code § 9205.06 (A))
The R-M zone is a land use classification which, in part, assists in the implementation of the residential land use and housing elements of the general plan. It is a zone classification designed to be applied on selected areas of the community where the concentration of population can be varied and controlled, yet sufficiently flexible to accommodate the housing needs projected for the city.
Application of the R-M zone can provide for development to serve as a low-density residential transition between more intense residential uses of land and single-family residential neighborhoods, can provide compatible development along principal streets and highways, can serve as a medium-density residential transition between less-intense residential land uses and more-intense commercial activities, and can provide for development of high-density residential apartment complexes.
The R-M zone need not be restricted entirely to residential uses of land, and may include public, semipublic, institutional and other transitional land uses which would not necessarily be compatible with solely residential or limited commercial uses.
The application of the R-M zone for high-density residential apartment complexes serves also as a transitional development adjacent to large-scale commercial facilities where consumer purchasing power is a necessary ingredient to the overall scheme of land use planning.
When qualifying, application of the R-M zone must clearly be defined in accordance with the criteria herein, be protected from the encroachment of land uses that do not perform a function of this zone classification, and be protected from the tendency to yield to oversaturation and concentration of population.
Uses of land and development which do not qualify and which are not specifically permitted in the R-M zone are hereby expressly prohibited.
(Prior code § 9205.06 (B))
Regulations governing permitted uses of land in the R-M zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.40 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.06 (C))
Regulations governing the development of property for uses of land in the R-M zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.42 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.06 (D))
Regulations governing off-street parking requirements for uses and development of property in the R-M zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.44 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.06 (E))
Regulations governing permitted signs and advertising for uses and development of property in the R-M zone are specifically set forth in Chapter 18.46 of this title.
(Prior code § 9205.06 (F))