This Chapter establishes standards for the amount, location, and development of motor vehicle parking, bicycle parking, and on-site loading areas. The purpose of the standards is to provide for safe vehicular parking, circulation, and loading requirements supportive of a variety of uses in an increasingly pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly and transit-oriented community.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
Off-street parking and loading provisions of this Chapter shall apply as follows:
New Development. For all buildings or structures erected and all uses of land established after the effective date of this Title, parking for vehicles and bicycles, and loading facilities shall be provided as required by this Chapter.
Change in Use or Occupancy. When the use or occupancy of any building, structure, or premises is changed, resulting in an increase of more than 30 percent in the required number of off-street parking spaces, additional off-street parking shall be provided consistent with Table 17.52.050-1 (Required Minimum Vehicle Parking Ratios), and the parking lot design shall comply with the requirements of this Code. New parking shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director.
Modification to Existing Structures. Whenever an existing building or structure is modified such that it creates an increase of more than 10 percent in the number of off-street parking spaces required, additional off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of this Chapter.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
New parking lots and modifications or expansions to existing parking lots require the following permits:
Building Permit. New parking lot design and modifications to existing parking lots in conjunction with a substantial change in use to an existing structure shall be reviewed in conjunction with the building permit and any other land use or development permit required for the project.
Exempt Activities. Parking lot improvements listed below shall be considered minor in nature in that they do not alter the number or configuration of parking stalls. Such improvements shall be exempt from permit requirements.
Repairing any defects in the surface of the parking area, including holes and cracks;
Resurfacing, slurry coating, and restriping of a parking area with identical delineation of parking spaces;
Repairing or replacing in the same location damaged planters and curbs; and
Working in landscape areas, including sprinkler line repair, replacement of landscape materials, or refurbishment.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
All vehicular parking areas shall be maintained by the owner of the property, such as being kept free of damage to asphalt or concrete surface, damage to landscape areas or curbing, garbage, and debris.
Required off-street parking spaces and parking areas shall be used only for parking operable vehicles of residents, employers, employees, customers, and visitors as appropriate to the allowed uses of the applicable zone.
Required off-street parking space shall not be used for the storage of vehicles or materials, or for the parking of trucks used in conducting business. Parking spaces not needed to meet the minimum requirement may be used for alternative uses subject to the provisions of this Title (e.g., Temporary Use Permit, semi-permanent display of merchandise). Examples of such activities include, but are not limited to, outdoor sales and storage, recycling collection facilities, dismantling, or servicing.
All required off-street parking shall be kept clear of temporary or permanent obstructions.
Existing parking shall not be reduced below the requirements of this Section.
For residential tenant and guest parking, the spaces must be marked per the required minimum standards for tenant and guest parking.
Required off-street parking spaces shall not be located within any required front yard or required street side yard setback of any parcel.
Parking may not occur within any required clear visibility triangle area on a corner lot.
Parking spaces shall not preclude direct and free access to stairways, walkways, elevators, any pedestrian access way, or fire safety equipment. Such access shall be a clear minimum width of 44 inches, no part of which shall be within a parking space.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
Minimum Requirements. Minimum vehicle and parking space requirements are listed in Table 17.52.050-1 (Required Minimum Vehicle Parking Ratios). Except as otherwise specifically stated, the following rules apply to Table 17.52.050-1:
"Square feet" means "gross square feet" and refers to building area unless otherwise specified.
Where the number of seats is listed to determine required parking, seats shall be construed to be fixed seats. Where fixed seats provided are either benches or bleachers, such seats shall be construed to be not more than 18 linear inches for pews and 24 inches for dining, but in no case shall seating be less than determined as required by the City-adopted Building Code.
If the calculation for parking needs results in the requirement for a fraction of a parking space, the value shall be rounded to the nearest whole number as provided in Section 17.04.030(G) (Calculations–Rounding).
For the purpose of calculating parking ratios in all districts, the following types of parking are considered outdoor storage and are not consider parking:
Fleet vehicle parking.
Parking for vehicles that are for sale, lease, or rent.
Similar Use. For a use not listed in Table 17.52.050-1 (Required Minimum Vehicle Parking Ratios), the required vehicle parking shall be the same as for the most similar use listed, as determined by the Community Development Director.
Regulations are Minimum Requirements. The number of off-street parking spaces required in Table 17.52.050-1 (Required Minimum Vehicle Parking Ratios) shall be considered the minimum necessary for each use, except that as provided in Section 17.52.060 (Reductions in Parking), the requirements may be modified as part of Site Plan and Design Review. In conjunction with discretionary development permits, the designated Approving Authority may increase these parking requirements if it is determined that these requirements are inadequate for a specific project.
TABLE 17.52.050-1
Land Use Type
Required Parking Spaces
Residential Uses
Single-Family Dwelling Unit
2 covered spaces/dwelling
Secondary Residential Units
1 space/secondary unit
Small-Lot Single-Family
1 covered space/dwelling
Townhome, Condominium, and Apartment
1 covered space/dwelling unit plus 0.25 space/studio, 0.5 space/one bedroom, and 1 space per 2 or more bedrooms
Boardinghouses and Group Quarters
1 space/sleeping room or 1/100 sf sleeping area
Residential Care Home
1 space/3 beds
Agriculture, Resource, and Open Space Uses
Kennels, Commercial
4 spaces/1,000 sf gfa
Recreation, Education, and Public Assembly Uses
Assembly Uses
1 space/3 fixed seats, or 1 space/50 square feet of primary assembly area
Cemeteries and Crematories
1/4 seats
Golf Courses
Indoor Amusement/Entertainment Facility
4/1,000 sf
Indoor Fitness and Sports Facility
4/1,000 sf
Libraries and Museums
3/1,000 sf
Outdoor Commercial Recreation
1/400 sf active recreation area
Schools, Elementary, Middle, Junior High
1.5/classroom plus 1/300 sf of office area
School, High
1/150 sf of classroom floor area plus 1/300 sf of office area
School, College, Professional, Trade, Vocational, Specialty
1/50 sf of classroom floor area plus 1/300 sf of office area
Retail, Service, and Office Uses
All other commercial uses not otherwise listed
4/1,000 sf gfa
Banks and Financial Institutions
1/250 sf gfa
Call Centers
7 spaces/1,000 sf gfa
Child Day Care Center
3.2/1,000 sf
Hotels, Motels, and Bed and Breakfast Inns
1/guest room plus 4 additional spaces
Medical Services, Extended Care
1/2 beds
Medical Services, General
1 space/200 sf gfa
Medical Services, Hospitals
2/bed or 2/1,000 sf, whichever is greater
Mortuaries and Funeral Homes
1/50 sf of assembly area or 1/4 fixed seats
Personal Services
1/200 sf gfa
Plant Nursery
1/250 sf sales floor area plus 1/2,000 sf of outdoor sales and storage
Restaurants, Table-Service and Other Eating and Drinking Establishments
7/1,000 sf
Restaurants, Quick-Service
1/100 sf
Grocery Stores/Supermarkets
3/1,000 sf
Retail, General
4/1,000 sf
Automobile and Vehicle Uses
Vehicle Services
4/1,000 sf
Car Washes
3 spaces, plus 2 per bay
Motor Vehicle and Implement Sales, Mobile Home, Recreational Vehicle Rental
3.5/1,000 sf
Service Stations
1 space/pump island, plus 1 space/service bay
Industrial Uses
Manufacturing Plants, Research or Testing Laboratories, Bottling Plants, Processing Plants, and Packaging Plants
1/500 sf; or 100 spaces plus 1/1,000 sf for area between 50,000 to 100,000 sf; or 150 spaces plus 1/2,000 sf for area over 100,000 sf
Industrial Uses cont'd
Self-Storage Facilities
1/50 storage units or 5 spaces, whichever is greater
Warehousing, Storage, and Distribution
0.5/1,000 sf
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011; Ord. O2018-17 § 1)
Reductions through Site Plan and Design Review. Commercial, office, or industrial project may request a reduction in the minimum number of parking spaces required, provided they include facilities, programs, or services that reduce the overall parking demand for the site, contingent upon approval from the Approving Authority.
Facilities and Programs. A proponent of an office, commercial, or industrial project may provide alternative facilities or programs which serve to reduce parking demand in return for a reduction in vehicle parking requirements. Vehicle parking requirements may be reduced in accordance with the following provisions:
Shower/Locker Facilities. Developments with 100 or more employees may reduce their parking requirement by providing shower and clothing locker facilities for bicycle commuting employees. Maximum reduction: 2 percent of required parking.
Secure Bicycle Parking. Developments which provide additional secure bicycle parking facilities over and above the minimum requirement may reduce their parking requirement by one vehicle space for every three additional bicycle spaces provided. Maximum reduction: 2 percent of required parking.
Preferred Carpool/Vanpool Parking Spaces. Office or industrial developments which guarantee preferred parking spaces (e.g., covered, shaded, or near building entrance) to employees who participate regularly in a carpool or van-pool may reduce their parking requirement by one vehicle space for every one space which is marked and reserved for carpools/vanpools at a preferred location. Maximum reduction: 2 percent of required parking.
Special Circumstances. Off-street vehicle parking reductions may also be granted when the applicant for a single or combined use can prove to the designated Approving Authority that the nature of the proposed use(s) or the proximity of the facility to alternative modes of transportation justify the requested parking reduction. This Chapter includes shared parking reductions due to variation in peak demands.
Vehicle Park-and-Ride Lot Requirements at Shopping Centers. Up to 10 percent of the required number of parking spaces for retail stores/shopping centers may be contractually committed to be used for park-and-ride purposes without affecting the total parking requirement of the center, provided that the contracted spaces meet applicable current parking lot design standards and that the center meets or exceeds its calculated parking requirement.
Reductions Through Joint Use of Parking Facilities
Requirements for the provision of parking facilities, with respect to two or more establishments on the same or different sites may be satisfied by the permanent allocation of the requisite number of spaces for each use in a common parking facility, located not farther than 300 feet measured along the shortest available route of pedestrian access from the site of any such participating use.
When off-street parking facilities are provided in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter on a site other than the site on which the use to be served, an indenture shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder designating the off-street parking facility and the use to be served, with legal descriptions of all sites involved, and certifying that the off-street parking facility shall not be used for any other purpose unless the restriction is removed by resolution of the City Council. An attested copy of the recorded indenture shall be filed with the Public Works Director. Upon submission of satisfactory evidence that other off-street parking facilities have been provided in compliance with the requirements of this Chapter or that the use has ceased or has been altered so as no longer to require the off-street parking facility, the City Council shall by resolution remove the restriction.
Shared Parking. The Approving Authority may approve a reduction in the number of required parking spaces for a mixed use development or for uses which are located near one another and which have different peak parking demands and operating hours. Shared parking arrangements shall be subject to the following requirements.
Application. An application for shared parking shall include a description of the use, a development plan complying with the requirements of Section 17.08.020, a trip generation report, and a parking study and other information deemed necessary by the Planning Manager.
Location. All shared parking shall be located in an area providing reasonable accessibility to all uses which it is intended to serve.
Agreements. In cases where the uses for which shared parking is requested are located on lots under different ownership, proof of a long-term lease agreement shall be required and shall be subject to review by the City Attorney.
Standards. In determining whether to approve a reduction for shared parking, the following shall be considered:
Characteristics of each use and projected peak parking demand, including hours of operation;
Potential reductions in vehicle movements afforded by multi-purpose use of spaces by employees, customers or residents; and
Potential improvements in access, design, open space preservation and circulation.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011; Ord. O2018-17 § 1)
Number of Spaces, Design Standards. Parking spaces for the disabled shall be provided in compliance with Uniform Building Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Reservation of Spaces Required. The number of disabled accessible parking spaces required by this Chapter shall be reserved by the property owner/tenant for use by the disabled throughout the life of the approved land use.
Upgrading of Markings Required. If amendments to state law change standards for the marking, striping, and signing of disabled parking spaces, disabled accessible spaces shall be upgraded in the time and manner required by state law.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
Up to 30 percent of the required number of parking spaces may be sized for compact cars.
Compact car parking spaces shall be at least 8 feet in width and 16 feet in length, and shall be clearly marked, "COMPACT CARS ONLY," "COMPACT," or "C."
Compact car spaces shall be distributed throughout the parking lot.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
General Location. All vehicular parking spaces shall be on the same lot as the main structure they serve, on an abutting lot, or within 300 feet, subject to the following requirements:
There is a safe, direct, attractive, lighted, and convenient pedestrian route between the vehicle parking area and the use being served.
There is an assurance in the form of deed, lease, contract, or other similar document that the required spaces will continue to be available for off-street parking use according to the required standards.
Single-Family Residential Parking
Driveways on residential corner lots shall not be located closer than 20 feet to the radius return.
Driveways providing direct access from a public street to a garage or carport shall be not less than 20 feet in depth.
Vehicles shall only be parked on designated driveways and shall not be parked on landscape areas within required actual front or street side yard areas.
Curb cuts must comply with City street improvement standards.
Nonresidential and Multi-Family Parking Lot Design and Parking Access
Location. Off-street parking facilities shall be located at the rear of sites in commercial and industrial zones; street frontages shall be devoted to building architecture and landscaping where possible.
Surfacing and Striping. Areas used for parking and maneuvering of vehicles shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or equivalent surface. Structural design of pavement shall be per a geotechnical or soils report and in no case less than 2.5 inches for asphalt. All parking areas shall be appropriately striped, marked, and signed.
Curb Cuts/Access Points. Street access points shall be the minimum necessary to provide access while not inhibiting the safe circulation and carrying capacity of the street. Curb cuts must comply with City street improvement standards.
Driveways/Driveway Approach Width and Grade. The minimum driveway width shall comply with public improvement and fire safety standards.
Access. Access to each off-street parking space shall be from a driveway or aisle that is sufficient for readily turning and maneuvering vehicles.
Back-Out Parking. With the exception of duplexes and single-family residences, all parking areas shall be designed so that vehicles are not permitted to back out of the parking area onto a public street.
Driveway/Drive Aisle Width. Driveways shall have a minimum paved width of 20 feet for two-way circulation and 12 feet for one-way circulation.
Turnaround Areas. Parking spaces shall be provided with adequate drive aisles or turnaround areas so that all vehicles may enter the street in a forward manner.
Setback Restrictions for Parking Spaces and Drive Aisles. Parking areas including spaces, aisles, and turnaround and maneuvering areas shall not occupy the required setbacks.
Connect Parking Lots. Auto parking areas shall be designed to connect with auto parking areas on adjacent sites to eliminate the necessity of utilizing the public right-of-way for cross movements. Joint or shared access, internal circulation, or parking is encouraged with adjacent uses.
Minimum Clearance. Driveways, aisles, turnaround areas, and ramps shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 12 feet for the entire length and width, but such clearance may be reduced in parking structures.
Clear Visibility Triangle. Parking shall not be permitted within the clear visibility triangle as defined in Section 17.100.060 (Universal Definitions).
Maneuverability. Parking spaces, other than parallel parking spaces, shall be designed such that no more than two turning movements are necessary to access the space.
Tandem Parking. Tandem parking, except for single-family residential, is prohibited.
No parking space shall be located so that a vehicle is required to maneuver within 10 feet of a vehicular entrance to the property.
Pedestrian walkways and landscape planters shall be designed to allow vehicles to overhang up to 2 feet. Wheel stops are not permitted.
Space and Aisle Standards for Surface Parking Lots
Generally. All surface parking lots shall be designed in accordance with City standards for stalls and aisles as set forth in Table 17.52.090-1 (Parking Space and Drive Aisle Dimensions) and Figure 17.52.090-1 (Parking Space and Drive Aisle Dimensions) below.
Spaces Adjacent to Walls. Any parking space located parallel to a wall or other solid barrier shall be widened an additional 2 feet.
Residential Spaces. Residential parking spaces required to be covered shall be not less than 20 feet in length and 10 feet in width.
TABLE 17.52.090-1
Stall Type
Minimum Stall Width
Minimum Stall Length
Minimum Drive Aisle Width
9 ft
24 ft
12 ft
24 ft
9 ft
19 ft
14 ft
24 ft
9 ft
21 ft
18 ft
24 ft
9 ft
18 ft
20 ft
24 ft
Compact Stalls, all angles
8 ft
16 ft
Per stall angle
As part of Design Review, the Fire Department will review drive aisle widths. In The main drive aisle to the buildings shall be 26 feet.
Can be reduced up to 2 feet if a sidewalk or planter with a minimum width of 6 feet is adjacent to the stall.
a = Stall width
b = Stall length
c = Drive aisle width
Landscaping of Parking Lots. See Chapter 17.48 (Landscaping).
Pedestrian Circulation/Walkways. Sidewalks shall be designed to ensure that vehicles that overhang or intrude into the sidewalk system do not reduce the minimum required sidewalk width.
Lighting of Parking Lot. See Chapter 17.50 (Lighting).
On-Site Circulation
Parking lots shall be designed so that sanitation, emergency, and other public service vehicles can provide service without backing unreasonable distances or making other dangerous or hazardous turning movements.
Separate vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems should be provided where possible. Pedestrian access to multi-family residential development of five or more units shall not utilize drive-ways. Large commercial developments that are required to provide 100 or more parking spaces shall include distinct and dedicated pedestrian access from parking areas to the commercial use.
Marking. All parking spaces, except in a garage or carport containing two or fewer parking spaces, shall be striped in a manner clearly showing the layout of the intended parking stalls. Such striping shall be maintained in a clear and visible manner.
Maintenance. Parking lots must be maintained free of potholes, fading of striping, and other similar defects.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
The off-street loading facilities, in all cases, shall be on the same lot or parcel of land as the structure they are intended to serve.
The off-street loading facilities shall be designed and located so that loading vehicles are not parked in required setbacks, driveways, or required parking spaces during loading activities.
No loading space shall be located so that a vehicle using such loading space projects into any public street, nor so that they must back into a public street for ingress or egress.
Loading spaces shall be provided with access to an alley when alley access is available.
Loading docks shall be located outside of public view.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
Bicycle parking shall be provided for all multi-family projects and nonresidential uses in compliance with this Chapter.
Bicycle parking shall be located on a paved surface, in proximity to a building entrance, and in a visibly secure location adjacent to the building.
Bicycle parking shall consist of a stationary bicycle rack.
Except as otherwise specified, required bicycle parking shall not be located within required setback yard areas.
Bicycle parking is required for multi-family, public and civic facilities, and retail commercial, office, and industrial uses in accordance with Table 17.52.110-1 (Bicycle Parking Requirements by Land Use) below. In no case shall there be fewer than two employee bicycle spaces and two patron spaces, unless specifically exempt.
Total Parking Spaces
Minimum Number of Bicycle Spaces Required
1 to 29
30 to 59
60 to 74
75 to 99
100 to 199
200 to 299
300 to 399
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
General Prohibition for Properties Built After July 19, 1978. No person shall place, keep, maintain, or permit to be placed, kept, or maintained, a personal recreational vehicle, recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, oversized boat, or oversized vehicle upon any lot or parcel of land within a residential zoned district on which a building permit for a main building was issued after July 19, 1978, except in a recreational vehicle park, properly approved storage or sales yard, or recreational vehicle park.
Limitation on Number of Recreational Vehicles. Under no condition shall more than one recreational home, or one oversized vehicle, or one oversized boat be parked or stored on any property in a residential Zoning District at any given time, except as provided for by Subsection 17.52.120(I).
Limitation on Number of Mobile Transport Vehicles or Personal Recreational Vehicles. There shall be no limit on the number of mobile transport vehicles and/or personal recreational vehicles parked or stored in the side yard or rear yard if all of the requirements of Subsections 17.52.120(B), (E), (F) and (G) are complied with at all times.
Prohibition in Required or Actual Front Yard. No recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat shall be parked or stored in the required or actual front yard of any residence or on any public roadway, except as follows:
A recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized boat, or oversized vehicle may be placed in the required or actual front yard of the owner's residence or on the public roadway directly in front of the owner's residence for the sole purposes of loading or unloading the vehicle or washing the vehicle. In no case shall the vehicle be in the required or actual front yard or public roadway in front of the owner's residence for more than 24 hours within any consecutive 72-hour period unless the owner has obtained a permit from the Police Department.
No vehicle permitted in the required or actual front yard pursuant to Subsection 17.52.120(D)(1) shall be permitted to block a sidewalk or obstruct the view of street traffic from any adjoining property.
Parking and Storage in Side Yard. No recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat shall be parked or stored in a side yard (required or actual) unless:
Said recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat maintains not less than 3 feet from all buildings or side yard appurtenances on the property. Said clearances shall be kept clear of all obstacles at all times for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare.
Said recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat is behind a permitted screening along all adjoining property lines.
Parking and Storage in Rear Yard. No recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat shall be parked or stored in a rear yard (required or actual) except as provided for herein.
Such recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat may be kept wholly enclosed within a structure lawfully existing on the premises; or
Such recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat is parked or stored on an approved impervious surface. The impervious surface shall not exceed 25 percent of the net rear yard area, and shall be located at least 3 feet from any property line.
Prior to any parking or storage pursuant to this Subsection 17.52.120(F), the property owner shall submit to the City a site plan showing the proposed area of impervious surface and all other structures in the rear yard, and an indication of the type of impervious materials proposed.
All necessary permits that may be required shall be obtained for the construction of the impervious surface.
Prohibition on Permanent Occupancy. Except as provided for in Subsection 17.52.120(I), no recreational home covered under this section shall be occupied for human habitation while parked at the residential property.
Permitted Temporary Occupancy
A recreational home may be located in the rear yard or side yard, if it meets the requirements of Subsections 17.52.120(E) and (F), for the purpose of temporary accommodation of occupants or visitors of the premises, provided that a permit for such use has first been obtained from the City Police Department in the manner provided for in Sections 10.46.090 though 10.46.100 of the Municipal Code, and the recreational vehicle is removed from the premises at the end of seven consecutive days. One extension not exceeding four consecutive days may be allowed upon obtaining a permit extension from the Police Department. The temporary occupancy permitted by this Subsection 17.52.120(H) shall be allowed only once in any consecutive six-month period.
Under no condition shall the recreational vehicle be located in the front yard or the street side yard of a corner lot.
Temporary Parking of Second Recreational Home. A second recreational home, not used for a permitted temporary occupancy, may be parked on a property providing that all of the following conditions are met:
The recreational home is parked in the side yard or rear yard as required by Subsections 17.52.120(E) and (F); and
The recreational home is not owned or leased by the owner of any other recreational home that is parked or stored on the property; and
The recreational home shall not be parked on the property for more than 14 consecutive days in any calendar year; and
A permit shall have been first obtained from the Police Department in the same manner as required by Sections 10.46.090 through 10.46.100 of the Municipal Code; and
Not more than one such permit shall be issued for any parcel in any calendar year.
Prohibition of Driving or Parking on Sidewalks. No recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized boat, or oversized vehicle shall be parked on, stored on, or driven over any public sidewalk at any time, except as such sidewalk has been integrated in an approved drive-way.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
Limitation on Parking in Front Yard. No recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized boat, or oversized vehicle shall be parked or stored in the front yard of a property on which a building permit for a main building was issued prior to July 19, 1978, unless:
It is parked or stored on an impervious surface; and
It does not extend into any sidewalk; and
It does not obstruct the view of street traffic from any adjoining property.
Parking and Storage in Side Yard. No recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized boat, or oversized vehicle shall be parked or stored in a side yard unless:
Said recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat maintains not less than 3 feet from all buildings or side yard appurtenances on the property. Said clearances shall be kept clear of all obstacles at all time for the protection of public health, safety and welfare;
Said recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat is behind a permitted screening along all adjoining property lines.
Parking and Storage in Rear Yard. No recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat shall be parked or stored in a rear yard except as provided for herein:
Such recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat may be kept wholly enclosed within a structure lawfully existing on the premises; or
Such recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, personal recreational vehicle, oversized vehicle, or oversized boat is parked or stored on an approved impervious surface. The impervious surface shall not exceed 25 percent of the net rear yard area, and shall be located at least 3 feet from any property line.
Prior to any parking or storage pursuant to Subsection 17.52.130(C)(2), the property owner shall submit to the City a site plan showing the proposed area of impervious surface and all other structures in the rear yard, and an indication of the type of impervious materials proposed.
All necessary permits that may be required shall be obtained for the construction of the impervious surface.
Requirement for Permitted Screening. If any recreational home, mobile transport vehicle, or personal recreational vehicle is parked or stored in the side yard or rear yard, the property shall be screened with permitted screening.
Ban on Inoperative Vehicle in Front Yard or Side Street Yard. No inoperative vehicle, as defined in Section 8.20.010 of the Municipal Code, shall be parked or stored in the front yard or side street yard for a period of more than five calendar days.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
No person shall place, keep, or maintain, or permit to be placed, kept, or maintained, any mobile office or recreational home upon any lot or parcel of land within any nonresidential zone in the city, other than in a recreational vehicle park or in a properly approved storage or sale yard, except as follows:
A use permit may be granted for a mobile office (designed solely for such purposes) to be used as a temporary office for a period not exceeding one year. Thirty days prior to the expiration time, the applicant may request and be granted one extension of time of one additional year. Thirty days after the expiration of the use permit, or any extension thereof, such use shall be removed from the premises.
A recreational home may be used on the site for occupancy by a night watchman or security guard for not more than 90 days in total.
A trailer used as a construction shack or as an on-site field office at a construction site within a developing subdivision.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
No person shall place or permit to be placed any commercial truck, tractor cab, or truck trailers with a weight limit over 8,000 pounds in any residential Zoning District in the city, except for pickup or delivery service, or to carry out a service function or as part of the operation of a legally existing nonconforming use, provided that in no case shall such truck or truck trailer be parked at any location in any residential Zoning District longer than required for such pickup or delivery service or service function, other than within the grounds of a legally existing nonconforming use located within the residential Zoning District and of which operation of the truck or truck trailer is a part. For the purpose of this section, "commercial" shall not include passenger cars or pickups designed and intended for personal use.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)