The purpose of this Chapter is to provide the process and standards for establishing signage on City property. In adopting this Chapter, the City Council acts in its proprietary capacity as to City property, as defined herein, within the city. This Chapter is adopted pursuant to the City's general powers, property rights, Government Code Sections 65850(b), 38774, and 38775, Business and Professions Code Sections 5200 et seq., and Penal Code Section 556 et seq.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
The City declares its intent that not all City property shall function as a designated public forum, unless some specific portion of City property is designated herein as a public forum of one particular type. In such case, the declaration as to public forum type shall apply strictly and only to the specified area and for the specified time period.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
Unless specifically authorized by this Chapter, no signs may be displayed on City property by private parties. Any sign posted on City property in violation of this Chapter may be summarily removed by the City as a trespass and a public nuisance.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
The following signs may be erected and displayed on City property:
Traffic control and traffic directional signs erected by the City or another governmental unit;
Signs required by law;
Signs erected and maintained by a public agency on public property;
Safety and emergency signs, including identification and warning signs concerning potential hazards or hazardous conditions, utility installations, flood hazards or flood control facilities, emergency conditions or services, and crime and accident scene control;
Signs allowable under Section 17.56.050 (Temporary Signs Displaying Noncommercial Message) of this Chapter;
Signs authorized under Section 17.56.060 (Street Banner Program); and
Signs authorized under Section 17.54.100 (Allowed Off-Site Signage).
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011; Ord. 1511 § 8, 2012)
In areas qualifying as traditional public forums, private persons may display noncommercial message signs thereon, provided that such signs conform to all of the following:
The signs must be personally held by a person or personally attended by one or more persons. "Personally attended" means that a person is physically present within 5 feet of the sign at all times.
The signs may be displayed only during the time period of sunrise to sunset, except on occasions when the City Council and/or the Planning Commission are holding public hearings or meetings; on such occasions, the display period is extended to 30 minutes after such meeting is officially adjourned.
The maximum aggregate size of all signs held or personally attended by a single person is 6 square feet. For purposes of this rule, apparel and other aspects of personal appearance do not count toward the maximum aggregate sign area.
The maximum size of any one sign which is held or personally attended by two or more persons is 50 square feet, measured on one side only.
The sign must have no more than two display faces and may not be inflatable or air-activated.
In order to serve the City's interests in traffic flow and safety, persons displaying signs under this Chapter may not stand in any vehicular traffic lane when a roadway is open for use by vehicles, and persons displaying signs on public sidewalks must give at least 5 feet width clearance for pedestrians to pass by. Persons holding signs may not obstruct the clear visibility triangle, as defined in this Title.
The message substitution policy of the Sign Ordinance applies only to traditional public forum areas.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
This section is reserved for future use.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)
In an effort to encourage, facilitate, and assist visitors and residents to find points of interest in Manteca, the City hereby establishes a directional wayfinding program known as the Community Directional Signs program.
The design, location, and installation standards for Community Directional Signs shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
Permission to erect a community directional sign on public streets or public right-of-way shall be obtained from the City Engineer or designee. The design and location of Community Directional Signs shall be consistent with the adopted Community Directional Signs program.
(Ord. 1501 § 1, 2011)