This is a restricted zone which, because of its proximity to major commercial zones and/or public uses, is a transitional zone between such uses and residential zones and is deemed suitable for use either for offices or residences under the following regulations. This zone also strives to provide a desirable living environment by preserving and protecting surrounding residential land uses in terms of light, air and existing visual amenities.
Land classified in an R-O Zone may also be classified in another zone and the following regulations shall apply in the R-O Restricted Office Zone, unless otherwise provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 2585, 1957; Ord. 3710, 1974; Ord. 4005 §1, 1979)
Any use permitted in the R-3 Limited Multiple-family Residence Zone except as otherwise provided in subsection B of this section.
When land classified in an R-O Zone is also classified in another zone, as provided by Section 28.48.001, the following uses shall be permitted:
Any use permitted in the other zone in which the land is classified and when so used subject to the restrictions and limitations contained therein.
Any use permitted in the following subsections and subject to the restrictions and limitations contained in this chapter.
Office buildings in which no activity is carried on catering to retail trade with the general public and no stock of goods is maintained for sale to customers, for the following office uses: accountant, architect, attorney, branch bank, dentist, engineer, insurance broker, physician, real estate broker or stock broker.
Research and development establishments and related administrative operations, subject to provisions and definitions contained in Section 28.60.005, 28.60.030 and 28.60.040 of this title.
Community care facilities, residential care facilities for the elderly and hospices serving 7 to 12 individuals.
State-licensed Large Family Day Care Homes.
(Ord. 3120, 1966; Ord. 3710, 1974; Ord. 4858, 1994)
As provided in Chapter 28.94 of this title.
(Ord. 4414, 1986)
Three stories and not to exceed 45 feet. Building height immediately adjacent to a residential zone(s) shall not exceed that allowed in the most restrictive adjacent residential zone for that part of the structure constructed within a distance of 23 feet or one-half the height of the proposed structure, whichever is less.
(Ord. 2585, 1957; Ord. 3710, 1974; Ord. 4005 §2, 1979)
The following setback requirements shall be observed on all lots within this zone:
Front setback. A front setback of not less than the indicated distance shall be provided between the front lot line and all buildings, structures, and parking on the lot as follows:
One- or two-story building or structure or uncovered parking: 10 feet
Three-story building or structure: 15 feet; however, if the net floor area of the third floor is less than 50% of the net floor area of the first floor building footprint, the front setback shall be reduced as follows:
Ground floor portions: 10 feet
Second story portions: 10 feet
Third story portions: 20 feet
Covered parking: the setback applicable to the building in which the parking is provided as specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 above.
Interior setback adjacent to nonresidential zone. An interior setback of not less than the indicated distance shall be provided between an interior lot line that abuts a nonresidentially zoned parcel and all buildings, structures, and parking on the lot as follows:
One- or two-story building or structure or uncovered parking: 6 feet
Three-story building or structure: 10 feet; however, if the net floor area of the third floor is less than 50% of the net floor area of the first floor building footprint, the interior setback shall be reduced as follows:
Ground floor portions: 6 feet
Second story portions: 6 feet
Third story portions: 10 feet
Covered parking: the setback applicable to the building in which the parking is provided as specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 above.
Interior setback adjacent to residential zone. An interior setback of not less than the indicated distance shall be provided between an interior lot line that abuts a residentially-zoned parcel and all buildings, structures, and parking on the lot as follows:
Any building, structure or covered parking: 10 feet or ½ of the building height, whichever is greater.
Driveways to parking areas serving exclusively residential uses: R-3/R-4 interior setback requirements.
Driveways and uncovered parking areas serving nonresidential uses: five feet, landscaped. In addition, a minimum six-foot-high solid fence or decorative wall shall be provided along the property line abutting a residentially-zoned parcel, except where such fence or wall will interfere with traffic safety or would be inconsistent with the provisions of Section 28.87.170 of this title. However, the requirement for a fence or wall may be reduced or waived by the design review body that reviews the project.
(Ord. 5459, 2008)
None, except all buildings or portions thereof used for dwelling purposes shall comply with the provisions of the R-3 Zone.
(Ord. 2585, 1957; Ord. 3710, 1974)
Any lot in this zone developed exclusively for residential use or developed with a mixed use development shall provide outdoor living space in accordance with the provisions of the R-3/R-4 Zone as stated in Section 28.21.081 of this title.
(Ord. 5459, 2008)
Off-street parking shall be provided as required in Chapter 28.90 of this title.
(Ord. 3272, 1968; Ord. 3710, 1974)
Signs shall be permitted in this zone only as provided in the Sign Ordinance of the City of Santa Barbara.
(Ord. 3272, 1968; Ord. 3710, 1974)
All office buildings shall be so designed as to be compatible with existing and possible future adjacent residential uses, to the satisfaction of the Architectural Board of Review, or the Historic Landmarks Commission if the property is located within El Pueblo Viejo Landmark District or another landmark district or if the structure is a designated City Landmark.
(Ord. 3272, 1968; Ord. 3710, 1974; Ord. 4851, 1994)
Development plan review and approval by the Planning Commission are sometimes required by Chapter 28.85 of this code.
(Ord. 3272, 1968; Ord. 3710, 1974; Ord. 4140, 1982; Ord. 5609, 2013)
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no application for a land use permit for a nonresidential construction project will be accepted or approved on or after December 6, 1989 unless the project complies with the provisions outlined in Development Plan Approval, Chapter 28.85.
(Ord. 4670, 1991; Ord. 5609, 2013)