Those property owners who are served by the Pestana Avenue sewer trunk line shall pay a sewer capacity charge in the amount set forth in the Table of Pestana Avenue Sanitary Sewer Capacity Charges adopted by the city council and on file in the department of public works.
(Ord. 1008 § 2, 1994)
Capacity charges required pursuant to Section 13.14.010 shall be due and payable at the time that a building permit is obtained for a building that will connect to the Pestana Avenue sewer. However, if no capacity charge was paid at the time that a building permit was issued for a building that will connect to the Pestana Avenue sewer, then the capacity charge will be paid prior to actual connection to the Pestana Avenue sewer. For mobile home parks, capacity charges for the total number of mobile home spaces shall be paid prior to the time of the connection of the first space to the Pestana Avenue sewer.
The capacity charge shall be paid in the amount that is in effect at the time of payment.
(Ord. 1008 § 2, 1994)
Capacity charges shall be adjusted on January 1st of each year based upon the change to the Twenty-City Engineering News-Record Construction Costs Index. The adjusted capacity charges shall be calculated by the public works director using the following formula:
Adjusted capacity charge =
(Capacity charge set forth in the Table of Pestana Avenue Sanitary Sewer Capacity Charges)
(ENR index for January 1st
ENR index of 5070.66 for January, 1993)
The adjusted capacity charge shall be rounded to the nearest dollar.
(Ord. 1008 § 2, 1994)