The following words and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
"Dispatching station"
means any office, structure or other place from which a holder shall, by means of telephone or radio communication, dispatch, control or direct the operation of taxicabs, and shall include any such place where telephonic or personal requests for taxicab service are regularly received and forwarded to drivers for appropriate action.
means any individual who shall drive, propel or operate or shall be in possession or control of a taxicab.
means any individual person or any partnership composed of 2 or more persons or any duly organized corporation which shall be the holder of a license duly issued by the chief of police for the conduct of the taxicab business in the city.
means a vehicle, however powered or propelled, regularly engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire, having a seating capacity of less than 10 persons and not operated on a fixed route.
(Code 1954 § 21.1; Ord. 1546 § 1; Ord. 1772 § 1)
No driver shall permit any other person to occupy or ride in a taxicab operated by him or her unless the person first engaging such taxicab shall consent to the acceptance of additional passenger or passengers.
(Code 1954 § 21.2; Ord. 1772 § 1)
Whenever the driver of any taxicab shall be called to pick up passengers at any place within the city and be requested by them to wait temporarily, or shall discharge passengers and be requested by them to remain in attendance at such location for their return, such driver may park the taxicab at the curb.
(Code 1954 § 21.7; Ord. 1772 § 1)
Whenever the driver of a taxicab shall park the taxicab, the driver shall conform to all applicable ordinances of the city and laws of the state. Parking time limits shall apply equally to such vehicle.
(Code 1954 § 21.9; Ord. 1772 § 1)
No holder shall maintain, operate, control, use or otherwise employ a dispatching station located within any area which has been reserved exclusively for residential purposes by any ordinance of the city, except as follows:
Upon application by any holder in good standing, the city council may issue a permit to such holder for the operation of a dispatching station within an area reserved exclusively for residential purposes.
Such permit may be revoked by the city council after notice to the holder and hearing at which he or she shall have an opportunity to appear and present evidence, if the council shall find that the holder has, in the operation of the dispatching station, violated the terms and conditions of the permit, or caused or created a nuisance, or when necessary, in the judgment of the council, to conform to comprehensive zoning ordinances adopted pursuant to any master plan adopted by the city.
(Code 1954 § 21-12; Ord. 791 § 1; Ord. 1772 § 1)
The city council may, of its own motion or upon the written request of any aggrieved party filed with the city clerk not less than 10 days after any decision by the chief of police authorized by this chapter, shall review, or by order duly made in its minutes or by resolution, refer to a committee of not less than 3 of its members such matters for review, any decision of the chief of police authorized by this chapter. The city clerk shall, within 5 days after receipt of written request for review, set the matter down for hearing not less than 20 days there-after and shall, within such 5 days, give notice of the hearing, the date and place thereof and the decision to be reviewed to the following: the mayor and each councilmember, the chief of police and each person who has filed a written request for notice of the time and place of hearing, and who has therein stated his or her name and the place to which such notice may be addressed. Any person aggrieved or affected by such decision shall have full opportunity to present evidence. Any decision reached by a majority of the committee in case of a committee hearing or by a majority of the council shall be final. The chief of police shall have an opportunity to present evidence.
(Code 1954 § 21.13; Ord. 1772 § 1)
Whenever any notice is provided for in this chapter the same may be delivered personally to the person to be notified or to any partner of a partnership holder or applicant or to any officer or managing employee of a corporation holder or applicant or the notice may be given by mail. Whenever notice is given by mail it shall be enclosed in an envelope addressed to the person to be notified at the address on any application filed by such person or any corrected address filed with the chief of police, whichever is subsequent, postage fully prepaid, registered with return receipt requested and deposited in the United States Post Office in the city. Any notice mailed in the manner as herein provided shall be deemed conclusively to have been received within 48 hours after deposit.
(Code 1954 § 21.15; Ord. 1772 § 1)