Except as provided in subsection B of this section, all water supplied by the city waterworks to its consumers shall be measured by means of suitable water meters and a cubic foot shall be the unit of measurement.
When requested by a developer of a project in the city, no separate water meter shall be required to be installed to measure water usage to landscaped areas within the public right-of-way provided the director of public works determines that it is impractical or undesirable to install such meter.
(Prior code § 22-1; Ord. 1178 § 1, 2000)
Surface Water Debt Service Fee. Prior to connection of a new water meter, the applicant shall pay a surface water debt service fee in accordance with the following schedule:
Meter Size
Surface Water Debt Service Fee
5/8″ & 3/4″
Water Meter Installation Fee. Prior to connection of a new water meter, the applicant shall pay a water meter installation fee in accordance with the following schedule:
Meter Size
Meter Installation Fee
5/8″ & 3/4″
Surface Water Capital Fee. Prior to connection of a new water meter, the applicant shall pay a surface water capital fee in accordance with the following schedule:
Meter Size
Surface Water Capital Fee
5/8″ & 3/4″
The connection fees and capacity charges set forth in subsections A, B and C of this section shall be adjusted beginning January 1, 2010 based on the change of the Twenty-City U.S. Average Engineering News Record Official July Construction Costs Index.
Well System Conversion. Connection fees and capacity charges as set forth in subsections A, B and C of this section for residential dwellings existing and lawfully occupied as of July 1, 1991 within the city limits utilizing a well system may be paid over a five-year period (twenty percent of the charge per year), where the dwelling is owner-occupied at the time of application for connection and the household income for the occupants of the dwelling does not exceed the moderate income level designated by the income standards used by the county in administering community development block grant funding in effect at the time of application. In such cases, the first payment shall be made at the time of actual connection to the city system, and the remaining payments shall be due annually on the anniversary date of the connection.
Notwithstanding subsection C, the surface water capital fee required by this section for a residential development shall be paid upon final inspection, or the date the certificate of occupancy is issued, whichever occurs first. If the required fee is not fully paid prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any portion of the residential development encumbered thereby, the property owner, or lessee if the lessee's interest appears of record, as a condition of issuance of the building permit, shall execute a "Development Fee Deferral Agreement and Notice of Lien with Power of Sale" to pay the fee or charge, or applicable portion thereof, within the time specified above. The contract shall be recorded with the San Joaquin County recorder and shall constitute a lien for the payment of the fee. No certificate of occupancy for a dwelling unit within a residential development subject to this section will be issued unless and until the fees are paid in full. For purposes of this section, "final inspection" and "certificate of occupancy" shall be defined as those terms are defined in Government Code Section 66007, as amended.
(Prior code § 2-2; Ord. 887 § 1, 1990; Ord. 906 § 1, 1991; Res. R1993-227; Res. R1997-6; Res. R1997-61; amended during 2/02 supplement; Ord. 1237 § 8, 2003; Ord. 1422 § 8, 2008; amended during 12/12 supplement; amended during 3/15 supplement; Ord. O2017-11 § 4; Ord. O2017-14 § 4; Memo dated 12/29/17; Memo dated 12/20/18)
All meters shall be installed by the city. Such meters wherever practicable shall be placed in suitable meter-boxes located in the sidewalk adjacent to the curb line. When it is practicable to place meters in the sidewalk, the meters shall be installed in some convenient place approved by the city upon the consumer's premises, and so placed as to be at all times accessible for inspection, reading and testing.
The consumer shall not make or maintain any by-pass or other connection between the meter and the city's main and shall not tamper with the meter or disturb it in any way.
(Prior code § 22-3)
Each separate property ownership shall be served with an individual meter and service line.
(Prior code § 22-4)
Only duly authorized employees of the city shall connect the consumer's service to or disconnect the same from the city's water mains.
(Prior code § 22-5)
It is unlawful and a misdemeanor for any person, firm, company, corporation or any other business entity to violate the provisions of Section 13.04.030, 13.04.040, 13.04.050, or 13.04.150 of this code.
(Ord. 1057 § 1, 1997; Ord. O2018-21 § 1)
Customers of the city's waterworks shall pay monthly charges calculated as the sum of the fixed monthly charge plus the water use charge.
Fixed monthly charge per meter size:
Meter Size
Jan. 1, 2009 through Dec.31, 2009
Jan. 1, 2010 through Dec.31, 2010
Jan. 1, 2011 through Dec.31, 2011
Jan. 1, 2012 through Dec.31, 2012
Jan. 1, 2013 and thereafter
5/8″ & 3/4″
Water use charge per one hundred cubic feet (HFC) used:
Rate Type*
Jan. 1, 2009 through Dec.31,2009
Jan. 1, 2010 through Dec.31,2010
Jan. 1, 2011 through Dec.31,2011
Jan. 1, 2012 through Dec.31,2012
Jan. 1, 2013 and thereafter
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
The applicable rate is determined by the amount of water usage. In any given month, if a customer uses an amount of water that is below the applicable Block 1 limit, then the customer will pay based on the Block 1 rate. In contrast, if the customer uses an amount of water that is above the applicable Block 1 limit, then the customer will pay as follows: (a) Block 1 rate for each HCF up to the Block 1 limit, (b) Block 2 rate for each HCF above the Block 1 limit but below the Block 2 Limit, and (c) Block 3 rate for each HCF used above the Block 2 Limit.
Block 1 and Block 2 limits in HCF for the various meter sizes are as follows:
Meter Size
Block 1 Limit (HCF)
Block 2 Limit (HCF)
5/8″ & 3/4″
For 6″ and 8″ meters, usage above the Block 1 limit will trigger the Block 3 water user charge.
Single Meter-Multiunit Discount. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, all multiresidential water customers that have more than ten units and are served by one water meter shall receive a monthly discount of one dollar and four cents per non-vacant unit for each unit over ten units.
Areas with No Water Meter. In those areas where no water meter is required pursuant to Section B of Section 13.04.010, the city's director of public works shall estimate the monthly water usage based on the rates set forth above.
(Prior code § 22-6; Res. R1997-6; Res. R1997-61; Ord. 1089 § 1, 1998; amended during 2/01 supplement; Ord. 1178 § 2, 2000; Ord. 1236 § 1, 2003; Ord. 1409 § 2, 2008; Res. R2011-220; Ord. 1514 § 2, 2012)
All persons making application for new service, or making application for a change of service site who have not maintained a satisfactory collection record with the city, shall make a deposit at the time of making the application. The amount of the deposit for utility services shall be one hundred dollars.
All persons who have a delinquent account(s) at the point of being disconnected shall be required to make a deposit of one hundred dollars if there is not a current deposit available on the delinquent account.
Upon satisfactory collection of a subscriber's utility bill for a consecutive twelve-month period, the deposit paid under this section shall be applied to the current balance of the account.
"Satisfactory collection" as used in this section means a payment record reflecting no more than two delinquent notices within a consecutive twelve-month period.
(Prior code § 22-7; Ord. 816 § 1, 1989; Ord. 1156 § 1, 2000)
Any consumer whose service has been disconnected for failure to pay bills as provided in this chapter, may be required, before service is resumed, to reestablish his or her credit as provided in the preceding section.
(Prior code § 22-8)
Water bills are due and payable within thirty days from the mailing of the bill. Water service may be shut off for nonpayment; provided, that the delinquent customer is first notified of the intended shut off and given an opportunity for a hearing on the matter. Once shut off, service will not be restored until the delinquent bills are paid.
(Prior code § 22-9; Ord. 775 § 14, 1987)
The city shall have the right of refusing to or ceasing to deliver water to a consumer if any part of the consumer's service appliances or apparatus shall at any time be unsafe, or if the utilization of water by means thereof shall be prohibited under authority of any law or municipal ordinance or regulation (until such law, ordinance or regulation shall be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction), and may refuse to serve until the consumer shall put such part in good and safe condition and comply with all the laws, ordinances and regulations applicable thereto.
(Prior code § 22-10)
The city shall have the right to refuse to serve water to any person or premises at any time or to discontinue service if found necessary to do so in order to protect itself against fraud or abuse.
(Prior code § 22-11)
Each consumer about to vacate any premises supplied with water service by the city shall give written notice of his or her intended removal at least two days prior thereto, specifying the date service is desired to be discontinued, otherwise, he or she will be held responsible for all water furnished to such premises until the city shall have notice of such removal or discontinuance.
(Prior code § 22-12)
When water service has been discontinued for nonpayment of water bill pursuant to Section 13.04.090, reconnection will be made only after payment of the delinquent payment and reconnection charges as adopted by city council resolution.
(Prior code § 22-13)
Bills for metered water services will be rendered according to registration of the meter at regular intervals, and are due and payable upon presentation. Payment shall be made at the water office in the City Hall or at the city's option, to duly authorized collectors of the city.
All bills for water supplied customers shall be delinquent on the fifteenth of the following month for which the service was rendered.
Removal bills, special bills, bills rendered on vacation of premises or bills rendered to persons discontinuing the service, shall be paid on presentation. Bills for connections of service shall be paid on presentation, and bills for reconnection likewise. Payments for deposits or to reinstate deposits as required under the rules and regulations of the city shall be paid before service will be connected or reconnected.
All water service revenues collected shall be retained by the city regardless of the date of termination of water service and no rebates will be made for midmonth disconnection.
If the monthly service charge is not paid when due, on the first day of each calendar month, thereafter a penalty of two percent of the amount of the delinquent rate shall be added.
(Prior code § 22-14; Ord. 1409 § 3, 2008)
Temporary service, as considered in this chapter, refers to service to circuses, bazaars, fairs, temporary restaurants, construction works, etc., of a temporary nature.
The city will, if in its opinion the furnishing of such service will not create a hardship upon it or its consumers, furnish temporary services under the following conditions: The applicant for such temporary services shall be required to pay to the city, in advance or otherwise, as the city may elect, the net cost of installing and removing any facilities necessary in connection with furnishing of such service by the city.
Potable water use for construction purposes is prohibited, except on projects of less than twenty acres in total project acreage and physically located further than one mile from the water quality control facility's (WQCF) recycled water fill station. Projects in excess of twenty acres or closer than one mile to the WQCF's recycled water fill station may use city supplied recycled water. In order to receive recycled water, the water truck operator must obtain a certification card from the public works department for recycled water handling by attending a mandatory workshop on recycled water.
Persons authorized to use potable water for construction purposes shall obtain a water permit from the city and shall obtain a water meter and backflow prevention assembly from the city. All potable water used for construction purposes shall be metered by said city-provided assembly. The charges associated with potable water consumption and the use of the water meter/backflow prevention assembly are as follows:
Meter Size
Monthly Rental Charge
Water Consumption Charge per Hundred Cubic Feet Used
Sept 1, 2018 and thereafter
Sept 1, 2018 and thereafter
Sept 1, 2018 and thereafter
The deposit shall be refunded to the applicant upon return of the water meter/backflow prevention assembly provided it is returned in the same condition as furnished.
The monthly rental charge and water consumption charges shall be adjusted beginning January 1, 2019 based on the change of the Twenty-City U.S. Average Engineering New Record Official July Construction Costs Index.
(Prior code § 22-15; Ord. 1423 § 2, 2008; Ord. O2018-21 § 1)
The city will exercise reasonable diligence and care to furnish and deliver a continuous and sufficient supply of water to the consumer, and to avoid any shortage or interruption of delivery of same. The city shall not be liable for interruption or shortage or insufficiency of supply, or any loss or damage occasioned thereby, if the same is caused by inevitable accident, act of God, fires, strikes, riots, war or any other cause not within its control.
The city, whenever it shall find it necessary for the purpose of making repairs or improvements to its system, shall have the right to suspend temporarily the delivery of water, but in all cases, reasonable notice thereof, as circumstances will permit, will be given to the consumers, and the making of such repairs and improvements will be prosecuted as rapidly as may be practicable, and, if practicable, at such times as will cause the least inconvenience to the consumers.
(Prior code § 22-16)
Unless specifically agreed upon, the consumer shall not resell any of the water received by him or her from the city to any other person, or to any other party or for any other purpose, or on other premises than specified in his or her application for service.
(Prior code § 22-17)
The city shall have the right to remove any of its property installed on the consumer's premises at the termination of service.
(Prior code § 22-18)
Any damage occurring to a meter or other appliance or pipes owned by the city caused by carelessness or negligence of the consumer, including any damage which may result from hot water or steam from any boiler or heater on consumer's premises, shall be paid for by the consumer on presentation of a bill therefor.
(Prior code § 22-19)
All inspectors, agents and employees of the city are prohibited to demand or accept any personal compensation for services rendered to a consumer.
(Prior code § 22-20)
It is unlawful for any person to use, permit or allow the use of water in any of the following manners:
For washing of sidewalks, driveways, patios, parking lots, aprons or other non-landscaped exterior ground areas, except for the purpose of maintaining the area in a clean, safe and sanitary condition;
Watering of landscaping:
Except at locations bearing a street address ending in an even number except on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
Except at locations bearing a street address ending in an odd number except on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday,
At any location between the hours of twelve p.m. to six p.m. on any day,
At all locations and all times, watering of landscapes is prohibited on Monday,
The following shall not be subject to the watering day and time restrictions:
All locations within thirty days of new landscape installation,
Manteca public golf course, city parks, the City Hall complex, and Manteca Unified School District landscapes,
Private parks or other landscaped areas larger than four acres,
Landscape irrigation exclusively using drip irrigation and/or micro spray irrigation systems,
Irrigating outdoors during and within forty-eight hours following measurable (at a minimum any amount of rainfall that generates runoff or puddles) rainfall;
Taking of water from any fire hydrant except by regularly constituted fire protection agencies or provided a permit for construction water has been obtained through the public works department;
Allowing the escape of water through leaks, breaks or malfunction in the user's plumbing or distribution system for more than twenty-four hours after discovery thereof by, or notice thereof to, the user;
Washing of automobiles or boats except:
By use of a quick-acting positive shut-off nozzle on the hose or a bucket and sponge,
At a commercial car wash;
Serving water by restaurants except upon request of a customer;
Irrigation that causes water runoff onto adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, private and public walkways, roadways, parking lots, or structures;
Using potable water in decorative water features that do not recirculate the water;
Hotels and motels must offer their guests the option to not have their linens and towels laundered daily, and prominently display this option in each guest room.
(Ord. 870 § 1, 1990; Ord. 911 § 2, 1991; Ord. 915 § 1, 1991; Ord. 986 § 1, 1994; Ord. 1110 § 2, 1999; Ord. 1111 § 2, 1999; Ord. 1126 § 1, 2000; Ord. 1239 § 1, 2003; Ord. 1548 §§ 2, 3, 2014; Ord. 1569 § 1, 2015; Ord. 1583 §§ 1, 2, 2016; Ord. O2022-19 § 1; Ord. O2023-17 § 1)
Penalties shall be imposed for violation of any of the provisions of Section 13.04.210 and shall follow Chapter 1.10, Administrative Enforcement Provisions, of the Manteca Municipal Code.
(Ord. 870 § 2, 1990; Ord. 915 § 2, 1991; Ord. 1548 § 4, 2014; Ord. 1583 § 3, 2016)