The land uses permitted in the SP-8 Zone with respect to the three zone areas shown, as depicted on the SP-8 Land Use Map/Site Plan (dated as of April 26, 2005) on file with the City Clerk of the City, shall be as follows:
Land Use Area A - General Acute Care Hospital Facility. The principal intended uses and structures allowed in Land Use Area A are as follows:
General acute care hospital facility licensed by the State of California providing medical, surgical, psychiatric and obstetrical care primarily for inpatients.
Emergency medical services and clinical care for outpatient treatment and diagnosis.
Uses which are customarily associated with a general acute care hospital, including, but not limited to the following:
Offices for hospital administrators and hospital employees, including physicians who work for or are under contract with the hospital;
Hospital support facilities, such as medical laboratories, diagnostic testing centers, physical therapy and inpatient pharmaceutical facilities;
Storage facilities for medical equipment and supplies;
Hospital operations, such as food service and laundry facilities;
Maintenance facilities, such as housekeeping and maintenance storage areas;
Extended care facilities;
Overnight accommodations for on-duty hospital employees and medical residents;
Overnight accommodations within the patients' room for patients' families;
Medical libraries, research and educational facilities;
Cogeneration, incineration, water, electrical and heating and cooling equipment facilities;
Cafeteria facilities for hospital employees, medical residents, physicians and patients' visitors;
Off-street parking facilities;
Helicopter landing site for the reception and transport of emergency and trauma patients;
Pharmacies, gift stores, ATM facilities, restaurants and retail or personal service shops, provided that primary access is only from within the hospital building;
Child-care centers and associated recreational facilities;
Chapels and places of worship;
Telecommunications facilities;
Employee services, such as credit unions; and,
Office uses customary and ancillary to an acute care hospital facility.
Those permitted uses provided for in the C-O Medical Office Zone, specifically Section 28.51.030, subsections B through H, as codified at the time of the adoption of the ordinance creating this chapter.
Land Use Area B - Parking Structure, Medical Office Building. The uses and structures allowed in Land Use Area B are as follows:
Open parking lots, single or multi-story parking structures;
Uses customary and ancillary to medical office buildings, including, but not limited to, medical laboratories and prescription pharmacies;
Office uses customary and ancillary to an acute care hospital facility; and,
Pharmacies, gift stores, ATM facilities, restaurants and retail or personal service shops.
Those permitted uses provided for in the C-O Medical Office Zone, specifically Section 28.51.030, as codified at the time of the adoption of the ordinance creating this chapter.
Land Use Area C - Parking Structure; Child Care Facility. The uses and structures allowed in Land Use Area C are:
Child Care Facilities; and,
Open parking lots, single or multi-story parking structures.
Those permitted uses provided for in the C-O Medical Office Zone, specifically Section 28.51.030, as codified at the time of the adoption of the Ordinance creating this chapter.
(Ord. 5359, 2005)
In Land Use Area A, no new building shall exceed 60 feet in height. Existing buildings in Land Use Area A which exceed 60 feet in height ("Nonconforming Buildings") are allowed to be maintained or repaired at their existing heights as permitted in accordance with this code. In the event that the Nonconforming Buildings are damaged or destroyed, reconstruction shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions contained in Sections 28.87.030.D and 28.87.038 of this title.
In Land Use Areas B and C, no building shall exceed 45 feet in height.
Building elements that do not add floor area to the acute care hospital building, such as vents, elevator penthouses, helipads, chimneys, mechanical equipment, antennae and towers are not considered a part of the height of the building.
(Ord. 5359, 2005)
There shall be a front setback and interior setbacks of not less than 10 feet for all buildings and parking structures in Land Use Areas A, B and C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, for a parking structure in Land Use Area C there shall be interior setbacks of no less than 10 feet provided that, if the area of the building that encroaches into the interior setback is compensated for by having an equal or greater unobstructed area outside the interior setback, the 10 foot setback may be reduced to 4.5 feet for a distance of up to 80 lineal feet.
(Ord. 5359, 2005; Ord. 5459, 2008)
Notwithstanding Chapter 28.90, the parking needs for development within the SP-8 zone shall be evaluated on a project-specific site and use basis. Parking shall be provided to meet parking needs as justified through a written parking analysis and evaluation prepared by a transportation engineer and subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission or Transportation and Parking Manager as appropriate.
The parking evaluation shall consider both peak and non-peak parking demands considering the number of employees, doctors and nursing staff, patients, visitors and other relevant data, including parking and transportation demand management practices. Parking for development projects shall be provided in parking structures or parking lots within the SP-8 zone.
Parking may be provided within the SP-8 zone for other real properties outside the SP-8 zone so long as such parking is consistent with a parking and transportation management plan which has been reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission or City Transportation and Parking Manager, as deemed appropriate by the Community Development Director.
(Ord. 5359, 2005)
All new development proposed in this zone shall be subject to development plan review and approval in the manner and as required by Chapter 28.85 of this code. At the time such development projects are reviewed, the Planning Commission may impose such appropriate and reasonable conditions and restrictions as it may deem necessary for the protection of property in the neighborhood or in the interest of public health, safety and welfare, in order to carry out the purposes and intent of this chapter. The Planning Commission shall approve any new development for the uses enumerated in Section 28.49.010 upon a finding that the appearance of the developed site in terms of the arrangement, height, scale, and architectural style of the buildings, location of parking areas, landscaping and other features is compatible with the character of the existing SP-8 area and the neighborhood.
(Ord. 5359, 2005; Ord. 5609, 2013)