The purpose of this chapter is to identify the bodies, officials, and administrators with designated responsibilities under various chapters of this title. Subsequent chapters of Division IV provide detailed information on procedures, applications, permits and approvals, and enforcement. When carrying out their assigned duties and responsibilities, all bodies, administrators, and officials shall apply the provisions of this title as minimum requirements adopted to implement the policies and achieve the objectives of the General Plan.
The City Council is established and organized pursuant to Article V of the City Charter. The powers and duties of the City Council under this title include, but are not limited to, the following:
Initiate and act on amendments to the text and maps of the General Plan, Local Coastal Program, and Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 30.235, General Plan and Zoning Amendments, and Chapter 30.240, Local Coastal Program Amendments.
Act on Specific Plans and amendments to Specific Plans pursuant to Chapter 30.265, Specific Plans.
Initiate and consent to Annexations.
Act on Development Agreements pursuant to Chapter 30.225, Development Agreements.
Act on proposals to revoke permits, as assigned, pursuant to Section 30.205.140, Revocation of Permits and Approvals.
Act on Variance requests from Street Widening Setback Lines pursuant to Subsection 30.140.190.D, Setback Encroachments.
Act on appeals from decisions of the Planning Commission, Architectural Board of Review, Historic Landmarks Commission, and Single Family Design Board (pursuant to Title 22 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code), pursuant to Section 30.205.150, Appeals.
Act on requests to designate a nonresidential construction project as a Community Benefit Project pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 30.170, Nonresidential Growth Management Program.
The Planning Commission is established and organized pursuant to Section 806 of Article VIII of the City Charter and the requirements of the Government Code. The powers and duties of the Planning Commission under this title include, but are not limited to, the following:
All actions provided by this title to be performed by the Planning Commission in connection with applications for, or amendments to, the following: Coastal Development Permits, as assigned; Conditional Use Permits; Development Plans, as assigned; Modifications, as assigned; Transfer of Existing Development Rights Permits, as assigned; Variances; Condominium and Hotel Conversion Permits, as assigned; Mobile Home Park Conversions; applications in the P-R Zone, as assigned; Tentative Subdivision Maps and Condominiums, as assigned pursuant to Title 27 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code; and Planned Residence Developments.
Initiate and make recommendations to the City Council for amendments to the text and maps of the General Plan, Local Coastal Program, and Zoning Ordinance pursuant to Chapter 30.235, General Plan and Zoning Amendments, and Chapter 30.240, Local Coastal Program Amendments.
Initiate and make recommendations to the City Council on proposed, or amendments to, Specific Plans pursuant to Chapter 30.265, Specific Plans.
Make recommendations to the City Council on proposed, or amendments to, Development Agreements pursuant to Chapter 30.225, Development Agreements.
Initiate and make recommendations to the City Council on Annexations.
Act on proposals to revoke permits, as assigned, pursuant to Section 30.205.140, Revocation of Permits and Approvals.
Review Community Benefit Projects or Community Benefit Housing Projects exceeding the maximum building height pursuant to Subsection 30.140.100.B, Community Benefit Project or Community Benefit Housing Project.
Suspend any decision of the Staff Hearing Officer and hold a public hearing to review the Staff Hearing Officer decision pursuant to subsection 30.205.150.A.2.c, Planning Commission Suspensions.
Act on appeals from decisions of the Community Development Director or Staff Hearing Officer pursuant to Section 30.205.150, Appeals.
Such other functions as may be delegated to it by the City Council.
The Staff Hearing Officer is a City staff member appointed by the Community Development Director with the following powers and duties. However, if a project includes any application that requires review by the Planning Commission, all applications related to the project shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission.
All actions provided by this title to be performed by the Staff Hearing Officer in connection with applications for, or amendments to, the following: Modifications, as assigned; Performance Standard Permits; Storefront Collective Dispensary Permits; Development Plans, as assigned; Tentative Subdivision Maps and Condominiums, as assigned pursuant to Title 27 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code; and Coastal Development Permits, as assigned.
Act on time extensions of approved Tentative Maps pursuant to Santa Barbara Municipal Code Chapter 27.07, Tentative Maps.
Act on proposals to revoke permits, as assigned, pursuant to Section 30.205.140, Revocation of Permits and Approvals.
Such other functions as may be delegated by the Director.
(Ord. 5908, 2019)
The following powers and duties of the Community Development Director (the "Director") under this title include, but are not limited to, the following:
Maintain and administer this title.
Request interpretations of this title from the City Attorney and disseminate to members of the public and to other City Departments.
Prepare and effect rules and procedures necessary or convenient for the conduct of the Director's business. As determined by the City Attorney, these rules and procedures shall be approved by a resolution of the City Council following review and recommendation of the Planning Commission.
Issue administrative regulations for the submission and review of applications subject to the requirements of this title and the Government Code.
Review permit applications for conformance with this title, and issue a Zoning Clearance when the proposed use, activity or structure conforms to all applicable development and use standards.
Review applications for discretionary permits and approvals under this title for conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the City's environmental review requirements, and all other applicable submission requirements and time limits.
All actions provided by this title to be performed by the Director in connection with applications for, or amendments to Transfer of Existing Development Rights Permits, as assigned.
Determine level of coastal review pursuant to Chapter 30.50, Coastal (CZ) Overlay Zone, and document Coastal Exclusions and Coastal Exemptions, as appropriate.
Consider and determine the location of "Top of Bank" pursuant to Section 30.140.050, Development Along Mission Creek.
Process and make recommendations to the City Council, Planning Commission, Design Review bodies (pursuant to Title 22 of the Santa Barbara Municipal Code), and Staff Hearing Officer, as appropriate, on all applications, amendments, appeals and other matters upon which they have the authority and the duty to act under this title.
Act on applications for time extensions of approved permits, as assigned, pursuant to Section 30.205.120, Expiration of Permits.
Initiate revocation procedures on violations of permit terms and conditions pursuant to Section 30.205.140, Revocation of Permits and Approvals.
Make Substantial Conformance Determinations pursuant to Section 30.205.130, Changes to Approved Plans.
Delegate administrative functions, as deemed appropriate, to members of the Planning Division.
Appoint a Staff Hearing Officer pursuant to Section 30.200.040, Staff Hearing Officer.
Other duties and powers as may be assigned by the City Council, City Administrator, or established by legislation.
(Ord. 5908, 2019)
The following powers and duties of the Public Works Director under this title include, but are not limited to, the following:
Act on applications for Minor Zoning Exceptions to visibility requirements pursuant to Section 30.140.230, Visibility at Driveways and Intersections.
Provide consultation and make determinations on parking requirements pursuant to Chapter 30.175, Parking Regulations.
Other duties and powers related to travel, parking, and circulation as identified in other sections of this title.
The Historic Landmarks Commission is established and organized pursuant to Section 817 of Article VIII of the City Charter. The powers and duties of the Historic Landmarks Commission under this title include, but are not limited to, the following:
Recommend to the City Council that certain structures, natural features, sites or areas having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance be designated as a Landmark;
Designate certain structures or objects having historic, architectural, archaeological, cultural or aesthetic significance as Structures ofMerit;
Review and approve, disapprove, or approve with conditions, plans for exterior alteration, demolition, relocation, moving, or construction of or on: (a) any structures or real property within El Pueblo Viejo Landmark District; (b) any structures or real property within any designated Landmark District; (c) any additional property authorized by action of the City Council; (d) a designated Landmark.
Perform such other functions or duties, not inconsistent with the City Charter, as may be prescribed by ordinance.
(Ord. 6006, 2021)