As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases are defined as follows:
means any person applying for a permit to perform work or construct facilities in a city street right-of-way.
means a written application for permit pursuant to the terms and provisions of the city code.
means the director of public works of the city acting directly or through properly authorized agents acting within the scope of the particular duties delegated to them.
means and includes any facility, pole, pole line fence, driveway, sign or any structure or object of any kind which is placed in, under or over any portion of a city street, alley or parking lot. Additionally, encroachment means the entering upon a street for maintenance or repair work or existing facilities.
means the construction and installation of any work within a city street right-of-way.
means a written encroachment permit issued by the director, pursuant to the provisions of this code.
means and includes all or any part of the entire width of right-of-way or property whether or not such entire area is used for street purposes. Street, as used in this chapter, also refers to city-owned alleys and parking lots.
"Traveled way"
means the paved section of the road extending from four feet outside the outer traffic lane to four feet outside the opposite traffic lane.
(Prior code § 17-1)
It is unlawful for any person to construct, install or cause to construct or install any improvement or encroachment in a city street without first obtaining a permit from the director of public works.
(Prior code § 17-2)
In order to secure a permit for the construction and installation of any improvement or encroachment an application must first be filed accompanied by a plan for such work with the director.
(Prior code § 17-3)
The director may issue written permits authorizing the permittee to do any of the following:
Make an opening or excavation in a street for any purpose;
Place, change, renew or maintain an encroachment;
Place or display in or over a street any kind of advertising sign or device. Any such sign placed or displayed contrary to the provisions of this chapter is a public nuisance and it may immediately be removed. The provisions of this section shall not prohibit the posting of any notice in a manner required by law or any court;
Plant, remove, cut down, injure or destroy any tree.
(Prior code § 17-4)
Any permit issued shall provide that the permittee will pay the entire expense of replacing the street in as good a condition as before and shall provide such other conditions as to the location and manner in which the work is done as the director finds necessary for the protection of the street and public.
(Prior code § 17-6)
In the event future improvement of the streets necessitates relocation of such encroachment the permittee will relocate same at their sole expense. All permits other than those issued to a public agency or public utility having lawful authority to occupy the streets are revocable on five days' notice and the encroachment shall be removed or relocated as specified by the director at the expense of the permittee.
(Prior code § 17-7)
The director may immediately remove or by notice may require the removal of any of the following encroachments:
An encroachment which prevents the use of a city street;
An encroachment which consists of refuse;
Stockpiled construction materials;
An encroachment which is a traffic hazard;
An encroachment which is an advertising sign.
The party or parties responsible for any of the unauthorized encroachments in subsection A of this section shall be responsible for any costs incurred for the removal of the encroachment, cost of collection and any other damages incurred by the city.
(Prior code § 17-8.5)
Permittees may excavate openings in streets to make repairs in cases needing immediate action. In such cases the director shall be promptly notified of such action and permittees shall at their own expense immediately replace such street in as good a condition as before such excavation. All the work performed shall comply with the provisions of this code with the exception that a written permit will not be required prior to beginning work.
(Prior code § 17-8)
The director may issue a blanket permit renewable annually for the installation of service connections and for ordinary maintenance.
(Prior code § 17-8.1)
Only licensed contractors or employees or public agencies or utilities will be allowed to perform work within city streets. Property owners performing the work themselves may be allowed to work fronting their property outside the traveled way.
(Prior code § 17-8.2)
Traffic control shall be provided by permittee and shall conform to the standards established in the current issue of "Manual of Traffic Controls Warning Signs, Lights and Devices for Use in Performance of Work Upon Highways" published by the State of California Business and Transportation agency and/or as required by the director. Work shall be performed in such manner that at least one lane of traffic will be open at all times unless a detour plan has been submitted and approved as part of the permit issuance. Adequate flagmen shall be required at all times.
In the event that the traffic control is not provided in conformance with the provisions of this code or is endangering the public, the director or any officer of the Manteca police department shall have the authority to stop the work until appropriate traffic controls are provided.
(Prior code § 17-8.3)
Repeated failure to provide proper traffic controls as required or to comply with the provisions of the code shall be justification for the director to rescind an existing encroachment permit and to refuse to issue future permits.
(Prior code § 17-8.4)
It is unlawful for any person to cause damage to any city street in any form including water seepage and overflow and such person causing damage shall make repairs within a reasonable time or the director shall make repairs and recover the cost from such person.
(Prior code § 17-8.6)
All work within city streets shall be in conformance with the city standard plans and specifications shall be to the lines and grades established or approved by the city.
(Prior code § 17-8.7)
All work shall be subject to inspection by the director.
(Prior code § 17-8.8)
It is unlawful to store building construction materials or debris within the street without a permit.
It shall be the building contractor's, as shown on the building permit, responsibility to comply with this section. It shall also be the building contractor's responsibility to keep the street fronting and adjacent to the building site clear from debris and dirt. The city shall have the authority to remove building material from street and responsible party shall pay all costs.
(Prior code § 17-8.9)
Trenching and excavation shall not be open overnight. They shall either be backfilled to subgrade and surfaced to finish grade with either permanent or temporary paving materials or shall be covered with a steel plate capable of supporting traffic loads at the end of every day's work unless otherwise permitted in writing by the director. Temporary paving shall be maintained by the permittee until permanent paving is placed. Permanent paving shall be placed within ten days of backfilling.
(Prior code § 17-8.10)
All requirements of this code shall be applicable to new subdivision streets prior to acceptance by the city council, from the time that public traffic is allowed to utilize the streets.
(Prior code § 17-8.11)
The director may require of any applicant a satisfactory bond payable to the city in such amount as deemed sufficient by the director.
The director shall require a bond in an amount not less than twenty thousand dollars from an applicant who has previously not complied with the provisions of this code or the conditions of the previous permit.
(Prior code § 178.12)
Before issuance of a permit, a certificate of insurance or an approved plan of self-insurance shall be submitted by the permittee or the contractor performing the work providing the following coverages: workers' compensation, comprehensive automobile and general public liability insurance with an insurer acceptable to the city in an amount of at least one million dollars per occurrence combined single limit. The city shall be named as an additional insured and the insurance shall carry a cross liability clause and a provision that the insurance applies as primary, not excess, to any insurance carried by the city.
(Prior code § 17-8.13)
Permit and inspection fees shall be as adopted by resolution of the city council. Consideration of any resolution establishing or revising fees shall be at a duly advertised public hearing.
(Prior code § 17-8.14)
The council may by resolution grant permits revocable at its will for minor or temporary purposes or privileges on public property subject to such terms and conditions as it deems necessary for the public interest. The use of the property by the permittee shall constitute acceptance and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of the permit.
(Ord. O2018-27 § 1)
Applications for revocable permits shall be filed with the community development department and shall be accompanied by a map or plat indicating the area for which the permit is sought. If any work is to be undertaken in the area subject to the permit, the application shall also be accompanied by a detailed plan or plans of such work.
The community development director or designee shall refer such application to the city council together with a recommendation concerning the approval, conditional approval or denial of such permit.
(Ord. O2018-27 § 1)
The community development director may review applications for and approve or conditionally approve revocable permits for the following uses:
Behind existing curbs and gutters:
Construction of landscape planters,
Other minor uses;
Groundwater monitoring wells;
Privately owned utilities within public streets and alleys;
Sidewalk cafés.
(Ord. O2018-27 § 1)
All revocable encroachment permits shall be allowed only as expressed within a written application and approved by the community development director, designee or city council. The city may revoke or terminate permits issued under this chapter if: (1) the city determines to use the public property for a public purpose; (2) the city determines that the encroachment conflicts with the public's current or prospective use of the public property; (3) the city determines that the encroachment constitutes a public nuisance; (4) the encroachment is declared unlawful by a court of competent jurisdiction; or (5) the permittee is in default under the encroachment agreement.
Upon the revocation or termination of a permit, it shall be the community development director or designee's responsibility to require the permittee, at its sole expense and within thirty days after revocation or termination, to remove the revocable encroachment and restore the public property to its pre-encroachment condition, all to the community development director or designee's satisfaction.
The permittee shall agree to indemnify the city with an indemnification agreement satisfactory to the city attorney.
The city's risk manager shall establish and may modify the minimum public liability insurance requirements for revocable encroachment permits. The policy of insurance shall be maintained by the permittee at its sole expense at all times during the term of the permit.
A revocable encroachment agreement shall be recorded on the permittee's property and be binding on the permittee's transferees and successor owners. The permittee shall notify successor owners of the encroachment's existence and the encroachment agreement's terms prior to the sale or transfer of its property. Successor owners shall submit written consent to the encroachment agreement's terms prior to their acquisition of the property.
Once a revocable encroachment permit is issued, no changes may be made to the permit without the community development director or designee's written authorization; provided, however, that the city council must approve any changes that would result in a revocable encroachment becoming a permanent encroachment.
The permittee shall exercise reasonable care to maintain properly any encroachment placed in the street, road, highway, or other areas, and to exercise reasonable care in inspecting for and immediately repairing and making good any injury to any portion of the street, road, highway, or other areas which occurs as a result of the encroachment in the street, road, highway, or other areas, or as a result of the work done under a revocable encroachment permit, including any and all injury to the street, road, highway, or other areas which would not have occurred had such work not been done or such encroachment not been placed there.
(Ord. O2018-27 § 1)
The community development director or designee is authorized to approve, issue, revoke and terminate permits for revocable encroachments in accordance with this chapter.
The community development director or designee may adopt administrative guidelines, rules and regulations addressing the location, construction, form, size, safety, maintenance, repair and other manner of conduct of revocable encroachments, and may include such provisions and additional conditions in a permit that are not inconsistent with this chapter.
No revocable encroachment permit shall be approved unless:
The granting of the permit will not unreasonably interfere with or disrupt use of the public property;
The public property has the capacity to accommodate the proposed encroachment and any other existing or foreseeable public or private facilities;
The granting of the permit will not be detrimental to the public interest, safety, health or welfare or have the potential to injure the property interests of others, whether public or private; and
The applicant has demonstrated the permittee's ability to install, maintain, repair and remove the encroachment.
(Ord. O2018-27 § 1)
Sidewalk café is herein defined as any area located in any public sidewalk or public right-of-way that is associated with a restaurant or other eating and drinking establishment on a contiguous adjacent parcel. No portion of a sidewalk café shall be used for any other purpose other than dining and circulation therein.
Sidewalk cafés are permitted on a city sidewalk, boardwalk, alley, or pedestrian mall located in the public right-of-way, subject to issuance of a sidewalk café revocable encroachment permit under this section and compliance with the application, development, and operational requirements of this section.
Applications for a sidewalk café revocable encroachment permit shall be made to the community development director or designee. A completed sidewalk café revocable encroachment permit application must be accompanied by two sets of plans drawn to scale, consisting of site (plot) plan and elevation drawings of proposed outdoor dining facilities. The site plan must show the location of tables, chairs, accessory service facilities, perimeter barrier element, and any fixed elements on the sidewalk, boardwalk, alley, or mall within a twenty-five-foot radius around the sidewalk café area. Fixed elements include, but are not limited to, light and sign poles, trees and landscape strips, traffic signal poles, parking meters, raised planter curbs, tree-wells, flower pots, and waste containers. Plans must include the dimension of the clear zone, as defined in subsection E of this section, from outer perimeter of the sidewalk café fixture to nearest sidewalk fixtures. Elevation plans must show front and side view of sidewalk dining facilities, including all proposed above-grade improvements such as planter boxes, awnings, tables, and chairs.
A sidewalk café may be established only in conjunction with an adjacent restaurant use.
Sidewalk cafés shall not obstruct pedestrian traffic, accessibility to vehicles parked adjacent to the curb, or create public health or safety hazards.
A minimum four-foot clear zone is required between the outside edge of any sidewalk café fixture and any fixed element within the sidewalk, boardwalk, alley, or pedestrian mall right-of-way. Fixed elements include, but are not limited to, light and sign poles, trees and landscape strips, traffic signal poles, parking meters, raised planter curbs, tree-wells, flower pots, and waste containers. "Clear zone" means a pedestrian area that is maintained free of all obstructions.
The sidewalk café revocable encroachment permit holder is responsible for compliance with all federal and state laws relating to disabled access in the operation of a sidewalk café and in maintaining the clear zone required by subsection E.
No additional parking shall be required for sidewalk cafés permitted under this section.
Sidewalk cafés shall be used only as seating areas. Storage, kitchen, or restroom uses are not allowed. Tables and chairs must be movable unless otherwise approved by the community development director or designee.
Placement of tables and chairs shall be limited to the public right-of-way frontage adjacent to the associated restaurant use as determined by the community development director or designee.
Service and consumption of alcoholic beverages in a sidewalk café shall comply with Chapter 9.12.
A decorative element separating the sidewalk café seating area from adjacent pedestrian traffic must be provided. The design and materials of this element must complement and be compatible to the architectural design of the restaurant building façade or of a design that adds visual interest to the streetscape.
Sidewalk cafés may be uncovered, partially covered, or fully covered by means of umbrellas, awnings or canopies. Awning or canopy material covering a sidewalk café shall be temporary or retractable and may extend into the public right-of-way from the face of the building up to the maximum clear zone dimension of six feet. Width and height of awnings and canopies shall meet applicable building code requirements. Awnings, canopies and umbrellas must be made of fire-treated or nonflammable materials.
Decorative or accent lighting may be incorporated into the sidewalk café awning or canopy and shall meet all city code requirements.
Upon approval by the community development director or designee, the applicant shall obtain all required building and electrical permits prior to construction.
The permit issued under this section approving the sidewalk café and designating the allowed number of tables and chairs shall be displayed in a prominent location easily accessible to the public.
(Ord. O2018-27 § 1)