The city council finds that the development of cable television and communications systems has the potential of having great benefit and positive impact upon the people of the city. Because of the complex and rapidly changing technology associated with cable television, the city council further finds that the public convenience, safety and general welfare can best be served by establishing regulatory powers which should be vested in the city or such persons as the city shall designate.
The cable ordinance codified in this chapter shall apply to all franchises granted, renewed or otherwise extended after the adoption of said ordinance. Nothing herein is intended to preempt, modify or supersede Ordinance No. 585 of the city. Ordinance No. 585 shall continue in full force and effect, controlling all franchises granted before the adoption of the ordinance codified in this chapter, until such time as the city council shall repeal it.
(Ord. 993 § 1, 1994)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given in this section. Words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. Words not defined shall be given their common and ordinary meaning.
"Approval" or "consent" or "agree" or derivations of said words or words of similar import
mean, unless otherwise expressly provided in this chapter or the grantee's franchise, the prior approval, consent or agreement of the person holding the right to approve, consent or agree with respect to the matter in question, and "require" or "judgment" or "satisfy" or derivations of said words or words of similar import mean the requirement, judgment or satisfaction of the person who may make a requirement or exercise judgment or who must be satisfied, which approval, consent, agreement, requirement, judgment or satisfaction shall, unless otherwise expressly provided in this chapter or the grantee's franchise, not be unreasonably withheld by the person holding the right to approve, consent or agree or make a requirement or judgment or who must be satisfied.
"Basic cable service"
means the lowest priced level of service which includes the retransmission of local television broadcast signals (as authorized) and public, educational and governmental access channels.
"Cable service"
means the one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming or other programming services and subscriber interaction, if any, which is required for the selection of such video programming or other programming service.
"Cable system" or "system",
means a system of antennas, cables, wires, lines, fiber optic cables, towers, waveguides or other conductors, converters, pedestals, equipment or facilities, used for distributing video programming to home subscribers, and/or producing, receiving, amplifying, storing, processing, or distributing audio, video, digital or other forms of signals.
"Channel" or "cable channel"
means a portion of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum which is used in a cable system and which is capable of delivering either one National Television Standards Committee ("NTSC") video signal, a number of audio, digital or other nonvideo signals, or some combination of such signals.
means the city of Manteca.
means the city council of Manteca.
means an initial authorization, or renewal thereof issued hereunder which authorizes the construction or operation of a cable system.
means any person receiving a franchise pursuant to this chapter and under the granting franchise ordinance or agreement, and its successors, transferees or assignees.
means the city as represented by the city council or any delegate acting within the scope of its jurisdiction and authority.
"Gross revenues"
means all cash, credits, property of any kind or nature, or other consideration received directly or indirectly by the grantee, its affiliates, subsidiaries, parent and any person in which grantee has a financial interest, or from any source whatsoever, arising from or attributable to the sale or exchange of cable services by grantee within the city. Gross revenues shall include basic service monthly fees, pay tiers, premium channels, pay-per-view, leased channel fees, converter rental or sales, advertising revenue and any other payments by subscribers or users of the grantee's cable system made directly or indirectly to any person who has contracted to provide cable services on the cable system. These gross revenues shall not include: (1) the amount of any refunds, credits, or other payments made to subscribers or users; (2) any taxes on services furnished by the grantee imposed directly or indirectly on any subscribers or users by any municipal corporation, political subdivision, state or other governmental unit and collected by the grantee for the governmental unit; (3) the sale or transfer of tangible property; (4) the sale or transfer of the franchise; (5) the issuance, sale, or transfer of corporate stocks, bonds, or other securities; (6) equipment deposits; and (7) uncollected bad debt. These gross revenues shall not be reduced for any purposes other than provided herein, and shall be the basis for computing the franchise fee.
means the connection of the system from feeder cable to subscribers' terminals.
"Other programming service"
means information that a cable operator makes available to all subscribers generally.
means an individual, partnership, association, joint stock company, trust, corporation or governmental entity.
"Public property"
means any real property owned by the city other than a street.
"Service area" or "franchise area"
means the entire geographic area within the city designated in a franchise agreement to receive cable service.
means the state of California.
means the surface of and the space above and below any public street, road, highway, freeway, lane, path, public way, alley, court, sidewalk, boulevard, parkway, drive or any easement or right-of-way now or hereafter held by the city, or dedicated for use by the city, use by the general public, or use compatible with cable system operations.
"Video programming"
means programming provided by, or generally considered comparable to programming provided by, a television broadcast station.
(Ord. 993 § 1, 1994)
A franchise granted by the city under the provisions of this chapter shall permit constructing, operating and maintaining a system in the service area, including the right to erect, install, construct, repair, replace, reconstruct and retain in, on, over, under, upon, across and along the streets and public property such lines, cables, fiber optics, conductors, ducts, conduits, vaults, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, pedestals, attachments and other property and equipment as are necessary and appropriate to the operation of the system.
It is unlawful for any person to construct, install or operate a cable television system in the city within any street or within any other right-of-way within the city without a properly granted franchise awarded pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, which franchise is in full force and effect.
(Ord. 993 § 1, 1994)
Term. An initial franchise granted hereunder shall be for a term established in the franchise agreement. A renewal shall be granted for a minimum term of fifteen years or a maximum of twenty years.
A franchise granted hereunder may be renewed if:
The grantee has substantially complied with the material terms of the existing franchise and with applicable law,
The quality of the grantee's service, including a signal quality, response to consumer complaints, and billing practices, but without regard to the mix, level or quality of cable services or other services provided over the system been reasonable in light of community needs,
The grantee has the financial, legal and technical ability to provide the services, facilities, and equipment set forth in the grantee's proposal, and
The grantee's proposal is reasonable to meet the future cable-related community needs and interests, taking into account the cost of meeting such needs and interests. The city may not declare grantee's proposal unreasonable and deny renewal, nor may community needs be established, on the basis of facilities, equipment, or services which another party has indicated it is willing to provide;
In any renewal proceeding, the grantee shall be afforded adequate notice and the grantee and the city, or its designee, shall be afforded fair opportunity for full participation, including the right to introduce evidence, to require the production of evidence, and to question witnesses. A transcript shall be made of any such proceeding;
A proceeding under this subsection shall be completed within twelve months of its commencement, within which time the city shall issue a written decision granting or denying the proposal for renewal based upon the record of such proceeding, and transmit a copy of such decision to the grantee. Such decision shall state the reasons therefor;
Any denial of a proposal for renewal shall be based on one or more adverse findings made with respect to the factors described in paragraph (1) of this subsection pursuant to the record of the proceeding under paragraphs (2) and (3). Grantor may not base a denial of renewal on a failure to substantially comply with the material terms of the franchise under paragraph (l)(a) or on events considered under paragraph (l)(b) unless the grantor has provided grantee notice and the opportunity to cure as provided in this chapter, or in any case in which grantor has waived its right to object, or the grantee has given grantor written notice of a failure to cure and the grantor fails to object within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice;
Grantee is expressly reserved its rights of appeal under federal and state law. In addition to such rights, the franchise shall remain in effect at all times during which a renewal proceeding or appeal remains pending;
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs (1) through (5) of this subsection, grantee may submit a proposal for the renewal of a franchise, and grantor may, after affording the public adequate notice and opportunity for comment, grant or deny such proposal at any time (including after proceedings pursuant to this section have commenced.) The denial of a renewal pursuant to this subsection shall not affect action on a renewal proposal that is submitted in accordance with paragraphs (l) through (5) of this subsection.
City may not, upon the expiration of this franchise, or otherwise, acquire an ownership interest in the system, or require a sale of the system to any other person, unless city or such other person acquires the ownership interest at not less than fair market value for the system as a going concern.
(Ord. 993 § 1, 1994)
Any franchise shall be within all of the territorial limits of the city, and within any area henceforth added to the territorial limits of the city during the term of the franchise.
(Ord. 993 § 1, 1994)
This chapter shall be construed in a manner consistent with all applicable federal and state laws. Whenever the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") or Public Utilities Commission ("PUC") of the state of California or any other federal or state agency shall now or hereafter exercise any paramount jurisdiction over any specific provisions of this chapter, such paramount jurisdiction shall preempt or preclude the exercise of like jurisdiction by the city.
(Ord. 993 § 1, 1994)
Grantee shall not assign, or transfer control of, the franchise without the prior consent of the council, which consent will not be unreasonably denied. The council shall render its decision within seventy-five days from the date on which consent is requested. Any attempt to assign the franchise without the consent of the council shall be null and void. No such consent shall be required for an assignment (1) to any affiliate of and entirely owned or controlled by the grantee or any person controlling, controlled by or under common control with the grantee, in each case as of the effective date of the grantee's franchise, or (2) in trust, mortgage or other hypothecation, in whole or in part, to secure an indebtedness.
The requirements of subsection A shall apply only to a transfer in the control of grantee. The word "control" as used herein is limited to actual working control in whatever manner exercised. Thus, in the event that grantee is a corporation, prior approval of the council shall be required where ownership or control of more than fifty-one percent of the voting stock is acquired by a person or group of persons acting in concert, none of whom own or control the voting stock of the grantee as of the effective date of the franchise, singularly or collectively.
The transferee shall be required to establish that it possesses the legal, financial and technical qualifications to operate and maintain the system and comply with all franchise requirements for the remainder of the term of the franchise. If the transferee, by a preponderance of the evidence, demonstrates that it possesses such qualifications, the grantor shall transfer and assign the rights and obligations of such franchise as in the public interest. The consent of the grantor to such transfer shall not be unreasonably denied or delayed.
Any financial institution having a pledge of the franchisee or its assets for the advancement of money for the construction and/or operation of the franchise shall have the right to notify the grantor that it or its designee satisfactory to the grantor shall take control of and operate the cable communications system, in the event of a grantee default in its financial obligations. Further, said financial institution shall also submit a plan for such operation within thirty days of assuming such control that will insure continued service and compliance with all franchise requirements during the term the financial institution exercises control over the system. The financial institution shall not exercise control over the system for a period exceeding one year unless extended by the grantor in its discretion and during said period of time it shall have the right to petition the grantor to transfer the franchise to another grantee.
(Ord. 993 § 1, 1994)
All residential areas within the franchise area will be provided with access to service from the system where in the company's judgment it is both technically and economically feasible and provided that all such permission as may be required from the owner of the property is reasonably available, and that service to multiple dwelling units need be provided only on terms acceptable to grantee. In new housing districts, areas with occupancy densities of more than twenty-five homes per mile which are contiguous to the system will be provided with access to service to the extent service is economically feasible and technically possible. In areas with less than twenty-five homes per mile, service shall be offered in conformance with grantee's service extension policies.
(Ord. 993 § 1, 1994)
Any franchise granted shall be nonexclusive.
If the city elects to grant an additional cable television franchise in an area where a franchise has already been granted to a cable television operator to any applicant that was not authorized to provide cable television service within the city prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, it shall do so only after a public hearing noticed pursuant to Section 6066 of the Government Code, in a newspaper of general circulation as defined in Section 6000 of the Government Code, where all of the following have been considered:
Whether there will be significant positive or negative impacts on the community being served;
Whether there will be an unreasonable adverse economic or aesthetic impact upon public or private property within the area;
Whether there will be an unreasonable disruption or inconvenience to existing users, or any adverse effect on future use, of utility poles, public easements, and the public rights-of-way contrary to the intent of Section 767.5 of the Public Utilities Code;
Whether the franchise applicant has the technical and financial ability to perform;
Whether there is any impact on the franchising authority's interest in having universal cable service;
Whether other societal interests generally considered by franchising authorities will be met;
Whether the operation of an additional cable television system in the community is economically feasible;
Such other additional matters, both procedural and substantive, as the franchising authority may determine to be relevant.
Nothing in this section prevents the city from considering the approval or denial of an additional cable service franchise in any area of the city subject to compliance with subsection E of this section, or the imposing of additional terms and conditions upon the granting of the franchise, as the city determines is necessary or appropriate.
The city shall make a final determination as to whether to grant the additional franchise within six months of the application date unless the city can establish that the applicant has unreasonably delayed proceedings designed to consider the matters set forth in paragraphs (B)(1) to (8), inclusive, of this section.
Any additional franchise granted to provide cable television service in an area in which a franchise has already been granted and where an existing cable operator is providing service or certifies to the franchising authority that it is ready, willing, and able to provide service, shall require the franchisee to wire and serve the same geographical area within a reasonable time and in a sequence which does not discriminate against lower income or minority residents, and shall contain the same public, educational, and governmental access requirements that are set forth in the existing franchise. This paragraph does not apply where all existing cable operators certify to the franchising authority that they do not intend to provide service within a reasonable time to the area to be initially served by the additional franchise.
(Ord. 993 § 1, 1994)